Happy Ending with the Second Male Lead

Chapter 10


It was an ordinary morning when Liao Tingyan woke up from her dream. She didn't remember what happened last night, so she was very calm. As usual, there was no one around her. She glanced around the hall and was about to stretch when she suddenly heard a voice.

"Are you awake? Come over here."

It was Sima Jiao's voice. Liao Tingyan stopped moving abruptly and turned around to look for Sima Jiao. After searching for a long time, he found that he was lying on the couch behind the screen, with only a corner of his robe and a faint shadow showing.

Wasn't he always missing at this time in the past? Why was he still here today? Liao Tingyan walked past the screen with doubts. Sima Jiao was different from usual. He didn't wear a jade crown, his hair was loose, he was wearing a wide-sleeved robe with an outer coat, and one foot was bare on the ground. Most importantly, Liao Tingyan noticed the bloodshot in his eyes and the faint blue marks on the back of his hands and ankles, which were obvious traces of blood vessels.

He used to be very pale, but today, I don't know if it's an illusion, but I feel that he is even paler, and even his blood vessels can be clearly seen. Liao Tingyan was a little frightened. She remembered that Sima Jiao was like this once on the way to Luojing in a carriage, and he looked uncomfortable. At that time, she thought that Chang You was injured by punishment. Now she thinks that she was too naive.

In the original novel, there is a description of Sima Jiao's illness. Liao Tingyan still remembers that the heroine was frightened by Sima Jiao's sudden illness and murder. Sima Jiao drew his sword and killed the female palace maid who served the heroine, then grabbed the heroine's arm and locked her in the hall.

Although I suspect that his current condition is an illness, it doesn't seem to be as scary as the description in the original book, "like a demon descending to the world." So is he suffering from an illness or just feeling generally uncomfortable

"Come here." Sima Jiao stretched out his hand to her.

Liao Tingyan walked over, but before she could say anything, she was suddenly pulled down by the pale hand. She subconsciously put one hand on the couch and the other on Sima Jiao's chest, and her soft lips pressed against his.

Sima Jiao put one hand on the back of her neck and pushed her down. Liao Tingyan felt a little breathless and the back of her neck was very cold.

When she was released, Liao Tingyan took a breath and felt that her girlish heart might have died. She didn't blush or feel shy when Sima Jiao suddenly kissed her. The first thought in her mind was that she had just gotten up and hadn't washed or brushed her teeth yet. Sima Jiao was too unrefined. But then she thought that it was probably not her problem, but Sima Jiao's problem. This person was too unusual. In her eyes, he had already gone beyond the category of men and women. He could be said to be the third gender - the devil's pig's trotter. In this way, she couldn't completely treat him as a man, no wonder she couldn't feel shy.

Sima Jiao let her go and rubbed his forehead again, looking very irritable, "It's no use."

What is useless? Liao Tingyan was puzzled. To be honest, she had no idea what Sima Jiao was doing, but she was a little scared now.

The wooden beads in Sima Jiao's hand hit the armrest, making a sharp clicking sound. He stared at Liao Tingyan and demanded, "You take the initiative to kiss me."

The host's illness was in various forms. Liao Tingyan heard the request and rejected it in her heart. This was a shameful play in broad daylight, but her desire to survive made her give in.

She approached Sima Jiao docilely, and then... she just couldn't bring herself to eat.

Sima Jiao, with his sullen face and angry look, was like a large thorny beast. Not only did he stare at her hungrily, but he also wanted her to come over and kiss the thorns on his body. She really couldn't do it, as she was always worried that she would be pierced through.

"Your Majesty, can you close your eyes?" Liao Tingyan asked.

Fortunately, Sima Jiao didn't say much and closed his eyes on his own initiative. Liao Tingyan lowered his head and found that after Sima Jiao closed his eyes, he looked like a sickly and beautiful boy, adding a bit of pitiful weakness, unlike the violent and unapproachable look when he opened his eyes.

