Happy Ending with the Second Male Lead

Chapter 16


When she opened her eyes in the middle of the night, she found a dark figure sitting quietly beside the bed. If it were an ordinary person, she might have screamed, but Liao Tingyan didn't. She lay there calmly and even took the time to look at the window that was blown open by the wind. No maid came to close the window. They probably didn't dare to come over even if they heard the noise, so the window that was blown open was left wide open, and cold wind and rain continued to pour into the hall.

Liao Tingyan immediately realized who the black shadow was, because it was not the first time she woke up in the middle of the night to find someone sitting next to her. This happened occasionally when she slept with Sima Jiao in the past. Sima Jiao couldn't sleep, and would often sit next to her in the middle of the night, staring at her or just in a daze.

You'll get used to being startled after being startled for a while.

The two looked at each other in the dark for a while, and Liao Tingyan called "Your Majesty" first.

As soon as she spoke, Sima Jiao, who was beside the bed, suddenly reached out to her. His fingers were still as cold as usual, stroking her cheeks, chin and neck, lingering on her delicate neck for a while, and when Liao Tingyan thought he was going to strangle her to death, his fingers continued to move down and untied her belt.

In the silence, Liao Tingyan only felt the cold touch on his skin, like falling snow, melting and seeping into his skin, chilling his limbs and bones. It was also like the coolness brought by a crawling snake, and his body subconsciously trembled because he sensed danger.

Liao Tingyan didn't say a word, nor did she move. The quilt and clothes made a slight friction sound, and she saw Sima Jiao leaning over and pulling open her nightgown, revealing a large area of skin.

Liao Tingyan: “…” This seemed like the beginning of being fucked, but why was this man’s breathing not disordered and he was so calm? It was confirmed that he was sexually frigid.

"Aren't you afraid?" Sima Jiao finally spoke the first sentence.

She wasn't really afraid, because he was always testing the boundaries of sleeping with her and not sleeping with her, and she got nervous every time. But now her nerves were relaxed and she wasn't nervous anymore. Instead, she felt like, if you want to sleep with her, just go ahead and sleep with her, and you don't have to keep her worried.

"Your Majesty, there is a small hand warmer in the quilt. Warm your hands first?"

Yes, the only thing she couldn't stand now was that this man's hands were so cold that it felt really cold to touch her body. It was winter now, and there was a light snow during the day. Now it was raining outside, and the cold wind was blowing into the room. He lifted her quilt, opened her clothes, and touched her all over, and his movements were so slow. Did he really think that she wouldn't be afraid of the cold because her body warmed up quickly

Sima Jiao laughed, raised his hand and put it on her face, "My hand is too cold, isn't it?"

Oh, so you know this yourself! Liao Tingyan moved a little further into the quilt, "How about your majesty lie down first?" Please warm your hands before you touch me randomly, I'm going to get goose bumps from you!

Sima Jiao just paused and then got on the couch. Liao Tingyan smelled a hint of blood, but she didn't know if it was an illusion. However, after Sima Jiao took off his outer robe and threw it on the ground, the faint smell of blood dissipated. Liao Tingyan didn't think about what Sima Jiao had done to get the bloody smell on her body. She took the opportunity to pull back the quilt that Sima Jiao had just lifted aside and covered them with it.

Unfortunately, the heat on the quilt had already dissipated. Liao Tingyan quietly fumbled in the quilt with his feet for a while, took out a hand warmer and stuffed it into Sima Jiao's hand: "Your Majesty, warm your hands."

Although her tone was gentle and attentive, Sima Jiao could imagine her expression, "Are you disgusted with me?"

Liao Tingyan: “…How could that be.”

Sima Jiao said: "Didn't I tell you that your acting skills are very exaggerated, not even as good as the little eunuchs serving outside the palace."

Liao Tingyan: So your harem relies on acting skills to get promoted? Because I am too fresh and refined, different from other little fairies, and I have no acting skills, so you turned around and promoted me? !

