Handsome to the Point of Death

Chapter 24: short-lived prince 2


"Oh?" Xu Zhi seemed to have expected him to say this a long time ago, folded his arms and tilted his head to look at him, "What do you want?"

"Your eyes." The witch's voice was a little hoarse, "They will become my favorite collection."

Hearing this, Xu Zhi blinked those charming dark green eyes, the smile on the corners of his mouth retracted, and he looked at the witch without saying a word.

The witch was not in a hurry, he smiled and said, "I will come to you again, Your Highness, I believe you will fulfill my wish."

Xu Zhi watched his black back go away until he disappeared. The three mermaids who were comatose by the door woke up, but they just looked confused and returned to their original positions, not knowing what happened at all.

He lowered his eyes and made up his mind.

As he said, the witch came to him every few days, and cleverly avoided Ariel every time without leaving any traces. His eyes became more and more hot when the prince couldn't see it, especially for her. Shang Zi's deep blue eyes, although his face was as plain as before, his heart was extremely hot.

He even imagined countless times how beautiful it would be when crystal tears flowed from those charming eyes. And those perfectly proportioned limbs, delicate and delicate face...

It's a pity that Xu Zhi doesn't know about these fantasies in the witch's heart. He just simply feels that staying with the witch makes him very uncomfortable. Finally, one day, it is confirmed that Ariel will lead the mermaid army to the west. Say, "I agree to your terms."

To his surprise, the witch was not excited to do it right away. He leaned over and brushed the corners of the prince's eyes with his pale fingertips, and said with a hint of joy in his voice, "Although these eyes are beautiful, but now I have something more to look forward to." What do you want?"

Xu Zhi avoided his hand, frowning suspiciously.

"Don't understand? I've changed my mind. I'll help you escape here and return to your kingdom. In return, you must let me follow you and give me a human identity."


"Eric, is this beautiful lady your savior?" The queen calmed down the joy of her son's return, and finally turned her attention to the "lady" beside him wearing a strange black robe.

Hearing this, Xu Zhi glanced at the witch next to him, confirmed that he didn't have the slightest feminine characteristics, and went back boldly: "Yes, mother. His name is Dean, Dean Potter. He is a sea adventurer. He was passing through the Western Sea. When I fell into the sea, I was saved."

"Tin? What a good name, just as beautiful as a human being." The queen held the witch's hand and said sincerely: "Thank you very much, Tin, you are a good girl and a commendable adventurer. "

The witch spoke in a pure bass voice, and said politely: "This is what I should do."

"You have been traveling all the way, so go to rest as soon as possible." The queen looked gentle, "You have to attend a ball tomorrow."

Following the attendants through the garden back to the prince's palace, Xu Zhi also heard some maids talking softly.

"Have you seen the lady brought back by His Highness?"

"I saw it, it looks really good-looking."

"I think it's passable at best. In terms of appearance, the princess from the neighboring country is the most beautiful."

"By the way, I heard that the princess will attend the ball tomorrow. Tell me, will our prince..."

Xu Zhi suddenly felt a strange sense of satisfaction, as if the whole world thought the witch was a woman, and he was the only one who discovered the truth. To put it another way, the whole world is mentally retarded, only he is a normal person...

Oh, and Ariel knows too.

Well, he was very curious about the witch's miraculous aura of "a woman who can be ignored even if the upper body is exposed", what would happen if the lower body was exposed...

At this time, the witch suddenly turned her head and looked over. He was inexplicably guilty, coughed, and continued walking without looking sideways. He had no choice but to cut off his divergent thinking.

The next day, the Kingdom Ball was held as scheduled.

The ball at this time of the year is used to provide a platform for various countries to communicate. Except for some cooperation, everyone’s focus is on getting along with the single prince and princess. Blessed, and engaged, these balls, in simple terms, functioned as modern marriage agencies and the only chance for princesses and princes to have formal contact.

This time the ball was obviously more joyful because of the safe return of Prince Eric. Those who were optimistic about the marriage between Eric and Princess Aisha of the neighboring country felt that there was hope for this marriage.

Aisha, the princess of the neighboring country, is as dignified and beautiful as the rumors say, elegant and dignified in her speech and behavior, and thoughtful etiquette, which makes people feel good. Contrary to her, the witch who attended as a special guest is still wearing that black robe. The people in expensive clothes are out of place, coupled with his cold aura that no strangers should enter, it makes people chill for no reason—not everyone has a strange aesthetic like the queen.

Under the gesture of the queen's almost twitching eyes, Xu Zhi finally put down his wine glass and walked slowly in front of Aisha.

"Nice to meet you, Princess Elsa." He bent slightly and kissed the back of Elsa's hand.

"Me too, Your Highness Eric."

"So, I wonder if I have the honor to dance with you, the princess?" The corner of his mouth curved just right.

"Of course." Aisha smiled, put her hand on his, and the two walked slowly onto the dance floor.

Xu Zhi himself is not very used to this kind of ancient ballroom dance steps, but this body unexpectedly cooperates under the guidance of Aisha. The handsome men and beautiful women dance harmoniously on the dance floor, which is really eye-catching.

The witch closely followed the two people on the dance floor, her eyes were dark, and with a "stab", the goblet in her hand was crushed unconsciously by him, and the liquid mixed with blood remained on her arm, amazed by others In his eyes, he smiled, "Ah, it's a waste." Then he stretched his hand to his mouth, and licked the liquid on the back of his hand with the tip of his tongue.

People around him looked at him like another madman. Soon a waiter came forward to deal with the debris on the ground, and wanted to take the witch down to change her clothes.

