Happy Against Heaven

Chapter 34: 034 Parting sentiment is strong


After dinner, Ling Feng and Xiao Qing went to chat on the rooftop viewing platform in the front hall. After tonight, Xiaoqing and Ling Feng will have to be apart for three years before they can see each other. Tomorrow morning, Xiaoqing will get in a carriage and rush to Baonan College. At this moment, both of them are lying on the big slanting rock and looking at the sky full of stars.

"Sister Xiaoqing, look at the sky, that is Monoceros. They move at a very slow speed, and they are the brightest at this time of the year. Look at the stars on its unicorn horns, which are brighter than in previous years. There are many on it, that represents the year of the Universiade, and it is also a year of heroes fighting for hegemony." Ling Feng pointed to the starlit night sky, using some mage-specific terms.

"Where? Where?" Xiaoqing was a little dazed at the stars in the sky, not knowing where Ling Feng was referring, and asked with a pair of big eyes blinking.

"Don't worry about that, there is another one. Look, that is the Phoenix. Are the two eyes on the Phoenix very bright? That means that somewhere, there will be a girl who will miss a boy very much. "Ling Feng explained.

"I have to see this, where is it?" Xiaoqing anxiously wanted to know where the Phoenix seat is, so he leaned his head towards Ling Feng's face, trying to get as close as possible to Ling Feng's line of sight. Xiao Qing was fascinated, because the girl who missed was him, but the boy didn't know that he was thinking of him.

Xiao Qing's delicate body with a faint fragrance touched Ling Feng's body unknowingly, and Xiao Qing's charming face was almost between Ling Feng's breath. Suddenly, an inexplicable emotion arose in Ling Feng's heart, causing Ling Feng's heartbeat to continue to accelerate, his face was full of intoxication, and he couldn't help but kiss Xiaoqing's lubricious face.

Xiaoqing was startled first, and soon his heartbeat accelerated. He couldn't help but quickly sit up, bowing his head. I wanted to speak and scold Ling Feng, but because he was too nervous, he couldn't say anything when he reached his throat. Although it was under the faint starlight, the red hot pretty face could not be concealed at all.

"Sister Xiaoqing, don't be angry, this, this is a kiss goodbye... Yes, it is a kiss goodbye." Ling Feng suddenly didn't know what to say to explain, he couldn't help scratching his head, and argued for himself embarrassingly.

"Kiss goodbye, kiss your head. Hmph, ignore you. You can watch the stars by yourself." Xiaoqing couldn't help but feel sad when he heard the parting words, so he said angrily. He said that he was about to walk down the inclined stone. Ling Feng didn’t know what to do and wanted to keep her. He couldn’t help but quickly stretched out his hand and held Xiaoqing. Xiaoqing unexpectedly slipped and fell backward, Ling Feng's hand was ill. , Immediately hugged Xiaoqing in his arms.

Ling Feng hugged Xiaoqing's slender waist, feeling the girl's entire soft body, buried in his arms. The faint girlish breath suddenly rushed into Ling Feng's nose with great texture. For the first time in their lives, the two embraced so affectionately, and they were immediately stunned, but the strange feeling hit their hearts, but they were intoxicated at this moment.

It will take a while for Xiaoqing to come to his senses and walk out of Ling Feng's arms in a panic. Xiaoqing was embarrassed and excited, and couldn't help feeling extremely contradictory. What happened to herself? He is his own young master, how could this be? If you let her know, she will scold herself...

"Sister Xiaoqing, you didn't get hurt? It's all my fault." Ling Feng also stood up, scratching his head. Ling Feng himself couldn't figure out what he was thinking about tonight.

"I didn't fall, Master, let's rest early." Xiaoqing lowered her head and dared not look at Ling Feng, saying that she had already turned and walked out of the front hall. Ling Feng's eyes were left in a daze.

Ling Feng's physique was slightly like an adult because of the quality of repair, but his slender body and slightly immature face couldn't help showing the youthful spirit under the stars.

The next day, early in the morning, Ling Feng and Xiaoqing arrived at the academy, and the top ten boys and girls also arrived. The academy rented three horses to carry the children and girls of these days. The parents who saw them off were full of joy, and the boys and girls were crying because they had never been so far away from home for so long.

Yu Mei's slightly coquettish pretty face also cried a little sadly, Yulong and Yu Xuan's father and son continued painstakingly to comfort her, and there was no time to pay attention to Ling Feng and other idlers.

Xiaoqing and Ling Feng are facing each other and haven't spoken for a long time. That's because there are too many things to say in my heart, and now that I say it to make everyone concerned, it is better to wait until the meeting to vent it all at once. At this time, the two beautiful tutors walked out of the "siege" of the parents and arrived at Ling Feng's side. Xiaoqing politely exclaimed: "Tutor Ziruo, Tutor Yaner."

"Well, why don't you two talk? You won't have a chance to talk until you don't talk now for three years." Zi Ruo smiled.

"Those words, just wait three years later, I have a lot of thoughts in my heart, even if I give it to me for a lifetime, I can't finish it!" Ling Feng, Xie Xie smiled. Xiaoqing and the two instructors couldn't help laughing.

"You look like a little love, and your mouth is so sweet at a young age." Yan'er couldn't help laughing.

"Hehe, please take care of Xiaoqing with both of you. Just don't bully. The two sisters will definitely become more charming and cute in three years. I'm afraid I won't recognize you by then." Ling Feng laughed. .