Happy Against Heaven

Chapter 69: 069 horrible training schedule


"Boy, the formation is simple, but it is not easy to come up with this formation." Zhuge Yuandao frowned, knowing how difficult it is to create the formation, and was asked so lightly by Ling Feng, a little unhappy. .

"No, I mean, the formation is so easy to set the formation, but the effect is so great, the person who created the formation must be very awesome!" Ling Feng said with a slap.

"Hey, it's okay." Zhuge Yuandao immediately happily pulled a gray beard, nodded and smiled, because the person who created this formation is himself, isn't Ling Feng praised him.

The four years spent in Master Zhuge's Mansion were not in vain. Ling Feng already had the basic knowledge of those magic formations. Even if many formations could not be swayed or broken, they could finally be called by their names. It can be regarded as a first-level magic array like the Gewen Array. After Zhuge Yuandao's guidance, it has been successfully learned within an hour. As for the low-level folk methods of the blind eye method, let alone the low-level folk method, it will be learned as soon as it is learned.

The magic circle is divided into ten levels. In this ancient Tan continent, there are many high-level magic circles left by the ancestors. Among them, the highest magic circle recorded in "Dou Zhuan Xing Chen Tong" has ten formations. These ten formations are difficult to break. And famous. If someone breaks into one of these ten formations, they can hear the Heaven Continent. With Zhuge Yuandao's strength, they can only break through the fifth formation, the sixth-level magic formation, the five-tiered formation, and this The array has been studied for ten years, and it is still unsolved.

The next day, after a night of silence, the atmosphere in the forest also became fresher, and the light scattered over this rich and mysterious forest.

Early in the morning, Ling Feng had already gotten up and jumped to the pool to take a shower and wash clothes and wash together. Spread the wet clothes on the rocks to cool off, then wear only short shorts, revealing obvious muscles of the upper body. The slender body is not rough because of the knotted muscles, and it looks more vigorous. .

"Teacher, you haven't told me about your training plan yet!" Ling Feng cultivated his vitality for an hour in the morning, retracted the practice seal, and then said to Zhuge Yuandao who was lying on the stone.

"Starting from today, you are only allowed to practice your vitality when you stop training in the morning and evening, and use the rest of the time to practice the original skills and quality cultivation. After the wild lion is trained, you can practice the third form of "Fall Against the Heavens". I want to compress your training to the shortest time. This is my most precise training schedule. Those shit sects are incomparable. Of course, not ordinary people can stick to this schedule, and there are It's dangerous, but this kind of effect is the best." Zhuge Yuan said, taking a look at Ling Feng who was still in a hurry, and then said, "Hey! It's hard work, kid, are you afraid?"

"Hey! I'm afraid of a bird! I can't torture me!" Ling Feng was obviously surprised. One person in a day's time had the same meta-skills, qualitative cultivation, and vitality. It was simply appalling, but Ling Feng's morale After being provoked, he raised his chest and said with a brave and fearless look.

"Hey! Little guy, don't be so arrogant, then let's start now!" Zhuge Yuan saw the excitement work, and a smile appeared on his old face, pulling the gray beard and nodding.

"Use your soul power to support yourself on the surface of the pool, half an hour, add a quarter of an hour a day! Then calm your mind, and repeatedly use the weakest vitality to make the wild lion cauldron! Half an hour later, straight and phantom thorn, plunge into the pool. In the middle, the single foot is standing on top, and the mad lion cauldron is also used with the weakest vitality until noon!" Zhuge Yuandao's voice became serious, and a steady and powerful voice sounded in Ling Feng's ears.

"What about in the afternoon?" Ling Feng listened carefully and was over, couldn't help asking.

"I'll talk about things in the afternoon in the afternoon, let's start now!" Zhuge Yuandao trained Ling Feng, very serious, the usual hippie smile, completion is two different things.

"Yes! Obey!" Seeing that the teacher was serious, Ling Feng suddenly became serious, and after a heavy response, he jumped into the pool in small pants, and then used his soul power to slowly lift himself up. , Suspended above the lake.

"Floating in the sky, be steady, be quiet, and can't move around, back and forth! Be as stable as a floating Buddha!" Zhuge Yuan couldn't help but scolded when he saw Ling Feng floating on it.

Ling Jian took a few deep breaths and slowly balanced himself on it. Although there were still some slight fluctuations, this was already very good. Zhuge Yuandao on the side also nodded slightly.

After a while, Ling Feng began to flow out the subtle vitality from his body, his hands were quickly knotted, and there was a bang, two phantom lions, but the two phantom lions were much more imaginary than before, and basically only one could be seen. Little phantom. Despite this, Ling Feng was frequently pushed back by that recoil.

"Illusory Lion's vitality strength is used well, but the body must be steady, or the enemy will repel itself before the enemy repels." Zhuge Yuandao guided by the side.

"When people fly in the air to attack, don't they use their soul power to support their body." Ling Feng said a little dissatisfied, because as everyone knows, no one attacks in midair to support themselves with soul power, and they use vitality. Back-up strength.

"Boy, where does so much nonsense come from? If you ask you to do it, just do it!" Zhuge Yuandao gave Ling Feng a blank look, struck his mouth, and rebuked. Wouldn't these common sense Zhuge Yuandao be ignorant? Hehe, it's just that Ling Feng hasn't understood yet, this is to lay a good foundation for learning the formation in the future.

Ling Fengmao small mouth, stopped talking, calmed down again, stabilized his body, and tried to knock out the two phantom lions again. At this time, Ling Feng had been prepared for a while, so he was repelled very rarely.

After repeating this, Ling Feng's expression was very relaxed for the first few quarters of an hour, but the more he went back, the weaker he was. After the tough pressure, he insisted on firmly, and his face couldn't help becoming pale. This state is like Zama, the longer you stick, the more numb the back is, but that kind of fatigue will hit your whole body all at once when you stop, making you super weak.

In the latter's inferior state, Ling Feng could still have a bit of energy to pay attention to the size and speed of the vitality in his body to match the seal in his hand. This is already a very good training quality.