Happy Against Heaven

Chapter 1: 001 last blood


"Kilong Academy, the result of the 356th Talent Test is out!"

On the huge square, a Zhu Yanhefa old man holding a golden scroll in his hand, shouted at the thousands of boys and girls under the square. There were bursts of deafening applause immediately off the court.

"First place: Murong Yuan'er! The talent is worth nine stars! Excellent!"

As the old man's voice sounded, the audience began to look at the red carpet in the center of the square. At this time, a young girl in cyan clothes gradually moved towards the high platform. The girl's immature and pretty face did not show a trace of pride.

With the appearance of the girl, there was a sudden burst of violence in the audience. Whether it was her stunning beauty or her extraordinary talent, everyone present was filled with envy and jealousy.

"This is the fourth year, and her first position has never been replaced!"

"Hehe, of course, she is the second person to reach the 9-star talent value before the age of sixteen since the school was founded 350 years ago. Within two years, she will become the second most talented person in Jilong City in a hundred years. Young people."

"Second place: Yu Xuan! The talent is worth seven stars! Excellent!"

As the old man's voice sounded again, a young man in a white robe waved his hands and walked onto the red blanket with excitement on his face.

Soon he trot to catch up with Murong Yuan'er in front of him, followed closely behind him, and whispered.

But the former didn't pay attention. On the cold pretty face, a pair of big shiny eyes glanced back with disdain, and then speeded up the pace to open the gap with him.

"Third place: Yifeng! Six-star talent! Excellent!"

Soon a handsome young man walked out of the crowd, and he kept up with the two in front of him in a very low-key manner.

"Well, the top three are already seated. According to the regulations of the academy, in order to encourage everyone to work hard and not to be left behind, the worst performers must stand on the podium every year with the top three on the same podium... The number one thousand one hundred and twenty-one is the last one! Ling Feng! Talent is worth one star! Lower!"

When the old man's face read the name, he suddenly stiffened.

In this school, almost all the geniuses of Jilong City are gathered, and the five or six-year-old children at the beginning have to be two stars. Whether you have a wealth of wealth or strong influence, you can't change this hundreds of years of regulations.

But the young Ling Feng in front of him only had one star! Everyone on the square knows that four years ago, this young man, Ling Feng, was a miracle. He reached the nine-star talent value at the age of nine. At the age of eleven, he successfully condensed into the vitality pool of the original and became the founding of the school. The first youngest person in fifty years.

It's a pity that such a brilliant pearl was seriously injured in an assassination. One hundred and ninety-two meridians were broken and became a permanent waste. But no one knew that this assassination killed an energetic young man for eighteen years. Layers of hell, becoming a ridicule and ridiculed by everyone.

The school will not order him to drop out because his previous achievements have brought unprecedented pride to the school. However, at this time of the year, he will become the object of ridicule and ridicule. Stand with the top three geniuses and receive your bottom-to-last "prize".

A black robe boy with a jet black covering his face slowly stepped onto the high platform. No one could see his face and emotions clearly. Only he knew it. The two hands and ten fingers closed in the long sleeves were clenched tightly, and the nails were deeply sinking into the palms. .

"Hey... Once a genius, now a useless person, here, no one will sympathize with you, this is the world of the strong."

"Haha, as expected, he has been ranked No. 1 for four years. This genius has the face to stay in the academy. I am really ashamed..."

The sarcasm from the crowd was like a bayonet being inserted into Ling Feng's heart, breathing slightly.

"Damn! Lao Tzu's dignified Muay Thai master, is it this shame that the soul is reborn on this continent?"

Mother’s warning is not wrong. This continent is a world of strong people. No one will sympathize with oneself. Only strength and rights can be truly respected. Father, I am luckier than you. When I was shining, I was beaten to waste, but you lost your entire nation and dignity. I thought I could get all this back for you, but... If it weren't because my pupils were pitch-black like them, I might have died in that assassination.

Ling Feng raised his head slightly, looking at the dazzling sunlight above the sky, the smile on his face became more bitter. He knew that he was his father's illegitimate child, a real illegitimate prince, and the only emperor bloodline of the Red Eye race.

The lonely figure of the teenager is incompatible with the top three geniuses standing on the right, but the teenager does not feel inferior because of this, because he once stood on the throne of the first place, and it was more grandiose than it is now, and the scene is even more dramatic. Luxury, today's reputation is as illusory as a cloud for him.

"The first prize is a volume of the middle class Yuanqi Gongfa of the teacher's rank."

The old man took out a roll of blue exquisite scrolls from a wooden box bordered with gold, and sent his hands to the jade hand of the girl who won the first prize. The girl led the exquisite scrolls and gently bent over, a pair of blurred Her eyes can't conceal her excitement.

The vitality of the middle class of this division is very precious. For beginners, the higher the practice, the higher your starting point, and it will have endless benefits for your future growth. Everyone under the square was envious and jealous, and couldn't help but look at it more.

"The second place is the first volume of the fire rank superior Yuan Qigong method."

Yu Xuan inadvertently stretched out his hand and took the red scroll held by the old man, but from time to time he glanced at the scroll in the girl's hand, feeling dissatisfied.

The prizes for the first and second place are already one level different in terms of class alone, and they are even higher. How can the difference between the sky and the earth make people calm

"The third place is the first volume of fire rank superior meta skills"

Yifeng, the young man bowed politely and took the purple scroll in his hand with a smile. The old man couldn't help but nodded, showing a slight smile in his gray beard.

Yuan skill is a kind of skill used for combat in this ancient Tan continent.

The old man handed out prizes to the top three respectively, and then quietly walked to Ling Feng's, a pair of piercing eyes stared at Ling Feng's tender cheeks, as if to say something, but did not say anything.

What can he say about the young man who suffered the most cruel blow at the peak of his spirits? Saying anything is a kind of piercing pain.

He knows very well that in this continent, no one will be willing to be the lowest-level little person, how can they try their best to gain dignity and power, and these are all based on your own strength! And this young man has lost even the opportunity to stand up and struggle hard. This is undoubtedly more painful than death, but he has survived for four years...

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