Sima Jiao gently stroked her hair, and even his tone was very gentle: "Look, you are so useless, you must be easily deceived. Others just whispered something in your ear, and you believed it all."

Why attack someone personally when you can just talk about the matter? Liao Tingyan took advantage of the fact that Sima Jiao couldn't see and rolled her eyes wildly in the dark, trying to cooperate with the patient: "Yes, haha, I'm not as smart as your majesty."

Sima Jiao suddenly grabbed her wrist, pulled her into his arms, and said in a subtle tone, "Do you believe what you heard today?"

Liao Tingyan quickly resorted to life-saving tactics: "I didn't hear anything, I don't believe a single word!"

Sima Jiao pinched her fingers one by one and put them to his lips, "Oh? But what those two waitresses said was true."

Liao Tingyan: “…” How the hell do I want to answer this

Sima Jiao didn't seem to want her to continue, and suddenly changed the subject without thinking, "Is the imperial concubine willing to give birth to a child for me?"

Why did he suddenly ask such an adult question? And what was the point of asking such a question? She didn't have the guts to say no. Liao Tingyan could only roll her eyes again and stare at the ceiling, and said in a pious tone as if she was facing a priest in a marriage hall: "I do."

Sima Jiao exposed it in a second, "You are lying to me."

Why the hell is this so annoying! Liao Tingyan bit her cheek, suddenly reached out to touch Sima Jiao's chest, pulled open his clothes, and did everything he had just done to her - in a word, touch.

Sima Jiao grabbed her hand and asked in a strange tone: "What are you doing?"

Liao Tingyan was held tightly by his hand and couldn't move. She thought to herself, why are you so nervous? The "Jiao" in your Sima Jiao is actually written as "Jiao Nian Zuo Jiao".

"Your Majesty, you don't believe it. I'm just showing my determination." Liao Tingyan said with a fake smile on her face.

Sima Jiao was silent for a while, "Forget it, I believe you."

Liao Tingyan breathed a sigh of relief. Well, actually, she really didn't want to give birth to a child for Sima Jiao, or rather, she didn't want to give birth to a child for anyone. In this world, giving birth is like walking through the gates of hell. It's different from her original world. If you're not careful, you can lose your life. It's better not to do such a dangerous thing. Moreover, Sima Jiao has this function

She glanced at the two bodies pressed together under the quilt.

"I will never leave my bloodline in this life." Sima Jiao said slowly in her ear at this time.

Liao Tingyan recalled the big secret she heard today. In fact, this secret did not shock her much. After thinking about it carefully, she felt that it was so. In the afternoon, she was alone and pondered the original plot. She found that things that were not clear before could be explained. For example, Sima Jiao's disease, she was now sure that it was caused by inbreeding, and Duan Taifu did not hesitate to rebel and surrender to the enemy. If Sima Jiao was not the son of Queen Duan, it would sound more reasonable.

Perhaps noticing her inattention, Sima Jiao pinched the back of her neck, causing Liao Tingyan to shrink her head sharply. She raised her hand and reached behind her, and when she touched Sima Jiao's hand, she was suddenly stunned, "Why is your majesty's bracelet gone?"

Sima Jiao didn't expect her to notice such a detail. He squinted his eyes and stared at her in the dark for a while before answering, "I accidentally broke it... Do you know what this bracelet is?"

Liao Tingyan: "Maybe it's something that means a lot to Your Majesty?" Otherwise, he wouldn't want to touch the bracelet every time his emotions fluctuate.

Sima Jiao laughed, "That was my biological mother's thing. You heard it, she burned herself and the entire palace, and this was all that was left."

This should have been an answer that made people feel pity, but because of the weirdness and mockery in Sima Jiao's tone, it made people feel uncomfortable.

"I really hate that crazy woman." Sima Jiao stopped laughing and said in a vague voice: "I hate her and my father. The Sima family has always produced many crazy people. My biological father Sima Yu is even crazier. He drove my mother crazy and gave birth to me. These two siblings created another crazy person."

