Handsome to the Point of Death

Chapter 33: Short-lived Tanhualang 4


After a long talk with Wei's father, Xu Zhi went back to the room. This room was not his and Liu Yu's "new house". For various reasons, he moved out a few days after the marriage and moved into the next room. Liu Yu was a real couple in name only. Fortunately, the servants of the Wei Mansion were all honest people, and no one would chew their tongues in front of outsiders, so this matter did not spread.

Besides, even if it is rumored that the relationship between the eldest princess and the son-in-law is cold after marriage, it is not a big deal, after all, people all took this marriage as a joke at the beginning.

Usually, Xu Zhi and Liu Yu couldn't speak a few words a day, but today when they heard that Xu Zhi was going to be released to Jingzhou, Liu Yu took the initiative to talk to him uncharacteristically.

"Are you going to Jingzhou?"

Xu Zhi put away the drawings on the table, and glanced at him lightly, "Yes."

Liu Yu pursed his lips, his voice trembling: "Why didn't you tell me earlier? If I didn't receive the news today, would I be kept in the dark when you left?"

Xu Zhi looked at him with a smile that was not a smile, "So I have to report to the princess for everything I do?"

Liu Yu was silent, and his mood stabilized, and he said, "Of course, don't forget, we are husband and wife."

"Okay, I'm going to Jingzhou to take up my post, and I'll leave early tomorrow morning." Xu Zhi shrugged, "You know now."

"... Zhao... Wei Zhaoze, you were not like this before." Liu Yu clenched his hands, "I thought..."

"What do you think?" Xu Zhi suddenly grabbed his wrist, leaned over and pressed him against the wall, his eyes darkened, "What do you think, Liu Yu, don't take yourself too seriously."

The man's shadow completely enveloped him, a sense of oppression hit him instantly, Liu Yu's pupils shrank, and he was speechless for a while.

It wasn't until he walked out the door in a daze that he realized why he was so angry at Wei Zhaoze's sudden departure from Beijing.

His biggest reliance is the clear and incomparable memory of his previous life. Since his rebirth, he has tried to hide himself as much as possible. Let him panic.

It was as if something had gradually escaped his control, and his future had returned to blankness.

He hated the feeling.


Early the next morning, after bidding farewell to his parents and taking a few entourages with him, Xu Zhi hurriedly embarked on the road to his post.

In fact, Xu Zhi didn't want to rush like this, but the position of prefect of Jingzhou has been vacant for a month, and there is a backlog of things, which urgently needs to be filled. Besides, there is a deadline for officials to take up their posts. If they don't report to the local area on time, they will be held accountable. Responsibility, under such circumstances, I don't pay much attention to the road, I travel day and night, I just want to rectify it when I arrive in Jingzhou.

From the capital to Jingzhou, all the way south, the journey is long, and there are many mountain roads to walk. Xu Zhi is not used to riding a carriage, so he rode forward like his followers. He almost fell down several times, and his attendants begged him to take a horse-drawn carriage in fear. Xu Zhi compared it secretly, and still felt that the roller-coaster-like carriage on the mountain road was more uncomfortable, so he still insisted on riding a horse.

Xu Zhi said: As an upright man, he is never afraid of any challenge. This is the same as when he learned to ride a bicycle in primary school, he became proficient after falling a few more times.

After driving like this for seven days, it is not far from Jingzhou. Now Xu Zhi's back is no longer bent, his legs are no longer sore, he is refreshed, his eyes are bright, and he gallops on the horse. His hair was blown up in the wind, showing a bit of Ling Yun's arrogance.

That's right, Xu Zhi's riding skills finally crossed the entry level, and he got a new skill of riding proficiency.

"My lord, after crossing this mountain, we will be able to reach Jingzhou tomorrow. There is an inn ahead. Do you want to rest there tonight?" Mo Yun suggested after returning from exploring the road.

It was getting late, and looking at the tired faces of the people around him, Xu Zhi nodded, "Well, let's go to the inn." After speaking, he swung his whip and headed in the direction Mo Yun said, and the horseshoes splashed all the way dust.

My lord is really full of energy. On the way, there is no squeamishness of a scholar, but a kind of boldness of a warrior. Mo Yun and the others looked at each other with sincere admiration.

This is a small inn located by the side of the mountain road. When Xu Zhi and his group walked in, there were only a few guests sitting in twos and threes, two mountain men with excited faces who slapped the table and laughed from time to time, and a pair of young men and women with long knives , and a man in black sitting in a corner drinking alone with his back to them.

Xu Zhi went to the counter to book a room, ordered another table of dishes, and asked a few attendants to sit down.

Mo Yun hurriedly said: "My lord, with our status, how can we-"

"It's okay," Xu Zhi waved his hand, "I'm not so particular about going out."

The entourage finally sat down nervously, with flattered expressions on their faces.

