Happy Ending with the Second Male Lead

Chapter 26


Liao Tingyan sat in the yard, reflecting on her behavior just now. She felt that her brain might have short-circuited. She said something about being a concubine, but she made up an ordinary identity and said that she was caught by a gangster and wanted to escape. She just needed to ask someone to pass her a ladder and give her a few taels of silver as a thank you. Her mistake was that she shouldn't have told the truth. Sure enough, one of the truths in this world is that people will never believe you when you tell the truth.

The maid moved the pile of tables and chairs down with a gloomy face, and walked past Liao Tingyan with a gloomy face, saying unhappily: "I didn't expect that the girl is so strong. You must be tired after moving so many things. I advise you not to think about running away. You are unfamiliar with this place. Even if you run away, you can't even enter the nearby city without your identity and pass. If you walk into the wilderness alone and meet some bandits, it will be bad. There are many bandits at this time. If you are not careful, you will lose your life."

Liao Tingyan: Auntie, what's wrong with you? Let's be clear, you are the kidnappers and I am the victim. If I don't run away, won't it make me look negative

This maid was replaced by Chen Yun after Liao Tingyan moved into the courtyard. She watched her very closely, even when the doctor came to change her dressing, she was watched the whole time and was not allowed to say a word to the doctor. Now that she tried to escape and was discovered, she found that this old lady watched her even more closely.


However, Liao Tingyan was not someone who would give up so easily. She silently waited for the opportunity, prepared her money and luggage, observed the habits of the woman, and then one day, she knocked her out while she was dozing off. Liao Tingyan had no experience in beating people. After beating her, she held the stick and nervously went to check if the old lady was still alive.

If she hit too lightly, she wouldn't be able to knock someone unconscious. If she hit too hard, she was afraid she would kill him. She considered the strength for a long time. I don't know how the characters in those literary works decided to knock someone unconscious but not kill him.

After all, it was the first time that he personally beat someone, so he didn't hit her too hard. When Liao Tingyan lowered his head to check, the maid moaned and opened her eyes, grabbing her with her hands. Liao Tingyan hit her again without hesitation, and this time the maid finally fainted.

He took out the rope he had prepared long ago and tied up the maid, using the tortoise shell tie and tying one end to a pillar.

After doing this, she took a deep breath and pressed the wound on her arm. Then, without wasting any more time, she took out her clothes, put on her veil, found the key to the front door from the maid's arms, opened the door, and walked out as usual.

She calculated the time and thought that Chen Yun would not come here today. The people who delivered vegetables and firewood had already come in the morning, and no one would come in the afternoon, so she should have enough time.

Just like what the maid said, she couldn't leave the city alone. This era was different from the modern era. Even in the modern era, a girl going out alone would inevitably encounter danger, let alone this era. She was now equivalent to an illegal resident without an ID card, and couldn't even leave the city gate. Therefore, Liao Tingyan thought about it and felt that the only way out now was to go to the governor's mansion.

Although it was the fief of the King of Qinnan, there were still people from the imperial court here. Of course, no matter in public or in secret, the emperor had to arrange spies around the king of a different surname. When he was with Sima Jiao, he talked about the King of Qinnan with Gao Taibao and did not avoid her, so Liao Tingyan remembered that the governor of Yaozhou should be Sima Jiao's man. She only remembered this one.

After asking a passerby for the direction of the governor's mansion, Liao Tingyan successfully found the mansion with its closed gates.

Then, what she didn't expect was that she was arrested immediately after she revealed her identity.

It turns out that this governor is not the same governor as the previous one. When the emperor announced that he was going to attack the king of Qinnan, the previous governor had already been killed by the king of Qinnan. Liao Tingyan didn't expect the king of Qinnan to act so quickly. Yaozhou and Luojing are so far apart, how could the news spread so quickly? And why didn't the king of Qinnan even struggle? It stands to reason that at this time, the ministers should quickly submit a memorial to show that they are loyal and have no intention of rebellion, and ask the emperor to think twice and not to fight and kill. Why did this person directly start the rebellion stage? This is too smart.

All in all, Liao Tingyan had the bad luck to fall into the hands of the enemy. The new governor was a direct descendant of King Qinnan, and the result was that before long, Liao Tingyan waited for King Qinnan's daughter, Qin Wuxia.

