Handsome to the Point of Death

Chapter 67: Short-lived pocket watch essence 2


If you asked Shang Yi and his classmates to watch, they would not associate the little beauty with a sweet smile and roving eyes in the live broadcast in front of her with the cowardly and bookish Shang Yi who is usually introverted.

Just taking off his glasses and letting his hair down, his whole person suddenly looks much brighter.

But Xu Zhi knew that this change was due to Shangyi's love for music. These two short hours were probably the most relaxing time of her day. She was confident and shining, and when she smiled, there were two small dimples. Zhang can only be counted as a face with a lot of points.

Shangyi is just one of the thousands of anchors on the EE platform, and she has not even signed a contract. There are very few real fans, but she also has her own characteristics. When most viewers are used to watching the charming and enchanting female anchors on the platform, Suddenly, a fresh and beautiful student girl appeared, especially a good singer, and she was willing to stay a little longer.

But just for a while, many tourists will leave because they are too boring.

Pure singing, one song after another, without even a few words of interaction, who wants to waste time? It's good for the little beauty to take a look at it. If you really want to listen to the song, it's better to listen to the original song!

Therefore, because of this reason, even though Shangyi has been the host for more than a year, the fan value is only worth 6,000, and the money earned can only barely support the living except for the tuition fee.

Showing curves, being cute, and coaxing people are the way of life for most Internet anchors today, but Shangyi doesn't take this path. From the beginning, EE was just a singing platform for her.

When the accompaniment sounded, Shang Yi closed her eyes and began to sing a nice lyric song she discovered recently.

[Yibao's voice is still so beautiful, ethereal and quiet, I love it to death]

[This is a new song? song name!]

[Bajue Tianxia gave the anchor 66 lollipops X3]

[I don’t eat green onions and give the host 188 lollipops]

Overlord the world, I don’t eat green onions and Shuai is known as the Iron Triangle of local tyrants among Shangyi fans, and has long dominated the top three fans. Seeing these IDs, Shangyi was grateful and finished the first song seriously Song, only to open my mouth to thank.

However, she still remembered that today was Shuai's birthday, so she coughed lightly twice, and then sang the birthday song.

"Happy birthday to you~Happy birthday to you...Happy birthday to Shuaishuai." Shangyi's eyebrows and eyes were curved, and the rare tilt of her head made her cute, attracting flowers on the screen.

After a while, Shangyi's throat was a little dry. She picked up the water glass on the table, and just took a sip, when she saw a handsome face appearing defenselessly above the computer. The other person bent over, imitating her He tilted his head and winked at her.

Shang Yi couldn't hold back, and sprayed a sip of water on the screen.

The live broadcast room was silent for a few seconds, and then a bunch of bullet screens appeared.

[... Yibao is handsome, are you too excited for today's birthday?]

[Worthy of being my goddess, straightforward and generous!]

[666, a personalized female anchor, Lu Zhuanfan!]

Shangyi struggles to turn her gaze to the bottom right corner of the screen—21:01

"Sorry, I have something to do. It will take a few minutes. Let's listen to the music first." Shang Yi said quickly, then took off the earphones, and hastily dragged the man standing behind the computer in exaggerated and gorgeous clothes to the door of the room.

"A Sen, how many times have I told you that if you suddenly transform, you should stay in the living room first and come in after I finish the live broadcast."

Shang Yi was really scared. Just half a month ago, Asen suddenly turned into a human form during her live broadcast. Although she only showed an arm in front of the camera, she asked her to explain it for a long time, and finally spent an hour. It was because of her cosplay-loving cousin that she got in the way.

She wasn't afraid of how much her live broadcast would be affected. The main reason was that Asen's appearance was too inhuman, with one eye blue and the other purple, and bloodstains on his neck.

Alas, why can't A Sen not fully control his anthropomorphism now

"A Sen, we can't take risks! Have you forgotten the lesson from last time?" Shang Yi was almost the same as her head.

Xu Zhi let her push himself onto the sofa, and replied with an innocent expression: "Forgot."

Shangyi: "..."

Xu Zhi suddenly raised his hand to touch her head with a smile again, and said softly, "Understood, I'll just stay here and not go anywhere, okay?"

Only then did Shangyi breathe a sigh of relief, and realized that she had made too much of a fuss. Seeing him hesitate to speak, she finally just hummed and went to the live broadcast again.

Behind her, Xu Zhi restrained his smile a little bit, and reached out to touch the bulging red lines on his neck.

Would he really just sit still

Give me a break.

Such an adult figure can only be maintained for less than an hour a day, and it would be too wasteful not to disturb the plot.

