Happy Against Heaven

Chapter 19: 019 The heaviest blow


"Huntian Palm!"

Seeing Muronghu and his mother holding hands, Ling Feng immediately flew out and slashed at Muronghu with a fierce palm.

"Smelly boy! Go to hell!" Murong Hu looked like a wind, a touch of anger appeared in his eyes, and he kicked Ling Feng's palm in the air! The powerful vitality suddenly gushed out, and Ling Feng's hand suddenly shook, and was blasted out by the powerful vitality, and fell heavily to the ground, swallowing a mouthful of blood.

"Master!" Xiaoqing screamed when he looked at it, and quickly ran to Ling Feng to help Ling Feng up.

"This kid's palm strength is so great that he can't think that he can't kill him with a kick, but he was offset by palm strength!" Muronghu was secretly surprised.

When Ling Linna saw this, her heart was also anxious, and the rapier in her hand was stabbed fiercely. Muronghu was shocked and immediately stretched out her left hand to clamp the rapier with two fingers!

The palm strength lasted for less than half a moment, Ling Linna's face suddenly became pale, and Muronghu's face was not so good, because the palm that Ling Linna played was her unique skill of the pharmacist. The core of this palm is vitality and poison!

"Huh! I will let you go today!"

Obviously, Muronghu was threatened by Ling Linna's poisonous palm, and suddenly issued the last palm strength. With a loud noise, Ling Linna's entire body immediately flew out, and Ling Feng immediately flew up in the air to catch Ling Linna.

"Mother!..." Ling Feng looked at his mother's pale face, and his anger and grief increased infinitely.

"Feng'er! Forbearance! Be forbearance! Mother's shame today is just a lesson. When you become stronger one day, you will understand your mother's painstaking efforts. In this world, the strong are respected, and those snobbery must not be softened. Man, you must have a clear distinction between love and hatred! Mother was hurt by his strength, and may not survive for an hour. You must remember your mother's words, endure! You must endure before you are strong! And your father's business You have to bear it even more!"

Ling Linna held Ling Feng's hand tightly, holding back the pain regardless of the bleeding at the corner of her mouth, with tears in her mouth.

"Mother, don't worry, I will, you sit down first." Ling Feng gritted his teeth and endured the pain in his heart, and helped his mother to the nearest chair.

At this time, Murong had followed Ya Si and waited for a group of people, left the hall, and walked out.

"Muronghu! You remember, today's insult, I want you to pay back ten times!" Ling Feng looked at Muronghu's away back, and cried out angrily from the bottom of his heart. At this moment, the young man has learned to endure. , Buried today's hatred deeply in his heart, "Mother! Father! I will make them return ten times!"

"Madam! How are you? Oh..." Xiaoqing and the others had already sent Ling Linna to her body, and Xiaoqing was crying and crying on the bedside.

"Xiaoqing, you can take out most of the gold coins in our pharmacy, distribute them to the girls, let them go home and marry... For more than ten years, I really appreciate your care..."

"Madam... Um... If the girl doesn't leave, neither of us will leave. Madam will get better. A good lady has a good life and won't leave so early..." More than a dozen girls behind Xiaoqing knelt on the ground, crying. Shouted whimpering.

"Don’t do this, I’m a pharmacist. I know how many injuries I’ve suffered. I don’t have much time.... Well... If you still think of me as your wife, please go and divide it quickly. I want my wife to be under Jiuquan. I won't be at ease either." Ling Linna said with a wry smile.


The maids still sobbed and refused to go, Ling Linna waved weakly, Xiao Qingqiang endured the uncomfortable heart, stood up with tears, "Everyone listens to what the lady says, and we listen to what the lady says. This is our filial piety. Madam’s last chance, you still can’t get up..." Xiaoqing said, she burst into tears.

"By the way, let Feng'er come in!"

Xiao Qing nodded, led the girls and walked out, came to the hall, saw Ling Feng sitting on the wooden chair with extremely cold expression, Xiao Qing's heart was sour again and again, and slowly walked to Ling Feng and said softly: "Master, are you okay, bear with me, remember Madam’s words, don’t let Madam down."

"Well, sister Xiaoqing, I know." Ling Feng nodded, pursing his lips stubbornly.

"You go in, Madam is waiting for you." Xiaoqing also pursed his lips and said. Ling Feng nodded, stood up and walked quickly into the room.

"Feng'er, mother has something very important to tell you." Ling Linna stabilized her breath. Ling Feng controlled her emotions and brought her ears closer, saying: "Mother, tell me! Feng'er must remember."

"Well, Feng'er, Mr. Zhuge Yuandao is actually a soul body..."

Ling Linna stopped here to stabilize her breath again. Ling Feng was very surprised when she heard her mother say this, but did not interrupt her, calmed her emotions, and then listened.

"He knows everything about your father, you must worship him as a teacher... He was also harmed by others. He used to be a Nirvana-level powerhouse and at the same time a seventh-rank mage, but... You must worship anyway. He is a teacher. Only in this way can you be outstanding, avenge your father, and achieve great deeds. If your mother is killed by those ninth-rate people, it will not be too late to retaliate slowly in the future. Remember the mother’s words, don’t rush for revenge, but be steady Basic... ugh... ”

Ling Linna talked intermittently, when she said that a mouthful of blood spurted out from behind... Her hand holding Ling Feng softened!

"Mother! The child is not good! The child is not filial... Can't protect the mother..." Ling Feng's heart was extremely sad and full of hatred. If he was a Yuan Wu at that time, he would not allow Murong Hu to speak here.

Indeed, a 15-year-old Yuan Wu is indeed a rare genius, even if you look at the entire Gutan Continent, you can't find a few.