Han Shan’s Sword Unsheathed

Chapter 60: Meet by fate


Meng Xueli could not refute.

He had trouble falling asleep last night, and Xiao Tingyun didn't want to knock him out, so he recited a few chapters of "First Entry" to him. This book uses simple words and eloquently explains the difficult spiritual principles. It is very suitable for reciting in a gentle tone, so that the listeners can relax their minds. Meng Xueli listened to Ji Xiao's book, and naturally saw Ji Xiao in her dream.

This morning, he woke up in Xiao Tingyun's arms, and he felt even more awkward. Alas, what absurd dreams you said last night, and when you wake up, you forget all about it, you are really deceiving yourself.

A good big apprentice, why is he tossing between "filial piety and gentleness" and "big rebellion". Being a human is really hard work, and being a monster doesn't pay attention to these things.

On the other side of Shitan, the mining team heard Meng Xueli's screams, and the three of them were like birds of a feather.

The talisman master and the refiner ran away, and the lame martial artist jumped over with a knife on one leg. They are accustomed to running for their lives, and no matter who comes, there is a high probability that they will not be able to fight.

Form Master: "Brother Meng, Brother Xiao, what happened? Someone came to rob us?"

Refiner: "Where's the enemy? Where is it?"

Wu Xiu: "Which way are we going? How far are the troops? Where will we meet?"

Meng Xueli: "..." With this interruption, the awkward atmosphere between him and Xiao Tingyun instantly disappeared.

"Really." Ji Xiao smiled and turned to the dense forest behind him: "Come out."

Meng Xueli released his divine sense perception, his complexion changed slightly, and his body jumped up, calling out "Baiyin Baidai".

There were three people in the forest sneakily hiding behind the boulders, and before they even had time to fight back, or throw talismans to fight back, they were picked up by Meng Xueli, who fell from the sky, and threw them to the side of the stone pool.

The mining team saw a flickering figure, Brother Meng seemed to disappear out of thin air, and Qi Qi froze in place.

The next moment, "dong dong dong" three times, like dumplings, the enemies flew out of the forest one by one, fell to the ground, splashed with smoke and dust, and screamed for pain and help one after another.

The mining team was shocked: "Amazing!"

The last tossed out shouted, "Swordsman spare your life!"

Before Meng Xueli's long sword touched his neck, the man spoke very quickly:

"My name is Li Shunqi, I am twenty-seven this year, a small sect of Xishan Taoist Temple, it is not surprising! There are only nine people left in the whole sect, and I am one of them! It is not easy to make a living by taking risks into the secret realm! Please kindly borrow a Taoist, I will wait for you Go home quickly!"

This string of words was shouted, and the tense atmosphere changed again.

Meng Xueli was a little dazed: "... huh?" He always felt that he was familiar at this moment.

Ji Xiao knew where the problem was, and looked at the magician who introduced himself in the mining team yesterday: "You and this person are from the same family?"

Wang Xiaohua shook his head again and again: "He was born in Xishan, and I am far overseas, so I can't fight it. But how to say the longest and most comfortable plea for forgiveness in the shortest time is for every poor talisman master. Survival skills!"

Meng Xueli remembered Liu Jing in Jing Di's team, who was addicted to the spirit formation and shouted "there are ghosts". Born in Wuyinguan, he shouldn't be poor, but it doesn't seem to be normal.

The three people are still explaining: "Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding, we are here to dig, we just passed by, and we are going to the teleportation array!"

"I'm hiding there, I just want to wait for you to leave before coming out."

Meng Xueli came out with an overwhelming advantage, and the three of them instantly lost their will to fight and only begged for mercy.

Meng Xueli understood, and looked at Xiao Tingyun. Xiao Tingyun nodded, indicating that he made up his own mind.

So Meng Xueli smiled: "Don't be afraid, we are not bad people. It is not safe for you to go to the teleportation array like this. Maybe you will encounter some robbers who kill and loot. The robbers in the secret realm are particularly bad, not only robbing you, but also pretending to be Become a fat sheep to fool you!"

The three people on the ground were puzzled and had to lean against each other, looking at him shivering. Don't you think you're a robber

Meng Xueli changed the conversation: "We meet by fate, what is valuable, we will divide it into 30%, we have collected protection fees, and we will guarantee that you will be sent to the teleportation array! Before entering the teleportation array, leave the pass jade to I, how comfortable is this trip to the secret realm?"

He also learned and sold a paragraph now: "Hanshan Jianxiu, Dao Xin guarantees, the old man is not deceived, and the travel is worry-free. Think about it?"

