Han Shan’s Sword Unsheathed

Chapter 39: Saint asked


Before Meng Xueli walked to the square in front of the main hall, he heard the noise of people.

A gigantic object came into view. It was a gray-blue cloud boat with three floors and more than seven feet. The hull of the boat was painted with a sword pattern. More than a thousand people gathered around the cloud boat. Meng Xueli looked from a distance on the mountain road and saw the crowds of people, like countless ants, circling around a huge pancake.

The morning sun has not yet risen, and the cold wind is bleak, but the disciples who are about to board the ship are in high spirits, unaware of the coldness. Their classmates or friends came to say goodbye and gathered around those disciples, looking envious and regretful, envious of others having the opportunity to go, but not being able to go by themselves.

"Senior brother, you will definitely be in the top 30 in this competition."

"Top 30? I'm here for the top 20. Just wait for my good news."

"If you meet people from Mingyue Lake, remember to teach them a lesson for me."

"No problem! I also heard that there are rare spirit grasses everywhere in the secret realm. When I pick them up, I will make grasshoppers for you."

Everyone chatted and laughed loudly, and there was no trace of sadness in the square.

The master of Ziyan Peak stood on the bow, the purple skirt fluttered in the wind, and smiled softly: "The time has come, we should set off."

The direct disciple behind her shouted, "Boarding—"

Just as Meng Xueli was walking towards the side of the boat with the stove in his arms, everyone moved out of the way and saluted him. In just a few days, the news of his breakthrough in concentration has spread in Hanshan. It's just that people looked at him with complicated eyes and always suspected that he was taking some kind of medicine pill.

"Hello, Elder Meng." "Elder Meng is early."

Meng Xueli is now in the early stage of the Concentration Realm, and the 150 disciples on this trip are mainly in the late stage of the Concentration Realm and the early stage of the Breakthrough Realm.

Only a sect with a profound background like the Hanshan Sword Sect can send such a large number of young talents.

Ordinary monks often reach the threshold of the barrier-breaking realm when they are sixty or seventy years old. After barely breaking through, they can no longer be promoted. They can only waste their life in the barrier-breaking realm and exhaust their life essence.

Meng Xueli stepped on the stairs to board the cloud boat. Ziyan Peak Master greeted him and walked to the top floor of the building boat: "Sit down and have something to eat, it will be there soon."

Meng Xueli nodded in thanks, sat on the soft chair by the railing, and looked down. The disciples jumped up with energy, jumped onto the deck with ease, and vigorously swung their swords to the brothers and sisters who saw them off.

A group of deacons began to disperse the crowd in the square. When the huge cloud ship is launched, the airflow is violent and requires an open field.

Suddenly I heard Ziyan Peak Master ask, "Do you play cards? It's quite boring on the road."

"Ah?" Meng Xueli said blankly, "I won't..." I won't know any cards.

While speaking, a violent turbulence came, and he subconsciously grasped the railing beside him.

Peak Master Ziyan said with a smile, "That's right, it's your first time on a boat, you must feel fresh, just look at Liuyun."

After that, three female disciples were summoned, and the four walked towards the cabin: "I won't pay today, I will accompany Master for two laps."

For the first time, Meng Xueli questioned her gentle and loving image.

After the turbulence was over, the cloud boat sailed, and the square and the golden roof of the main hall shrank rapidly. The snow-covered stretches of mountains were plated with light golden light on half by the rising sun, and the other half was still sleeping in the darkness.

Meng Xueli saw a little emerald green in the black and white, and it was his Changchun Peak.

Afterwards, everything was covered by clouds and mist. The cloud boat is protected by a formation, as if it is a world of its own, and has nothing to do with the whistling cold wind around it.

Meng Xueli sighed in his heart, at least this is much more stable than the peacock. The peacock always loves to show off his skills when carrying him. His wings are spread out six feet long, and he flies up and down.

