Happy Ending with the Second Male Lead

Chapter 12


The hero Chen Yun was just a poor hunter in the early part of the story. He was kind and righteous and lived alone in a wooden house in the village. This wooden house was far away from other houses in the village, just beside the woods at the foot of the mountain. In the original novel, he met and fell in love with the heroine. Later, the heroine resolutely disobeyed the order and eloped to find him. He hid her in this wooden house. The two of them developed a passionate relationship when they were alone together and had intimate contact.

According to the development of the plot, the hero should have been in love with the heroine in this wooden house at this time. However, at this moment Liao Tingyan is in Luojing Palace, petting the vicious dog every day, so Chen Yun is still here alone.

The furnishings in the room were simple. Chen Yun sat alone at the table, frowning and looking at the void in front of him. There was a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone. "If the heroine's storyline deviates, I can correct it later. When the uprising reaches the palace, I will let her come to my side to cultivate feelings. As long as she is still with me in the end, it will be fine. But now that the flood of Mi River has disappeared and there are no large numbers of disaster victims, how can I gather so many people to revolt?"

Others couldn't see it, but in Chen Yun's eyes, there was a floating panel in front of him, with a piece of text appearing on it.

—"It is precisely because of the unknown deviation in the current world that the system will awaken your inner consciousness. You need to take full charge of the plot correction. The romance scenes with the heroine are extremely important. As an excellent romantic hero in the jhx09 series, you should be very familiar with these plots. After all, you have also adapted to this kind of hero setting, and the similarity is very high."

Chen Yun sneered, "Of course I am familiar with her, but I don't know why this heroine chose to enter the palace. I behaved very well when I saved her before my inner consciousness awakened. Later, when I confronted others for her, she also went out of her way to protect me. It was obvious that she had a good impression of me at that time. If I hadn't found an opportunity to contact her later and failed to cultivate feelings, the plot would not have suddenly deviated and fallen to the point where my inner consciousness needed to be awakened."

"Forget it, we can only talk about this heroine plot later. If we spend more time together, I don't believe she won't fall in love with me. Women are like this, they are easily moved. The most important thing now is the career line. If the flood is really gone, we can only wait for the drought and plague next year." He sneered and knocked on the table. "I don't believe that the plot of drought and plague can be so easily deviated!"

—"Reminder: The plot is currently 42% off. Please continue to correct it."

"If this kind of major deviation occurs next time, please inform me in advance."

—"Got it, good luck."

Chen Yun suppressed his anger, waved his hand in front of him, stood up, straightened his clothes, picked up the bow and arrow and bamboo basket hanging on the wall, opened the door and walked out. After leaving the house, his expression became gentle and bright, full of righteousness, causing some young girls and young wives in the village to look at him secretly.

The Mi River flood was truly resolved, and there was no subsequent news that the situation had gotten worse. Although it continued to rain heavily for a long time, the water envoy seemed to be very experienced and worked very hard to control the flood. Therefore, the number of areas and people affected by the disaster is not large, and there has been no scene of riots by the victims.

Liao Tingyan watched the development in amazement, feeling completely confused.

The flood seemed to be gone, but what about the drought and plague next year? As she thought about it, she couldn't help but look at Sima Jiao. At this point, she couldn't help but believe it. The flood was solved by Sima Jiao.

He really hadn't boasted before. Liao Tingyan then realized that the emperor could really do whatever he wanted.

After understanding this, Liao Tingyan was angry at him for not fighting. If he could do it, why didn't he care about anything in the original book? He was looking for death! Even if he took some measures when the disaster happened, cared about the victims later, and didn't just let the soldiers kill and suppress the riots when the drought killed many people, there would not be uprisings everywhere in the end.

In this era, the emperor is ranked before the heaven, the earth, the parents and the teachers. The emperor is even ranked before the parents. The emperor's power is second only to heaven and earth. If they were not forced to live, the lower class people would not revolt in anger. Sima Jiao, who is mentally ill, simply wants to destroy the country.

Wait a minute... he didn't mean to destroy the country, did he

Liao Tingyan was a little unsure whether Sima Jiao's illness was really that serious.

Sima Jiao noticed her look and asked, "Why? Didn't you hear that the flood in the Mi River is over? Why are you still worried?"

Liao Tingyan only realized this at this time. The reason why Sima Jiao specially sent people to deal with the flood in Mi River seemed to be because she had not been able to sleep well because of this recently. In other words, it was for her.

She was actually a little flattered

Turning her head away from Sima Jiao, Liao Tingyan said softly, "Since everything is fine, I will naturally not worry anymore."

"Well, since you are not worried anymore, can you explain to me why you are so worried about a small flood?" Sima Jiao crossed his arms and stared at her.

Liao Tingyan's heart skipped a beat, and she lowered her eyelashes to pretend to be pitiful. "Hexia is also a branch of the Mi River. I was worried and had a dream. I dreamed that the flood was not stopping and submerged Hexia, so I was very worried. I am afraid that it is because I am far away from my hometown and miss my father that I am so out of control."

Sima Jiao stared at her for a while, not knowing whether she accepted the answer or not. Liao Tingyan saw that he did not ask any more questions and thought she had gotten away with it. But when she went to bed that night, Sima Jiao told her -

"I have sent someone to Hexia to pass on the order, asking your father to go to Luojing. He will come here quickly, and you will be able to see him soon."


"Didn't you say you missed your father? Since you want to see him, let him come to see you." Sima Jiao said as a matter of course.

Liao Tingyan understood that he should not speak carelessly, because he never knew what Sima Jiao would do after hearing this.

