Handsome to the Point of Death

Chapter 8: The short-lived prisoner 2


Now that the plot of the original book has progressed to the point where Dyson has gradually developed true feelings for Master Wu, only to find that Master Wu is still secretly keeping Duan Xi alive, so the loyal dog has entered the countdown to blackening, and Duan Xi has also entered the countdown to the dog leash.

The two protagonists in the original book, including some supporting characters in the prison, are difficult to deal with. In order to complete this task, apart from spending four years in this prison, it is necessary to prepare for the escape in advance. Undoubtedly, although the second choice is very risky, Xu Zhi still chooses the latter compared to facing the threat of missing hands and broken legs all the time for four years.

Xu Zhi has always been a man with strong mobility. After recovering from his injuries, he began to use all kinds of time to quietly observe the layout of the prison.

After many investigations and information collection, Xu Zhi had a preliminary understanding of the prison.

This is a prison built on an overseas isolated island. There is a layer of high-voltage power grid on the outside. The interior is divided into two areas: the front and the back. The rear area is the prison guard's dormitory, interrogation room and medical room. There are many sentry posts around the island, and prison guards equipped with guns are stationed in turn. Once a prisoner is found to go out of the prescribed range, he will be shot and killed.

To sum up, this is by no means an ordinary prison, and the possibility of a successful escape is almost equal to zero.

Xu Zhi carefully recalled the plot, and found that most of it described the protagonist's tortuous mental journey and intense bed exercises. Regarding the background of this prison, and how Dyson escaped successfully, even why Fu Chuwu entered this prison All the prisons are covered in a few obscure strokes.

However, an important figure is also mentioned in the book—Wang Hongyi. It was because of cooperation with him that Dyson escaped successfully.

Wang Hongyi... Xu Zhi silently wrote down the name.

During the period when Xu Zhi was recovering from his injuries, Dyson hadn't made any moves against him because he was still struggling with his feelings in the early stage of blackening. The strong brother who usually bullies Duan Xi most ruthlessly was recently locked up for committing a crime. Although the others They looked down on Duan Xi, and mostly insulted him with their mouths. Occasionally, some people wanted to vent their anger on him, but Xu Zhi retaliated.

After stumbling like this, the injuries on his body were finally almost healed, and Xu Zhi also breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise, if he encountered a situation of being surrounded and beaten again, even if he specially practiced some Sanda moves in his previous life, his thin body would not be able to perform them.


Every afternoon, the prisoners have to carry stones back and forth under the supervision of the prison guards, which consumes a lot of energy. After the dinner time in the cafeteria, the shower room will be opened on time, allowing the prisoners to take a good shower and wash away some of the sweaty smell of the day. .

But while for some, the time in the shower is the height of their day, for others, it's disaster.

In order to avoid the rush hour, Xu Zhi went to the canteen every time, and went to the shower room after eating slowly. At that time, a group of people there had already left, and there was no need to squeeze into a cubicle with others. .

As soon as he walked into the shower room, a steam mixed with a few traces of peculiar smell rushed towards his face. He heard men laughing and screaming occasionally. Xu Zhi went through without looking sideways and found an empty room in the corner. In the cubicle, just as he was about to unscrew the shower, he suddenly heard a scream not far away.

"... um... ah! Don't!"

The voice sounded like a young man's immature, somewhat familiar, Xu Zhi suddenly frowned, and walked in the direction of the voice with his long legs.

Diagonally opposite, in a narrow compartment, two tall and strong men surrounded a boy who looked only eighteen or nineteen years old. One of them picked up the boy and put him on his body, his waist was moving fiercely, the other One turned his back to the outside, holding the thing between his legs and was about to stuff it into the boy's whining mouth.

Seeing this, the young man shut his mouth tightly. The man was upset, so he slapped him and said, "Be honest, boy, and you will have a better life in the future." Seeing that the young man just shook his head with tears in his eyes, the man Getting a little angry, he forcefully opened his mouth with one hand, and said, "Don't you still think about that trash Duan Xi? He—"

Before the man finished speaking, he heard a voice that was so cold that it sounded from behind.

"Who do you call trash?"

The voice seemed to be quenched by ice, and it made people suddenly feel a sense of coolness. The man was so excited that the vigorous dick under his crotch almost softened. With a contemptuous smile, the movements became more rapid and fierce. The boy Deng Yidi saw Duan Xi suddenly appear, his face flushed, and he was about to say something, but because of the movement behind him, he could only clenched his teeth, not letting the shameful voice Leak out.

"Hey, Cao Cao Cao Cao is here. Duan Xiaobailian is not satisfied with the fifth master. Lonely, he came here to find comfort with his brothers? Look at Xiaodi, it's very cool." The man in front turned around. While talking, he swept his sticky eyes back and forth at the naked, slender, white body in front of him.

