Happy Ending with the Second Male Lead

Chapter 35


Xunnu didn't have a name at first. He was abandoned by his family and wandered alone. He was injured and almost died of illness. His voice was damaged at that time. He also forgot some things from his childhood, so of course he didn't have a name. His master picked him up and didn't give him a name until he was twelve years old and could stand on his own. He got a knife, which was named Xun. Later, his master called him Xunnu, saying that he was just a slave driven by the knife all his life.

But apart from the master who died early, few people would call him that. Most people just called him "Xun" when they had to deal with him.

In fact, Xunnu doesn't care how others call him, nor does he care about what his master said. To him, his sword is the only companion that will accompany him, not anything else.

The Xundao is a very strange knife. It is naturally without a sheath and is too sharp. Even Xunnu was cut by the blade of this knife many times at the beginning. Later, he got used to the knife and would not be cut by it, so he just wrapped it with cloth as a sheath. It was just a little troublesome when fighting with people. Once the knife moved, the cloth strips would break, and it could not be used continuously.

He himself didn't care much about these things, but others couldn't bear to see them, so the leader of the assassin organization specially ordered people to forge a scabbard for him, inlaid with gold and silver, and embedded with seven night-shining pearls. It was too heavy to hold, but the night-shining pearls would glow at night, which was not conducive to his hiding. He dug it out with one finger, and the scabbard was finally usable.

This went on for several years, and finally he lost it in this ambush.

"It's troublesome that the scabbard is missing. You'll cut your hands if you hold it like this. Otherwise, I'll make you a scabbard as a temporary emergency."

Tang Li said this and went to the edge of the Ghost Crying Forest to cut a thicker branch to make a scabbard for the little male god. However, she tried to sharpen the dagger for a long time but still couldn't cut a hole in the branch, so she had to run back to ask the little male god to borrow a knife.

After listening to her, Xunnu moved his fingers and handed her the black straight knife at his side, "Be careful, the blade is sharp."

Miss Tang Li was so attracted by the hoarse bass of the little boy that she picked up the knife and started to chop the branches excitedly. The knife was sharp and it took only a few strokes to chop down the branches. She simply chopped off a few more branches and dragged them all back.

She was always quick at work. She compared it with the Xun knife, carved a mark with the dagger, and began to sharpen the scabbard with the Xun knife. The branches of the trees in the Ghost Crying Forest were very strange. They were black on the outside. After peeling the bark, the inside was still black. Tang Li made a black scabbard and finally inserted the Xun knife into the scabbard. It was just right. As a temporary tool, it was qualified.

"Can you take a look at it?" Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Tang Li handed the scabbard to Xun Nu who was half lying there.

Xunnu took it, looked at it and said, "Very good." He was actually quite happy in his heart, because he liked this simple scabbard. It was much better looking than the scabbard that the boss of the organization had someone make for him before. He also felt that his Xundao partners would like this scabbard more.

Tang Li knew that he would like it. When this taciturn little male god turned over the scabbard, there were two bright lights in his dark eyes, which was so beautiful.

Seeing the person she was taking care of happy, Tang Li was even happier, so she simply used another branch to make a simple crutch for Xunnu. He was so badly injured that he could only sit up and walk with difficulty, so this crutch might be useful in a couple of days.

There were also some branches that Tang Li was planning to use for making fire. However, she didn't expect that these branches would give off a foul smell once burned and were difficult to burn. So she had to give up the idea and used these branches to reinforce the shed.

Xunnu's condition was not good, and the two could not move for the time being. The biggest problem now was food. The trees in the Ghost Crying Forest were strange, and the black and strange plants were definitely inedible. There was no grass growing on this mountain of corpses, and the conditions were very difficult. They could not survive for a few days relying on the box of snacks that Tang Li brought with her.

Finally, Tang Li had to set his sights on the scavenger birds, to see if he could catch a few.

Xunnu slept more often than he woke up, and every time he woke up he would find Tang Li working hard. This time when he woke up he saw Tang Li catching scavenger birds, and he just happened to pounce on one and pinned it to the ground.

Xunnu: “…”

When Tang Li came back with the still moving rag bag, she found that Xun Nu had woken up and asked him with a loving look on his face if he was hungry.

Xunnu stared at the scavenger bird in her hand and said in a low voice, "This kind of bird can't be eaten. It's poisonous."

When Tang Li heard this, she sighed in disappointment, loosened her grip, and let go of the scavenger bird that had lost a lot of feathers. The black bird that had been so eerie before now had its feathers scattered, made a few strange cries, and fluttered its wings as it fled, which actually looked a bit pitiful.

Tang Li folded the rag bag and put it aside, then sat next to Xun Nu, feeling a little sorry. "I wanted to make you some broth." He was injured like this and there was nothing to replenish him. How could he heal quickly

At first, one of her friends accidentally fell down the stairs and broke his leg. He stayed in the hospital for a month, so she sent him different pig's trotter soups for more than 20 days. Now the little boy is covered in injuries, so Tang Li thinks she should make some chicken soup. There is no chicken for the time being, so she can only use birds. Who knows that birds are not edible.

"I'm not hungry." Xunnu shook her head. "You should rest." She seemed to be always busy.

Tang Li smiled, "Okay, I'll go get some sleep." She had hardly rested these days and had been busy all the time. In addition to her personality, she was also not used to it. It was not easy to get used to the world and body that had suddenly changed. When she was in the North City Lord's Mansion, she couldn't sleep at night, and she followed Aunt Sun to find work in the kitchen during the day.

She slept very deeply, and it was almost dark when she woke up. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, and subconsciously looked to the side. Tang Li was immediately startled awake. There was no one where Xun Nu had been lying before.