"Then... Thank you, Your Majesty." What else could she do? She could only wish her father a safe journey and not be frightened by this sudden summons.

When Envoy Liao received the brief imperial edict that ordered him to go to Luojing, he had numerous bad guesses in his mind. He was worried, thinking that it didn't say why he was summoned to Luojing. Could it be that something happened to his daughter? Could it be that his daughter had died and he was asked to see her for the last time

Almost tormented by his own imagination, Lord Liao immediately dealt with the affairs of the county and hurried to Luojing in a simple manner.

Not to mention how Envoy Liao rushed to Luojing on his horse, on that day Liao Tingyan went to the grand court meeting with Sima Jiao and witnessed quite a lively scene.

As usual, she was lying beside Sima Jiao in a daze, when she suddenly heard a minister in the palace mention the issue of the emperor's offspring.

"Your Majesty, without the continuation of the bloodline, the country will be unstable!"

Liao Tingyan clearly saw Sima Jiao reaching out to rub the wooden beads on his wrist. After spending some time with Sima Jiao, she knew that his action was dangerous.

It's strange to say, Sima Jiao had so many beauties in his harem, but none of them became pregnant and gave birth to children. Moreover, no one in the previous dynasty's harem had ever mentioned offspring in front of Sima Jiao - this was the first time Liao Tingyan heard someone talk about this in front of Sima Jiao.

She keenly noticed that this topic seemed to be somewhat taboo, because after this speech, the hall immediately became extremely quiet, as if everyone was waiting for Sima Jiao's reaction. Liao Tingyan also noticed that many ministers were looking at her strangely.

Master Duan, who was standing at the front right, seemed to glance at her as well, but quickly looked away.

After a moment of silence, Sima Jiao suddenly laughed. He leaned forward and said to the minister, "I have so many beauties in my harem, but none of them can give birth to a child for me. It is true that they are not serving me well enough."

Liao Tingyan was speechless, thinking of the nights when she slept in his arms. Haha, if you can't serve a beauty well, it's your own fault. You can't have sex and can't have children, and you still have the nerve to blame your concubine

Sima Jiao knocked on the armrest, smiling, and asked the minister in a good-tempered manner: "Why do you think the beauty in the palace cannot continue my bloodline?"

Liao Tingyan became nervous when she heard this. She thought, is Sima Jiao going to kill his concubine again

The Left Counselor was much more nervous than she was. With sweat on his forehead, he said, "Perhaps Your Majesty should select another woman of appropriate age who is of good family background and healthy to enter the palace..."

Sima Jiao suddenly asked him: "It seems that Zuo Jianyi has a daughter at home?"

Zuo Jianyi was shocked when he heard this and replied hurriedly: "I do have a daughter in my family, but she has already married and had children." He was prompted by the son of Grand Tutor Duan to bring up the matter in the court meeting, but that did not mean he was willing to send his daughter to the palace to be killed for fun by His Majesty. Fortunately, his daughter had already been married. He was sweating in his heart.

However, Sima Jiao looked at him coldly, his voice was cold: "Married and had a child? That's great, since Zuo Jianyi's daughter can give birth, let her come to the palace, maybe she can give birth to a child for me... But if she can't give birth to a child after a year, I will sentence her to death, what do you think, Zuo Jianyi?"

Zuo Jianyi was stunned, his legs softened and he knelt down, "Your Majesty! Your Majesty, you can't do this! My daughter is already married, how can she enter the palace? She is married to a member of the Duan family!"

Sima Jiao looked at Master Duan with a strange expression, "So she married a member of the Duan family. Master, what do you think of what I just said? After all, my mother is also a daughter of the Duan family. Since we are all relatives, I believe she will be willing to share my worries."

Tutor Duan cupped his hands and said calmly, "Your Majesty, plotting to seize my wife is a scandal."

Sima Jiao laughed, "Scandal? Don't I have enough scandals?"

Although the two were grandfather and grandson, their relationship was somewhat subtle. The few people who knew the inside story, after hearing the emperor's words, were reminded of a rumor from the past and were so scared that they dared not breathe.

Liao Tingyan watched the development of the situation from the side, and her expression was a little strange. Because she had seen this in the original novel, it was the memory heard by the palace maids after the heroine was abducted into the palace. It was said that a doctor of the Left Counselor had advised the tyrant to continue his offspring as soon as possible, so the tyrant summoned his already married daughter into the palace. The woman was terrified every day, and soon died.

In the original novel, after hearing this, the heroine was naturally afraid, hated and disgusted with the dog emperor, and missed her lover every day. So when the hero came to rescue her later, she was so moved that she forgot the conflict she had with him because of the supporting female role, and naturally reconciled with the hero.

And now, because she entered the palace much earlier than the heroine in the original novel, she ran into this incident directly.

It felt weird. The man next to her was cruel and horrible, but he was with her every day, slept in each other's arms every night, always asked the kitchen to make a lot of delicious food for her, remembered her words clearly, and fulfilled many of her wishes. He had never been angry with her, nor did he hurt her. In her heart, this Sima Jiao seemed different from the Sima Jiao in the original book, but now, he was following the plot of the original book and was ready to force an innocent woman to death.

Liao Tingyan couldn't explain her feelings. She only knew that the woman's life was just a short paragraph in the original novel, just like the millions of people who died in floods, plagues, and droughts. In the story, she was an insignificant supporting role without even a name, but in this world, she was a living person.

She might have been a little impulsive, and she suddenly held Sima Jiao's hand at this moment and said, "Your Majesty, am I not serving you well? Your Majesty should let such a woman enter the palace."