Handsome to the Point of Death

Chapter 41: Short-lived Major General 3


In the first year of the Star Military Academy, they were basically spent in basic theory courses, including courses such as "A Brief History of Interstellar" and "Federal Military Regulations", which filled the students' schedules and had no expectations. There are only beautiful teachers in the school, only menopausal old B, no humorous classes, only dull and boring back of the head, but despite this, every young student with aspirations will not miss any class, because the basic credits largely determine The branch of the second academic year, which is the future.

What's more, although most of the old professors don't recognize everyone at all, this does not prevent them from calling names regardless of the weather.

Because of his excellent performance in the entrance test, Xu Zhi is the object of the teachers' attention. In addition, he has a roommate Han Li who is a top student. This directly leads to the fact that the first two rows of the classroom almost become their special area-most students love it. Grab the back row, especially during A Brief History of Interstellar.

The person in charge of the Xingjian class is an old man with a white beard. Although he is ninety years old, he looks like he can't walk very well, trembling, making people wonder how he can last a class, but when he opens his mouth, everyone I understand that the line of resumes on the information that came from the military recitation troupe is really not a lie, the cadence is ups and downs, and the history is impassioned - of course, for the drowsy students, this may not be an advantage.

Although Xu Zhi didn't mind sitting in the front row, it didn't mean he would enjoy the professor's history recital. Fortunately, he quickly figured out a correct sleeping posture, with his head propped on one hand, his bangs slanted Drooping down, eyes half-closed, the tip of the pen rests on the notebook, creating the overall illusion that he is listening to a class. Except for Han Li beside him, no one knows that his mind is wandering in the long river of history.

Of course, he couldn't have slept too deeply, after all, the professor was very "caring" for students like the two of them.

"Ah! Warrior Hux! He raised his sharp knife and aimed at the ugly and stupid Zerg! At that moment, he suddenly thought of his wife and children at home, and he thought of his deceased comrade in arms. Seconds—oh, Hux’s story shouldn’t have ended like this, but I really—” The old professor’s tears flashed, obviously very emotional, “Southbound, as a future warrior, it’s up to you to help Hux for everyone.” The general draws a terminator."

Han Li hurriedly pushed the person next to him with his elbow, and at the same time quickly marked the textbook with a pen, moving it over silently.

Xu Zhi woke up almost at the same time the professor called out the word "Southbound". After reading the standard answer provided by Han Li, he quickly filtered the chapter content in his mind, and under the expectant eyes of the professor, he read the poem word by word: "This is my battlefield.

twice a day,

I walked over it, sniffing

knife in my hand

Thirst for water from worms.

Irreplaceable Golden

Bleeding and darkening, this is Hux's battlefield. "

The professor applauded with kind eyes, as if looking at a junior who was about to inherit his mantle, and the students also applauded—even though they might not know what the poem was about.

Han Li silently took the book back, and after searching for a long time, he finally found this poem in a corner. He was full of shame and thought, Nan Xing obviously worked so hard, but he habitually regarded him as the same as those colleagues he had met before. He turned his head again and met Xu Zhi's eyes when he looked at him. He smiled, but his face was a little red.

The professor thought about it for a while, and then said with some regret: "Student Nanxing, I suggest that you put more effort into reciting emotions. Although this poem is very heavy, it also needs emotional rendering. Of course, you are already very good."

In fact, Xu Zhi read it in a rigid manner without any ups and downs. Facing the professor's kind eyes, he slightly curled his lips, smiled modestly, then sat down and continued to sleep.

Han Li looked at him, then at the professor who was in a state of narcissism again, feeling a little cautious for some reason.

When the bell rang, Han Li packed up his and Xu Zhi's things before patting him on the shoulder, signaling that he could wake up and leave.

As soon as Xu Zhi stood up, Professor Whitebeard came over and exchanged terminal numbers without any explanation, expressing that he was very optimistic about him and that he could conduct online literature exchanges, and before leaving, he gave him a wink.

Han Li: ...

Xu Zhi: ... No date, too old.

The two walked out of the classroom door, and after a few steps, a male Beta suddenly appeared and stopped Han Li, and extended an invitation with a bright smile: "Han Li, Lanster is holding a birthday party at the Crown Club tonight, and he asked me to I'm here to invite you, you know the background of Lancet, I heard that the star who has become popular recently, um, that awesome Passus will come~ how about it?"

Lancet is one of the more prominent students in their class this year. He has a strong background and good looks. He is still an Alpha. He has accumulated a group of younger students in just a short time after entering school. Compared with being excellent in all subjects and all-round in sports, The appearance is perfect, but the very homely and low-key Southbound has a better reputation.