Did he leave, or did something happen? Or... did he go to the bathroom? Tang Li stood up and looked around, shouting, "Xun Nu?"

After shouting a few times but no one responded, she became anxious and climbed to the highest hill nearby to look. As soon as she climbed to the top, she saw a staggering black figure walking towards her not far away.

It was Xunnu. Tang Li ran down quickly. When she got to him, she found that Xunnu was using the walking stick she had cut for him, and he was holding a bleeding animal in his hand. She was stunned, "Did you go hunting? You're still injured."

She was impressed by the physique of the little male god. It was only a few days before he could walk on his own. If it were her, she would have to lie down for two months. When she saw Xunnu's wounds split open and began to bleed again, Tang Li felt so distressed.

"Ah, why aren't you careful? The wound is torn. Does it hurt? It must be very painful. Where did you catch this? You can't even walk. It must be difficult to catch it. Come, I'll carry you back." Tang Li kept nagging and asking questions one after another. Xun Nu wanted to answer, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he found that he couldn't keep up with the questions, so he had to shut up and listen silently.

When he saw Tang Li trying to carry him on her back, he moved back slightly to avoid her hand. He felt that if he pressed down like this, she might fall flat on her back. Why did she think that she could carry him on her back

"You can't carry me." Xunnu said directly.

Tang Li, who was blinded by her idol, regained her sanity and could only choose to help him back and wipe the blood from his wound.

After taking off the black clothes, his chest and shoulders were exposed. The thin layer of muscle was slightly tense due to the pain, and the shape of the muscle was particularly beautiful. Even the wounds on it gave people a cool and handsome sexiness. Xunnu's black hair was not tied up, but draped over his shoulders. Tang Li lifted his hair to one side and felt that her hands were shaking from wiping the wound. Although she felt sorry for the male god, the overflowing hormones really made her blush and her heart beat fast, and she could not control herself.

Tang Li felt that she should say something to divert attention. Seeing the prey placed aside, she asked, "Xunnu, what did you catch? Why haven't I seen it before?"

Xunnu turned his face to the side, letting her wipe the wound on his shoulder and back, and simply answered: "Aardvark."

Aardvark? Isn't that another name for anteater? Tang Li looked at the thing again and felt that it didn't look like an anteater. It was probably a species from this world.

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Xunnu hesitated and said, "This is the Ghost Weeping Plain. There are no edible birds here. Only this kind of aardvark that burrows into the soil can be eaten."

Tang Li couldn't help but stop what she was doing after hearing this. She couldn't help but wonder, could it be that he saw her catching a scavenger bird and thought that she wanted to eat birds, so she went hunting, but didn't find any birds, so she caught this

… How could the little male god be so sweet! Tang Li put the bloody handkerchief into the small basin made of helmet to wash it with shaking hands, and calmed down by the way, otherwise she really wanted to hug the little male god's head and kiss him to comfort him. How could there be such a good and sweet heart in the world! The little male god is so good, why doesn't the heroine in the original book like him! Are you blind!

After calming down, Tang Li held the little male god's big hand, and said with great pity, "I'll make you something delicious, wait for me."

She loosened her hand, rolled up her sleeves, turned around and walked away with the aardvark in her hand. Xunnu moved her hand that had just been held, and took it back, as if she wanted to dispel the discomfort she had just felt.

They had been too close these days, and his hands, which were used to holding knives, were never afraid of coldness and hardness, but when they were suddenly touched by something soft and warm, his heart would tremble. It was difficult to explain this strange feeling, he didn't reject it, but the palpitations were too frequent, and he felt that it was not good.

He touched his knife, picked it up and held it in his arms. Feeling the cold temperature, Xunnu calmed down, but he unconsciously looked at the scabbard.

The sound of clinking interrupted Xunnu's daze. He looked up and saw Tang Li coming back with a lot of things. He had built a fire and put up a piece of iron sheet. The iron sheet was smooth and had been scrubbed clean. Tang Li lit a fire to bake the iron sheet, and then picked up the cleaned and skinned aardvark and began to slice the meat.

The basic qualities of a chef, her knife skills are at least passable. Tang Li sliced the meat thinly, with fat and lean parts, and spread them on the red-hot iron sheet, making a sizzling sound. She moved quickly, took out a few paper bags from her purse, picked up the powder inside and quickly sprinkled it evenly, and then used a small clip to quickly turn the meat over.

The seasonings in this world are somewhat different from those commonly used in her world, so when she was helping in the kitchen before, she saw those different seasonings and collected some of them. It was also a small habit of being a chef. She didn't expect that she would use them at this moment.

For someone who likes to carry a lot of things with him in case of emergency, the fact that the things he prepared happen to be used can bring him a sense of satisfaction.

Thinking about feeding her little idol with delicious food later, Tang Li felt full of strength - this was probably the power of star chasing.

"Come, Xunnu, have a taste."

Xunnu: It’s delicious, better than any aardvark meat I’ve ever eaten.

“Is it delicious?”

Xunnu nodded and ate the remaining pieces of meat.

Tang Li looked at the two little lights in his dark eyes and was very satisfied. She raised her hand and gave him some more meat. "Eat more, eat more. There is still a lot. You are too thin. You must eat more."

Xunnu paused, looked at her thin arms and legs, then looked at his own body which was a size bigger than hers, and began to have a little self-doubt.

The author has something to say: Loyal dog sweetheart bass killer x pig raising expert life skills full soft girl

I'm really worried about whether the killer brother will be fattened by the heroine (What are you talking about

Oh, by the way, I changed the word "knife" into "sword" in the previous chapter.