Han Shan’s Sword Unsheathed

Chapter 2: There are snowmen in the world that are invincible


The real person Ji Xiao has fallen.

The Hanshan Sword Sect held a sacrificial ceremony for him and offered the tablet to enter the ancestral hall. Countless sects and families in the cultivation world run for mourning thousands of miles, and gather at the foot of Hanshan Mountain to listen to the death knell. More than a hundred people who deserved the name were led up the mountain and entered the ancestral hall to express their condolences.

In the winter months, the north wind is tight, the snow is full of cold mountains, and the sky and the earth are pure.

The sound of the bell shook the snow on the branches, and Liu Xiaohuai shivered subconsciously.

Walking across the floating suspension bridge, the thick snow gradually melted away, revealing a damp stone mountain road. As the peaks and turns turned, there was a warm wind blowing, and the lush green color came into view.

Liu Xiaohuai rubbed her hands together and sighed, "It's so warm."

At the end of the suspension bridge, a stone tablet is engraved with two words - Changchun.

The real Changchun Peak of Ji Xiao has arrived.

The mountain gate in front of you seems to be the entrance to another world. The stone steps are covered with velvety moss and meander into a cloud of Qionghua Bishu and Xingyu Pear.

Liu Xiaohuai turned around, and across the swaying floating suspension bridge, the wind and snow were chilling, and the mountains were white.

No matter how many times he has seen this kind of wonder, he still finds it amazing.

Because it has nothing to do with the gift of nature, the creation of heaven and earth, and every plant and tree in Changchun Peak is nourished by spiritual power. In the invisible dark place, the heavy formations quietly operate, making this place isolated from rain and snow, and warm like spring day and night.

The cold mountain range is extremely cold, and the snow and ice do not melt all year round. The real person Ji Xiao originally lived in the most lonely and tallest cliff, and the cave house is simple and pure.

But his Taoist companion had the problem of being afraid of the cold. After the two joined the membership, in order to make the Taoist companion happy, Ji Xiao set up another portal and chose a solitary peak with strong spiritual energy, set up a formation method, and attracted hot springs.

Reversing the time of day, eternal Changchun.

Liu Xiaohuai heard from senior brother that this peak formation method would cost 30,000 high-grade spirit stones every year. He has no specific concept of how many 30,000 pieces are. After all, he is just a shovel boy who receives three low-grade spirit stones from the deacon hall every month, and lives a satisfying life.

It is also difficult for him to imagine how powerful the swordsmanship of Ji Xiao's 'invincible on earth' is - the so-called split mountains and seas, reaching the sky and the earth, is a distant legend. Ji Xiao has been out of the sword for a long time.

Only the blooming flowers of Changchun Peak, the gentle warm wind, and the gurgling spring water are in front of you, so you can see it and touch it. Liu Xiaohuai thought that being able to achieve this level is probably the limit of a practitioner's power.

As for the Dao Companion of the real person Ji Xiao, it should be... the limit of a cultivator's luck.

Ji Xiao had no apprentices and no blood relatives before his death, so he had only one Taoist companion.

His Taoist companion's name was Meng Xueli, nineteen years old, and he was the only person in Hanshan who couldn't hold a sword and didn't need one.

Regarding this Elder Meng, the attitude of the Hanshan Sword Sect was very indifferent.

Practitioners have a long life span, and Taoist companions are partners who support each other. The avenue is on the top, and love is the last stream.

Even if Ji Xiao really wanted to join the nationality, it would be very meaningful to marry a female Taoist, or a demon princess or a demon prince. For the sake of Hanshan, for the peace of the Three Realms, for the well-being of thousands of people... In short, something must be done.

But three years ago on a snowy day, he brought back a person and announced to the world that Meng Xueli became the Taoist companion who shared his luck with him.

The joint ceremony was full of friends, the bell rang nine, and congratulations came from all over the world.

The elder Taishang, who had retired for many years and did not care about world affairs, heard Xi Zhong and called his disciple to teach him: "Ji Xiao has been devoted to the Tao since he was a child, but who would have known that he would be contaminated with worldly affairs. Otherwise, he is expected to go a step further and become the first ascension in this world. By."

