Handsome to the Point of Death

Chapter 65: Fanwai Zhao Danmeng


"Xiaomeng, it's dead." My mother held my hand firmly, with a sad face, trying to cover my eyes.

In the middle of the road, my big black dog lay quietly in a pool of blood.

At the age of twelve, I pushed my mother's hand away and asked, "Death? What is death?"

"Death is when you don't think about anything, you can't see or hear anything, and you have stepped into another world with one foot."

"And what about the other foot?"

My mother touched my head and sighed: "It's still here, Dahei is reluctant to part with us Xiaomeng, and will always be here."

I shouted: "Don't die! We don't want to die!"

My mother patted my hand, squatted down, and said seriously: "Okay, okay, we won't die, we will live for a long time."

On the fifth day after Dahei's death, the mother who said these words had her throat pierced by a fragment of a wine bottle from her father.

fraud. big liar.

I stood on the cold floor, tears streaming down my face.

"Xiaomeng? Xiaomeng, wake up!"

When I opened my eyes, it was still the room I was familiar with when I was a child. The young mother was sitting by my bed, looking at me worriedly.

"Are you having nightmares again?"

"… kindness."

I lowered my head, looked at my shrinking palm again, and remained silent.

My mother hugged me suddenly, her body temperature was not like her temper, not very warm, but kind of summer cold, she said softly in my ear: "Xiaomeng is not afraid, mother has helped you get rid of that man No, the police uncle won't find us. We Xiaomeng are so obedient and cute... "

"Mom," I said, "this is the fourth time."

She trembled slightly and stopped talking.

The wind chimes by the window were jingling by the summer breeze. I closed my eyes, and my mother and I leaned on each other, as if we were half of each other's world.

After another long and boring middle school career, I packed my luggage, said goodbye to my mother, and flew to Huaxia.

My brother Chaoyang is there.

He needs me.

And this time, I will change everything.

Nothing is set in stone, not even this rotten world.

I have changed, brother Chaoyang has changed, and Tong Xiao... has also changed.

My life has been reset so many times, but this is the first time I entered Tong Xiao's Tianyun Company.

Strange boss, strange colleagues, strange company, very fresh.

I've been paying attention to Tong Xiao for a long time, um... It's been more than ten years in all my lifetimes.

He will always be the most special one among the crowd. This does not mean that he is more handsome than brother Chaoyang, but that he has no question mark or name on his head, and the magical ability he has mastered.

I know his secret.

In his previous life, when he turned into a woman to seduce my elder brother Chaoyang, he hardly hesitated in the face of my persecution, and vomited out all the things in his mind.

At the end, he looked at me pitifully and said: "I won't hurt Chaoyang, I really... just want to go home, you believe me!"

I believe him, I really believe him, why should I not believe him

His explanation perfectly explained all the questions I had since I was born, isn't it scientific? The place under my feet is an unscientific existence.

Isn't it just a game world

Well, I’m saying this now, but in my previous life, I still had bad acceptance for a while, and my mind was dizzy.

I carefully prepared a wonderful death dinner, and invited Brother Chaoyang, who had gradually become addicted to Tong Xiao, to go to Huangquan together.

The taste of death is like the fragrance of poppies, which makes me unable to extricate myself. Of course, I want to share such a good thing with my favorite brother Chaoyang!

Anyway, you can load the file and start again, can't you

At the last moment of his previous life, Tong Xiao broke into the door and took away the unconscious man, but was scratched by glass shards all over the floor, bleeding profusely.

In the haze, her figure twisted, although it was only for a moment, but I still captured it.

Then, I die.

Now, I'm back.

I verified my guess.

When Tong Xiao is hurt, whether it is a male body or a female body, there will be space cracks.

The length of time it exists depends on the extent of the damage.

I excitedly told Brother Chaoyang about this conclusion, expecting his appreciative eyes.

He was really happy and told me to just do it.

With this sentence, I certainly won't be too polite to my rival in love for several lifetimes.

Using my status as an artist, I directly or indirectly created many accidents against the male Tong Xiao, big and small, but it was useless except to confirm my conclusion.

Even if it was a car accident, Tong Xiao can survive it, and he only needs to stay in the hospital for a day to recover as before.

He is truly the god of this world.

Then, it's up to me to kill the god myself.

"Zhao Danmeng, your affinity is too low to accept this announcement, drink this." Tong Xiao said, with a flash in his hand, he threw over a bottle of drink.

I took it and looked at it. On the white package were four simple characters "Affinity Drink".

Hmph, three non-products.

"I don't want to drink this," I approached him step by step, "I want to drink..."

Tong Xiao frowned, "What do you want to drink?"

I licked my lips: "... your blood."


The knife in my hand pierced his heart accurately and without anything.

If one knife is not enough, come a few more.

He stared wide-eyed, as if he couldn't believe it, and then his eyes gradually faded, and his figure became transparent. Instead, there was a mirror-like scene behind him that became clearer and clearer.

A baby-faced girl, facing me, with her hands on the black keyboard.

The space gap is getting bigger and bigger, the clock on the wall has stopped, I smiled, stretched out my hand, and grabbed her wrist.

use force.

The new world gives me strength.

When I saw Brother Chaoyang and the woman both disappear, I shed tears for the second time.

I know very clearly that this is the signal of the end, and this time, my life is finally on track.

However, this is not the result I want.

What was my first wish

I have already forgotten.

Putting on my headphones and without informing anyone, I bought a random train ticket.

In my ears are songs that have been repeated many times:

If losing is bitter, are you afraid of giving

If falling is suffering, do you still want to be happy

If confusion is suffering, should it begin or end

If the pursuit is bitter, is it strong or obsessive

I have no answers to these questions.

No answer is needed either.

The author has something to say:

The last lyrics are from the song "Movie".

The next world preview: the daily life of youth under the urban supernatural novel "Extreme Killing".

PS: It is not a fan, the original novel was made up by the author.