Handsome to the Point of Death

Chapter 71: Essence of short-lived pocket watch 6 (End)


Outside the door was Ye Huai who had disappeared for several months.

He passed through the old town, hesitated for a long time, and decided to come to say a formal farewell to the girl who had warmed his pale years in his memory—well, he admitted, he just wanted to see her again, just a glance.

He knocked on the door, but there was no response. He was feeling a bit lost, when suddenly the door creaked open, and Shang Yi, who was unconscious on the bed, suddenly appeared in his sight.

Ye Huai was startled, and before he had time to think about why the door opened automatically, he strode forward anxiously, and said in a broken voice, "Shangyi! Shangyi! Wake up!"

Putting his hand on the other party's forehead, Ye Huai frowned, picked up Shang Yi and walked out the door, preparing to go to the nearest hospital.

The hospital is actually not far away, but Shangyi's family lives in a rather remote alley, and it took a long way to see a top. Looking at Shangyi's pale face in his arms, Ye Huai walked more and more anxiously, with the forehead on his forehead. His broken hair was wet with sweat, and he kept praying in his heart, when he suddenly felt a movement in his arms, and looked down, Shangyi was opening his eyes, looking at him pleadingly: "Brother Ye, I'm fine, I don't need to go to the hospital."

Seeing her sober, Ye Huai breathed a sigh of relief, and after thinking about it, he said: "Your state... you should go to the hospital to check your insurance."

"I said it! I'm not going to the hospital!!"

This loud roar seemed to exhaust all Shangyi's strength, and her face was flushed.

Ye Huai paused.

Shangyi's volume has never been so high, it has always been soft and soft, as if she will never lose her temper.

In the end, Ye Huai compromised, he sighed, and took him home again.

There is a reason for Shangyi not wanting to go to the hospital. If she could, she would never want to step into that place again in her whole life, that kind of place full of disinfectant and carrying countless painful days and nights of her parents.

But she immediately felt extremely guilty. Brother Ye came back with great difficulty, and he was kind enough to worry about his body, yet she even yelled at him impolitely.

So Shang Yi regained her breath, and immediately apologized and thanked her sincerely. Ye Huai expressed that she didn't care, but she was still worried, and asked about her recent physical condition.

Shang Yi didn't care about it, but said: "I'm really fine, maybe it's because I haven't had enough sleep recently, and the final exam is coming, so the pressure is a bit high, right? Well, maybe there's also the reason for donating blood yesterday? Just rest and rest!"

As she spoke, a smile appeared on her face. The two small dimples on her cheeks were shallow, and her eyes were shining brightly, which was enough to show that she had recovered. Ye Huai finally relaxed completely, with a serious warning on her face: "Even if you want to The exam is over, don't force yourself to study too much, you have to combine work and rest, understand?"

Shangyi's heart warmed up, and she nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "Understood, understood!"

Shangyi was lying on the bed, Ye Huai moved a chair and sat next to her, and Xu Zhi in the elf state was also sitting on the roll of paper on the bedside table, quietly watching them talking, Ye Huai couldn't see him, Shang Yi could see it, and even blinked at Ye Huai while he was not paying attention.

The atmosphere between the two is very warm, but the conversation is very boring—at least for Xu Zhi, one is racking his brains to make up some interesting travel stories that don't exist, and the other is talking about (other people's) campus fun, both of them If you want the other person to feel that your life is fulfilling, in a way, these two are really a good match.

Xu Zhi turned his face and began to look at the protagonist of the world who was about to open a new instance. Well, he has a calm demeanor, firm eyes, and the sharp aura that was once exposed has been well hidden. It seems that he has made great progress in the past few months. Big, the only pity is that this tattered gray-black hooded coat, thick beard, and messy hair abruptly turned a young man in his early twenties into a vicissitudes uncle in his thirties.

At this moment, looking at the bunches of miscellaneous hairs in different directions dangling in front of his eyes, Xu Zhi was afraid that if he couldn't control himself, he would draw his sword and fly up, and they would be cut off by others, so he could only force himself to look away.

