Happy Against Heaven

Chapter 61: 061 embarked on the journey


"Hey! I'm really mad at your kid! Ling Feng, the old man gave you a fake! I'm taking you!" The Fourth Elder was not only because of Yingying's request, but also because he really liked Ling Feng, instead of losing such a talented disciple. It's better to take his vacation first and see the results after three years.

"Thank you four elders!" When Ling Feng heard this, he knew that the trickery had succeeded, and he suddenly turned around, arching his hands happily.

"Don't be happy too early, if you can't return to the pavilion today after three years, you will be directly expelled from the division!" The Fourth Elder said solemnly.

"Today, three years later, I will definitely arrive at Ling Feng as expected!" Ling Feng bent over and said, "Then tonight, you can take my servant Murong Yuan'er to Ji Zun Pavilion, let him One year later, in the cabinet game, it's up to her fate to win or lose."

"This..." The fourth elder recalled immediately and suddenly awakened. He didn't expect to be fooled by this kid for a few laps. In this way, he made an exception and indirectly took two apprentices. He couldn't help shaking his index finger and looking at Ling. The wind slapped his tongue.

"Student Ling Feng, your prize has arrived."

At this time, the dean held a beautiful box and handed it to Ling Feng, and Ling Feng politely took it with both hands, and opened it excitedly. A scroll with a deep blue light was neatly placed inside.

"Thank you dean!"

Ling Feng couldn't help the strong and simple elemental skill scroll breath, and a pair of dark eyes flashed with fine light. You know that a fifteen-year-old boy is holding some meta skills that ordinary people will not be able to see in their lifetime.

"Seniors, Ling Feng is going to say goodbye." Ling Feng bowed his hand at the four elders and the dean.

"Ling Feng, it's sinister outside. If something happens, you can report the name of the Supreme Pavilion, at least you can scare away some gangsters." The fourth elder nodded and said lightly. Ling Feng nodded.

"Ling Feng, you are the proud of our school. This teacher's superior elementary skill, I hope it can help you one or two too." The dean smiled with a sense of comfort. Ling Feng bowed slightly to the dean, and pursed his mouth.

"Ling Feng, this is my portable jade pendant. I hope you have a safe journey. You must remember to come to Ji Zun Pavilion on time, or I won't let you go!" Han Yingying put a small round jade in Ling Feng Ling Feng said calmly with his hand, the corner of Ling Feng's mouth turned slightly, he smiled slightly, looked at the bright blue jade pendant in his hand, and nodded fiercely.

"Little rich woman, is this jade pendant worth a lot of money?"

"Ling Feng! If you dare to take the jade pendant I gave you, I'll cut you eighteen!" Han Yingying looked at Ling Feng's face and looked at the jade pendant in his hand seriously, thinking that she wanted to thank herself, but she didn't think it was worthwhile to speak. It's worthless, threatening immediately!

"Okay, okay, improper and improper, thank you very much. Although I don't know why you are so good to me, you should still be thankful." Ling Feng smiled cynically.

"What are you polite, do you want to escort you outside the city?" Han Yingying was very happy when she heard Ling Feng's solemn thank you, and asked after thinking about it.

"No, I still have something to go home. Although Yulong is arrogant, I have become a disciple of the Supreme Court. I dare not to mess around." Ling Feng shook his head and said.

"Yeah. Then you have to be more careful!" Han Yingying nodded. After speaking, Ling Feng bowed his hands to everyone, and walked away in the eyes of Han Yingying and others.

When he arrived at home, the sky was already dark, Ling Feng took all the gold coins here and put them in Rongjie, and went to the pharmacy to take some medicine casually. This time I came back mainly because I wanted to take a last look at this empty home before I left.

"Big brother, little sister, and the clansmen, you are my home, where are you now..." Ling Feng lowered his head, a pair of dark eyes filled with hope.

"Boy, our first step is to go to the outskirts of the Fumo Mountain Range, where we will practice for a few months, first consolidate your foundation, and then there will be a way for future plans." Zhuge Yuandao's voice was in Ling at this time. The wind sounded in my heart.

"Yeah." Ling Feng nodded, humming in his heart.

"Then, tonight, go to the Chengyun Inn outside the customs for a rest. You will find a way to enter the Fumo Mountain tomorrow morning. You must remember that during the three-year training period, whether your opponent is higher than you How much, as long as there is no life-threatening, I will not come out to save you, understand?"

"Well, the kid understands." Ling Feng replied heavily, then glanced at the door of Pharmacist Ling's for the last time, then turned and ran out of the gate.

Ling Feng knew that he would definitely be a popular figure inside and outside the customs these days. In Jilong City, there is probably only Ling Feng alone who has made so many shocking events in one day. Therefore, Ling Feng buried his immature face deeply in his cloak, and coupled with his vigorous figure, it was difficult for outsiders to tell at a glance that he was just a teenager.

"Treasurer, I want to book a common room."

At night, a black-robed man slowly stepped into the City Fortune Inn and said to the shopkeeper who was doing an abacus. The palm of his hand came out flat on the wooden cabinet and put down a gold coin with a thud.

"Okay!... But this guest officer, I'm sorry, today we want two gold coins." The shopkeeper looked at the shiny gold coin on the table, and said sourly.

"No! Why do you want to raise the price today!?" Ling Feng couldn't help being a little angry. When he came last time, he still had one. Now it has turned into two coins, an authentic profiteer!

"Hey~~ We have a genius in Jilong City. You don’t know yet. He made some shocking things in the Jilong Academy competition today!" The shopkeeper was excited when he said that, his face flushed. A pair of shrewd eyes stared as he spoke.

"Khan! Does this have anything to do with the price increase?" Ling Feng asked helplessly in surprise.

"It's a big relationship. I heard that he has become an introductory disciple of Ji Zun Pavilion, and he is also very close to the Young Pavilion Master. This kid will become the husband of the Young Pavilion Master in the future, so many people come here today to ask It was only the day when I went to fawn, so there is a good way to go in the future! So the rooms here are fully booked, you don’t have to book them soon.” The shopkeeper said excitedly, and the door soon walked in. The middle-aged man with a big knife is holding a little girl in his hand. Coming to Ling Feng's side, he squeezed Ling Feng aside.

"I want to book a common room!" the middle-aged man shouted.

"Sorry, we only have one common room here. The guest officer will come first. If he doesn't book, it will be your turn." The shopkeeper pointed to Ling Feng and said. Ling Feng sighed helplessly, complained that he smashed a gold coin on the counter, and then weakly followed Xiao Er to the second floor.

"Damn, Lao Tzu will also bring about house price appreciation! Silent, do you want to make a genius meeting to make a good profit?..." Ling Feng shook his head helplessly in his heart.