At this time Xu Zhi had already walked down the dance floor with Aisha, facing Aisha's affectionate eyes, he was a little embarrassed, noticed the movement here, and said: "My friend seems to be in trouble, I have to go and see Look, let's take a step first, Aisha." Then strode towards the witch.

The waiter was in a stalemate with the witch, and when he saw the prince coming, he was relieved, and then under his signal, he tidied up the ground obediently and retreated.

After talking to the queen, Xu Zhi left the ball with the witch who had been silent.

"You can't marry Elsa."

Xu Zhi stopped, "Why?"

"Because you will die." The witch looked at him seriously and repeated: "You will die, trust me."

Xu Zhi didn't know what the basis for this man's statement was, let's not say that his own life was not up to others to predict, but Aisha, he didn't plan to marry her.

In this world, he didn't plan to stay longer from the beginning, so why talk about marrying a wife and having children

But these words can't be told to this weird witch, so he just smiled noncommittally and didn't say anything.


At night, when Xu Zhi was about to fall asleep, he suddenly felt something was wrong. He opened his eyes suddenly, and through the moonlight shining through the window, he saw a black figure standing beside his bed, staring at him faintly.

"Are you awake?" The deep and slightly hoarse voice was that of a witch.

Xu Zhi sat up and rubbed his forehead, frowning slightly, "It's late, what's up?"

The witch didn't answer, stood for a while, and suddenly started to take off her clothes without saying a word. Before Xu Zhi could react, only a pair of shorts were left on her body. Seeing that he was about to tear off the shorts, Xu Zhi Hastily said: "Wait, what are you doing?"

The witch stopped moving, his pale and thin body was exposed to the moonlight, he let out a short laugh, raised his legs and got on the bed, grasping Xu Zhi's wrist with both hands, "I want you." He said this, bowed his head and kissed Xu Zhi. Xu Zhi's lips.

Although the witch seemed weak, she was very strong. At this time, Xu Zhi also realized that he had a crisis of virginity. With a cold snort, he violently broke free from the witch's arm.

The witch coughed a few times, and stubbornly went to bed again.

Unsurprisingly, he was kicked away again.

The witch climbed onto the bed again and was kicked away...

This went on for several times, and even Xu Zhi was a little weak, but the other party seemed to be okay, and stubbornly got on the soft big bed again, put his hands on his sides, and sighed: "Oh, really There's nothing I can do about you."

Xu Zhi: "..."

"If you don't like it, I don't mind changing it." The witch said, rolled aside, buried her face in the pillow, raised her hips, and said in a low voice, "Come on."

Xu Zhi: "..."

He exhaled, and was about to throw him off the bed, when his hand just touched the other person's skin, he suddenly froze.

The man's smooth back was faintly shining with a little luster, his flexible and smooth waist, long silver hair spread out, and... the straight hip line...

With such a beautiful scene and such a seductive body, his mouth felt a little parched, the air seemed to become scorching hot, and the strings of reason in his mind seemed to be breaking, and he slowly stretched out his hand to brush the smooth skin , what's going on, he became very strange...

On the witch's face hidden in the shadows, she slowly outlined a smile that was bound to win.

[The witch's naked body looks so delicious, the prince has no time to think about other things, he only has eyes for that man, he wants to penetrate this beautiful body, appreciate the expression of the other party crying and begging for mercy, he smiles wickedly, and shoots Shoot...] The sudden appearance of huge fluorescent fonts broke the ambiguous atmosphere. Xu Zhi gritted his teeth and woke up from this weird mood.

He lowered his face, stopped looking at the man on the bed, put on his coat, got off the bed, and walked outside.

Even though what happened just now was caused by a strange force, he still couldn't accept that he actually reacted to a man, and even wanted to kiss him, hug him, and occupy every inch of his skin! He even broke out in a sweat from the stimulation!

The witch turned over, looked at the man's relentless back, and lowered her eyes in disappointment.

This man is really hard to deal with.


Three years later, humans discovered the existence of mermaids and began to hunt and kill them. Mermaids united with sea monsters to launch a bloody counterattack against humans and completely occupied the sea area. Once human ships were found, they would be mercilessly killed. Land-sea conflicts are becoming more and more serious. At this time, the mermaid queen proposed: "Only when humans hand over Prince Eric can they consider a peace negotiation."

At this time, Eric, or Xu Zhi, had become the king who commanded the soldiers of a country, and his prestige was extremely high. Even if he wanted to, people could not agree to exchange His Majesty the King they worshiped.

Thus, the decisive battle broke out.

"Today is the last day." Ariel looked deeply at his prince. After so many years, he is still so handsome, but she has gray hair. If she can't get a pure love today, she will Forever the foam of the sea, soulless, eternal death. "I just want you, all the time."

For such a reason, so many lives can be sacrificed? Xu Zhi held the sword in his hand, looked at the queen of the sea coldly, "May you enjoy this last day."

Ariel didn't dodge, and let the sword pierce her chest. She glanced at the world with nostalgia for the last time, and slowly closed her eyes. Her body turned into foam and dissipated into the air.

"Ding! Mission 07 is 100% complete, and the body of the mission, Eric, has survived the catastrophe. The host can choose to 1 launch a new world and 2 continue to maintain this world."

Xu Zhi watched the mermaid disappear in a daze, closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, it was calm, "Put it into the new world."

He has already made follow-up arrangements for the country, and has also found a suitable heir. Even if he disappears, it will not affect the overall situation.

In a corner where no one was paying attention, a man in black robe stood there. He watched the blond man suddenly disappear out of thin air, trembling, and after a long time, he turned around and disappeared from people's sight.

[Dear player, I regret to remind you that your Eric Roberts route strategy failed. The game will exit after three seconds...]Game over.