Handsome to the Point of Death

Chapter 52: Short-lived half-elf 4


Caught off guard by a kid who was a little younger than him, Tom actually refused in his heart.

He has seen too many gorgeous and complicated swordsmanship, and even he himself pays more attention to the perfect combination of beauty and strength, but in front of him, the chop, stab, and cut are obviously nothing more than simple movements , but no one can be so neat and unrestrained in series like this boy.

After being amazed, Tom had some doubts in his heart, but soon his thinking turned to another direction.

How can he be so handsome at such a young age? ! Looking at Xu Zhi's delicate little face, Tom sighed sadly.

As the recognized number one handsome man in the capital of Katrixi, he seems to have foreseen a future where he will be ruthlessly eliminated by time.

Xu Zhi was ready to be questioned, but he found that Tom was standing there with his eyes wide open, and seemed to be in a daze. After getting along with each other these days, Xu Zhi reckoned that the other party's brain had probably entered a state of letting go of himself .

He stared at the man for three seconds, making sure that he would not be able to slow down for a while, then walked aside, took a sip of water, and couldn't help but relax, looked at Tom again, with a smile on his lips, closed his eyes and entered meditative state.

When Xu Zhi finished practicing today, it was already evening. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a pair of green eyes facing him.

"Are you hungry?" Tom naturally distanced himself, held up the exquisitely packaged pastry in his hand, and said with a smile, "I bought it for you when I went out. It's from Lauren's family. You children love this."

Xu Zhi was indeed a little hungry. He said thank you, and then took it. As soon as he opened it, the fragrance wafted out, and then a strong gaze fell on the top of his head. Xu Zhi paused, silently stretched out the food, "eat together."

These pastries were delicious, but they were too sweet and greasy. Xu Zhi ate a few mouthfuls to fill his stomach, then stopped. Looking up, Tom was eating with a happy face. He couldn't help curling his lips, who is the child

"By the way, there will be a large-scale auction near here tomorrow." Tom wiped his mouth gracefully, and said, "I heard that there are a few golden ancient vines at the finale. I'm going to have a look, how about you?"

Golden Guteng is a very rare plant. It got its name because it grows in the golden Dragon Valley. It can not only be used as an excellent refining material, but also can be polished and used as medicine to greatly improve people's aptitude. Such treasures are hundreds of It's rare to see it every year, so even though he knew that it was impossible to get a photo with the money in his hand, Tom couldn't help but want to see it.

But what he didn't say is that any large-scale auction will inevitably use elves to add some gimmicks, and this one is of course no exception.

Xu Zhi looked at his expectant eyes, pondered for a while, nodded and said, "I'll go and have a look too, and do something by the way."

Tom subconsciously asked, "What's the matter?"

Xu Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly, but did not answer.

Tom didn't hold back either. Since he didn't want to say it, there must be his reasons. With their current relationship, he didn't have to and had the right to make people open up and accept him completely. He stood up and made an exaggerated expression on purpose. The facial expression and tone were helpless: "Okay, okay, I know you don't like to talk to me, so let's go and have a good rest."

After walking a few steps, Tom suddenly turned his head and smiled again: "If you need any help from brother, just ask me."

Xu Zhi looked at him, hooked his lips, "Yes."

Tom smiled wider.

He thought, this child hides his heart very deeply, but he has the patience to interpret it step by step.

Maybe even Tom didn't realize it. Before he knew it, Xu Zhi was not just a poor elf in his eyes, but an unknown and mysterious new partner who was equal to him.

The next day, when there were not many people in the auction house, Tom took Xu Zhi into the box he had reserved in advance.

Not long after they sat down, a beautiful waitress knocked on the door and came in, served strong fruit tea, and bowed to them again. The smile on her face was perfect without a trace of blemish. After politely explaining the basics, she left. Go out, and gently close the box door.

Tom took a sip of tea, squinted his eyes, and said, "Making tea with Lingyin spring water is indeed the top auction house in Randall. It seems that we are here today."