Then, he accurately captured the suspicious figure flashing by the window.

Xu Zhi's eyes were fixed, and he flew up at a high speed. He swept his eyes, but found nothing. The figure disappeared like a hallucination.

When he returned to Shangyi with a sullen face, the conversation between the two in the room had come to an end. Ye Huai finally remembered that the purpose of his trip was not to chat about old times, but a simple goodbye, never to see each other again.

He avoided many eyeliners and came here quietly, and if he stayed for another second, the risk would increase by one point.

Now half of his body has sunk into the darkness, and he can't even protect himself. He can't selfishly drag Shangyi into it. A pure and lovely girl like her should live in the sun and smile wantonly.

... She shouldn't be, and can't be, his salvation.

He has become a willing slave to darkness.

But Shangyi couldn't hear his painful heart, but couldn't hide her loss and said: "I... got it, Brother Ye, I will graduate in the future, can I visit you?"

Ye Huai didn't answer, just smiled and patted her head, saying, "Take care of yourself."

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the door.

"Brother Ye!" Shang Yi stopped him from behind and said, "You haven't told me where your new home is yet!"

"Home..." Ye Huai's eyes suddenly became a little dazed, and he smiled self-deprecatingly: "The sea of flowers, the sea of roses."

Before Shangyi could respond, he left without a trace of nostalgia.

"It's really gone..." Shangyi murmured, "It's so sad."

Although the elder brother of the neighbor has only been with her for less than a year, Shang Yi almost regards him as her own brother in her heart-this may be attributed to the protagonist's strong personality charm, but the relationship between the two parties is real. .

Moreover, Ye Huai is still a rare antique in the world who never uses social networking software, and even changes his mobile phone number frequently. After leaving, there is really no intersection.

Xu Zhi glanced at her, and said calmly, "If you want to cry, don't hold back."

"I didn't cry!" Shangyi rubbed her red eyes, then she got off the bed in a daze, and while preparing lunch, she thought to herself: "I don't know how to leave after eating. On weekends, I even bought spare ribs, well, let me think about it, should it be steamed or braised... "

Shangyi still cried in the end, crying under the quilt.

The final exam of R high school came as scheduled, and Shang Yi's efforts were rewarded. She not only firmly occupied the first place in the grade, but also won the principal's scholarship. However, Shang Yi did not relax, because soon, she was promoted to After passing the third year of high school, I faced the major challenge of my student life-the college entrance examination.

In an increasingly tense atmosphere, with books and exercises piled up on the table as high as a mountain, Xu Zhi watched Shangyi lose weight day by day, and sometimes even fell asleep on her stomach while writing. He persuaded Shangyi not to do this She was desperate, but Shang Yi, who was always easy to talk, was extremely stubborn, and she just kept repeating: "I want to be admitted to D University! Definitely!"

In the end, Xu Zhi could only silently stand behind her, supporting and encouraging her.

And two months before the college entrance examination, he finally received a notification that the system task was completed. Without hesitation, Xu Zhi chose to stay, at least to witness with his own eyes that this hard-working girl entered the ideal university in his heart.

If we talk about these days, for Shangyi, apart from studying, there is something special, it is probably because she has a good impression of Chen Lingjun in the class who is constantly up and up, not only delivering milk to her every day, but also taking care of herself The force of power suppressed the noisy bad guys in the class, and its power was even more terrifying than that of the dean. It successfully created a good learning atmosphere for all the top students.

Shang Yi is grateful.

So when Chen Lingjun took some basic questions to ask her, the first grader in the grade, Shang Yi patiently explained every word, trying to make it easy to understand, even if she wanted to use it twice in a minute.

After a long time, the two became acquainted, so there was a scene that stunned Chen Lingjun and his younger brothers.

They are majestic and mean-spirited. Sister Chen, who has always been leading the fashion trend of R, is actually well-dressed, with a few brand-new textbooks in her arms, holding hands with the bookworm Shang Yi, and going to draw pictures! Book! Pavilion! since! habit! up!

