Handsome to the Point of Death

Chapter 49: Short-lived half-elf 1


Alen Kerman City.

This is a small city on the Western Continent at the junction of the two countries. Although the area is small, it has a great reputation. It is an independent city, the streets are always bustling, people of all colors and races meet here, there are blond and elegant human nobles, there are bouncing dwarves, and occasionally you can see a few beautiful humanoid fairies .

New contradictions and conflicts erupt in this city every day, but they are often quickly dispersed by its unique set of rules. Because of its particularity and complexity, it has become a hotbed of countless black transactions.

"City of Liberty" and "City of Darkness" are other names that people love and hate for it.

Today, it has become a major feature, and the slave market located in the northwest corner of Alen Kerman City is also as lively as ever.

The hot sun was hanging high, Ed the slave trader wiped his sweat, the fat on his face was huddled together with anger, he looked viciously at being beaten by him and lying on the ground, but he still remained silent, his eyes The stubborn black-haired boy spat.

Bad luck, Ed thought.

Just now, a noble young master finally fell in love with the half-elf boy in his hands, and even offered a high price. The boy also followed obediently, but unexpectedly, he suddenly became violent after walking not far, and made a fuss. Injured the young master, fortunately he was taken down by the swordsman next to the young master in the end, otherwise he might have run away!

No, this person was returned again.

That's right, it's "again". This kind of thing has happened several times, I beat and scolded, I thought I finally learned a little bit, but I didn't expect it to be wild and unruly.

A bastard is a bastard! Thinking this way, looking at the boy's still indifferent face, the fire that had just disappeared in Ed's heart surged up again, he lifted him up, raised his right hand high, and was about to slap him.

"Stop hitting!" An anxious female voice suddenly sounded.

The volume was not loud, but it managed to make Ed pause. He turned his head impatiently, and his breath stopped for a moment.

What a beautiful person that is!

Her face is as soft and ethereal as an elf under the moonlit night, her long silver hair hangs down to her ankles with shreds of light, her white skin is almost transparent, and her eyes are the most beautiful, constantly changing under the sunlight With magnificent and fantastic colors, at this moment, it was looking at his direction full of worry and love, which made Ed's heart tremble.

Time seemed to stop at this second, and the originally noisy market was silent because of her appearance, lest it disturb the beauty.

"Let him go, he's still a child." The angelic girl approached, looking at him earnestly with colorful eyes.

Ed was drooling, and when he let go, the boy fell to the ground.

The girl knelt down, stroked the boy's curly black hair, sighed softly, and said, "Can I take him away?"

Ed felt that his mind was no longer his own. When he came back to his senses, the other party had already taken the boy's hand and walked away, and people spontaneously made way for her.

When the girl's figure disappeared, Ed's rationality came back. He slapped his forehead, his beauty is misleading! He actually made a loss-making deal!


It has been half a month since Xu Zhi traveled to this world. When he arrived, he found that his original body had just been slaughtered by a group of robbers. As a half-elf who was detested by elves and humans, he and the surviving children were sold. In the hands of some slave traders, although Xu Zhi tried to escape, but this thin body just turned ten years old was really not strong enough, and in the end he was rescued by the protagonist according to the plot.

The protagonist seems to understand the lethality of his appearance very well. After leaving the slave market, he put on a bamboo hat, but he is still eye-catching when walking in the crowd.

Xu Zhi remained silent and let the other party lead him until the two came to a hidden place. The protagonist took out a silver stone and crushed it in his hands. The space suddenly distorted. Appeared in a room full of girlish atmosphere.

Xu Zhi lowered his head slightly, his messy black hair covered his strange expression for a moment.

The space stone worth thousands of gold, the protagonist throws it away as soon as he says, if he passes through it, he will be the winner in life.

When he, under the leadership of his servant, applied good medicine to the densely packed wounds on his body, washed his face and changed his clothes, the protagonist appeared in front of him again, with distressed eyes and a gentle smile, and said, "Do you feel better?" ?”

Xu Zhi raised his face and nodded, his voice was hoarse because he had not spoken for a long time: "Thank you."

The protagonist suddenly exclaimed: "Ah, your eyes are golden, so beautiful!"

In fact, due to their half-elf blood, the beauty of the half-elf family is well known, but it is a pity that they are not born with excellent magic and shooting talents like elves, which also causes them to be killed once they are born. If caught by humans, most of them will be reduced to sex slaves by nobles.

At present, Xu Zhi's face, although it hasn't fully grown, and is even a little yellow due to lack of nutrition, it is definitely high-quality. If it weren't for this, that slave trader Ed would have thrown his thorny head casually out.

