Happy Against Heaven

Chapter 118: 119 Broken Sword!


"You! I won't let you insult me..." Liu Yuemo took out a self-defense dagger from her waist and stabbed her in the lower abdomen without even thinking about it...

"Junior Sister!!!" Liu Tieshan saw this scene and could not care about the pain of breaking his arm, and rushed forward!

"Cut off his other hand too!" shouted the leader.

"Well!!" At this moment the dark horse screamed and rushed towards the crowd. Several mercenaries immediately drew away. At this moment, the dark horse grabbed Liu Tieshan's other arm. Quickly rushed into the shady scene, and the mercenaries behind them also quickly chased out, but their speed was impossible to catch up with the black blood horse, and they quickly gave up.

"Mother! What kind of horse is that! I've hit the beast-trapping rope, and my legs are constantly considered lucky, and I can run so fast!"

"Humph! Let's run away if you escaped, a waste person! It's just a pity that the woman actually committed suicide like this! The brothers didn't taste good!" Several mercenaries walked back, looking at the corpse on the ground. A few kicks.

"Well! Leave her alone, put it in the woods first, and wait for the leader to come and pick up the man in black by himself tomorrow, and then hang it up!" The mercenary who took the lead said coldly.


In the Tyrannical Wolf Hunter's meeting hall, a messenger hurriedly walked in. Zhu Tian, who was not asleep late at night, had been waiting for the news, and his heart suddenly became tense.

"Report leader! Mr. Han! Hanxian's body was found in the woods! He was badly injured, and his neck was smeared with a dagger!" The news mercenary hurried back, without breathing, and said loudly.

As soon as the news came out, Zhu Tian's heart almost exploded. He was so angry that he couldn't speak, his face suddenly paled, and he lost a second-rank mage, his nephew, himself for a swordsmithing shop. Another backer in the future!

"Oh..." After a while in this deadly silent hall, Zhu Tian still couldn't help but anger, and a mouthful of blood came out.

"Boss!..." the surrounding subordinates hurriedly asked caringly, wanting to come over to help, but Zhu Tian waved his hand and stopped.

"Hurry to the Thousand Precise Technology Shop!!" A pair of angry eyes slowly lifted up, opening a mouth still soaked in blood, and shouted! With this sound, the weaker people around him were extremely tight in their chests.

"Damn! Two hours! I don't know if Big Brother Liu and the others are far away now?" Ling Feng didn't know that Liu Tieshan and the others had an accident. Looking at the flaming quarry in the sword-making room, he felt a little bit in his heart. Anxiously.

At this time, Zhu Tian and the others were already riding fast on the road. The empty streets were rushed by by these uninvited guests, causing a lot of sensation. The densely packed horseshoes sounded like a rapid heartbeat. Some civilians who were awakened looked out the window.

"Hey, the child of Qianjing Technology Shop is going to be miserable... This overbearing Zhu Tian! Someone will take care of you one day!" An elderly woman looked at the group of people passing by the window with sad eyes, shaking. He sighed with his head.

"Old lady! Go to sleep! Don't talk nonsense." The wife of the ** yelled and said. The elderly woman shook her head, helplessness and sorrow flashed in her eyes, and she lay back slowly.

Ling Feng didn't sleep all night, two hours were finally over, and the darkest before dawn was ushered in Jiancheng City.

"Damn! It's finally coming out!" Ling Feng used his soul to lift out the stone mold and put it on the ground. Looking at the module excitedly, smiled, his heart couldn't suppress the excitement of opening the mechanism, and it was beating wildly.

Ling Feng raised a big hammer next to him, and the module on the ground smashed down. The hard module was separated and a strange silver-shaped key came out. Ling Feng immediately used his soul power. Put it in the nearest pool for quenching, the hot key entered the pool, making a hissing sound, and emitting a lot of hot smoke.

"Wow! It's complicated!" After a while, I took out the key from the pool. The key is still white and smooth, not like ordinary metal. Once it is quenched, it will be black, and then it needs to be processed. But he didn't need this, Ling Feng felt extremely excited when he held it in his hand, looked at it, and sighed.

"Teacher, I'm going to unlock! Do you want to come out and take a look!" Ling Feng grinned.

"Go on!" Zhuge Yuandao floated out, giving Ling Feng a white look, and said in an unpleasant way. Ling Feng looked at his expression of excitement, and slowly turned the triangle-shaped protrusion in front of the key up.

"Damn, so nervous!"

Ling Feng slowly pushed the key in his hand, feeling the heavy metal feeling between his hands, coupled with the metal-like crash of the key inserted-in, it almost made Ling Feng feel that the mechanism inside was changing. It is even more tense.


The keys were exactly the same, Ling Feng held a heart in his heart and looked at the phantom blankly. After a while, he didn't respond. He couldn't help being frightened and looked at Zhuge Yuandao in shock. Zhuge Yuandao was also silent and silent. .

"Teacher! Isn't it this!? Why hasn't it changed at all?"

Ling Feng's heart couldn't stand it. After so much energy, he didn't respond, and he couldn't help but asked nervously.

"Try to use your soul to dip into the magic thorn from the handle. There is a magic circle in the magic thorn, and it should have a lot of relationship with the mage!" Zhuge Yuandao said calmly.

"Yeah!" Ling Feng nodded heavily, and began to pour the soul power into the palm of his right hand. When he reached the long handle of the magic thorn, the soul power was actually sucked in...

"what!… "

The soul power was inhaled in an instant, so Ling Feng jumped and screamed. At this moment, the entire phantom thorn changed in an instant, and the naked eye could only see the countless combination blocks constantly turning, just like the old numbers. The square ice crystals are jumping, and the surrounding area emits golden mist and mysterious numbers, hoo! In the end, there was only a faint sound of breaking the wind, and the phantom fog disappeared...

"Great sword! It's really a giant sword! Oh my God! It's so beautiful, the world is such a gorgeous giant sword!"

When the phantom fog disappeared, Ling Feng could see the result of the changes in front of him. The silver-white sword body with a wide palm, there was an exquisite totem of a dragon and a phoenix on the sword body! There was a faint cold light on the blade, and it was very sharp at a glance.

"Oh, why is the broken sword! Teacher!" Ling Feng lifted the sword up, let the light of the lantern shine on it, and wanted to admire the totem on the sword, only to find that the end of the sword was a mouthful Yes, without the point of the sword, he was shocked.