Handsome to the Point of Death

Chapter 45: Short-lived major general 7


After formally entering the ProLogis Academy, Xu Zhi had almost no free time left. During the vacation, he cleared all the games in his hands, so he resolutely abandoned Ryan and devoted himself to the courses. After all, physical aptitude does not mean Everything, an outstanding mecha warrior is forged through continuous baptism.

When Ryan saw his posture, he looked at his report card at the bottom of the First Military Academy, spent a night thinking about life, and deleted all the games the next day with a mouthful of blood. He clicked on the online mecha course, with a dazed expression on his face Forced to look down...

Besides, the protagonist Han Li, ever since he suddenly expressed his determination with Xu Zhi that day, his spirit of being a top student has finally possessed him again. After he became a fan of Passas, his life basically only consists of the following three things: studying, cooking , sleep—even sleep time is two hours less than Xu Zhi.

Every day at dawn, classmate Han Li gets up early, previews today's lesson plans, and then writes and draws on the paper with a pen. I have to say that he is still very talented in mecha design, which also makes me feel better. He has the drive to keep going.

His movements were very light so as not to wake up Xu Zhi who was still resting, and after about two hours, he would act as a human body alarm clock to wake up his roommate.

Whenever this happens, Xu Zhi is always very moved, not seeing the hard work of his roommates, but seeing the hot breakfast on the table.

Interstellar good roommate!

Therefore, it is really a wise decision to let the protagonist out of the plot.

In this way, he happily spent the next three years of campus life. Xu Zhi lived up to expectations and achieved a dazzling S-level evaluation in the actual graduation evaluation. Although he did not break the historical record, it also made the school leaders and the people behind them The military was overjoyed. You know, the last graduate to reach S-level appeared thirty years ago, but he was the famous "God of War" Admiral Clays! So the happy principal put the hat of "Second Kleiss" on Xu Zhi's head in a fit of excitement at the graduation ceremony, which attracted a lot of attention.

To be honest, Xu Zhi didn't like this, neither the original owner nor him could be anyone's substitute.

For a period of time after graduation, while waiting for the results of the military assignment, he also had to deal with going through his past. Suddenly, the media flocked to him, which was really annoying. But at this time, the protagonist Han Li There is also a situation.

In the plot, Han Li was reborn on the third day after graduation because he was pushed on the head by a little lover in Passas, but now that little lover is completely gone, which made Xu Zhi doubt Han Li's rebirth for a while. Possibility, facts have proved that although the plot has collapsed, it is still tenaciously remedied.

On that day, Han Li found Xu Zhi, rescued him from the crowd, dragged him to the dormitory, closed the door, wiped his sweat with a gentle expression, the atmosphere made Xu Zhi, who had always been dull, feel a little ambiguous, and then Then I heard Han Li say: "Nan Xing, I've thought about it for a long time, I like you, please stay with me, I will take good care of you."

Xu Zhi was taken aback.

"We are the most suitable, both are Asian, I know all your preferences, I know that you are actually very gentle, our thoughts resonate, you are a mecha warrior, I am a mecha master, we will be the best partners, Moreover," Han Li blushed, "I will never forget the intimate contact a few years ago, and I think we will be in harmony with each other."

Xu Zhi: "..." What kind of development is this

He was silent for a while, trying to think of euphemistic words in his heart, and finally, against Han Li's increasingly dim eyes, he spat out two words under pressure: "Sorry."

"...I won't change my mind." Although Han Li said this, his face quickly turned pale. The ground hit the raised iron frame, and I felt dizzy for an instant.

Xu Zhi hurriedly stepped forward to help him into his arms, and after looking at it, it seemed that it wasn't too serious. He was about to get up and look through the medicine box, when Han Li suddenly grabbed him, "I...so dizzy, I...can't see you clearly, Finally, can you give me a kiss?"

Xu Zhi patted him on the back: "It's okay, I'll get the medicine."

Han Li clenched his hand, flustered for no reason, and became stubborn for the first time: "Kiss me."

Xu Zhi's eyes were fixed, and he broke away from his hand, "We are just friends."

Then, a dramatic scene appeared. Han Li's half-closed eyes suddenly widened, and he began to pant quickly, then pushed him away and stood up shaking himself, shaking his head, looking at his face The eyes turned from confusion to surprise, then to doubt and guilt, and finally became very strange.

"Southbound?!... Are you here to pick me up? We...of course are just friends." After speaking, he fell back on the sofa and fell into a coma.

Xu Zhi: The first embarrassment in my life.jpg


After the rebirth, the protagonist really followed the plot firmly, gave up enlisting in the army, and plunged into the entertainment industry. Since he did not receive this new memory of himself, although he always felt strange everywhere, if he remembers correctly, it seems that he is still When Passas lost his temper and rushed to please him? Anyway, their relationship has almost become clear, what happened to Passas' strange eyes? Could it be that he was so angry after not looking for him for too long

Han Li reluctantly accepted this explanation, but fortunately, the normal performance of Nanxing and the plot was the same, which eased his impetuous heart just after rebirth.

