Handsome to the Point of Death

Chapter 84: Short-lived blood 5



"You can actually see my face!!"

The woman's eyes were burning with anger, and the kitchen knife in her hand slashed at Xu Zhi viciously.

Xu Zhi turned sideways quickly, and the blade swept against his sportswear, creating a gust of icy air. Then he took a step back and kicked the woman's abdomen forcefully.

With this kick, Xu Zhi immediately found that the power of the blood race in his body was suppressed at some point. His strength was less than one-tenth of the usual strength, but it was strong enough to deal with an ordinary adult. Unfortunately, the one in front of him was not ordinary. People, or rather, not even people.

One of his legs completely pierced through the woman's lower abdomen, lifting layers of carrion there. The woman's face was ferocious, as if she was unconscious, she continued to rush forward without stopping.

Xu Zhi gritted his teeth, strangled the woman's neck with one hand, and grabbed the kitchen knife from her with the other.

At this time, the woman was almost attached to Xu Zhi's body. She opened her mouth, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth, and her whole body exuded a strong smell of corpses. Following her movements, the meat flung onto Xu Zhi's coat.

Xu Zhi frowned, and had an estimate of this woman's strength in his heart. He needed to rely on illusion to confuse people into a trap. While thinking, he slashed at the woman's neck with a knife.

In the next second, blood gushed out, and the woman's head rolled to the ground.

But even so, the headless corpse in front of Xu Zhi's eyes only stiffened for a moment, and then writhed even more frantically.

Even the woman's head still had its eyes open, staring at him resentfully, and kept giggling.

"You can't escape...you saw my face..."

"Heh," Xu Zhi also laughed, wiped off the blood splashed on his face, grabbed the headless corpse with both hands, and suddenly threw it at the woman's head.


One after another, until the head was completely turned into a puddle of sticky flesh by him, and he couldn't even make a hum, he let go of the twitching headless corpse.

Xu Zhi squinted his eyes and looked down. The smashed and smashed thing was slowly wriggling on the ground, trying to climb up his trouser legs. It was obviously full of vitality, and it was still alive after reaching this point.

Suddenly, as if he had discovered something, he squatted down, hesitated for a moment, and stretched out his hand to feel in the lump of flesh and blood.

Touching a warm object with the fingertips, the thought was true, and then he took it out and took it out.

At the same time, the squirming chunks of flesh and the twitching headless corpse completely stopped.

The house finally returned to silence, only the bloodstains all over the house proved: this is a veritable haunted house.

When he walked to the kitchen, he was shocked by the stumped limbs and viscera all over the floor, but it was hard to feel sick anymore, and he rinsed the things in his hands expressionlessly, revealing its original appearance.

The other half of the blood jade.

Rubbing the blood jade with his fingertips, Xu Zhi's expression was solemn, but he was not too surprised.

This thing was glowing red, and on its transparent surface, there was also a hideous, spiteful and cold face.

The woman gritted her teeth and made an intermittent small voice:

"I... want to eat... eat you..."

"Tsk," Xu Zhi was a little surprised and had a headache, "If you're like this, you won't be killed. Your life is hard enough."

For a moment, he couldn't think of any way to deal with the evil spirit attached to this mysterious blood jade, so he planned to leave here before making further plans.

As soon as he walked out of the kitchen, Xu Zhi suddenly felt a strange aura, and immediately became vigilant, a gleam of red light flashed in his eyes—since he got this half of the blood jade, his vampire power has been restored to its original state.

"Don't be nervous," the person leaning against the wall looked up and smiled slightly, "I'm just here to make a deal."

It was a young man in his twenties, with a pure oriental face, tall and thin, with his back slightly arched, standing there with his arms folded, the corners of his mouth curled up, his eyes long and narrow, and a smile that didn't reach his eyes .

This man is very strong.

Almost from the first time he saw him, Xu Zhi had this cognition in his mind.

This is an innate sensitivity to the same kind.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and the young man didn't seem to explain why he suddenly appeared, but just looked at him and said: "I want that piece of jade in your hand..."

Xu Zhi's face turned cold, and when he was about to speak, he heard the next sentence after a deliberate pause: "... the soul inside."

"..." Xu Zhi glanced at him expressionlessly, then turned and walked towards the door.

"You have to think clearly," the young man said slowly behind him, "Without me, it would be difficult for you to get that old ghost out."

"It will take at least half a year."

"Maybe it will be up to me in the end."

"It's completely melted into that piece of jade, not to mention it's a cunning ghost that has lived for hundreds of years."

Xu Zhi stopped when he heard this, turned around and said, "How many hundred years has it lived?" Still so stupid

The young man understood what he meant, and replied: "That's because you were lucky, and just happened to encounter its weak period, and it needs to constantly suck human flesh and blood to recover."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

"Honey, open the door, I'm so hungry, I want to eat."

"Mom, open the door, I'm so hungry, I need to eat."

"Sister, open the door, I'm so hungry, I need to eat."