Because of these days of self-cultivation, Xu Zhi's body has recovered a lot, and his physique has become solid again. Coupled with his skin that can't be tanned at all, in the hazy mist, it really brings people the enjoyment of beauty full of masculine charm.

The man couldn't help swallowing his saliva, thinking to himself, no wonder Fifth Master has endured this kid for so long, this figure, this face, is simply a stunner...

Xu Zhi clenched his fists and said coldly, "Get lost."

The man chuckled, "I didn't want to touch you at first, but since you delivered it yourself, then—"

A heavy punch unexpectedly hit the man on the right side of the face, so powerful that he staggered back a few steps, covering his swollen face, the man's lewd smile became ferocious in a second, he squeezed Clenching his fists, he said angrily, "Okay, you kid don't know—"

However, Xu Zhi didn't have any interest in listening to his opening remarks, so he grabbed him and dragged him out of the cubicle, and kicked him out with a flying kick. The man was hit hard against the wall with a "bang" sound , Feeling as if his bones were shattered, he stared blankly at the man who seemed to be a different man with fierce skills, the little brother completely softened.

The people around heard the movement and looked this way, and saw that not long after, the tattooed man was also thrown out with a bruised nose and a swollen face from Duan Xi's beating.

In the end, Xu Zhi strode out of the shower room holding Deng Yidi in his arms under the eyes of all kinds of eyes.

All those who were lucky enough to see this scene felt a huge coercion, while reminding themselves not to provoke this person in the future, while feeling the pain of their little brother.


At night, after seeing off the prison guard on duty with a meaningful face, Xu Zhi lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze for a while, and was about to close his eyes and go to sleep, when a man walked up to his bedside without saying a word, just watched silently. with him.

Xu Zhi turned over, raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked in a chat, "What's the matter?"

When Deng Yidi heard him speak, his round eyes burst into tears uncontrollably, thinking of what happened this afternoon, he felt both ashamed and a little sweet, he wiped his eyes carelessly, and his voice trembled: "Brother Xi, thank you for today. "

Xu Zhi hummed, raised his hand and rubbed his curly hair, although there was no expression on his face, his voice was a little gentle: "Go to sleep."

"Brother Xi, me, can I follow you in the future?"

Seeing the anxious and expectant big eyes of the young man in front of him, Xu Zhi paused, and finally nodded slightly.

Deng Yidi immediately touched his head and couldn't help but giggle.

Until lying on the bed, he was immersed in happiness, Brother Xi saved me! Brother Xi touched my head! Brother Xi promised to let me follow! Brother Xi is so handsome in fighting! Brother Xi's voice is simply amazing! And... Brother Xi has a really good figure!

Thinking about it, he even ignored the pain on his body, and his mind was full of imagination about future happiness.


The next day, after working all morning, Xu Zhi came to the cafeteria on time, followed by the pissed Deng Yidi.

After having a younger brother (Xiao Di), he didn't have to queue up to pick up the meal himself. Xiao Di took his number plate and took the initiative to help him line up.

Lunch is a simple meal with one dish and one soup, and those who come early can get an apple. Today, Xiao Di was lucky and just got the last two apples, and handed them to Xu Zhi happily, begging for praise.

This was the first time Xu Zhi ate fruit here, and he gave Xiaodi a look of approval, put one of them in his bowl, and began to eat in a leisurely manner.

Xiao Di: Boss is so caring! move!

It was originally a pleasant meal, but the sudden appearance of a person broke the atmosphere.

Xu Zhi looked at Xiaodi's maliciously sprayed face and the apple rolled on the ground, and slowly turned his gaze to Bald Qiang, who was laughing wildly beside him, a pair of black eyes gradually brewed a storm.


The bald man didn't hear it, and smiled to himself: "Haha, brother Qiang, I've only been away for a few days? You kid has a good life, how about it, lick the food off his face, uncle this time let you go."

"One last time, get out now."

Bald Qiang suddenly felt that something was wrong. Usually when he bullied Duan Xi like this, there should have been a circle of people laughing around him, but now he just sat obediently, without even looking this way.

But before he could figure it out, Xu Zhi suddenly grabbed his hand on Deng Yidi's shoulder like lightning and pressed it on the table. He squeezed his middle finger with both fingers and folded it. With a "click", the painful bald man cried out. Thinking about withdrawing his hand, he found that the opponent's strength was astonishing.

There was another "click", and the bone of his little finger was also broken.

The bald-headed old man vigorously pulled out his hand, raised his foot and wanted to greet his stomach, but the other party moved faster than him, raised his leg and kicked him in the face with a cool horizontal kick, making him cover his face and hit his butt. on the ground.

Guang had a terrible headache and begged for mercy for a while: "I'm going to go, I'm going to go..." Then he turned around and wanted to run.


The bald head froze.

"Can't you understand human language? I said 'get lost'."