The creative wisdom of the human monks. He thought while knocking the melon seeds.

After Meng Xueli left, the leader summoned the two disciples of Changchun Peak.

"What are your plans for your practice in the next three months? Have you been confused about your sword practice recently?"

He mainly asked Xiao Tingyun, and Yu Qishu counted it as an incidental.

Under normal circumstances, unless they are elders of the same clan, they will not instruct others' apprentices at will in front of others. If he cared too much about Xiao Tingyun's practice progress, it would be like accusing Meng Xueli of teaching him in a poor way.

But now that Meng Xueli was traveling far away, and the master was not there, as the head of the family, it was understandable to guide the talented juniors.

Yu Qishu looked at the big brother.

Ji Xiao said: "There is no confusion, I will wait to return to the peak to retreat for March, and explore the threshold of the state of concentration."

The head was surprised: "You can't be in a hurry, you can't be hasty, it's better to be steady and steady."

Yu Qishu is actually even more shocked. When am I going to fumble for the threshold of concentration

Ji Xiao calmly said: "No hurry."

The Sect Master hesitated and said, "Have you been to Yanjianping? Your senior brothers often compete there. Why don't you wait until you have played Jianping for more than ten times before starting the retreat." Such a request is not excessive. Among the new generation of disciples, the most outstanding ones have now gone to the secret realm of Vast Ocean. Most of the rest are in the qi refining period, or in the contemplative realm that considers their combat power insufficient.

Ji Xiao said, "It's easy."

In Yu Qishu's heart, Meng Xueli and Xiao Tingyun were both monsters, unfathomable, and immediately echoed, "Easy and easy."

Ji Xiao: "Junior brother will go for me, he will play twenty games."

Yu Qishu froze.

Ji Xiao's voice transmission said to him: "Help you build your confidence." Always fight against yourself and be beaten unilaterally. After a long time, it is inevitable that you will be frustrated.

Yu Qishu bit her head and said: "Yes, I was taught by my senior brother. He is much better than me. If I can win, he will definitely be fine."

The question is, can I

After the two saluted and retreated, the head sighed slightly, and the Chongbi Peak Master advised him: "You should relax. At that time, the hall accepted the disciples and asked everyone to talk about the confusion. Only he said 'I haven't encountered the confusion'. In my opinion, This kind of genius has to be self-taught, it doesn't matter what the master teaches, whether he can teach or not." Just like Ji Xiao and Hu Si back then.

The head thought for a while: "It's reasonable." If you let yourself teach Ji Xiao to practice swordsmanship, even Ji Xiao, who is just entering the Tao, would not dare to teach him.

The giant ship sails in the sea of clouds.

Although Meng Xueli couldn't play cards, there were three disciples sitting around him, forming a table of four.

It was the real master who arranged to team up with him, Zhang Suyuan, Li Wei, and He Ming of Chongbi Peak. Coincidentally, Meng Xueli only found out a few days ago that it was these three people who brought their eldest apprentice to Hanshan from a remote mountain village.

The head has a firm attitude and believes that the secret realm is no better than Yanjianping one-on-one, the environment is complex, and it is safer to form a team.

Meng Xueli actually likes to fight alone, without a partner to rely on, the battle is more courageous. What's more, in the wild natural environment, it is complicated and dangerous to others, but it is like a duck to water for him.

The secret realm has been forming a team for a long time, not only with the same sect, but also between closely related sects, such as Mingyuehu and Wuyinguan, but also occasionally formed a team of swordsmen to fight and Fuxiu to form formations. Usually no more than six people.

This number is not a rule, but the experience of blood and tears explored by predecessors.

Once the size of the team expands, disputes will inevitably increase. Because the secret realm competition is a points system, individual rankings are ranked by points. How to distribute the loot in the secret realm? How is each person's contribution to the squad measured? Do not suffer from few, suffer from inequity. They are all young people with strong blood and energy, and no one obeys anyone.