The female supporting role in the original novel.

"Are you Liao Tingyan? A woman like you, what else can make my Chen Lang obsessed with you, except for your face?" Qin Wuxia looked down at her and snorted fiercely to express his disgust and disdain.

As soon as Liao Tingyan saw her eldest lady's reaction, she knew that this man seemed to still follow the original novel's route and regarded her as a love rival. It was unfair. She was different from the original heroine. She didn't have the slightest feeling for Chen Yun!

Do you dare not involve innocent passers-by when you are in love

Qin Wuxia looked at her rival's face, which was bleak but still beautiful, her noble and proud demeanor even in adversity, and her big breasts, and was so angry that she wanted to hit him. She pushed Liao Tingyan to the ground, pointed at her and cursed, "Shameless, you followed the tyrant Sima Jiao, and now you seduce my Chen Lang. I was wondering why Chen Lang was so busy recently, but it turns out that he was always visiting you, a little bitch. A beautiful woman in a golden house? Well, bitch, I must teach you a lesson today!"

Liao Tingyan cursed in his heart and looked at Qin Wuxia's jumping expression. He thought that it was true that falling in love would lower one's IQ. Look at this pretty and lovely girl, her brain is almost eaten by Chen Yun.

Thinking about the original novel again, this girl fell in love with Chen Yun, and used her family background to force Chen Yun to marry her. Then she followed him all the way to the palace, fought with the heroine, gave birth to a child for the hero, and was finally used up and thrown away by the hero. Before she died, she had to watch the hero and the heroine get together. I kind of want to sympathize with her.

Why should girls make things difficult for other girls? Unfortunately, Qin Wuxia looked like she didn't want to listen to her at all.

Liao Tingyan thought for a moment, covered her face and began to cry: "Are you the princess? Please send me back to His Majesty. Although others think His Majesty is cruel, I really love him and I can't leave him. Please be kind and let me go back. I heard that there are some misunderstandings between King Qinnan and His Majesty. As long as I go back, I will definitely help persuade His Majesty!"

Oh, of course it’s fake.

I don’t know if her acting skills have improved during this period, or if Qin Wuxia has really been blinded by love, but after listening to her half-believing and half-doubting, she actually believed her lies.

"What kind of vision do you have? You actually fell in love with a pretty boy like Sima Jiao?" Qin Wuxia said with disdain.

Liao Tingyan: To be honest, your vision is even worse... I suddenly feel confident in my IQ.

"Don't say that. His Majesty treats me very well. We, we are in love with each other." Liao Tingyan wiped her tears. How about it, Miss, don't worry, I won't snatch Chen Yun from you! You can sleep with this man who is no different from the original hero.

Liao Tingyan didn't expect Qin Wuxia's train of thought to be so bizarre. After hearing her words, Qin Wuxia was not relieved, but even more angry. She gritted her teeth and said, "Chen Yun is deeply in love with you. He has always been thinking about you and even brought you back. How could you look down on a man I like so much?!"

Liao Tingyan: No, sister, I don’t like Chen Yun. Shouldn’t you be happy that there is no rival competing with you for love? Instead, you get even angrier. What’s going on

Qin Wuxia: "No matter whether you have feelings for Chen Lang or not, as long as Chen Lang has feelings for you, you must die!"

"You two, go, strangle her to death!" Qin Wuxia pointed at two servants. There were more than 20 servants following her. One of the servants standing behind her showed an anxious look and retreated without making a sound.

There is no way to reason. If one way doesn't work, then take another. Seeing Qin Wuxia's determination to kill him, Liao Tingyan wiped his face and said with nobleness and coldness: "If you really kill me and Sima Jiao knows, you will die miserably, and the entire Qinnan Palace will die miserably. So, whether to kill me or not, I advise you not to make a rash decision."

Shame on her, she still had this awareness. It is no exaggeration to say that if she really died here, it would be entirely possible for Sima Jiao to raise an army and razed Yaozhou.

Qin Wuxia was blocked by her and his chest was heaving with anger.