The plot of this world is very special to Xu Zhi, especially because he is not even a cannon fodder in his identity. To be precise, he is an invisible cannon fodder who has never officially appeared on the scene. The host, Shang Yi, is also a small supporting role in the plot.

"Extreme Killing" - the name of this novel, the protagonist Ye Huai, yes, he is the man who currently lives across from Shang Yi's house. The first twenty years of his life can be regarded as tragedy. My sister depended on each other and lived hard. When I was sixteen years old, I witnessed my sister being gang-raped to death. In desperation, she aroused supernatural powers, and was found to have entered the national organization with special supernatural powers—the dragon group. She became the leader of the dragon group step by step and led the dragon group once. The mission was completed perfectly for the first time, and he also had a beautiful girlfriend. The tragic memory of the boy was gradually buried in his heart, and Ye Huai cherished the fulfilling life now very much.

However, the good times didn't last long.

Taking the blame, framing him, becoming a victim of power, and finally his girlfriend Dora's betrayal successfully defeated his originally tough mind.

Ye Huai suddenly didn't understand what was the meaning of his life in this world.

After recovering his life by chance, Ye Huai didn't have the courage to end his own life, so he hid in the corner of this small town with his anonymity, and lived in chaos with wine every day.

At this time, the appearance of Shang Yi, a female high school student, with her warm smile and sincere care, became the only ray of sunshine in his dark world, melting his frozen heart day by day.

However, misfortune struck again.

Before Ye Huai could rekindle the hope of life, Shang Yi died.

Died at the hands of a psychotic stalker.

As I said before, Shangyi works part-time as a live webcaster, and this stalker is a fan of hers. Because he suspected that she had a boyfriend, he followed the clues to find Shangyi's address, and then on her way home from school, he stalked her. She brutally killed.

Shangyi's death became the last straw that crushed Ye Huai. He no longer believed in anyone, friends, love, or humanity. Shangyi was his last salvation. Huai completely embarked on the path of anti-society and anti-humanity.

Kill, become stronger, kill, become stronger...

Stepping on the blood of countless human heads, he ascended the throne as the Emperor of the Night!

at last-

Destroy the world!

This novel, in the final analysis, is a history of the ultimate villain's growth from bloody darkness to no three views and no lower limit, and the role played by Xu Zhi is just a pocket watch that was forced to dissipate due to the death of its owner when it just developed self-awareness Refined.

Its body is a precious pocket watch handed down from generation to generation by Shangyi's family. In Shangyi's hands, just like most novels, she accidentally cut her hand, blood dripped on the pocket watch, and the contract was automatically generated. Nurturing him with blood makes him stronger.

The bloody lines on Xu Zhi's neck are the witness of the contract.

After watching the plot, Xu Zhi suddenly thought, if Shang Yi continued to grow up, she would be a proper template for the protagonist. Both parents died, she was strong and hardworking, the mysterious energy contained in her blood, and a loyal servant who grew up... Unfortunately, in Ye Huai Under the halo of life, the only way to achieve a plot turning point is to sacrifice oneself.

Rather than saying that this mission is to let the pocket watch spirit Asen survive the catastrophe, it is better to say that it is to let Shangyi survive the catastrophe.

A perverted stalker is not too much trouble to solve, but getting in touch with Ye Huai is like being bound to an indeterminate time bomb, who doesn't know when it will blow everything around him to pieces.

And what Xu Zhi has to do is to race against the plot and extinguish all fuses.

Opening the door, only the street lights on the side of the road flickered in the night, and Ye Huai's residence opposite was pitch black and eerily quiet.

Xu Zhi's eyes flashed, and his tall body instantly shrank to the size of a normal palm. He spread the two thin wings on his back, and flew in through the window of Ye Huai's house.

A strong smell of alcohol came over his face, and with his good night vision ability, Xu Zhi could clearly see everything in the house.

Messy, dirty, crooked tables and chairs, torn sofas, garbage debris all over the floor, and... that half-human, half-beast golden-haired monster that was dying and leaning on the sofa.

In the silence of the room, only the sound of Jin Mao's heavy breathing was heard, as his chest rose and fell, as if he had exhausted all his strength.


It has to be said that even in the state of exhaustion, the protagonist Ye Huai's vigilance is still top-notch. Almost the second after Xu Zhi took a breath, he shouted, a pair of animal pupils glowing with a strange green light were extremely accurate. shoot over.

Followed by two green shock waves shot out of his eyes, carrying huge energy, Xu Zhi lightly dodged to the right and dodged.

The two beams of light pierced straight through the wall, even emitting smoke, making a "sizzling" electrical sound.

Xu Zhi returned to his adult form, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Ye Huai who was tense all over with a flash of interest in his eyes.

"Tsk tsk, what an amazing destructive power."