Handsome to the Point of Death

Chapter 66: Short-lived pocket watch essence 1


"Dingling bell" the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

In the not-so-spacious classroom, the young teacher on the podium stopped writing on the blackboard on time, turned around and closed the textbook, and coolly dropped a sentence: "get out of class is over." Without looking at the students' reactions, he took the first few steps out of the classroom door.

The students in the second (third) class of high school were bustling, packing up their things one after another, carrying their schoolbags, talking and laughing and walking out.

"Oh, I like Teacher Guo the most. Not only is he handsome, but he never procrastinates! Only Tuesdays are the only time I can leave school on time every week."

"But I heard that Mr. Guo has a girlfriend, tsk, hey, let's drink milk tea later, I have a coupon!"

"Okay, let's go!"

In the middle of the front row, a girl with black-rimmed glasses, a simple ponytail, and a youthful face packed her things carefully. She was about to stand up when she was suddenly slapped on the shoulder. Small, startled her.

"Master of the school committee, I'm counting on you today too!"

The one who spoke was a tall girl with makeup on her face, black earrings, dyed hairstyle, and casual clothes—from head to toe, she was almost not the school's advocacy template, with a strong non-mainstream style.

Chen Lingjun, this girl's name is almost unknown in this low-level high school. Even though she has been criticized by the broadcast countless times, she is still a maverick, forming gangs, bullying classmates, changing boyfriends is like changing clothes, and she is arrogant , can be called the queen among R high students.

Shang Yi silently stuffed the two exercise books she threw over into her schoolbag, looked up at Chen Lingjun and the people around her, and forced a smile, "Got it, Sister Chen."

Chen Lingjun nodded, walked to the door with a few younger brothers, suddenly remembered something, turned back and approached Shangyi, the corners of his eyes with black eyeliner raised, and asked with a smile: "Have you been doing well recently, sister please How about you go high, come or not?"

Although it was a question sentence, her tone made it impossible to refuse.

Hearing this, a tall boy next to Chen Lingjun frowned and said, "Sister Chen, it's Brother Wang's birthday tonight, wouldn't it be nice to take her there?"

Chen Lingjun glanced at him, and patted the shy Shangyi on the cheek: "Heh, what's wrong? Look, this is the most upright beautiful girl, she's different from me."

Shang Yi's heart skipped a beat. She had heard about who Chen Lingjun was hanging out with outside. She must not go!

She secretly clenched the corner of her school uniform, bit her lip, and whispered, "Chen, Sister Chen, I'm going home early tonight, as long as you have fun."

Chen Lingjun looked at her with a smile, and didn't seem to care about her refusal, but the next moment, she slapped the table heavily, and said coldly: "What? I've been a classmate for almost a year, so I won't give me any face ?!"

Shang Yi was about to cry, she really didn't know why this eldest sister went crazy today, the other students in the classroom had already left, and they didn't look sideways, as if they didn't see this scene at all, which made her feel chills.

She lowered her head, her fingertips stuck in the palm of her hand, and still said nothing.

This kind of attitude made Chen Lingjun feel angry for no reason. She usually likes to clean up these pretending good girls, watching them cry and beg for mercy, covered in mud, smashing clean and innocent shells, this makes her have a A strange sense of satisfaction, usually this Shangyi is low-key and well-behaved, and she doesn't pay attention to people, but now this silent rejection makes her raise her hand reflexively, and is about to slap that face.

Then, the slightly distorted smile on her face froze.

Her right hand froze in mid-air, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't swing it down.

The strange thing is that this sudden strong resistance is invisible, which makes her look quite funny at the moment.

"Sister Chen, you..." One of the attendants behind looked at the hand that stopped in mid-air and Chen Lingjun's flushed face, hesitant to speak.

Chen Lingjun's eyelids twitched, but he couldn't move his hands because he was frozen, and he couldn't help cursing: "Fuck, what happened!"

The saliva splashed on Shangyi's face, but no one noticed. The girl with a tense body pinched the black chain around her neck secretly, and said silently in her heart: [A Sen, stop! ]

A gust of slap hit, Shang Yi nimbly tilted her head, and Chen Lingjun slapped all kinds of slaps on the old desktop, making a loud bang, and the whole desk shook, showing the strength.

While Chen Lingjun was still in a daze, Shang Yi slammed past her, pushed away the people blocking the door, and ran away without a trace.

"Sister Chen, she ran away! Shall we chase after her?"

Chen Lingjun looked at his hand suspiciously, and said after a while, "Let her go."

What the hell is that just now? Evil, too evil!

On the way home, Shangyi's heart was still beating non-stop. She took out the black pocket watch she had been wearing from her collar, looked at its simple and exquisite patterns, and sighed deeply.

