Happy Ending with the Second Male Lead

Chapter 105


Although Prince Yuling was dead, she, the Princess of Yuling, still had some face. This was probably because General Xi was about to return to Luodu and everyone was afraid of him, which also gave the widow Jiang Yuchao some face.

Jiang Yuchao went to Doctor Yang's home first. If there was something wrong with this person, it would be difficult to hide it from his family. Sure enough, under her questioning, Doctor Yang's wife showed a guilty and frightened look.

"I... I really don't know anything." When asked urgently, the woman burst into tears, shook her head and couldn't say anything, looking pitiful.

Jiang Yuchao sneered, not wanting to embarrass her, and turned away.

Since she knew that someone must be behind this, even if she couldn't find out, she would find out sooner or later if she continued to investigate. She then went to the prison, and asked the emperor for permission. She stayed in the prison for almost a day, repeatedly asking the doctors many questions, and confirmed from them that Doctor Yang had been acting abnormally during this period, but unfortunately she still didn't find out who the instigator was.

When she was about to leave the prison, she was stopped by someone. It was Princess Nasha who was also in prison. But now Princess Nasha was not as beautiful as before. She was dirty and shouted at her: "I know, I know who wants to harm you! As long as you can save me, I will tell you!"

Jiang Yuchao's heart was moved, but her expression didn't show any clues. She walked to Princess Nasha's cell and looked at her: "Do you think I will agree to save you just by saying this?"

Princess Nasha clutched the bars of the cell tightly, "I really know!"

Jiang Yuchao: "I won't believe you easily unless you reveal more credible information."

Princess Nasha thought for a moment and said, "On the second day of the Dragon Boat Festival, I saw Doctor Yang coming out of someone's mansion with a panicked look on his face. I remember it very clearly."

Jiang Yuchao nodded, said nothing more, and turned away. Princess Nasha shouted behind her: "Believe me, as long as you save me, I will tell you who that person is!"

As soon as Jiang Yuchao was released from prison, he immediately found someone and told them to ask around about Princess Nasha's whereabouts on the Dragon Boat Festival and the next day. Since Doctor Yang was going to do something bad, his whereabouts must be secretive and difficult to find. But Princess Nasha was different. She was a princess of another tribe and was beautiful. She was very eye-catching when she walked in Luodu. It was easier to find out where she went and what she did.

Since she could find out under the existing conditions, why would she make such a disadvantageous deal

"Focus on checking the area around Prince Yu's residence to see if Princess Nasha appears nearby around the Dragon Boat Festival." Jiang Yuchao already had a guess in his mind, but he hadn't confirmed it yet.

Not long after, someone came back to report.

"Someone did see Princess Nasha go to Prince Yu's mansion on the second day of the Dragon Boat Festival. It seemed that she was irritated in Prince Yu's mansion and cursed for a long time after returning to the post station."

"Prince Yu." Jiang Yuchao suddenly laughed. "It's him."

The captain of the guard, You Wu, had been following her around to do things these days. He was very angry at the moment and wished he could kill Prince Yu who had plotted to kill his master. But he was a prince and he could not touch him.

"Princess, we must find evidence and inform His Majesty of this matter. Please punish Prince Yu!" You Wu said gritting his teeth.

Jiang Yuchao shook his head and sneered, "Of course not. Even if I tell the emperor about this, he won't kill his own son for the dead prince. If Prince Yu doesn't die, no punishment can relieve my hatred."

You Wu didn't expect the princess to say this, and asked in a daze: "Then...what is the princess going to do?"

Jiang Yuchao said without hesitation: "Of course I want to kill him directly. But I can't do it alone. Youwu, do you dare to help me?"

You Wu clenched his fists and said nonchalantly: "What is there to be afraid of? I was so down and out and bullied by others, but the prince promoted me and made sure that I lived a peaceful life for so long. Now I should repay him. Besides, it's just killing someone. I've been on the battlefield before, so it's not the first time I've killed someone." He just didn't expect that the princess, a seemingly weak woman, would not even blink when talking about killing people.

"Okay, in two days, all the princes will come to pay their respects. I will then lead Prince Yu to my palace. You wait there first." Jiang Yuchao looked strange. "Also, remember to bring the things your team usually uses to castrate dogs."

The dog castration team of the Yuling Palace is composed of the guards who have nothing to do and are bored.

You Wu: “???”

Prince Yu didn't know that he had been exposed yet, and even if he knew, he wouldn't feel anything. Without the protection of Prince Yuling, what else could a little girl like Xiao Jinyue do? If she was smarter, she should learn to face reality and compromise.

He had lived in countless worlds and had seen so many heroines. When they lost their support, they were all equally weak, and most of their weapons were just tears.

