Handsome to the Point of Death

Chapter 57: Spoiler Tom


I was destined to be an extraordinary person from birth.

It might seem strange to say this, but when you list them below, you will understand that I definitely do not mean to brag.

My father is the grand duke of the Katrixi Empire, and my mother is a distinguished royal princess, and as their only son, I was born a nobleman among the nobles, a properly privileged class.

I have shown extraordinary talents since I was born. I remember things earlier than most children, and I am also smarter. No matter what I learn, I can understand everything, which is called a genius.

I have perfectly inherited all the advantages of my parents. In addition to the amazing facial features, I also have an innately beautiful colored hair. From childhood to adulthood, no matter male or female, I am the only one who is fascinated by me , There are countless people who fell in love with me at first sight.

Noble status, extraordinary talent, handsome appearance... It seems that as long as I think about it, everything is at my fingertips, and gradually, I become more and more loose and unscrupulous, just because this world is in my eyes, It's just an imaginary paradise.

Yes, everything is too perfect, too perfect to be real.

So, when that young man named Derek appeared, I was very happy.

He is a very strange person, withdrawn and silent, and he seems to always only have those ancient and mysterious books in his eyes. Even when I approached him deliberately, he didn't respond much.

Without a doubt, as a heartthrob, his special intrigued me.

He and I became friends—despite our very different identities, and true, pure friends.

However, time can always change people, until he suddenly brought a girl that day and told me that he wanted to marry her as his wife, I couldn't ignore the momentary pain in my heart.

That girl named Ke Feier thought she was hiding it well, but I could clearly see the disgust and defense in her eyes.

Ridiculous, did she realize my feelings for Derek before I did

It is undeniable that this girl is very beautiful, even beyond imagination. If I hadn't met Derek, I might have started chasing her heartily.

That night, while drinking in silence, I thought a lot, but I didn't seem to think about anything. In short, the last memory is that I pushed open their door and looked at the two entangled people, and my heart was full of blood. , tore off his clothes, and jumped on it.

It was probably the craziest, stupidest thing I've ever done in my life, but then, no matter how many times I think about it, I tell myself that I don't regret it.

At least at that moment, although I was unconscious, I really entered his warm body.

The next morning, I couldn't imagine what kind of eyes Derek would look at me. In a panic, I crushed the teleportation talisman and ran away without a chance.

Perhaps, that's not called running away, that's called giving some time to calm down.

Then, I accidentally dropped a cute half-elf kid.

At that time, I was giggling and didn't understand what meaning this indifferent and reticent child would have for the rest of my life.

I also don't know that the kindness I thought I gave turned out to be my only salvation.

I don’t want to recall the later events. My secret anticipation caused by Derek’s painful struggle has become a joke. His pain is not because of realizing my feelings for him, nor is it because of wandering in friendship and love. It's not that I awakened my love for me.

His thinking is simple.

But Faile left him.

He is in pain.

He wants to take me to make amends.

Even if there is no dignity, as long as Kefeier forgives him, he is willing to do anything.

Five or six tall men held Ke Fei'er firmly behind them, and stared at me viciously, as if I was a deformed tumor in their eyes, and the huge malice almost wiped me out.

Amidst Ke Feier's weeping accusations, a primitive and savage attack came oncoming.

I tried my best to blink, resisting the pain of bone fracture, trying to dispel the blood in front of my eyes, and looked towards Derek.

He sat there in silence, avoiding my eyes.

I laughed out loud, laughed, laughed, and shed tears.

What happened afterwards

The once proud son of heaven fell into the quagmire, ridiculed, despised, and finally abandoned by his family.

When my father held the hand of a little boy and looked at me and said "you are a monster", I felt like falling into an ice cellar and suddenly understood a lot.

I knelt in front of my mother's grave for a day, and then with a simple burden and a cane, I started wandering around.

I didn't expect to meet him again.

The indifferent and stubborn half-elf boy back then had grown into a truly powerful and ruthless man, and he was also a killer without batting an eyelid.

I hardly dared to look up, and didn't dare to see the familiar mockery or contempt in those golden eyes.

However, no.

Those eyes, those beautiful eyes, are as simple as ten years ago, reflecting my distressed face.

I suddenly let go.

I was taken back by him involuntarily.

He may be repaying a little kindness back then - although I don't think I have done much, maybe it is just sympathy, anyway, I am very grateful to him.

At least, I don't have to humblely pray for a small piece of bread.

However, people always have bad roots. I am getting more and more greedy and unable to accept the space alone. The loneliness accumulated over the past ten years has already penetrated into my bones. I yearn for more company from him, even if it is just sitting on the side Talk, just look at me.

Just look at me.

I know it's very unreasonable to make trouble. They provide you with food and drinks, and even go out of their way to help you find medicine to heal your wounds, but you selfishly want to occupy more of the other party's time. Who are you to him

I don't know who I am in his heart, I only know that in my heart, he is the only one.

Later, even though my legs healed, even though I returned to my former glamorous appearance, even though my dantian suddenly became intact overnight, I will never forget the years when I was with him.

Just before I closed my eyes, I suddenly thought:

It would be great if I could meet him earlier, without Derek and Ke Feier.