"Asen, thank you." Shangyi murmured as she rubbed her fingers against the smooth mirror of the pocket watch, as if talking to herself: "But next time you can't do this outside, if you are found, it will be dangerous , I'm really worried..."

In her mind, a voice suddenly sounded.

[Don't worry. ]

The deep and melodious bass, with a little coldness, can easily give people a sense of security.

Carrying a heavy schoolbag, Shangyi crossed the road, walked down an old street, and replied in her mind: [Promise me Asen, this time it’s really too obvious, I... ]

Looking at the silent house in front of her, she suddenly choked up.

[I... only you... ]

The male voice didn't respond, only silence.

Shangyi wiped her eyes, took out the key, opened the door, and turned on the light. She tidied up the small rental house, put down her schoolbag, looked at her watch, and went into the kitchen to start making dinner.

One simple dish and one soup, Shangyi didn't start eating immediately, but took out a lunch box neatly, and began to put vegetables in it, until it was full, then covered it and carried it in a plastic bag, and walked to the door.

"Going to deliver food again?"

A voice suddenly rang in her ears, Shang Yi paused, turned her head slightly, and saw the villain sitting on her shoulder.

He was about the size of a palm, wearing a gorgeous little dress, a white top hat on his head, black boots, a rapier pinned to his waist, long black hair tied in a bunch with a ribbon behind his head, angular With a distinct face, the whole look is quite eye-catching.

If you magnify it several times, he is definitely a handsome guy, but with his current body shape, in Shangyi's eyes, the only word is cute, especially when the other person looks serious.

Shang Yi smiled and poked him with her finger, and said, "Well, Big Brother Ye has helped us so much, and I'm always embarrassed if I don't do something."

The elder brother Ye she mentioned is Ye Huai, a neighbor who lives across the street. He has always taken good care of Shang Yi who is alone, such as repairing water pipes, repairing light bulbs, and moving things. The other party will help without saying a word. Ye Huai became familiar, seeing Ye Huai eating instant noodles or taking out every day, Shang Yi sent him something from time to time.

The villain on her shoulder, that is, Xu Zhi who had traveled through time, curled his lips and pushed Shangyi's fingers away, disappearing the moment he opened the door.

Shangyi walked to the opposite side and knocked on the door. Soon, a tall and strong man with slippers on, two dark circles under his eyes, and a shaggy beard appeared in front of Shangyi.

Although he looks sloppy, he can still see that he is not very old, but from his eyes to his demeanor, this man has a sense of decadence similar to world-weary depression.

Seeing Shangyi, Ye Huai's drooping eyelids finally lifted a little, he turned sideways, and motioned for Shangyi to enter the room.

"Brother Ye, I won't go in and sit down. You haven't eaten yet, have you?" Shangyi smiled and handed over the lunch box, with a girlish voice: "Then try my cooking."

Ye Huai leaned against the wall, smelled it, and smiled: "It smells so good."

"Thank you, girl." Ye Huai patted the little girl's head, looking at the young and beautiful face, a picture suddenly flashed in his mind, the former beautiful and gentle girlfriend looked at him coldly, without the slightest hesitation Aimed at him, pulled the trigger.

His face darkened in vain, his hands were bruised, and his whole body began to heat up.

not good!

"Girl, go back! Lock the door! Listen, don't go out until you hear anything!" Ye Huai pushed the person out and closed the door with a bang.

Shang Yi was pushed back a few steps by him, her eyes worried: "A Sen, Brother Ye, he fell ill again, isn't it only once a month?"

As soon as she finished speaking, a painful and suppressed roar came from Ye Huai's room, accompanied by the ping-pong sound of tables and chairs being overturned.

Xu Zhi appeared, looked at the closed door, and said calmly: "This is not a disease, but a demon."

"Demon?" Shang Yi didn't understand, but even if she understood, with her ability, she couldn't help Ye Huai, so she could only pray in her heart for him to survive, and then took her elf home for dinner.

After eating and finishing the homework assigned by the teacher, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

Shangyi turned on the computer, set up the background wall, adjusted the equipment, and started her daily part-time job.

live streaming.

She bought this whole set of live broadcast equipment at a low price from a female classmate. She likes to sing and heard that it can make a lot of money, so she registered an account by herself, rented a small anchor room, and made some money by singing. . Unexpectedly, as the days went by, this turned out to be her main source of income.

After a while, a group of people entered Shangyi's anchor room, including her fans and some scattered tourists.

[Yi MM is finally here, uncle waiting so hard.]

[The host needs to update the device? This picture is so dark.]

[Handsome gift to anchor 1314 Lollipop X5—today is the day when Naimoto shells out his shells. Let’s take a look. I hope Yibao can sing a birthday song. ] Seeing more and more people in the live broadcast room, Shangyi smiled at the camera, said hello, then cleared her throat and started playing music.