Among them, the number one younger brother Fei Cheng was particularly distressed: beauty misleads people! Sister Chen, wake up! The pure love route is really not suitable for you! real!

Sister Chen nodded and said: Get out of here!

If there is one good thing about R high, it is probably the third year of senior high school, which is popular in major high schools. It follows the party closely. When it comes to legal holidays, it must not miss a day, even if it is less than an hour. The holidays are strictly given. Strict and solid, it can be called the conscience of the industry.

But for student Shang Yi, the quasi-study god, this just moved the place of study from the classroom to the library, and along the way, brought along a scumbag, Chen Lingjun.

Oh, by the way, and her legendary cosplay-loving cousin.

Xu Zhi has now been able to control the time of his transformation. Although it still can't last long, it is still feasible to save energy and go to the library to read books for an afternoon.

And Chen Lingjun faced this cousin Shamat who suddenly appeared with a nose and a face, no matter how handsome he was, he couldn't disturb her and Shang Yi's time together! But fortunately, the other party has good eyesight, and when they enter the library, they just look at their own, and they basically don't come together.

Shakespeare once said that books are the nourishment of the whole world. Xu now feels that this sentence is quite reasonable. At least as an instrument spirit that does not need to eat, he has experienced so many lives and read countless books. I was reading a science fiction novel with relish, so that I was separated from the vast fantasy world, and the clock had pointed to seven o'clock in the evening.

He turned to look sideways, and sure enough, he saw that Shangyi was lying on the table, and she seemed to be in a deep sleep.

At first, Chen Lingjun saw that she was too tired, so he wanted to let Shangyi sleep more, so he didn't have the heart to wake her up, but now, looking at the time, she could only push her arm, and then moved closer to her ear Said: "Wake up! Xiaoyi."

However, she soon realized that something was wrong, no matter how she shook it or how she said it, Shang Yi didn't even move her eyelids!

Xu Zhi came over, took a look at the situation, and without a word, he picked him up and strode out.

Chen Lingjun had no choice but to follow step by step, and said worriedly: "Xiaoyi seems to be getting more and more lethargic, does she stay up late to study every night? And her complexion is very bad during this time, or... send her to the hospital for a look ?”

Xu Zhi frowned imperceptibly. No one knew Shangyi's routine better than him. Recently, not only did he not stay up late, but he slept longer and longer, and sometimes he even had to work hard to wake up.

— This is not normal anymore.

Thinking of Shangyi's rejection of the hospital, Xu Zhi hesitated for a while, but heeded Chen Lingjun's advice and sent her to the hospital.

No one expected that Shangyi fell asleep and did not wake up until three days later.

The strange thing is that the results of the hospital's examination showed that all her physical indicators were normal—except for a little anemia.

In front of the hospital bed, Chen Lingjun held Shangyi's hand and stared blankly at her, suddenly felt the presence of someone beside her, she didn't need to look back, she also knew that it was Shangyi's cousin who suddenly disappeared and appeared again.

"Do you know what they said? They actually said that Xiaoyi didn't want to wake up! Haha, it's so funny, Xiaoyi is still thinking about the college entrance examination! A bunch of quack doctors!" Chen Lingjun said hoarsely.

Xu Zhi looked at Shangyi's An Ning face in her sleep, and remained silent.

It seems that Shangyi's lethargy state, after careful investigation, started when she was about to enter the third year of high school, and then became more and more serious.

And during that time, other than teachers and classmates, she came into contact with...

Ye Huai.

That day Shangyi suddenly fell into a coma, the shadows flashing by outside the window, the sea of flowers in Ye Huai's mouth, the sea of roses...

Putting all these together in the context of the plot, Xu Zhi thought, he seemed to have found the answer.

Shangyi was indeed not sick, because she was cursed by a crazy woman.

Dora, Ye Huai's ex-girlfriend, a curse-type supernatural being.

And Huahai represents the place where she and Ye Huai first met.