Prince Yu was fearless. When he went to the Yuling Palace to pay his respects, he saw Jiang Yuchao, dressed in plain white, and indeed he was humble and pitiful. He no longer had the sharp tongue he used to have, and he felt extremely happy.

He waited aside on purpose, and when he saw Jiang Yuchao get up to rest, he followed her and stopped her in a secluded place.

"Now that Prince Yuling is dead, have you ever thought about what to do in the future?" Prince Yu admired her expression, as if he was deeply in love with her. "Although we had some unpleasant experiences in the past, I really like you, and I am still willing to accept you now. How about it, are you willing to come back to me?"

Jiang Yuchao hesitated for a moment and looked around. "It's not convenient here because there are so many people. We'll be seen. Let's talk somewhere else."

Seeing her taking him to the bedroom, Prince Yu smiled triumphantly. It was just as he expected.

He did not have any intention of hiding anything, and followed Jiang Yuchao into the hall, and even took the initiative to close the door. The hall was quiet, and Jiang Yuchao turned to look at him. Although he was only handsome, he was really interesting in this mourning dress.

"What? Are you ready to please me now?" Prince Yu sat at the top seat and teased.

But he couldn't laugh anymore the next moment. Several tall men jumped out from behind the screen. They were well-trained and subdued him in an instant. One covered his mouth, the others tied his hands and feet, and the last one kicked him to the ground.

"Bah, you are such a piece of shit. How can you talk to our princess like that? Today I will send you to see our prince and ask you to apologize to him in person!" You Wu said and kicked him again.

When Prince Yu saw Jiang Yuchao's pair of white linen shoes stop in front of her, she squatted down, the timidity and humility on her face gone.

"Doctor Yang's wife told me that you asked Doctor Yang to do something to kill my prince, is that right?"

Prince Yu's eyes darkened. Yang Dongning, a man who was always causing trouble but could not do anything good, actually told the stupid woman at home about such a big thing!

Seeing his reaction, Jiang Yuchao was completely certain.

"Okay, you killed the most important person to me, and I want you to pay for it with your life. But that's not enough. Before you die, you will see the things that are important to you leave you. This will be regarded as the interest for making my prince suffer from illness for so long." After she said that, she took a step back and watched coldly.

Prince Yu never thought she would be so bold. He struggled to speak, but because his mouth was covered, he could only utter a few words: "If... you are... discovered... you will be dead... all of you... ugh!"

You Wu punched him hard in the face, "Bah, so much nonsense."

Jiang Yuchao: "Do you think I'm afraid of death?"

Prince Yu had a gloomy expression on his face. He was not afraid of death because it was not real death to him. It was just that the world had obviously failed again, and this was what made him most angry.

You Wu brought out the tools for castrating dogs. Jiang Yuchao fiddled with those things and said to Prince Yu, "Your eyes seem to say that you are not afraid of death. I wonder if you are afraid of being castrated?"

Prince Yu's expression gradually changed. He became extremely angry and almost knocked over two or three people while struggling hard.

Jiang Yuchao: "Youwu, do it."

Many worlds, after he owned countless worlds, everything went smoothly in those worlds. Each of his identities was high and powerful, and no one dared to offend him, so he never thought that this day would come.

When the intense pain reached his brain, he was heartbroken as he watched his manly pride being cut off.

"Xiao Jinyue! I want to, I want to kill you! Ahhh!"

He met his death in such boundless anger, and the last thing he saw was the sneer on Jiang Yuchao's face.

He left behind the identity of "King Yu" and returned to his main space. The collapse here was very serious, and everything was in ruins. The few remaining worlds were crumbling, and everything reminded him that he didn't have much time left before his true "death".

Perhaps it was because with the loss of those worlds, the halo on his body peeled off bit by bit, and he began to slowly break away from the image and will of that "God" and began to feel fear. He finally remembered that he was not a "God". Before becoming this "God", he was also a human being.

He only knew how to seize luck, and after losing the protection of luck, he was nothing - he truly understood this truth at this moment.

He didn't say anything for a long time, and the greening system began to feel strange. What happened before he died in the last world, but now he didn't yell like before, could it be that he really learned it

— “Ding—Do you want to take a look at the ending of the heroine in the previous world?”


— "Ding—After Prince Yu died, the emperor was furious. The heroine stood up and admitted her guilt, then committed suicide."

"To the next world."

Jiang Yuchao experienced a death experience. When she woke up, she found herself lying in bed. Outside the window, there were busy cars and tall buildings. Everywhere was the familiar modern hustle and bustle.

The author has something to say: This short story will be concluded in one chapter, and the next chapter will be the reunion of modern idols and fans.