Hearing that his favorite idol would come, Han Li was obviously moved, but he still hesitated and said, "But, if you are outside the school, if you are caught by the guards..."

The boy leaned over and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, our Lancet has a dedicated channel~"

Han Li struggled for a second, and finally the urge to face his idol got the upper hand. He glanced at Xu Zhi and saw that he didn't seem to be planning to express his opinion, so he made a decision: "Okay, I'll go!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said, "Xingnan, you—"

"Oh, Han Li, you go, of course you will go to the south, right?" The boy blinked and climbed onto Xu Zhi's shoulder familiarly, "Who doesn't know that you two stick together every day?" Friend'ah!" The accent on the word Friend, coupled with his expression, seems to be full of indescribable ambiguity.

Xu Zhi glanced at him lightly, and hummed noncommittally.

The boy felt a little cold inexplicably, he put down his hands awkwardly, said "I will contact you tonight", waved his hands and walked towards a group of people waiting for him not far away.

I can vaguely hear a few words, "He really agreed to travel south? I'll just say..." "Do you think he and Han Li are really..."

Han Li was a little embarrassed. He still remembered that his roommate was going to play a game at night, so he hesitated and said, "Xing Nan, in fact, if you don't want to go, I can-"

"I'm hungry." Xu Zhi interrupted him, took his hand, and started walking, "Go back to the dormitory and cook."

Han Li suddenly laughed, "Okay, what do you want to eat?"

"Fried rice with beef."

"Or fried rice? In fact, I can do other things, such as stir-fried vegetables."

"Need not."

"...Okay, wait, there is no beef in the dormitory, so I have to buy it."


"Hey, the mall is over here..."

Xu Zhi knew that the meeting at the party this time was the beginning of Han Li and Passas' bad relationship in the plot, and he was not going to forcefully change Han Li's established trajectory, because not only would it not be of any real benefit to him, but it would also It will make Han Li, who will be reborn in the future, suspicious of him. However, as a good friend, he will not just watch Han Li fall into it. The other side was exposed earlier.

Of course, he can completely ignore the identity of the original owner's infatuated male partner, and put aside the relationship with the plot, and the possibility of enmity with the harem of Pasas will also be reduced, but whoever let him watch the plot is really against Pasas and him. Is the harem group very upset

Besides, even if it wasn't because of Han Li, according to his future plans, and those people's brain circuit of putting love first, he would have conflicts with the Pasas harem sooner or later.

Moreover, after being with Han Li for so long, he really likes Han Li... fried rice.

While maintaining a paralyzed face, Xu Zhi smacked his lips happily. Under Han Li's expectant eyes, he reservedly said two words: "It's okay."

Han Li heaved a sigh of relief, he just tried a new recipe, and now it seems that he has won the approval of Nanxing, a success!

Lancet's party was held at midnight. From the time after dinner until departure, Xu Zhi was playing games online, while Han Li opened the closet, picking up his clothes a little excitedly and a little nervously.

However, the sad thing is that the clothes he can wear now do not exceed three sets in total, and one of them is the Star military uniform. Han Li wandered around in front of the mirror for a long time, no matter how he looked, he was not satisfied. He sat by the bed, Lost sighed.

"Team E, quickly support Road C." Xu Zhi calmly gave an order to the screen.

Han Li sighed heavily.

Xu Zhi took a second to glance at him, then looked at the screen, raised his eyebrows and said, "Lian, speak human language."

Ryan yelled in the game: "I'm fucking! Labor and capital were surrounded and killed me!"

Han Li walked to Xu Zhi's side, coughed, and asked weakly, "What do you think of my body?"

Xu Zhi: "The truth?"

Han Li nodded: "Of course."

He was wearing a set of plaid underwear and a small vest full of youthful college atmosphere, which looked very tender. Xu Zhi reckoned that he would not be able to get in through the door like this—because he would be identified as a minor at a glance.

"Actually, that set," Xu Zhi gestured with his chin, "that's right, it's the school uniform, I think it's more suitable for you."

Han Li opened his mouth slightly, and was about to speak when Xu Zhi said again:

"Trust me, you will be the center of attention."

Han Li was suddenly speechless. In fact, when those dark eyes stared at you deeply, it seemed as if he wanted to suck you into another world. With such a deep and seductive tone, no one could Such a charm could not be resisted.

Han Li suddenly understood why many betas in the school were so obsessed with the person in front of him. If he hadn't confirmed that he had no intention of having children for Alpha, he might have fallen for this.

He thinks he is right, for his idol, wearing a military uniform can better highlight his military spirit, and it will definitely attract the attention of his idol!

However, it would be bad if he stole Lanster's limelight, hehe.