Thinking of his best friend going south, his eyes softened. In this new life, he must become stronger and protect the people around him who treat him sincerely!

However, after he made a little accident and successfully got his first good role, he was dragged by his inexplicably extra friend Ryan to visit Nanxing. He took it for granted that he went to the third military region in his previous life, but he found no such person !

Ryan held his face in horror: "Nanxing is missing! My God!"


At this time, the missing person "Southbound" is undergoing extremely arduous training on the distant home planet, together with a group of carefully selected talents.

After graduating, Xu Zhi was indeed assigned to the Third Military Region, but unlike the others, he was suddenly asked to report half a month in advance, so he rushed to the place without having time to inform the others, and unexpectedly met him directly. big shot.

Brigadier General Aldrich Ressel, the supreme commander of the Third Federation Military Region, has made great achievements in battle. Although he was once overshadowed by his too dazzling light during the Cress period, in today's Federation, Aldrich's power is unmatched , becoming the youngest marshal in history is just around the corner.

Aldrich didn't talk nonsense, and directly gave him a stack of materials, and after he finished reading it, he asked unhurriedly, "Are you confident?"

This information is actually no secret in the army. Aldrich plans to form a commando named "Achille" to carry out various special missions. Of course, there is no such thing as a special law in this information. Detailed description.

"Confidence." Xu Zhi heard himself say this with a calm voice.

In fact, only he himself knew that in just a few seconds, he hesitated, but he quickly understood that this was a different path from the plot, and it was also an unknown opportunity, and he had no reason to give up.

Why follow the rules of the original owner? Besides, Special Commandos, it's fun, isn't it

Aldridge showed a smile, nodded, and suddenly said, "You are not him."

Xu Zhi asked in confusion, "Him?"

"Crys Hall," Aldrich said with a nostalgic expression on his face. He seemed to want to say something more, but in the end he just waved his hand to signal his subordinates to take him out: "You can go get ready, head south."

"I'm not him. I'm—" Xu Zhi raised the corners of his mouth and paused every word, "Xu, Zhi."

That strange tone seemed to be some kind of ancient signal. Aldrich frowned, and just about to ask, the other party had already opened the door and left.

"...interesting boy." Hope he doesn't let him down.

In this way, just a few days after arriving in the Third Military Region, Xu Zhi was packed up by the impatient general and thrown to his home planet for a series of secret training. All connections, naturally don't know that the protagonist is looking for him all over the world.

In the end, Ryan used some of his family connections to find out about Xu Zhi's situation, and the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Han Li devoted himself to his career in the entertainment industry, with the goal of defeating Passas, while Ryan was asked by his family to re-study for a year because of his unsatisfactory grades.

After officially becoming a member of Achill's commando, due to the importance and particularity of this team, Xu Zhi really didn't have much time to silently protect the protagonist like in the plot, in order to prevent the protagonist from being killed by the Pasas harem group , he can only let Ryan replace his role for the time being. After all, anyway, Ryan’s background is ranked first in the entire interstellar, and he himself is considered loyal, so this arduous task falls to the ground. on his thin shoulders.

Ryan patted his chest and said: Brother, you can work with confidence! I'll watch over your daughter-in-law, I promise you won't lose a single hair!

As a result, Han Li not only lost a strand of hair, but a handful of strands! When his movie was maliciously attacked by the trolls, when his agent took his money and ran away, when he leaked pornographic photos inexplicably, when the company he signed was about to hide him... He silently shed tears, I swear in my heart that if Passas is not completely ruined, he will - go to the army again!

So, stimulated by the death of his good friend Nanxing, the golden finger of the reborn version of Han Li still broke out, and it was out of control. A certain famous director was surprised by a chance encounter, and he turned into an angel of justice and bravely fought bandits. What a melancholy side face made the writer burst into inspiration... In short, there is no doubt that the counterattack will hit the face, so I won't go into details.

As for Xu Zhi, after more than two years of hard work, Achill's troops played an unexpected key role in the battlefield against the Zerg, and became a sharp weapon in the hands of the federal army. The Zerg even crowned them " The title of "Black Army" is because they often attack in the dark.

Recently, with regard to the issue of federal information leakage, after a long period of interrogation and secret investigation, plus Xu Zhi's little tricks in secret, all kinds of clues smoothly pointed to the chairman of the Federal Council: Bill Brook.

This person's identity: the backbone of the Pasas harem group, and the only Zerg member.

After catching him, the harem would probably be in a mess. After all, Bill is also Passas' biggest backer, bar none.

Protagonist, don't waste your chance.

Xu Zhi rubbed his chin, waiting for a good show.