It is not enough for the captain to have prestige, the team members also need to know each other and trust each other.

No one knows what will happen between people under the test of extreme conditions.

In the past, there were relatives and friends of the same family, but after the end of the secret realm, they turned against each other, and there were also rivals who hated each other. There is nothing impossible about the so-called "becoming friends when disaster strikes, and becoming sweethearts before death".

Zhang Suyuan asked, "Elder Meng, have you seen the topographic map?" The secret realm is huge, and the topographic map was drawn together by the senior cultivators from memory.

Meng Xueli nodded.

Li Wei said, "That's fine, let's go with Elder Meng. We'll go wherever you say we're going."

"Elder Meng, don't be afraid, we..." Before He Ming finished speaking, he was stunned by the two companions. After all, they are juniors, and they should be concerned about the elders' face.

Meng Xueli: "I'm not afraid." When Brother Meng gets off the boat, I'll show you both.

I don't know when, the surrounding light gradually dimmed, and the white clouds disappeared without a trace. Outside the cloud ship, there is a cloudy cloud of dust.

The Ziyan Peak Master had just drawn a good card and had to let it go, and walked out with three direct disciples: "We are almost there."

The cloud ship hovered among the dusky dust, and the disciples who were chatting and laughing on the deck quieted down and looked around curiously.

In the Three Realms, airspace is not absolutely safe.

Some airspaces are filled with thunderstorms, such as over Sword Tombs. Some airspaces are dust and sandstorms, such as the sky above the vast sea.

The vast sea is not a sea, but a vast desert.

As the saying goes, 'You can't go to the Gobi Desert if you don't have the courage to be a hero.' There are very few mortals and monks with low realm who dare to set foot in this desert.

In the hinterland of the vast sea, the entrance to the secret realm is hidden.

Meng Xueli asked, "Aren't we going to land?"

The Ziyan Peak Master explained: "Wait, according to the rules, everyone will arrive, and then the jade talisman will be ordered before landing. It won't take long, everyone is anxious."

The practitioner's eyesight was far away. Meng Xueli saw through the yellow sand and saw a light blue cloud boat parked about twenty feet ahead, with blue pine sails hanging high.

The Master of Ziyan Peak followed his gaze: "That is Songfeng Valley. After our boat, Nanling Temple and Beiming Mountain have also arrived."

If you look down from a higher sky, countless flying instruments of all kinds will gather from different directions and hover over the vast and boundless vast sea and desert.

The six sects took giant cloud boats, the medium-sized families took chariots, and occasionally a few single-person flying boats passed by, and it was an unknown small sect.

There is always someone who can see all this, once standing on the clouds overlooking Ji Xiao.

The Hanshan disciples gathered on the deck of the cloud boat, and suddenly the light above their heads became even darker. Everyone looked up and saw a red shadow flying quickly, like a red cloud.

Hanshan's huge cloud boat was completely shrouded in the dark red shadow that covered the sun.

The Master of Ziyan Peak showed a dignified expression, walked towards the bow, looked at the red cloud and said loudly: "The realm master is here, I'm sorry."

The visitor was actually the master of the Tianhu Great Realm.

Everyone was surprised and stood up to salute. Hanshan Jianxiu is proud, and only half salutes the strong men of other factions, even saints.

Hu Si ignored it. After he was sanctified, he was still the same.

The Lord of the Heavenly Lake Realm stood up, put on a robe under the service of the two concubines, pushed open the window door, glanced at the densely packed flying instruments in the airspace below, and asked casually:

"Is my brother and sister here?"

The sage asked, and descended from the sky. Like rolling thunder, it echoed for a long time.

So in the entire airspace, in the silence of various schools and sects, only his words were heard:

"Am I—brother—sister—in—"

"Are you there-"

Meng Xueli was speechless in shock.

The author has something to say: Are you there? See mink

Meng Xueli: …