This is a sea of fiery red flowers. Among the flowers are swarms of bees and dancing butterflies. The sun pours down and coats the gorgeous rose petals with a layer of holy golden light. The flowers sway in the breeze, exuding There are bursts of fragrance, and it freezes into an intoxicating picture.

Therefore, in such a dazzling sea of flowers, a woman screaming hysterically seemed to spoil the atmosphere.

"Ye Huai! Why are you still alive! Why don't you die! Your existence is a mistake! Shame!" Dora's facial muscles twitched crazily, and her eyes were covered with a black cloth—that was what she cursed that woman The price, even though her hands were firmly tied behind her back, she still struggled hard and spoke incoherently. She didn't calm down until Xu Zhi next to her grabbed her neck with a cold expression, and said nervously and intermittently: "You... want to save that woman ?Okay... Let me tell you, the curse can only be lifted by the heart and soul of blood relatives, and she... ha, is an orphan... "

"...she will die, without pain, in her sleep..." Her voice gradually sank, and she suddenly pointed in Ye Huai's direction accurately, showing a sinister smile.

Ye Huai looked at her silently.

With a "click", Xu Zhi broke her neck.

Ye Huai stood up abruptly, looked at the smile on Dora's crooked face, was stunned for a second, then clenched his fists suddenly, and rushed towards Xu Zhi.

Xu Zhi's figure flicked, and with a puff, the rapier in his hand pierced Ye Huai's left shoulder.

"A little gift." Xu Zhi turned his head and smiled, "You're welcome."

He was really right, this woman should have been dealt with by the protagonist, since he is soft-hearted, he should do her a favor.

Ye Huai squatted on the ground covering his shoulders, growling, his muscles began to swell, and the golden light enveloped him.

But before he finished his transformation, Xu Zhi disappeared into a sea of flowers.

—His time is very precious.

"Ding! Warning! The host has no right to damage the body of the mission! Warning!"

"The task has been completed, isn't it?" Xu Zhi narrowed his eyes and took out a silver knife, "Since the judgment is completed, it doesn't matter to you whether this body exists or not."

The system seemed to be persuaded and fell silent.

Xu Zhi stabbed into his chest without changing his face, the bright red blood stained his palm, and dripped on the floor, making a "tick" sound.

"Drip, command query... No relevant information."

"Drip, the judge FJ160 system is being connected... The connection is successful."

"Xu Zhi! Do you know what you're doing?! How dare you take advantage of the system!" A man's angry voice rang in his ears.

If he hadn't happened to be patrolling, he would have almost been fooled by this human being!

Xu Zhi raised his eyebrows, hey, the system judge? It's a bit of a novelty.

"I'm willing." Due to excessive blood loss, his lips quickly turned white, and his voice was a little unstable.

"Are you worth it for a virtual character?" The man calmed down and tried to convince him.

"I'm her only relative."

The man was silent for a moment, then said coldly: "Then I will officially inform you that the next world will be your punishment for your mistakes."

Xu Zhi could feel the beating of his heart, and he slowly smiled, with a bit of sarcasm, a bit of relief, and a weird smile of anticipation.

Only he himself understands.

This is for her, but also for myself.

He didn't want to make himself really a cold machine.

He is tired of traveling through time and space without end, but he can only choose to keep his reason and move on.

Occasionally... just occasionally, let him be willful once in a while.

Punish the world

Should be very exciting, right


Shang Yi suddenly opened her eyes, the sunlight slanting in from the window made her narrow her eyes in discomfort, Chen Lingjun beside the bed was awakened by her movement, her haggard face was instantly filled with joy, she hugged him Shangyi's throat was a little choked: "Xiaoyi, you're awake."

"Lingjun..." Shang Yi hugged her back in a daze, and suddenly became excited: "A Sen! Where is my A Sen!"

She pushed Chen Lingjun away, hurriedly touched her neck, and then looked down.

Time... stands still.

As if a century had passed, Shang Yi suddenly hugged Chen Lingjun tightly.

Tears fell like rain.