Handsome to the Point of Death

Chapter 36: Short-lived Tanhualang 7


Liu Yu didn't expect that he just snubbed Yang Tianmu for a while to let them calm down, and things turned out like this.

Looking at his lover, standing in a festive auditorium with such a vicious and brutal woman, accepting everyone's blessings.

With tears streaming down his face, he looked up to the sky and laughed three times. He pointed at the silent groom and said, "Okay, okay, Yang Tianmu, you really have been lying to me, you don't love me at all! You—" He suddenly turned his head Precisely locking on to Xu Zhi's figure, with resentful eyes, "Men are all the same! Heartless and ungrateful! Ha! I, Liu Yu, am here today. I wish you and this woman, white! Heads! Together! Old! En! Love! One! Live!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Yu wiped away his tears, flicked his sleeve robe, and staggered away. His face was mournful, but his back was still straight, creating a visual effect of "being hurt by a heartbroken man is still strong and beautiful" As soon as he left, several of the guests couldn't sit still and chased after him, including the young cabinet minister Wan Zhongze.

The bride in the center rolled her eyes indecently.

Many people couldn't help turning their sympathetic eyes to Xu Zhi. They were amazed to see that his expression was still unchanged under the cover of the green cloud, and that the old god was still there.

Baptized by all kinds of eyes, Xu Zhi, who was lying on the gun, was stunned by the protagonist's few lines. He coughed, took a sip of tea calmly, and said in the silence: "What's wrong? The troublemaker has left , let's continue the wedding, I'm still waiting to drink the groom's wine."

As a result, the interrupted wedding ended in a slightly embarrassing atmosphere according to the process.

As expected, within half a month, Xu Zhi was dragged by the newly married General Yang to a restaurant for a heart-to-heart talk.

"Brother Wei, I really don't know what to do," Yang Tianmu drank his wine with a distressed look on his face, "I don't want to bother you all the time because of this, but I really feel bad in my heart..."

Xu Zhi didn't speak, he raised his head and took a sip of wine boldly, then gave him a sideways glance, and said indifferently, "I don't know when General Yang became such a bitch."

Yang Tianmu blushed, stopped talking, and lowered his head to drink in a muffled voice.

"Let me ask you," Xu Zhi said with a playful smile, "Did Liu Yu personally wish you two to grow old together on the wedding day?"

Yang Tianmu nodded with a bitter face.

"Then why don't you go against his wishes and live a stable life with your wife?" Xu Zhi paused, then turned to look at him with a serious expression, "The General Yang I know is a responsible and ambitious man. Real man, now that you have a family, you must know what to do, besides, you have a good wife."

Yang Tianmu was stunned. He thought of the delicate and gentle wife at home, and his expression gradually softened. After a long while, he sighed softly: "It seems that I am a mediocre person."

"Furthermore, even if you get close to the princess now, there is no place for you beside him." Xu Zhi made another stab.

Yang Tianmu couldn't help but think of the scene he saw by chance a few days ago, Liu Yu and Wan Zhong were arguing, they closed their eyes fiercely, and when they opened them again, they were already relieved, he smiled, and talked with Xu Zhi clinked glasses and drank, sincerely said: "Brother Wei really awakened the dreamer with one word!"

Xu Zhi smiled casually, and thought to himself, if he didn't really regard Yang Tianmu as a friend, he wouldn't have said so much. Besides, according to the novel routines he was familiar with, even if Yang Tianmu regretted turning around at this time, it was because he was married, it was very likely that he would not It would only be a supporting role that Liu Yu couldn't ask for, and occasionally had to be abused by the other party. For the sake of General Yang's physical and mental health, he thought it would be better to cut it off completely and live a normal and stable life.

The two drank happily all afternoon, and finally Xu Zhi helped him out of the restaurant.

Along the way, the drunken Yang Tianmu kept yelling, and even touched Xu Zhi's face with his hand, muttering: "... lady, your little face is so tender, like tofu... let my husband touch it..."

Xu Zhi's face turned dark on the spot.

He let go of his hand, slowly showing an extremely gentle smile, and under the horrified eyes of the guards, he threw himself over his shoulder.

Yang Tianmu: "Aww!"

Xu Zhi just clapped his hands, turned around and went back home.


Liu Yu has been rather mysterious lately. After Yang Tianmu showed his face once on the wedding day, Xu Zhi never saw him again. It is said that he and Wan Zhongze got very close, and Xu Zhi was also very happy. , Weifu received a secret edict from the palace, the "eldest princess" passed away due to illness, and the compatriot prince who was living abroad was welcomed back. The Wei family was ordered to search for the prince secretly for many years, and finally found it with the help of Wan Shoufu. The emperor was very relieved, and the Wei family became great heroes of the royal family.

This method of feigning death is really clumsy, but it's just a scene directed and performed by Liu Yu's people in order to restore their identity. Even if everyone in the capital knows what the truth is, they can only cooperate with it.

At the grand princess's funeral, the three members of the Wei family looked sad on the surface, but in fact they seemed to be relieved of a big burden in their hearts.

A year later, the court was gradually divided into two factions: the crown prince and the eldest prince (Liu Yu). Even if he was on the side of the eldest prince, the empress still did not give up and sent someone to contact him. Originally, it was just to try, but she was pleasantly surprised. Elder Wei Ge expressed that he would support the prince's orthodox position.