"I'll tell you a secret." Sima Jiao suddenly became excited, as if he remembered something happy.

Liao Tingyan really didn't want to listen, but Sima Jiao was obviously eager to talk and she had no choice but to listen to these royal secrets.

Sima Jiao whispered in her ear as if whispering, "When I was a child, that woman always wanted to kill me because I was the evidence of her incest, so she fed me poison, but I didn't die. Gao Mi saved me several times. Later, Sima Yu took me away from that woman, and soon after that woman died..."

"That year Sima Yu went crazy and killed Queen Duan, her son, and two other princes overnight. I was the only one who survived. Everyone thought Sima Yu was paving the way for me and wanted to protect me, but they were all wrong. When Sima Yu went crazy, the first person he wanted to kill was me, but I escaped. I was lucky to escape, and I also overturned the candlelight and burned down the Taiji Hall."

"They thought that Sima Yu burned down the Taiji Hall after killing so many people. Hahaha, actually it was me who burned it." Sima Jiao laughed uncontrollably, as if this was something particularly funny.

However, after just a few breaths, the laughter stopped abruptly. Liao Tingyan was almost cramped by his sudden shock, and he just lay there waiting to see how he would go crazy next.

"I only told you this secret. I am the only one who knows it." Sima Jiao hugged her intimately, holding her cheek with one hand, "Now you know my secret."

Liao Tingyan's hair stood on end at his tone, and he couldn't help asking, "Your Majesty, are you going to kill me?"

Sima Jiao hummed in doubt, "Why do you think so?"

Liao Tingyan: Since you don’t want to kill me, why do you say the same perverted words before you silence me!

She really felt very tired. Sima Jiao was too sick tonight. She couldn't stand it, especially the sleepiness. Liao Tingyan was a bit desperate. She yawned and asked, "Your Majesty, do you want to sleep?"

Sima Jiao: "I won't sleep... can you still sleep?"

Liao Tingyan: "I can sleep." Her biological clock is very strong.

Sima Jiao felt speechless. After knowing so many secrets, this was her reaction? It was too calm, and she didn't cry. He felt unhappy, but after a while he felt a little happy again.

He couldn't help but hug Liao Tingyan and kiss her, "You are different from others. I like you like this."

Liao Tingyan: Haha, thank you. I’m the female lead, so of course it’s different.

"So you have to stay with me all the time. If one day you don't want to stay with me anymore, I will kill you." The pervert said so sweetly while caressing her face affectionately.

When Liao Tingyan heard this, she felt relieved. Doesn't this mean that as long as she stayed with him, nothing would happen? It was simple. She didn't want to leave even if nothing happened. She was actually quite satisfied with her life in the palace.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will never leave." She patted her chest and promised without hesitation.

Sima Jiao: “…” Didn’t this scare her

He was subtly unwilling, "Are you really not afraid of me at all? Everyone has been afraid of me since I was a child."

Liao Tingyan: Are you a child? What a unique way of acting like a spoiled child!

She hugged Sima Jiao's neck and kissed him a few times, "Your Majesty, I want to sleep. Can we talk about it tomorrow?"

Oh, it’s just acting like a spoiled child, she can do that too.

Liao Tingyan was stunned to find that Sima Jiao really didn't say anything. She thought to herself, is it true that pillow talk is so effective? She remembered something and tightened her hand again. She asked tentatively, "Your Majesty, can you spare the lives of those palace maids around me?"

Sima Jiao buried his head in her neck and said casually, "Then spare their lives."

Easier than she thought? Liao Tingyan thought to herself, the ancients were not lying to me, since ancient times, the incompetent emperors could not stand the pillow talk. She stroked Sima Jiao's hair again, "Your Majesty, the window was blown open by the wind, and it's too cold in the room. Can you close the window?"

He got up and closed the window himself.

Liao Tingyan: “…Wow.”