Seeing that he didn't respond, the protagonist squatted down slightly, put his hands on his shoulders, blinked and said: "From now on, you can stay by my side, my sister will take care of you, well, my name is Kefeier Xin Kana. Li Yingshang, Angelina, Phantom Ziyin (omitted here) Emily, you can call me Sister Kefeier from now on."

The corners of Xu Zhi's eyes twitched, and he tried his best to hold back the feeling of wanting to complain, looking at those big colorful eyes, and said with difficulty: "Ke Feier... sister."

But Mayfair rubbed his face with a smile, "Hey, it's not okay to have a bad face at such a young age, come on, just smile~"

Xu Zhi couldn't help turning his face away, and took a step back - facing the protagonist's ridiculously large, colorful eyes, and the special halo effect that came with his body, he was really under a lot of pressure.

But Mayfair laughed even more happily, "Haha, are you shy?"

He is so cute. He must be attracted by her unparalleled beauty and gentle and kind personality. He fell in love with her at first sight, but because of his age, he can only suppress his love, right? But it doesn't matter, she will wait for him to grow up.

But Mayfair looked at the other party's pointed ears, and couldn't help stretching out her hands to pinch them.

Xu Zhi's ears trembled, he jumped up reflexively, and lightly landed a few steps away, his brows were frowned, and his eyes sank: "I can't touch it."

Didn't know that the ears of elves and half-elves are sensitive areas? !

But Mayfair asked innocently and innocently: "Why? It's so cute."

At this moment, Xu Zhi finally remembered the four words that best expressed his mood at the moment.

- Damn mentally handicapped.

"Fei'er, who is he?" A man suddenly pushed the door open, walked up to Ke Fei'er, and looked Xu Zhi from head to toe with scrutiny.

"Brother, you're back!" Ke Fei'er stood up, stepped forward and took the man's hand affectionately, "I met him on the street today, it's very pitiful, so I brought him back, I want to recognize him He will be your brother, okay?"

Oliver frowned, glanced at the boy's pointed ears, and said harshly: "You slipped out again today? And bought a slave back? Do you take my words as a joke?!"

But Mayfair was startled by him for a moment, and tears soon appeared in his eyes. Oliver's heart softened, and he hugged her tightly and sighed: "Fairy, you have grown up, you know how much I feel when you suddenly disappeared a few days ago." Are you in a hurry? Forget it today, if you want to go out in the future, at least you have to tell me in advance. As for this slave, if you want to keep it, just keep it. "

But Mayfair blushed, and said angrily: "He is not a slave! Human beings are equal!"

"Okay, okay, I'm not a slave, I'll listen to you, my little baby." Oliver's eyes spoiled.

Ke Feier: "Brother, you are so kind."

Xu Zhi, who was forced to watch the whole process: Indifference.jpg


Lying on the bed at night, Xu Zhi thought about it seriously for a while, and finally decided to force himself to read the plot from beginning to end.

He received this plot on the first day he came through, but he received 10,000 crit points for the copywriting alone, and he was declared dead after reading less than ten chapters.

To be honest, after traveling through such a world and reading so many novels, this is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

The full name of this novel is "The Queen vs. Tom Sue". The heroine Sophie accidentally transmigrated into a Tom Su np novel and became the cousin of Oliver, one of the protagonists. But Phil Shin... Emily, At birth, a vision of heaven and earth was triggered, a hundred flowers bloomed, she was treated as a goddess, she walked at the age of one, awakened divine power at the age of three, and could use all kinds of magic at the age of five...

And all the young men with names and surnames in the plot are almost seeing her fall at the first sight, not only the harem of Tom Sue in the original book, but even Tom Sue himself—Tom Kochlia.NC... Finch (hereinafter referred to as Tom) could not extricate himself from bowing down under her pomegranate skirt.

As for the original owner of the body, the half-elf Albert Francis, was originally the blackened and world-weary villain boss in Tom Sue's original book. Influenced by the glory of the Holy Mother, she gradually grew into one of the qualified loyal dogs around the protagonist, and finally died under the claws of the devil in order to protect the heroine from being captured by the devil.

From Xu Zhi's point of view, Abel's death as the boss of the original work is absolutely inseparable from the fact that he stayed by the heroine's side all the time, lacked due experience, and had a decline in force and IQ.

Of course, the final ending of this book is that Ke Feier's feelings for Abel moved the Demon King. He lamented that there is such an affectionate woman in the world, and he was obliged to join Ke Feier's harem, and everyone lived a harmonious and happy life together. life.

There are still three episodes left, Xu Zhi is really not in the mood to read on, such a brain-dead plot successfully scares him, but fortunately, a strange energy flowing in this body soothes him very well, allowing him to quickly Calmed down and fell asleep.