This time, it was the turn of the three people on the ground to be completely at a loss.

The mining team reached a protection fee agreement with Meng Xueli, which was equivalent to hiring two escort escorts.

Wang Xiaohua asked Ji Xiao in a low voice: "Three becomes six, it's all up to the two of you, can you protect me?" He felt that Brother Xiao usually talks less, and his temperament is more calm than Brother Meng. The main reason is that he is taller than Brother Meng, so he would It is guessed that Brother Xiao is the older of the two Han Shan.

Ji Xiao: "No problem."

"That's it!" The lame Wu Xiu heard the words and shouted to the three people on the ground: "Come on, join the team. Let's introduce each other!"

The three were like frightened quails. Li Shunqi said: "I'm a talisman master, and the two next to me, Junior Brother Zhang and Junior Brother Li, are both artifact refiners..."

Refining talismans requires resources, and if there is no sect to support, the early stage is very poor. Only by continuous practice, until you can make a high-grade magic weapon talisman, can you be considered a complete turnaround.

Wang Xiaohua asked, "Where's your team's Wu Xiu?"

"Hey, don't mention it, Wu Xiu is a hired loose cultivator. We bought him the Jade Talisman. Yesterday he heard that we were going to the teleportation formation and was unwilling to leave the secret realm. Today, he ran away by himself."

The refiner felt pity for each other: "Your martial artist has run away, and our martial artist is disabled." He turned to Meng Xueli and Xiao Tingyun, "These two are Hanshan Jianxiu, brother Xiao and brother Meng. We The people I met on the way… kind people.”

Meng Xueli was shocked for a moment by this description.

Five people turned into eight people, and the team officially set off for the teleportation array.

Meng Xueli wanted to keep a distance from his apprentice, so he found someone else to chat. The first mining team had already gotten to know him well, and the four of them walked together, bragging in the gentle spring breeze, as if they were out for a walk.

The second mining team was on guard and kept silent all the way. They felt that this matter was bizarre and unbelievable, and they were protected from confusion, but they didn't seem to have the right to choose, and could only take a step by step.

Until the next mining team is encountered on the road. The team had just gone through a tough battle and defeated the Marauders, and Wu Xiu was also wounded in the team. I don't know how the two of Han Shan negotiated, and finally merged this team into the absorption. Seeing this, Li Shunqi and the other three were inexplicably relieved. It seems that even if there is a big pit in front of you, as long as there are enough people jumping into the pit, it can give people some comfort.

The area of Bishuitan is dotted with geological and mineral resources. In recent days, all mining teams have the same goal: leave as soon as possible through the teleportation array.

Dabi has entered the mid-term, and staying in the secret realm for one more day is more dangerous.

The teams are moving in the same direction, so they often meet on the road. In the past, the two teams avoided each other when they encountered each other, so as not to be misunderstood by the other party as having an attack intent and be attacked first by the other party.

This time was different. Meng Xueli took the lead in bringing these teams together with a strength that surpassed everyone else. The further the journey goes, the more people there are, and the lower the protection fee will be. Later, as long as the jade talisman is required, it is only said that everyone takes care of each other and does not attack each other.

Three days later, a mining team of more than 20 people was walking on the road.

Although everyone is participating in the competition for the first time, the disciples of the sect have passed down experience from their seniors, and the materials are well prepared. As for the disciples of the small sect and the loose cultivators, some of them are well-informed, and the masters of art are bold, and some have black eyes.

The team that Meng Xueli is leading now looks mighty and bluffing at first glance, but in fact they are all here for mining, and the biggest hope is to earn some cultivation resources.

It can be said that in almost the entire secret realm, the most cowardly and the most dishonest chickens are all concentrated here.

"Who doesn't want to slaughter this group of fat sheep?" Meng Xueli thought.

He counted the jade talismans that he could earn in the future. He should have been happy, but he sighed inexplicably.

I haven't talked to my apprentice for two days. This is not the way to go.

When the team entered the valley with the depression, night fell and the galaxy was low, so they rested on the spot. The evening breeze was blowing, and everyone sat around the bonfire. Wang Xiaohua and others brought their own pots and pans, various seasonings and jerky, and threw the jerky into boiling water and boiled it into a pot of soup.

Li Shunqi and others are very puzzled about their habit of eating on time. The secret realm is full of dangers. They don't know what they will meet tomorrow. How can they still have such a leisurely mind.

"Of course you have to eat. Who knows if you have this meal or the next meal," Wang Xiaohua said.

Li Shunqi sighed: "If there is no next meal, who can eat it?"