"So, the ones outside are also a group of cunning evil spirits who have lived for hundreds of years?" Xu Zhi raised his eyebrows.

The young man coughed, looked at Xu Zhi with a look of "you really don't know much", and said, "No, those are just a group of younger brothers under him."

"Oh," Xu Zhi nodded, found a fairly clean chair and sat down, Shi Shiran said, "Since I'm just a younger brother, then please ask the master to solve it."

"I'll make a deal with you when it's over."

"..." The young man chuckled twice, pulled out the dagger pinned to his waist and put it on his lips, stuck out his tongue and licked the surface of the knife, his originally upright face suddenly appeared a bit dangerous and gorgeous .

"Okay, since you've asked me so sincerely, then Master Ben will do his best."

After finishing speaking, he walked forward and opened the banging door.

The moment the door opened, a group of undead rushed in.

Whether they were tall or low, short or fat, they all lost their human shapes, and their appearance was appalling. At this moment, they were scrambling to be the first, and rushed forward with claws and claws, as if they had discovered some delicious food, almost drowning the young man.

Old God Xu Zhi was sitting behind him, occasionally kicking back his little brother who had accidentally left the battlefield and bumped into him. He had no intention of going up to help.

Finally, the young man let out a scream:

"Damn! It's killing labor and capital!!"

Being entangled by a group of inhuman and ghost-like things, the stench was suffocating, even though the young man had amazing concentration, he couldn't help but swear.

Hearing his screams, Xu Zhi smiled happily, and said slowly, "Do you need help?"

In the ears of young people, this sentence becomes:

Please, please, I will help you!

Well, that's pretty much what Xu Zhi meant.

—Aren’t you awesome!

The young man gritted his teeth, he didn't care about his image any more, the fighting power under the swell of anger should not be underestimated, not long after, those living dead fell to the ground, twitching and making no sound.

No matter how powerful he is, he is still a human being, and at this moment, all he can do is to breathe. Smelling the stench on his shirt, the young man frowned in disgust, wiped his face, feeling upset, and didn't fake smile at first. out of interest, he directly said bluntly: "Give me the things when you've seen enough, don't force me to grab them!"

Xu Zhi didn't talk nonsense, and threw half of the blood jade into his hand.

The young man took it over and looked at it, then took out a small white porcelain bottle from his arms, closed his eyes, pressed the two fingers of the blood jade to emit an imperceptible fluorescence, caressed it back and forth, and finally accompanied by a woman's scream , a group of black mist was squeezed out from the blood jade, and entered into the porcelain bottle aimed at it.

After finishing all this, the young man seemed relieved, and carefully put the small porcelain bottle into his arms, barely looking at the half blood jade, before throwing it back to Xu Zhi casually.

"Okay, you're welcome." The young man resumed his expression of wanting to smile, glanced at Xu Zhi, raised his foot, and was about to leave. Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he stopped and turned his head: "Ah, yes, It seems that I haven't introduced myself yet, I know you, but you probably don't know me yet?"

He paused, and took another deep look at Xu Zhi: "Remember, Yan Zhao, my name."

Xu Zhi didn't say a word, his black eyes deepened, and he only nodded in response.

It wasn't until the sound of the man's footsteps disappeared outside the door that Xu Zhi looked away, and unconsciously rubbed the fingers holding the blood jade twice.

His feeling was unmistakable, the man was really just going to leave the ghost, but he turned a blind eye to the obviously more mysterious blood jade, and didn't even mention it, excluding the man's poor eyesight, there are only two remaining possible.

Either, this piece of blood jade is really not as attractive to the opponent as that ghost, or even an existence that cannot be avoided, or, this half of the blood jade has lost its value, or it was originally a ghost. a fake.

If it was the latter, Xu Zhi understood that since the black cat led the way, he might have fallen into the trap of others.

It can be said that if Yan Zhao hadn't seen with his own eyes that only half of his strength was left, he would never have easily agreed to make a so-called deal with the other party.

All these, when he just saw a few fresh bloodstains on the palm of Yan Zhao's right hand, he had the answer.

— During the fight with the living dead, Yan Zhao's right hand firmly held the short dagger.

He is the black cat.

The same mystery, the same coming and going.


A black cat quietly jumped out of the window into a clean and tidy bedroom.

In the darkness, it opened a pair of strange eyes and let out a soft cry into the air. The next second, the black cat disappeared out of thin air, replaced by a tall and thin young man.

Yan Zhao took out the small porcelain bottle from his arms, crushed it vigorously, and threw it into the trash can.

His hand was cut, and without frowning, he took out half of a blood jade that was almost identical to the one in Xu Zhi's hand from his pocket, and sneered.

"What kind of A-level tasker, I can solve it by myself, and the group of people in the Academy of Sciences is also true. As for such a big battle?"

After sneering, he always felt as if he had forgotten something. After thinking about it, he suddenly slapped his head and rushed to the bathroom.

"Ah, take a shower, take a shower! It stinks!"