Happy Against Heaven

Chapter 23: 023 soul imprint


"Don't be too happy. Your physical attributes are fire and light, and you are also a primordial cultivator. You don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse. You can have such a physique." Zhuge Yuandao, locked Said the eyebrows.

"Does this have any effect on the practice of the exercises?" Ling Feng said with a mouth bent to his eyes in horror.

"No, the light attribute itself is a rare soul attribute. You can practice any attribute of the exercises and meta skills, unlike ordinary people who are restricted by their own attributes. This is your blessing. The exercises I want to give you are fire attributes. This is not a problem. The problem is that since ancient times, quality practitioners rarely practice vitality, and those who practice vitality rarely practice quality cultivation. If you practice at the same time, The progress will become extremely slow, so I don’t know if it will affect your physique."

"No, the book seems to say that physique practitioners can only be practiced by people below the Yuanzhe, but I am already at the Yuanzhe level and still have a silver-level physique. These two points are no longer attached to the ancient books. What's more, I also practiced a few days ago, and the talent for training is even much higher than before!" Ling Feng said in surprise.

"Haha! Is there such a thing? Then your condition is different from the previous quality repairers! You boy, really a blessing!" Zhuge Yuandao, startled, said with a smile.

"Let's do it! If you practice the exercises I gave you, and can proceed normally, then the teacher will help you determine a path of dual cultivation of quality and element!" A light flashed in Zhuge Yuandao's eyes suddenly.

"Quality and Yuan Shuangxiu? Oh my God! Can this weird practice work?" Ling Feng was shocked and shocked, and his unclosed chin fell to the ground again.

"Boy, the teacher said to help you make a plan, but I can't guarantee success, but I can be sure that once you succeed, you will definitely have the strength above the Nirvana Realm. Also, this road is very difficult, and it is more difficult than any cultivation. The journey of training is hard. If you don't do it, you can focus on vitality, and I can also let you reach the Nirvana. However, if you want revenge, especially if you want to help your father, it is still impossible."

"Teacher! Since there is no revenge for the cultivation of vitality, it is impossible for me to focus on quality training. The kid only has quality training! Don't be afraid of all suffering, as long as you can become stronger!" Ling Feng thought of the way his mother was when she died. Yi Heng, gritted his teeth firmly.

"Boy, don't be blindfolded by hatred! Otherwise, you can't become a strong one! To become a strong one, you must be open-minded in your heart! Because of this, the teacher has stayed at the level of Nirvana and never breaks through! You can't be open-minded, and the teacher can't do anything about you!" Zhuge Yuandao suddenly became serious and brushed his sleeve coldly.

"Teacher!..." For the first time in his life, Ling Feng received such a big blow. It is even harder to forget the hatred of killing his father and mother. But... When Ling Feng thinks of his mother's death, tears can't help but slip. After he got down, his feet knelt on the ground in pain with soft tears.

"Hey! The teacher won't let you fail. Don't worry. Give you three years to be open-minded. If you can't do it in three years, your cultivation level can only reach the level of Nirvana at most." Zhuge Yuan Tao, speaking lightly, a pair of illusory hands stroked Ling Feng's head.

"Teacher, the kid understands. The open-mindedness you are referring to refers to the kind that can't be charmed by a big hatred!?" Ling Feng wiped the tears from his face and said with a slight smile.

"You kid, you have become really fast. It seems that the past four years have allowed you to grow a lot!? Yes, the main thing is not to let hatred cloud your mind. You must be qualitative and know that you will act in good time." Zhuge Yuandao, Seeing Ling Feng standing up, with a smile on his immature face, he couldn't help but cast a blank look, said.

"Teacher, the kid wants to ask a question." Ling Feng's curiosity suddenly emerged and asked tentatively.

"You ask." Zhuge Yuan said, waving his hand.

"The teacher is both a mage and a vitality training fighter... Judging from the teacher's current qualitativeness, he has reached a very high level. The shock he suffered when he was going to advance to the god realm must be very big..." Ling Feng deliberately said There was a pause in the middle of the speech to test the teacher's emotions, and when there was no response, he thought for a while and continued.

"The matter of being a teacher is indeed very big. Until now, I can't let go of being a teacher, but in the future, you should not worry about being a teacher anymore. When the time comes, being a teacher will naturally tell you." Zhuge Yuandao's expression was very quiet, a pair of The piercing eyes puckered up slightly, and looked forward, as if looking into the past.

"Yes, the kid won't bother anymore in the future." Ling Feng looked at the teacher's expression, his mood also became serious, and he arched his hands and bent over.

"Well! I will report to the college starting tomorrow. I will always be by your side. No one can assassinate you." Zhuge Yuan said, returning to his usual tone.

"Teacher, how can you follow me? In case someone discovers that you are a soul..." Ling Feng said with some worry.

"I will turn into a soul imprint on your chest. In a crisis, the teacher will rescue you. Although the strength of the teacher is not as good as the strength of the physical body, at least it is still at the level of the original state. The strong, even if you look at the entire Sacred Treasure Empire, there are few people who can hurt you. But first, let me explain that it is not a life or death that will never come out to help, even if it is severed, or you kid still doesn’t treat me as you. bodyguard?!"