When people get a brief period of stability, their thoughts are out of control, they think more and talk more.

Li Shunqi said: "We are in awe every day, for fear of encountering a powerful enemy, and panic like a lost dog. It's too miserable."

Wang Xiaohua said: "Isn't life just like other people see me as miserable and miserable, but I am happy with it."

Others heard them speak, some laughed, some sighed, and another continued:

"If you want me to say, those of us who come to the secret realm are the stepping stones for the disciples of the sect. Not only the secret realm, but also the entire cultivation world. Most people support a very small number of people. Cultivation is really cruel. Step on, but still can’t stop, once you start on the road, you have to try your best to climb up.” After he finished speaking, he suddenly remembered that there were still disciples of the sect like Han Shan in the team, and he was startled, and hurriedly looked at the faces of Meng Xiao and the others. However, Meng Xueli waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.

The fire light illuminated the faces of everyone, and the aroma of the broth in the pot wafted away with the wind.

Wang Xiaohua said: "You said very few people, such as Jianzun and Jingzhu, don't they have troubles? Ordinary people have the troubles of ordinary people, and big people have the troubles of big people. It's just that people don't understand each other."

The lame Wu Xiu filled a bowl of soup: "Most of the world is ordinary people. How many gods have been transformed from ancient times to the present? How many have been sanctified? Cry for a day, laugh for a day, drink and eat meat, and live a good life."

Ji Xiao was silent. He knew that these disciples were still young and had many myths about the path. The more than 20 people sitting here tonight, from all over the world, from mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, just met for a short time by chance, like duckweed gathering and dispersing. In the long journey ahead, you will eventually find your own way.

Meng Xueli had a simpler idea. He listened to these people and thought that you could all chat, but Xiao Tingyun and I couldn't. It was worse than a bereaved dog.

He turned his head to look at his apprentice, and found that the other party was also looking at him. Through the clamor of voices and firelight, the two looked at each other.

Meng Xueli walked over to Xiao Tingyun and sat down, wanting to give him a handful of pine nuts and unilaterally announce the end of the Cold War. Touching the storage bag, his face stiffened: "Only the last one left, for you."

Ji Xiao took it, peeled it off, and ate it.

Meng Xueli looked at him eagerly: "You really eat."

Ji Xiao smiled and took out a lot from his storage bag: "I still have a lot left, for you."

Meng Xueli felt a touch of emotion and guilt in his heart. They were supposed to have such a close relationship as both teachers and friends, and it was because they decided to keep their distance that they screwed up the matter.

"Feel sorry."

Ji Xiao: "I should say sorry."

Meng Xueli: "It's okay."

The two apologize to each other and forgive each other.

Not long after the team entered the valley with the depression, two goshawks hovered above their heads, as if coveting the broth in the pot, they were thrown by the bored monks on the ground, and they were thrown into the air, and then never came back.

The goshawk flew back to the cliff and returned to its owner. The eagle-training master took out the meat to feed it.

This is a six-person team. The Beiming Mountain Beast Master is short-tempered, and it is not pleasing to the eyes of any sect. Like Xu Sanshan, teaming up with disciples of other sects such as Jing Di is already an outlier. Of course, Jing Di is also an outlier.

The eagle tamer's beastmaster relayed the intelligence news: "The mining team is here." The team is mainly composed of refiners and spell masters. During this period of time, the mining team rushed to the teleportation array. .

The beastmaster with the white wolf lying beside him asked, "How many people?"

"twenty four."

The other one who was teasing the snake was startled: "What is it? What is this for?"

Although the number of people is large, they are all rabble. If they really fight, they will definitely be scattered.

"I don't know, at first glance, it's really bluffing. Tsk, it's not easy for these people to make a living, but unfortunately they are unlucky."

Their captain patted the white wolf: "Giving the jade talisman for thousands of miles, the gift is light and affectionate, we have to laugh at it. Prepare to do it."

On the other side, Meng Xueli said, "Your five senses are more sensitive than mine. How many people do you think are opposite?"

Ji Xiao: "Six."

"Six jade talismans, we are lucky!" Meng Xueli's eyes lit up. He looked further afield and caught a flash of white shadows above the cliff. It was a white wolf, and I don't know who was raising the spirit beast.

"It's beautiful, do you see it?"

Ji Xiao knew what he was talking about: "It's a head wolf, and there are thirteen heads on the opposite side."

Meng Xueli stood up: "Don't eat it."

Wang Xiaohua and Li Shunqi raised their heads at the same time: "Huh?"

Meng Xueli: "Wait for a snack later."