Putting aside this terrible thought, Liao Tingyan tentatively kissed Sima Jiao on the side of his face. Actually, it was okay. As long as she treated him as the little naughty kid from her cousin's family, she could kiss him. After all, this face was still very nice. Seeing that Sima Jiao did not express anything, she kissed him twice more, very carefully. She had never been so gentle in her life.

But she didn't know if it was her illusion, she found that Sima Jiao, who seemed to be about to explode, had slightly calmed down. She vaguely understood, and she held Sima Jiao's face as if she was stamping a seal.

Sima Jiao opened his eyes, pressed Liao Tingyan's lips apart with two fingers, and looked at her with some dissatisfaction.

Liao Tingyan thought to himself, you are not even a head tall enough, but you asked me to kiss you, but now you push me away after I kissed you, you are really a pig who doesn't even recognize himself when his pants are put on!

"You are not serious." Sima Jiao said.

This guy is really annoying! Liao Tingyan smiled, "Your Majesty, what do you think is serious?"

Sima Jiao had an expression that said, "Do I need to teach you this?" He grabbed her and pulled her close to him, rubbed her head and kissed her face hard twice, "That's it."

Liao Tingyan touched her messed up hair and took a deep breath. You kiss a dog like this!

But you asked for this. Liao Tingyan smiled implicitly, "I see, I understand. Then I will give it a try?"

After a while, Sima Jiao, with messy hair, came out of the oven. He glared at Liao Tingyan, "The point is to kiss, not to rub the head." Liao Tingyan's face was full of innocence and tenderness, "Oh? I'm not used to it yet, let me do it again."

When Liao Tingyan was released from the inner hall, she took her hands out of her sleeves and blew away the dozen or so long black hairs in her hands. She clapped her hands and thought to herself, if this happens a few more times, she will take the opportunity to pull this guy bald!

This happened twice more. Another time was in the middle of the night. Liao Tingyan woke up after hearing a noise and found Sima Jiao staring at her in the dark with red eyes. He frightened her and then held her and kissed her for a long time. Liao Tingyan was trapped in the quilt and couldn't breathe. She thought she was going to lose her virginity, but in the end she just slept in his arms.

Slowly, Liao Tingyan found that she seemed to be acting as a firefighter. Although she didn't know the principle, she seemed to be able to alleviate Sima Jiao's bad situation to a certain extent. In short, the frequency of deaths in the palace has dropped sharply recently. At least when she was with Sima Jiao, Sima Jiao never killed anyone in front of her.

In this way, Gui Ye sighed while serving her privately, because the palace has been much more peaceful recently, His Majesty doesn't like to kill people so much, and the beauties in the palace dare to go out and stroll in the garden occasionally. In the past, because His Majesty was bored and liked to walk in the garden, he met too many beauties who competed for beauty. In the end, most of those beauties were buried in the garden. No one knew which flower or tree buried the body of the beauty. They were afraid of accidentally encountering bad luck, and worried that they would follow in the footsteps, so basically no one dared to go to such a large garden in the palace.

"Everyone hopes that the imperial concubine can always be by His Majesty's side." Gui Ye said with some relief and hope.

Thinking back to the beginning, when she was transferred to serve the Imperial Concubine, she felt extremely uneasy, fearing that if she appeared in front of His Majesty too often, she would be dragged away and killed by His Majesty one day by accident. Later, she was afraid that this Imperial Concubine, who was deeply favored by His Majesty, had a bad temper and would torture the female servants around her. But after all this time, she found that the Imperial Concubine she served was really an easy master to get along with. She neither beat or scolded the palace maids under her, nor did she have too many demands. Compared with His Majesty, they were really two extremes.

For many things, a bystander can see things more clearly. Gui Ye watched the Imperial Concubine and His Majesty getting along with each other, and became more and more determined to serve the Imperial Concubine well. She thought that if one day she was unlucky enough to run into His Majesty in a bad mood and wanted to kill someone, perhaps only the Imperial Concubine could save her life.