The crowd silently agreed. Even though soaring only exists in legends, people think that if anyone really does it, it should be Ji Xiao.

Meng Xueli, who was criticized as a 'worldly affair', really had no merit. Three years ago, when he was sixteen years old, he had just introduced Qi into his body, and his aptitude was similar to that of Hanshan's outer sect disciples.

Hanshan swordsmanship is a way of ascetic cultivation, and the discipline is strict. Meng Xueli is afraid of the cold and loves warmth, and has a lazy temperament, which is incompatible with the temperament of the sect.

The disciples respected Ji Xiao, did not dare to be disrespectful to Meng Xueli in the open, and prayed incense every night behind their backs, hoping that the aesthetics of the real person would return to normal.

But as the only sweeping boy in Changchun Peak, Liu Xiaohuai felt that Elder Meng was not as domineering and arrogant as the rumors from the outside world.

Feeding fish and raising flowers every day, no need to practice swords or meditate, if there is any crime, at best it is a reward for nothing. How to spread it out, it becomes a sin and deserves death

Elder Meng smiled, his brows and eyes curved, and he even said 'thank you, hard work' to him, with an easy-going attitude, no different from treating deacons, chief deacons, or even the head of the family.

Liu Xiaohuai felt a little uncomfortable thinking of this. In this situation now, what will Elder Meng do in the future? What about Changchun Peak

When I was thinking about it, the courtyard was approaching, the flowers and trees in the courtyard were lush, the shade was like a cover, and there was a little snow-blue shadow in the deep and shallow green. Liu Xiaohuai packed up her mind and stepped forward to say hello.

By the pond, a person in a snow-blue brocade robe leaned against the bamboo couch, sitting or not. The brocade robe is shining brightly, not like a cultivator, but like a little son of a wealthy family in the world.

He is peeling pine nuts, his eyebrows are delicate, his fingers are slender and white, like lotus flowers blooming on a pond.

Liu Xiaohuai said in a low voice, "Elder Meng, the real head of the sect invites you to go to the ancestral hall to attend the worship ceremony."

Before he finished speaking, there was another bell ringing in the distance. The death knell echoed, and the birds flew.

Meng Xueli raised his head, his expression dazed, the shimmering water in the pool reflected on his face, and it was bizarre.

Liu Xiaohuai wanted to say my condolences, but stumbled and couldn't say it. Elder Meng would not suddenly cry.

"Do you eat pine nuts?" Meng Xueli asked calmly.

"Ah?" Liu Xiaohuai was startled, "No, don't eat."

A handful of pine nuts were thrown into the pond by Meng Xueli, like falling petals. Among the green lotus leaves, three golden and red koi compete for food.

Xiao Daotong looked nervous: "Master, please..."

Meng Xueli reassured: "I'll add some clothes and go. Just go back, you don't need to lead the way."

The little Taoist boy was relieved and saluted and retired.


The koi in the pond finished eating the pine nuts, leaping and waving their tails, splashing water.

"What are you dancing, do you think Ji Xiao is dead?" Meng Xueli got up and dusted off his robes, and the pine nut shells splattered on the ground.

The koi blew bubbles innocently.

A month ago, the real person Ji Xiao left the customs and went to the 'outside the world' to seal the reincarnated demon. On the eve of his departure, he found Meng Xueli: "I have something for you, wait for me to come back."

Meng Xueli's heart rang loudly: "This is the most unlucky thing to say. If you have anything valuable, why don't you give it to me now."

Ji Xiao frowned slightly, seemingly puzzled, and walked away on the clouds with a cold expression.

Seven days ago, the head of Hanshan went to Changchun Peak, bringing bad news: the land outside the world collapsed, and Ji Xiao and the reincarnated demon perished together, leaving no bones.

Meng Xueli said, "I don't believe it."

Today, Hanshan held a ceremony of worship for Ji Xiao, and the death knell was low, as if telling him that this is the end, and you can't believe it.