Xu Zhi didn't want them to understand the principle of "everyone is equal", but just saw that they were tired after a long day's driving, so they could do whatever they wanted.

After a while, the two men sitting on the side seemed to have seen something funny, and shouted loudly: "Hey, isn't this the second son of Lin? Why, I'm taking your few copper coins to beg for food again." ?”

Xu Zhi looked in the direction of the counter, and saw a boy in coarse cloth, who looked no more than thirteen or fourteen years old, blushing, groping for something, while the proprietress watched coldly.

The boy turned on his body for a long time, as if he had lost his money, and he looked very anxious, which made the two men laugh even louder.

"Miss Boss, I, I lost my copper coin, can you—"

"No money? No money, get out, we don't charge for free food."

The boy lowered his head, his thin body trembled a little, and was about to walk out of the inn when a loud cry came from his stomach.

"Haha, I didn't expect you, Mr. Lin, to have today. Are you hungry? Come on, brother will give you something to eat, but you have to crawl over here." A big man stood up and pointed to his crotch.

The boy stood there for a long time, and finally walked in front of him without saying a word. He bent his knees and was about to kneel down, but was held by a strong hand and stood up.

Mo Yun glanced at the two men expressionlessly, and handed the boy a steamed bun, "Eat it. Our master gave it to you."

A big man was about to get angry, but he was pulled back by his companion, implying him to pay attention to the people sitting over there, especially the one in the middle.

The young man ate the food in two or three bites, glanced at Mo Yun gratefully, then came over and knelt down in front of Xu Zhi with a plop, choked up and said, "Benefactor!"

Xu Zhi's eyelids twitched, motioned Mo Yun to pull him up, coughed lightly, and said, "You don't have to."

However, the young man refused to get up no matter what, and whimpered with red eyes. He didn't stand up until Xu Zhi bent down.

The boy said some words of gratitude again, and finally harvested another steamed stuffed bun, bowed deeply, and left the inn.

Xu Zhi sighed, and was about to talk to Mo Yun when he turned his head to talk to the man in black in the corner.

Although the man in black was tall, he looked very young. However, his cheekbones were high and his eyes were dark, giving him a naturally vicious look.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, then both looked away as if nothing had happened.


Early the next morning, after breakfast, Xu Zhi and his party set off again.

After walking for more than an hour, Mo Yun suddenly caught up on horseback and said, "My lord, someone has been following us."

"Oh?" Xu Zhi stopped, frowned and looked back, and sure enough, he saw a black figure riding a horse moving unhurriedly.

Xu Zhi thought for a while, and then simply ordered a few people to stop, and waited for that person to come over.

When the man approached and his face was exposed to the sun, Xu Zhi thought to himself, sure enough, it was the strange man in black that he saw in the inn last night.

The man in black got off his horse, with a long knife on his back, walked over step by step, and stood still in front of Xu Zhi, his eyes were condensed and murderous, and the people around Xu Zhi couldn't help but tense up, clenched their hands weapons.

Seeing him standing straight without opening his mouth, Xu Zhi raised his eyebrows and said, "Brother, what's the matter?"

The man didn't speak.

"Brother is also going to Jingzhou?"

The man still didn't speak, he pointed to his mouth.

"... You, can't make a sound?"

The man nodded, and suddenly took out a yellow purse from his arms. Xu Zhi looked familiar with the pattern embroidered on it. He touched his waist, and the purse that was hanging there had disappeared.

Seeing that he didn't answer, the man reached out again and made a mouth shape: "Your."

The man in love turned out to be a man who picked up money and returned it to its original owner.

Xu Zhi didn't know what was going on, it was obvious that this man was full of evil spirits, but he could read the sincerity from those small black eyes, maybe this man was just born with a fierce face, he thought so, As a result, the purse, said thanks.

I thought that the thing was left in the inn by accident, but the man moved his lips and mouthed exaggeratedly: "Kid... child... steal..."

The tall, fierce-faced man was lip-synching seriously, inexplicably giving him a weird sense of cuteness.

Xu Zhi also understood what he wanted to express. It was nothing more than the young man who took advantage of his unpreparedness to steal his purse last night. Xu Zhi sighed in his heart, smiled at the man, and said, "I see, thank you very much." .”

The man in black nodded coldly, turned around and got on his horse. Just when Xu Zhi thought he was about to leave, the man in black turned his face again, his eyes seemed to say, "Why don't you leave?"

Xu Zhi: ...

Just like that, a man in black with unknown origin was inexplicably added to the team. Until Jingzhou, this man continued to follow Xu Zhi unconsciously, and Xu Zhi could let him go. Gao Qiang, suddenly appearing always gives people a strange feeling, let him be around for a while, maybe there will be some unexpected discoveries, no matter how bad it is, with that ferocious face and force value, it is not a loss to keep him as a thug.