Xu Zhi also took a sip of the tea. It was indeed refreshing and mellow, but unfortunately the astringency was less astringent and too sweet. Compared with it, he still preferred the oriental bitter tea fragrance in his memory.

But those memories are already far away. If it is not necessary, he will never think of it on purpose. Such a thought is just a flash. He walked to the window of the box and looked down. The auction house has been filled up one after another. People, although they have different skin colors and may come from different places, they can quickly get acquainted with the people around them, whisper to each other, and look excited. Obviously, the auction house has done an extremely successful publicity work this time.

Xu Zhi quickly scanned the crowd, paused for a moment on a man in a cloak who was led upstairs by a waiter, then looked away, and sat down beside Tom with a blank expression.

"What's the matter?" Tom has now developed a pair of sharp eyes, even if Xu Zhi still has that indifferent face, he can read the meaning of "Suddenly upset, haha" through some subtle changes.

Xu Zhi didn't know what was going on, it was just an ordinary back, but it made him feel a little uncomfortable, that feeling was not like his own consciousness, but more like an instinctive rejection of his body .

that man...

He shook his head and said calmly, "It's okay."

Soon, the auction will begin.

The host yelled a few words, and after controlling the noisy scene, he began to explain the rules of the auction. With the blessing of the magic ring, the voice was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

The box that Tom booked is located on the second floor, and the view is not very good, but it is undoubtedly a symbol of his status compared to the crowded people downstairs. If they are interested in something, they don’t need to make a quotation at the top of their throats. Yes, you can participate in the bidding with the magic screen on the table.

At the beginning of the auction, the items were all small things, and the upstairs box was quiet, which was in stark contrast to the bustling price competition downstairs. Naturally, Tom didn't like the things in front of him. It's top grade. While paying attention to Xu Zhi's expression all the time, he patiently waits for the next good product.

The auction was fast-paced, and after the halftime show, the first wave of climax was finally ushered in.

What triggered this wave of climax was a beautiful female elf in a cage on the stage. She hugged her naked body and trembled under the naked eyes of countless humans. Her golden eyes were full of despair and helplessness.

Tom subconsciously looked at Xu Zhi.

However, he obviously thought too much. Xu Zhi's eyes on the stage did not fluctuate because of the appearance of the elf. There was no sympathy, no contempt, no gloating, no desire, as if he was just looking at something of some value.

Tom swallowed his words and turned his head silently.

The female elf was finally photographed by a rich man in the box on the third floor, followed by a uniquely shaped long sword with a straight body, a blue light, and diamond-shaped dark lines all over the sword body. Just a glance, it gives people a sense of coldness and sharpness, and more importantly, its name - "Sword of Cloris".

"It's actually the sword of Sword Saint Cloris!"

"I heard that Cloris used it to defeat the witch Rota back then. I don't know who can get it here."

"Hey, haven't you heard of it? This sword is owned by the owner, and ordinary people can't move it..."

The sudden eruption of discussion made everyone's ears ringing, Tom simply pulled the transparent isolation layer to the maximum, this sword is too prestigious, of course he was a little jealous, but after Cloris' death, no one can control it anymore With it, even his teacher, Kerui, a well-known swordsman on the mainland, can only regret to let go. He doesn't think he is the exception. Will not change weapons.

Thinking of this, Tom began to babble about popular science. After talking for a long time, he found that the child next to him hadn't responded. When he turned his head, he found that the other party's golden eyes were staring at the sword on the stage without blinking. , it seems that he has been completely attracted.

Tom was stunned for a moment, and suddenly caught a glimpse of the notched rapier hanging on his waist. His heart moved, he slapped Xu Zhi on the shoulder, raised his eyebrows and said, "You want it?"

Xu Zhi didn't say a word, but in Tom's eyes, his little face of "the baby wants it so much but the baby just refuses to say it" almost made his heart apex melt, and his blood rushed, and he was immediately full of pride joined the auction team.

Tom: "Don't worry! Brother is rich!!"

Xu Zhi: ... What happened

In fact, he really just admired it carefully, there is no other meaning!

Watching Tom increase the price again and again, Xu Zhi couldn't help but said, "Don't you want the golden Guteng? You don't need to take this."