Meng Xueli looked down at the surface of the water: "It's time for a three-year Taoist companion to show affection. He said in a confused way that he would die if he died..."

"You have to give me an explanation."

If the koi can talk, they must scold the owner for shameless—

Bullshit relationship, meet three times in three years, can Ji Xiao remember what you look like? Even if Quan Hanshan were to die, it wouldn't be your turn as a fake Taoist companion to stand up for him.

The world envy Meng Xueli's good luck, Ji Xiao's heart, 'Eternal Changchun' is the proof.

In fact, Ji Xiao has been in retreat all year round, Changchun Peak is empty and silent, and the only Sasao boy is still as timid as a mouse. Meng Xueli is guarding Gufeng, but as long as there is a living person who can chat, he will not chat with Yu.

After the union, the two went their separate ways. Ji Xiao was obsessed with cultivation as always, Meng Xueli played with himself and gradually learned to enjoy himself. If Ji Xiao hadn't died, the long time counted in hundreds of years would have passed like this.

Meng Xueli walked across the suspension bridge with a small hand stove in his arms, and the stone tablet with the word 'Changchun' was left behind.

The cold wind hit his face, and suddenly his cheeks became cold, and he looked up at the fluttering snowflakes.

If you look down from the sky, the four fields are white, only Changchun Peak is green, like a huge and beautiful warm cage.

The formation that covered the sky above the mountain was like an upside-down glass bowl, exuding a faint halo.

Meng Xueli was unaware of the changes in the external climate for three years, the change of spring and autumn. At first sight, all the rocks are white, and the mountains and forests are crystal clear, and it feels like a lifetime.

Following the sound of the bell and the chanting, he walked along the mountain path in a good mood, seeing everything fresh.

Farther and farther away from Changchun Peak, I finally saw a figure. Occasionally, there are outer disciples wearing Hanshan Taoist robes on the mountain road, or carrying swords around their waists, or holding incense candles or melons and fruits. They walked in a hurry and looked solemn, but they could not see the slightest grief.

When they first heard the bad news, countless disciples who worshiped the real person Ji Xiao washed their faces in tears. After seven days, everyone has become calm and firm.

Everything is just like the teaching of the head of Hanshan - "Hanshan, who has lost Jixiao, must be more united, stronger, and must not be in chaos. Let outsiders think that our vitality is greatly damaged, and we are weak and can be bullied."

For the Hanshan Sword Sect today, it was a tough battle without a sword.

Meng Xueli went from Changchun Peak to the ancestral hall and passed by Jietian Cliff on the way.

The highest point on the top of the cliff is said to be the cave dwelling before Ji Xiao joined together. Every day, disciples come to worship, sharpen the sword heart with the most bitter cold wind and snow, and feel the remaining sword intent of Ji Xiao.

But Meng Xueli was afraid of the cold, so of course he wouldn't ask for trouble and take the road head-on.

Fortunately, there is a secluded path in the middle of the mountain. The steep plank road is built along the cliff, half embedded in the rock and half suspended in the air.

There was no one on the path, and he suddenly stopped walking. Between the crevices of the rocks, a wild plum tree trembled in the wind, budding.


Meng Xueli stretched out his hand, broke off a flower branch, and shook off the snow on the branch.

A shout came from the other side of the plank road: "Elder Meng!"

I saw Liu Xiaohuai, who had just reported the letter, running towards him, and said in surprise, "Scared me to death, I thought you were lost, let's go quickly, the head urges you again!"

Xiaodaotong was panting and blushing, childish and cute, and he was about to pull his arm.

Meng Xueli laughed and handed the flower branch in his hand, as if to give it to the other party.

Daotong picked it up without hesitation, and the moment his fingertips touched his sleeve, Meng Xueli flipped his wrist, and the flower branches rose up from the bottom, wrapped in a sharp aura, directly attacking the person who came!

Daotong screamed and retreated in astonishment. In the blink of an eye, he flew three feet away, and his sleeves were rolled up and the snow surged wildly.

Meng Xueli stopped when he clicked, and stood still with his hands down, the broken red plum petals fell at his feet.

"You are not Xiao Huai."