"Princess, why don't you ask King Qin Nan first?" Liao Tingyan thought to herself, a man like King Qin Nan would definitely not kill her easily, after all, she is still useful.

Qin Wuxia stared at her and screamed, "How dare you threaten me! I want you dead now! Sima Jiao will be destroyed sooner or later anyway, why should I be afraid of him!"

Liao Tingyan: “…” What’s going on? It feels like the supporting female character is even more mentally retarded than in the original novel. In the original novel, she at least had a little bit of forbearance, but now she is completely spoiled and willful to a higher level. It is indeed the result of not being tempered by setbacks.

"What are you waiting for? Go quickly!" Qin Wuxia kicked the two servants.

The two servants had no choice but to slowly approach Liao Tingyan.

Liao Tingyan: No problem, I can survive! Usually someone will come to rescue me at the last minute!

She was forced into a corner, with no escape. Just then, a figure strode in and shouted, "Stop!"

It's Chen Yun. As expected of the original hero, he is always the one who saves people.

Liao Tingyan breathed a sigh of relief, watching the couple quarreling on the spot. In the end, Chen Yunqi was the better one and coaxed Qin Wuxia out, and the two went outside to talk.

"Wuxia, I brought her back not because I have feelings for her... but just to help my father achieve his wish. I can't kill her now, she has other uses."

"What's the use? I think you're just making excuses. You're obviously still thinking about her, so you're using your power for personal gain!"

"No, Wuxia, you should know that the army is approaching Yaozhou, and the situation is not optimistic. Father is planning to kill Sima Jiao. When the army's morale collapses, we can seize the opportunity to win. In order to kill Sima Jiao, Miss Liao is indispensable." Chen Yun said in a low voice: "Isn't it said that Sima Jiao loves her very much? We can use her as bait to lure Sima Jiao over."

Qin Wuxia looked at him suspiciously: "Is what you said true?"

Chen Yun sighed: "I didn't want to use such an ignominious method, but my father insisted. For the sake of the great cause, I have no choice but to do this."

Qin Wuxia was reluctant, "In that case, I will spare her for now. But you are not allowed to visit her again! Lock her up in the Qinnan Palace, I will send someone to watch over her myself!"

Watching Qin Wuxia leave, Chen Yun's eyes showed some disgust. If he didn't need to rely on the power of King Qin Nan, he would have been unable to tolerate such a spoiled and disobedient woman.

Forget it, it won't take long. He has already won over half of the people, and soon he can make King Qinnan die unexpectedly, and then take over all the power naturally. When Sima Jiao dies, the ending will be the same as before.

After straightening his clothes, Chen Yun walked into the house and gave a bitter smile to Liao Tingyan who was sitting on a chair drinking tea to calm her nerves. "I'm sorry to have frightened you. Wuxia misunderstood our relationship, so she was rude to you just now. But I have explained it clearly to her. I think you probably misunderstood something, so you ran out on your own. If you don't like living there, you can live in Qinnan Palace. The palace is bigger and you should like it."

So Liao Tingyan was transferred to the Qinnan Palace. Qin Wuxia, like the male protagonist Chen Yun, followed the original route conscientiously and was very hostile to her. He came to her three times a day to insult her. Liao Tingyan remained calm and let her scold him.

In an argument, the loudest one doesn't win. It depends on who is angrier at the end. Whoever is angrier loses. Whenever Qin Wuxia comes to argue, he curses until his mouth is dry. Then he gets so angry when he sees Liao Tingyan's calm deafness.

Finally one day, Qin Wuxia couldn't stand Liao Tingyan's annoyance anymore, and said fiercely: "Don't you love your Majesty? He will come soon. When he falls into the trap, he and you, the bait, will become a pair of dead mandarin ducks!"

Trap, bait? These two words can almost fill in the whole conspiracy in your mind - what a cheesy plot! Or a plot that is not in the original novel.

"Well, your death is not far away. Do you have anything else to say?" Qin Wuxia was very proud. When he thought about the ending of his love rival, he felt that he had finally gotten rid of his anger.

Liao Tingyan: ...Thank you for the spoiler

The author has something to say: Sima Sajiao is not a mistake, I wrote it on purpose, and A Jiao is Sima Jiao. Isn't it too cute for a girl to point out the bugs