Happy Ending with the Second Male Lead

Chapter 117


Guo Rong also likes to stay in the studio on weekends, because the computer equipment in the studio is not only better than that in the Internet cafe, but also free, and provides drinks and snacks. Therefore, she is the employee with the longest overtime hours and the most overtime in the entire studio.

Chunyu Xi's management is rather casual. As long as they complete their daily work, they can do whatever they want. So other colleagues just watch their colleague Lao Guo earn extra money every day.

"The expenses in big cities are so high. Even an ice cream is three times more expensive than where I lived before. My savings have been almost used up. How can I survive without making extra money?" Guo Rong lamented the hardships of life. After work, she continued her original job - playing games with others.

It has to be said that although Guo Rong's life is rough and she just gets by, her work attitude is still very good. Her colleagues watched her lead those online "bosses" to play games and were stunned. They exclaimed: "Such a sweet voice! Such caring protection! Such thoughtful service! Is this the gangster Lao Guo we usually know? He is simply a different person!"

Guo Rong smiled mysteriously at these shameless colleagues, "Bosses, how about giving it a try? It's a friendly price for colleagues, 100 yuan per hour, I guarantee you will have a good time and relax."

Glasses: "Me, me, me! Let me try the poison for everyone first!"

After playing for an hour, Yan Jing was speechless. He looked at Guo Rong with a sad look as he sat without any posture like a decadent uncle. "During that hour, I almost forgot that the sweet girl who brought me here was Lao Guo. I even fell in love with her with her gentle advice and caring care." Of course, his dream was shattered when he saw Guo Rong in the play.

Ge Zi Cheng Shan: "So the Internet is very scary. Don't think that the person on the other end has a sweet voice and is just a cute girl with big eyes in a pink skirt. She could be a female hooligan like Lao Guo who picks her feet, or even a man."

Glasses: "No, I'm going to find another playmate. As long as I don't meet the real person, my dream won't be shattered."

Guo Rong: "Tsk, have you seen my five-star review? Do you think any other playmate has my ability to make the bosses feel so happy?"

While she was chatting with her colleagues, her subordinates were still leading the boss in the game across the river. This boss was a man of bad words and had poor skills. Seeing that such a simple crossing of the river almost drowned him, Guo Rong rolled her eyes and cursed: "Fuck this idiot who just keeps talking. He is almost drowning. If he dies, I will have to save him later!"

After scolding her, she turned on the microphone and turned into a gentle and soft girl in a second, reminding her: "Boss, this river is very dangerous, you have to be careful, what if you get sucked in? Come, hold my hand and I will take you over~ Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I have an oxygen bag here, you can click it and take a breath to reach the shore."

Colleagues: Lao Guo's voice changing technique is truly unique. He switches his attitude so quickly that it's hard to react. I'm almost hearing the sound distracting.

The group of people got to know each other well, and everyone tacitly accepted that Lao Guo was the boss's wife. She and the eldest brother both called Qianqian their son, and Qianqian called them mom and dad. Their eldest brother was often responsible for picking up the children, and the two of them occasionally went to parent-teacher conferences together. Isn't this obvious

In the words of Glasses, if these two people were not having an affair, he would have swallowed his glasses alive.

Guo Rong also explained this. She told her colleagues that she and the boss Chunyu Xi only had a sisterly relationship. However, no one believed her, so she could only give up.

Guo Rong was not affected, but Chun Yuxi was in trouble. His father called him back and asked him directly: "I heard that you had a son recently? Is he your biological son?"

Chunyu Xi would dress up as a woman every time he went to see his father. At first his father was so angry that he was furious, but later he just turned a blind eye to it.

Chun Yuxi: "It's not my biological child."

His father angrily said, "If he's not your biological child, why are you raising someone else's child?!"

Chun Yuxi said calmly: "I don't value bloodline as much as you do. I think the child is good."

His father wanted to threaten him, but he was now strong enough to take the blame. His father pointed at him for a long time without being able to say anything. Finally, he said, "I won't let that woman enter our Chunyu family!"

Chunyu Xi: "I think you are overthinking. I don't want to enter the Chunyu family at all. It's not like I have a throne to inherit. Do you think I am precious?"

After confronting his biological father, Chun Yuxi went to pick up his godson. Today was Guo Qian's birthday, and they had made an appointment to go out for dinner. He had to pick up his son first, and then go to the company to pick up his mother who was addicted to "work".

Sometimes he thought about it and felt that this situation seemed a bit strange, but somehow they became a family getting along like this, and he didn't feel repulsed, so he just let it go.

Guo Qian has fallen in love with the feeling of going to school. He joins various organizations every day, such as game strategy group, clothing matching and hair design group, water badminton group, etc. Besides games, this kid has a wide range of hobbies. He has so much energy at such a young age. His classmates like to follow him and other classes also tend to be linked by him. Chun Yuxi's senior always talks to him about Guo Qian.

"He is very outstanding, a very interesting and thoughtful kid." This is what his senior said.

Chun Yuxi once thought that since this child was so smart and good-looking, his biological father must be someone other than an ordinary person. However, Guo Rong once said during a drink with him that he could not remember who the child's father was. Chun Yuxi did not believe this, and he thought that Guo Qian's biological father might be a scumbag, so Guo Rong avoided answering the question.

He was waiting for Guo Qian to come out at the school gate, completely unaware that the scumbag he imagined was in a car not far away, also looking towards the school gate.

Li Ye, the president of Li's Group, finally found the information of the heroine and her son after being forced into a business war for several months. The world is so big, it is of course difficult to find two people, especially when the name is wrong. In the end, he asked someone to check around the male second, and finally locked in a mother and son named Guo Rong and Guo Qian.