Gui Ye had similar thoughts to Jin De, the eunuch beside Sima Jiao. He was the only one who saw what happened that night. It was also the first time he saw His Majesty sober up so quickly after falling ill. Since then, his attitude towards Liao Tingyan has changed a lot, and he is completely respectful from the bottom of his heart. He guessed in his heart that perhaps this Concubine Liao was more powerful than he imagined. If she continued like this, she might be able to ascend to a higher position one day.

The protagonist Liao Tingyan is not as confident as the bystanders. The longer she stays with Sima Jiao, the more she realizes that he is dangerous. This is not because of the brutal impression in the original book, but because of the feeling she got from spending time with him. Sima Jiao is like an active volcano that can erupt at any time. As long as you are around him, you can feel the danger beneath the calm.

What made her even more uneasy was that she didn't know what Sima Jiao thought of her. Liao Tingyan didn't believe that Sima Jiao was in love with her. Did this guy know what love was? It didn't seem like he was impressed by her beauty, so why did he treat her so differently

If you spend too much time, you will start to think about random things, even about life. Liao Tingyan thinks this is not a good thing. Once people think too much, they will not be able to live their lives and will be full of doubts about themselves and the world.

"Wake up, get up." Sima Jiao leaned over the bed and woke up Liao Tingyan who was still dreaming. "Today you have to go with me to the grand ceremony in Taiji Hall."

Liao Tingyan looked at Sima Jiao and felt that he was still asleep. She confirmed again: "Your Majesty, are you saying that you want me to go to the Taiji Hall for the grand audience?"

Sima Jiao didn't think there was anything wrong at all, and nodded as a matter of course: "You have nothing to do anyway, and you seem to be very bored, so come with me to the Grand Court to watch the fun."

Still watching the fun, do you think the emperor's court is a stroll? This tyrant! To be honest, Sima Jiao's tyrant character is too solid, Liao Tingyan was speechless for a while. She didn't want to be Daji, didn't want to be a treacherous concubine who brought disaster to the country, she just wanted to stay in the harem and muddle through, but Sima Jiao insisted on sending her out in a high-profile manner.

What to do now? Liao Tingyan thought quickly and responded. She pretended to be unwell, "Your Majesty, I suddenly feel unwell. I am afraid I cannot go to court with you."

Sima Jiao said: "Then let the doctor come and take a look."

Liao Tingyan: "No need, I just feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach, I will be fine after a rest."

Sima Jiao sat directly beside the bed, "Then you take a rest."

After a while, Liao Tingyan asked, "Your Majesty, aren't you going to the court meeting? The time for the court meeting is almost up, right?"

Sima Jiao: "I told you to go with me. Since you are not feeling well and need to rest, we will go together after you have rested." He turned to the eunuch Jin De and told them to wait.

Liao Tingyan said angrily: "A tyrant emperor! A tyrant emperor is fearless! You are so cruel!"

She sat up with a fake smile, "Your Majesty, I feel much better. Let's go now."

Following Sima Jiao on the way to Taiji Hall, Liao Tingyan felt a little depressed. It seemed that this country was really going to end. If it really ended, she didn't know if she would have the chance to go back to the river.

The ministers in the Taiji Hall had already arrived. Sima Jiao and Liao Tingyan walked in naturally, causing a commotion immediately. Liao Tingyan thought to himself, uncles, aunts, and old men, for the sake of your own safety, please don't come up and say that the harem should not interfere in government affairs at this time! Don't!

Perhaps these many ministers had already become numbed by His Majesty's various extraordinary behaviors. Until Liao Tingyan followed Sima Jiao to the middle seat with a nervous look in his eyes and sat down, no one stepped forward to raise any objections. There was just a bit of noise before it slowly died down.

The big guys standing in the front row didn't say anything for some unknown reason. They all unanimously ignored Liao Tingyan, who shouldn't be here, and just turned a blind eye and let it go.

Liao Tingyan silently worried for everyone. His Majesty's power was really great. It seemed that he had troubled these ministers a lot in the past.