Tom stroked his curly hair affectionately, "Don't worry, brother has nothing but money!"

Although he couldn't take down the golden Guteng, he thought he could take down a sword that was actually just nice to hear but not easy to use.

Xu Zhi: ...Okay, you have more money, you can do whatever you want.

Tom held his breath, and after throwing away the last competitor with silver coins, he finally got the sword of Cloris in his pocket, and he could only look at and smile at the golden Guvine that would be the finale of the auction.

Sure enough, most of the people present today came for the two ancient golden vines, and they were finally snapped up by a local tycoon on the fourth floor for a sky-high price of 1,000 diamond coins.

After watching the golden Guteng being taken off the stage by the staff, Tom reluctantly looked away. Under the smile of the manager of the auction house, he signed the signature, took the goods and paid for it, and was given a VIP card. Under the leadership, Xu Zhi was led out of the auction house through the secret passage.

After the auction ended, the sky had already darkened, and Xu Zhi walked all the way to the place in the plot, not shying away from Tom, while the latter was holding a sword and closely following him.

In the plot, although Abel's original past only exists in the memory of the heroine, there is one thing that is very clear, that is, Abel ran out of the noble house with a few younger brothers, fled all the way to Randyll, mixed into the After entering this city, under an abandoned house, he obtained his important and only golden finger—the book of ancient inheritance.

The heroine found this book in advance and gave it to Abel selflessly, which also made Abel even more devoted to Ke Feier.

But now, even though it was still early before the plot, Xu Zhi couldn't guarantee that the book was still lying on the ground honestly, so he had to come and see for himself.

However, he got nothing.

"Have you ever seen a beautiful girl with such big eyes and such long hair these days?"

"I think about it... Oh! There really is such a one! It looks so beautiful! That face is like an angel!" The aunt of the tailor shop on the street looked intoxicated.

People like Ke Feier can't wait to show their beauty to the world, and they are always the brightest wherever they go. It's hard not to leave a deep impression on people.

After getting the expected answer, Xu Zhi sighed, and said to Tom beside him, "Go back."

Tom was obviously very curious about the "girl like an angel", but seeing Xu Zhi's serious expression with a sullen little face, he endured it and still didn't ask.

Not long after the two walked out of the street, a wind blade flew past Tom's cheek, bringing out a trace of blood, and then a cold voice sounded behind him: "Tom Kochlia."

Tom's face changed. How could he not hear such a familiar voice that has weighed on his heart every day these days! He didn't even have to look back, he could feel the man's cold gaze piercing his body, making him feel cold all over.

Xu Zhi paused, turned around and saw a man slowly coming out of the shadows, the corners of his mouth curled up in a sinister arc, and the wide black cloak and that pale and excessively pale face formed a strong visual impact.

This familiar feeling—it was the man from the auction!

Looking at the man's bloodless face, Xu Zhi suddenly thought of something, and mobilized his mental power to probe there, and he found a strong breath of death lingering around the man.

A powerful necromancer.

Every time the man took a step closer, Tom's face turned ugly, and sweat ran down his forehead. He suddenly picked up Xu Zhi, exerted strength on his feet, and quickly galloped to the side.

The man in the cloak chuckled, and a gray air flow entangled under his feet, and he chased after him unhurriedly.

As if deliberately teasing them, the man followed closely behind them all the time, throwing a few tricks from time to time, making Tom extremely embarrassed, until Tom realized that this was not going to work, and forced them back with a sword, so he had a little time to breathe.

It was really awkward for Xu Zhi to be hugged by him like this. He struggled to get off the ground, and while speeding up to follow, he asked suspiciously, "What are you running for?"

In his opinion, although the opponent seemed to be looking for trouble, it seemed that he had no intention of killing Tom, and Tom didn't even want to fight, and just ran away, which was too embarrassing for the senior magic swordsman.

Tom smiled bitterly: "I can't do anything to him at all."

"… Why?"

"Because I accidentally fucked his wife," Tom said with a complex expression, and added two words after a pause: "With him."

Xu Zhi staggered and almost fell to the ground.