Li Ye was 100% sure that it was the heroine and his son, but he didn't understand why the heroine changed her name, and he had a bad feeling. For this reason, he had to give up a big order, temporarily get out of the business war, and come directly to this school to wait for his son.

This bully who only cares about food but not about beatings always thinks this way. He thinks that if he takes care of his son first, the heroine will certainly consider his son and be willing to return to live with him. If the child is willing to go back with him, of course it's good. If not, he can only use some special means first. The critical situation makes him unconsciously more anxious.

Guo Qian came out of the school gate, looked around, and saw Chunyu Xi. He smiled and ran over to hug his thighs!

Li Ye, who was sitting in the car, also saw Guo Qian. His son looked very similar to him, and he could tell at a glance, but who was the woman next to his son

Li Ye didn't recognize Chun Yuxi in women's clothing. Because in the original novel, he had never seen Chun Yuxi in women's clothing, and in his impression, Chun Yuxi, the male second in this world, had no sense of existence, was completely incompetent, and had little attention. Chun Yuxi's superb makeup skills also came into play at this time.

Li Ye signaled his driver to drive over. He sat in the car and lowered the window.

"Guo Qian?" Li Ye felt very uncomfortable when he called out this name. Why was his son given such a vulgar name

Guo Qian turned his head and saw Li Ye's face. He was stunned and immediately alert. This man looked so much like him. According to his speculation, he was very likely his biological father. It was strange. Shouldn't his biological father be in prison? How did he get out

Li Ye: "I am your biological father, I am here to take you back."

Guo Qian got behind Chun Yuxi, who stood in front of the child and looked at Li Ye. The first thought in his mind was, "Here comes someone who will snatch my son away!"

Li Ye frowned: "Who are you?"

Guo Qian popped his head out and shouted, "This is my mother!"

Li Ye was stunned. Shouldn't Guo Qian's mother be the heroine Guo Qiong, or Guo Rong after changing her name? Where did this woman come from

"Are you Guo Rong?" he asked cautiously. Li Ye had experienced several collapsed worlds and had seen too many heroines who did not follow common sense. He knew that these women who were not the original heroines were capable of doing anything. So when he saw 'Guo Rong' who looked different from the original heroine, he did not dare to easily determine whether she was the real one. What if she had plastic surgery to become more beautiful

Chun Yuxi glanced at Guo Qian, and seeing his expression, he immediately understood. The little guy was wary of the man in front of him and didn't want him to meet Guo Rong. In fact, he also felt very strange. If according to what this man said, he was Guo Qian's biological father, then he should know Guo Rong, but why did he seem to be a complete stranger to Guo Rong

That's really suspicious.

Chunyu Xi also felt that the man in front of him was not easy to get along with. His aura was too fierce and overbearing. If he were to go find Guo Rong, Guo Rong might not be able to deal with him.

After considering various factors, Chunyu Xi nodded and acknowledged the identity of "Guo Rong", wanting to see how the other party would react.

Li Ye suppressed the anger in his heart and finally asked, "Have you been to Korea?" Did she really go for plastic surgery

Chun Yuxi didn't know where his thoughts were going, but he had indeed been to Korea to discuss business. He nodded again.

Li Ye: "..." What's wrong with this woman? Not only did she change her name, but she also had plastic surgery to look completely different from before. Could it be to avoid him

He opened the car door and raised his hand to pull Guo Rong, "Come back with me." As he stretched out his hand, he realized something was wrong. Was Guo Rong that tall? Or was she wearing high heels

He lowered his head to look at Guo Rong's feet, and when Chunyu Xi saw that he actually came up to him and touched him, he instantly activated the mode of meeting a perverted pervert, raised his leg and kneed him, causing Li Ye to groan and throw him back into the car.

Li Ye never thought that he would hit him so directly without saying a word, and the force was too strong, it was totally unlike a woman. He was dizzy and dazed, and he didn't care about the previous doubts. He directly carried out his plan and said to the two bodyguards in the car: "Capture her and the child and bring them back to the villa for me."

As a tyrant, Li Ye's bodyguards are professional and very powerful. One of them stepped forward and knocked Chun Yuxi unconscious. Before Chun Yuxi fainted, he didn't have time to say anything. The only thing that was about to come out of his mind was "fuck".

Although Guo Qian was smart, he was still young after all. When he encountered such a thing, he was stunned for a moment, turned around and ran towards the school gate, wanting to find someone to help him first. However, his short legs could not run far, and he just opened his mouth to shout twice when a big man covered his mouth and took him into the car.

Li Ye covered his face and hissed, "Let's go."

The car drove away quickly.

He planned very well. Guo Rong and her son had no close relatives or friends, so no one would go to great lengths to find someone for her. Even if the second male lead came, he, as the child's father, would be in a favorable position. But he didn't expect that the person he was going to take back for the "domineering boss captive pet play" was not the heroine, but the second male lead pretending to be the heroine.

Moreover, the scene where Chunyu Xi and Guo Qian were forcibly taken into the car was seen by someone. It was not just a passerby who was too lazy to meddle in other people's business, but someone who happened to be Chunyu Xi's senior and Guo Qian's principal.

Robbery in broad daylight, how could this be tolerated?! He watched from a distance and could not stop them in time, so he could only write down the license plate number and then quickly call someone to rescue the person.

So just as Li Ye transported the two people, one big and one small, to his villa, the police came to his door.

Li Ye, the president of Li Corporation, was temporarily detained for the crime of illegal detention.

The author has something to say: I didn’t notice it when I was young, but when I got older and read stories about domineering bosses keeping their pets captive, such as the heroine imprisoned by his side and forced love in a small dark room, I couldn’t help but think: This is illegal! Call the police! Arrest him!

I haven't seen any author write about calling the police, so I can only write this myself (.