In fact, Xu Zhi's idea is very simple. Now that the emperor's health is getting worse and worse, only the crown prince and the eldest prince can hope to compete in the court. The prince's side is the only choice. Not only is it a 80% sure speculation, but it can also create trouble for Liu Yu, so why not do it

Liu Yu faintly heard the wind, and came to him aggressively once, stood in front of him, raised his proud neck, and said with a smile: "Wei Zhaoze, do you think you can rely on this face to get along with you?" You can sit back and relax after boarding the queen's boat? Don't be too happy!"

Xu Zhi paused, looking at the colorful clothes on the eldest prince in front of him, which looked neither men's nor women's, he felt his eyes flicker, and a trace of coldness appeared on the corners of his lips. He took a step forward, slightly Lowering his head, he whispered in Liu Yu's ear: "So... how did you get into Wanzhongze? Do you think everyone is blind? En? Your Highness the Princess?"

Wan Zhong, as the chief assistant of the current dynasty, although his ability is outstanding, his character has always been criticized by others. The most famous thing is his backyard which is comparable to a harem, and he also has both men and women. As long as he is a beauty, he will do everything possible Got it, in the original plot, it was just a cannon fodder character who coveted Liu Yu's beauty and was finally killed by Yang Tianmu, but now he has become Liu Yu's most important supporter. Everyone knows the relationship between the two.

Sure enough, when Liu Yu heard this, his face turned pale, and his whole body trembled, "You, you..." for a long time, and finally covered his face and ran away.

From then on, Liu Yu never appeared in front of him again.

Xu Zhi was a little regretful, the protagonist was too thin-skinned, and just such a sentence irritated him, making his life much less fun.

On the same day, when Xu Zhi returned to the mansion, he happened to see an interesting scene.

A rather handsome little girl with a red face stood in front of Wei Yu, said something, then handed over a sachet, and Wei Yu stood there with a paralyzed expression that hadn't changed for thousands of years, There seemed to be some doubts in the eyes, the little girl saw this, and said a few more words, but he was still numb, and did not reach out to take it. Finally, the little girl couldn't stand it anymore, and ran away with tears in her face.

Seeing Wei Yu's puzzled expression, Xu Zhi couldn't help but shook his head, thinking, what a fool.

Then I thought that Wei Yu is not young now, but still alone. Although he is dumb, he has good skills, and although he looks a bit fierce, he is also full of masculinity. It is not difficult to find a wife, just look at him What do I think.

After dinner in the evening, Mother Wei began to talk about the girl in that family intentionally or unintentionally as usual, and also mentioned Yang Tianmu's son who had just turned one year old, her tone unconsciously revealed envy, Xu Zhi sighed, the first time Officially expressed his attitude: "The son's marriage is entirely up to the mother and father."

He has been thinking about this matter for many days, and he has also asked the system about the original owner, but he did not get the answer he expected. Thinking about Yang Tianmu's children are all in soy sauce, and Wei's father and mother are still worrying about his marriage, The Wei family has a single bloodline, how can he see that this bloodline is broken by him? Although he no longer wants to have anything to do with women, facing the background of ancient times, he finally compromised.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, there is a difference between women at this time and modern women. The education they received from childhood determined their life style after marriage. Marrying a gentle and gracious woman to help him take care of the family, Xu Zhi He doesn't reject it either, he can only guarantee that, apart from true love, he will try his best to make his future wife carefree, smooth and happy for the rest of her life.

When Wei's mother heard her son's words, she still couldn't believe it. She looked at Wei's father with joy, and then began to think about the girls who were waiting to be married in various families in the capital.

According to Mother Wei's positive attitude, it is estimated that there will be an extra person in the Wei Mansion in a short time. Xu Zhi rubbed his forehead, walked to the study, picked up a pen to think about it, then put it down, called Wei Yu, and asked directly: "Do you have a favorite girl?"

Wei Yu froze for a moment, then shook his head with a slumped face.

"At your current age, it's time to start a family." Xu Zhi looked at him helplessly, "If you fall in love with a girl, you don't have to worry about me..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Wei Yu shook his head again, his eyes were clear.

After being silent for a while, Xu Zhi suddenly smiled and said, "Since you don't want to get married right now, how about going to the army to exercise? It's boring to see you staying in the mansion every day."

Wei Yu still shook his head.

Xu Zhi's eyes turned cold. In his opinion, Wei Yu would rather go to the army, a place that is more suitable for him, than to waste his days by his side. With his skill, he will succeed sooner or later, but he just shook his head blindly. It made him inexplicably agitated.

"Give me a reason."

Wei Yu pursed his lips, and suddenly looked at the banknotes on the table.

Xu Zhi understood, took out a piece of rice paper, and signaled him to come forward.

Wei Yu took a few steps forward, took a pen to write a few words on the paper, and then obediently stepped back after finishing writing.

Xu Zhi looked down, and saw a few large characters written crookedly on the paper:

[here, happy]

He picked up the piece of paper and stared at it for a while, then said with difficulty for a while: "This word..." It was so ugly that he couldn't bear to look straight at it!

Finally, he still couldn't bear to hit the eight-foot man in front of him, Xu Zhi thought about it, and said, "I will teach you how to practice calligraphy in the future."

Wei Yu's eyes lit up instantly.