Handsome to the Point of Death

Chapter 42: Short-lived Major General 4


The so-called "special channel" of Lancet is actually not very high-end, it's just a surveillance blind spot outside the school, and it's a little better than the dog hole.

When a group of AABBs saw Han Li in military uniform with a gentle smile and Nan Xing with a simple casual outfit but a serious face next to him, their expressions froze for a second. Compared with their trendy and cool outfits, it was not a picture at all. wind.

Everyone knows that Master Lanster is a rebellious boy with full of personality. It can be seen from the fact that he chooses the ballroom for his birthday party.

However, for these two rare Asian handsome guys, probably having a good face is enough. Adam, who took the lead, thought so, shook his fiery red hair, and beckoned people to hurry up and start to act.

The Crown is the closest high-end ballroom to the Star Military Academy. Its style is not low. Lanster is rich and powerful, and he brandished a handful of star coins to buy the entire midnight show. A group of people swiped the invitation code at the door and entered the venue smoothly.

Booming music, twisting men and women, fiery atmosphere, squeezed through the dense crowd, Han Li could not help but hold Xu Zhi tightly, feeling a little uncomfortable - he had never been in contact with such a place.

Xu Zhi frowned slightly. The stuffy air was mixed with various smells, even a faint smell of pheromones, which made him a little unhappy, but there was no extra emotion on his face, and he still looked so calm and self-possessed.

"Lanster!" Adam led them through the crowd, scanned around and finally found tonight's party host on the sofa on one side, walked over quickly, and raised his voice: "Langster! Look, Who did I bring?"

Adam pushed Xu Zhi, "Go south! Haha!"

Lanster frowned, turned his head to look at it, nodded with a smile, and said without getting up, "Okay, since you're here, let's have fun, you're welcome."

This is the first time that Xu Zhi has seen the whole picture of this legendary young master. He has only heard about this man before, and most of them have bad names. , looking at it now, apart from the indecent golden hair and half mask, and the clothes are too advanced, he can be regarded as a boy with handsome features and a unique temperament.

He just nodded when Adam suddenly slapped his forehead, pulled Han Li out from behind him, and said with a smile, "Oh, and this little cutie whom you paid special attention to is also here."

Lanster casually let the young man beside him feed the peeled grapes into his mouth, and then licked his finger. Then he looked at Han Li, and his eyes suddenly burst into a strong light.

Han Li was still a little reserved at first, but he was a little dazed seeing him like this, and then he realized that the other party was not looking at him, but someone behind him, so he turned his head and froze in place.

In fact, not only them, but almost all men and women at this moment, in front of the man who is walking slowly, are automatically reduced to a gray background. The man seems to have thousands of rays of light on him, and a pair of slightly raised blue eyes seem to contain He has a thousand kinds of styles, and his long golden hair is amazingly shiny. Just by simply walking over, people can't take their eyes off him and fall under his charm.

Passas Garcia, a new-generation red star who has risen rapidly in the entertainment circle in recent years, it is said that his face has already been praised by the Interstellar Culture Administration as "the treasure of all interstellar people in the next fifty years."

If there is anyone present who can stay awake, it is probably only Xu Zhi, although he was also dazzled by the light (which made him doubt the scientific nature of this existence), and seeing the protagonist Han Li's obsessed Looking at it, he suddenly realized deeply that the painstaking effort put in by the reborn protagonist in the future to bring down this true * heartthrob is by no means comprehensible to ordinary people.

While other people's eyes were glued to Passas, Xu Zhi noticed a big man behind him. This man was extremely muscular but had a pretty handsome face. Unfortunately, a scar across half of his face made him The beauty was ruined, coupled with his gloomy face, it gave people an aura that was absolutely not to be trifled with, but when he looked at Passus, his eyes could soften instantly.

This is probably the member of the harem group mentioned in the plot with explosive force value. It seems that he even beat up Han Li. It really... made him feel a little itchy.

It is unclear whether they were shocked by the beauty of Passus or stopped by the man with the scar behind him. People spontaneously made way for Passas to walk in front of Lanster, showing a beautiful With a smile, in full view of everyone, he lowered his head and kissed Lanster's lips. The latter quickly pressed him on the sofa and kissed him deeply.

The onlookers, including Han Li, let out exclamations.

The man with the scar had no expression on his face.

Xu Zhi was also expressionless.

The two expressionless men suddenly looked at each other, their eyes met in the air, and soon they looked away as if nothing had happened.

In fact, in just a few seconds, the two of them had a rough assessment of each other. The man with the scar had already silently classified him as an invisible partner (rival in love), while Xu Zhi further judged this person He is not as simple-minded as the plot shows. Regarding his various brainless performances in the plot, it can only be said that he is too poisoned by Pasas.

The two on the other side finished their kiss, and a trace of transparent liquid slipped down. Passas licked the corner of his lips, and said softly, "Birthday gift."

Lancet was a little unfinished, with an evil smile, "Thank you, I like it very much, but you know, you can give me something better."

Passas chuckled, "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?"

"Adam, Wendy..." Lanster walked over one by one, and paused on Han Li, as if he felt that the name was a bit awkward: "Han... Li, and his little boyfriend, heading south."

"No, no," Han Li quickly waved his hands, "Nanxing is my friend, we just..."

"Pure friendship." Xu Zhi said lightly.

"En, yes!" Han Li glanced at him gratefully, and then looked at Pasas without blinking, as if he was afraid of being misunderstood.

This can't help but make people feel a little funny, because everyone doesn't care whether he is single or not, but Passas seems to think his expression is funny, so he laughed out loud, walked over and squatted down slightly to look at him, his green eyes sparkling, "It's so cute."

Han Li was almost dizzy with happiness, and didn't know what to say.

Xu Zhi Momo stayed a little away from this idiot fan.

In the following time, Xu Zhi fully experienced the full-level provocative skills of the superstar Pasas. Basically, as long as he likes him, he will seduce people in just a few words, whether it is alpha or Beta, everything is at hand, at least Han Li has pink bubbles all over his body.

Perhaps the only failure of Passas tonight was going south. Seeing that his winking skills had failed, although he became more interested in him, but because he believed that this handsome Asian guy was definitely deeply rooted in love for the cute little Han Li, so he didn't. Too entangled, of course, even if he wanted to, he couldn't spare the time, because there were too many people around him.

Seeing Han Li squeezed out of the crowd sweating profusely, and proudly showing off to him that he had obtained the idol's terminal number, Xu Zhi couldn't bear to look directly at his stupid and cute face, the protagonist, facing your future opponent, you are really too I can't live up to it.

After the party, Xu Zhi’s life in the military school has not changed much except for a bunch of familiar friends. As the end of the school year approaches, he also reduces his game time and spends more time on homework. As for his roommate Han Li, changed from his previous style of being a bully student all day long, and the frequency of being silly and happy has increased significantly. He holds the terminal and Passas to send text messages every day. Although he often sends more than a dozen messages before receiving one reply, this undoubtedly prevents His overflowing girlish heart can't be missed.

In fact, none of the above is a big deal. What makes Xu Zhi complain the most is that the quality of Han Li's cooking has dropped significantly, and he chooses to solve it casually, because he has to review and chat, and he is very busy!

A typical person who forgets his friends after seeing sex, deserves to be cheated in the future.

"Master Nanxing, this is the fried rice I made, I hope you like it." Beta was holding the carefully prepared lunch box at the door, with a suspicious blush on his cheeks.

good smell.

Ever since he disliked Han Li's low-quality fried rice, the number of betas who delivered him meals seemed to have increased overnight. Although the craftsmanship was uneven, the food problem was solved.

Xu Zhi took it over, "Thank you."

Little Beta blushed, and suddenly mustered up the courage to quickly lean over and kiss him on the cheek, and said, "Master Nanxing, please do your best for tonight's game!" After saying this, he ran away.

Xu Zhi had a question mark on his face: competition

But soon he got the answer from Ryan.

"Ah, hehe, it's Starnet's annual simulated mecha competition! I saw that you haven't moved in the past few days, so I signed up for you. Hehe, you are so skilled, how can you give up this grand event! And , I heard that in addition to the prize money, the first place will also get an autographed album by Passas! How is it, buddy, how are you?"

Xu Zhi was silent for a few seconds, then asked, "How much is the bonus?"

"Yes! It's Pasas—er, ten thousand pentacles."

Ten thousand... It's enough to buy the latest set of star red armor from CC company, so that he can successfully pass the level, well, the remaining money can be used to buy new expansion packs... Xu Zhi quickly thought in his heart I figured it out.


"There is still an hour, you log in and he will lead you in."


He was about to hang up the video when Ryan suddenly said awkwardly: "One more thing..."

Xu Zhi raised his eyebrows, "Say it."

"I also signed up for the team competition for you. Tomorrow afternoon, it's just me and you." Seeing his frown, Ryan quickly added, "I've been practicing every day for the past few days, and it's no problem to drive a C+-level mecha! We Nanxing will definitely be the most perfect partner! Look at my sincere eyes!"

Xu Zhi cut off the video with a snap.