Happy Ending with the Second Male Lead

Chapter 50


"There must be some villains who are deliberately slandering our Qin'er! Xuanyu, don't be suspicious. You know, you and Qin'er have a deep relationship and it is impossible for her to do such a thing..." Nangong Xian tried to explain, but was coldly blocked by Xiahou Xuanyu.

He didn't even look at Nangong Xian, holding a jade cup, he said calmly: "What exactly is going on? You will know when you go and see it."

Nangong Xian returned to his carriage, his face immediately fell, and he cursed. Xiahou Xuanyu was extremely talented, and inherited North City at an early age. He was praised too highly and was too arrogant. If Nangong Xian had not had some ulterior motive, he would have been intolerable to him.

After Nangong Xian left, Xiahou Xuanyu could no longer conceal his anger, and the jade cup in his hand turned into a handful of ash.

"Xun, it's this guy again!" Of course he would not doubt Nangong Qin. In his memory, Nangong Qin loved him so much that she was willing to give up her life. How could she betray him? Such rumors must have been a provocation from Xun. He should not have let this annoying man live for so long. It would be fine if he didn't show up in front of him, but if he dared to show up in front of him, he would definitely cut off the roots.

Thinking of this, Xiahou Xuanyu suddenly felt his mind become clear, and a panel gradually emerged in front of him. He felt that he had suddenly entered a strange state, as if he understood a lot of things at once. However, this situation did not last long. After a moment, he felt a splitting headache, and all the things that appeared in his mind before turned into a paste. Not only did he not remember anything, he also almost fainted from the pain.

— "The connection is unstable, reconnection failed, and the personality awakening failed."

The half-formed panel collapsed.

Xiahou Xuanyu slowly recovered. After that, he suddenly felt a surge of anger coming from nowhere. He just felt that he hated Xun even more and wished he could kill him as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, in the East City, Xun stood alone in the corridor, waiting for Tang Li's eye treatment to be completed. The door of the room was not closed, with only a screen blocking him from seeing Tang Li.

From that night on, Xun almost never let Tang Li leave his side for more than a cup of tea. Similarly, he rarely allowed others to get close to Tang Li unless it was necessary. He did everything himself, to the point where he was almost afraid of everything.

He seemed to have easily accepted the fact that Tang Li had come back to his side after coming back to life, but beneath this indifferent and even somewhat cold attitude, there was a sense of depression and uneasiness.

In the eyes of Yuwen Jin and others, Xun was very calm, and only Tang Li noticed that his emotions were not right. Post-traumatic stress disorder, his reactions and many behaviors made Tang Li think of this.

During the past few days, Tang Li often tried to comfort him when talking to him, but the effect was not ideal. Xun was by her side at night, never resting, just guarding her. He might fall into a short sleep, but the sleep was very shallow and it was easy to wake up. Tang Li couldn't see it, so in order to find out whether Xun had rested at night, she waited patiently. As a result, she found that no matter when she made any movement, Xun would react immediately. It seemed that he not only did not sleep, but his eyes were always fixed on her without moving away.

In addition, he has an instinctive aversion to anyone who gets close to Tang Li. Even if it is the maid who takes care of Tang Li, as long as they get close to Tang Li, he will doubt whether the other party will hurt Tang Li.

When the two maids were helping Tang Li take a bath, one of them wanted to trim her nails. However, just as she took out the small pair of scissors that could not kill people, Xun, who was waiting behind the screen, could not help but pull out the Xun knife an inch, which frightened the maid. Tang Li had no choice but to comfort the maid gently and let her go.

Because he overreacted and scared the maid away, Tang Li then lay in the bathtub and joked with him, calling him: "Xunnu, I can't see, can you wash for me?"

Xun: "..." He was silent for a moment, washed his hands seriously, and went to help Tang Li take a bath. In his heart, he had already regarded Tang Li as his wife, but in such a situation, he was still a little embarrassed and did not say a word during the process.

Tang Li couldn't see his expression and teased him deliberately, "Did you deliberately scare people away so that you can wash for me?"

Xun saw through her teasing and didn't answer her. He just carefully tied up her long hair and let it hang to one side, then rubbed her back gently. Tang Li found that he only rubbed the area behind her back and didn't intend to rub other places, so she burst into laughter.

She lay on the tub and laughed, "Xunnu, your strength is getting weaker and weaker. Don't worry, I won't rub off a piece of skin."

She guessed Xunnu's expression must be very interesting, but unfortunately she couldn't see it now.

After that, Tang Li never used a maid to wash herself, and Xun always helped her. Tang Li found the fun of getting along with Xun in this blind situation, and she would tease him whenever he felt embarrassed, and she would not be satisfied until he lost his composure.

The ruthless swordsman who was cold and silent to everyone else would become a different person only in front of her. He would answer her questions tirelessly, chat with her, willingly do those trivial things for her, and give her all his tolerance and tenderness. He was like a glacier that gradually melted due to the warm ocean current, and all the tenderness was under the ice and snow.

The doctor removed the white cloth wrapped around Tang Li's eyes. The color of the honeysuckle stuck on her eyes had changed from clear light yellow to grayish haze.

"The remaining poison has been almost removed. With just one more treatment, the eye can be completely restored to sight." The doctor said with relief.

Tang Li thanked him politely: "Thank you very much, I will trouble you again tomorrow."

Seeing Xun coming in, the doctor quickly said goodbye and left. Xun knelt on one knee in front of Tang Li, with his clothes spread on the ground. He raised his hand to support Tang Li's cheek and looked carefully at her eyes. Her originally lifeless eyes did gradually become more lively.

"Feeling better?" Xun asked.

"Well, I can see some vague shadows, but I can't see them clearly yet." Tang Li leaned forward, "I really hope you can get better soon. I want to see clearly what you look like now."

Xun: "No hurry, no matter when you are ready, you can see me immediately."

Mi Tuo Sheng is indeed one of the secret treasures of East City. Tang Li used Mi Tuo Sheng as a reference for seven days and finally could see things clearly. She couldn't wait to look at Xun who had been waiting for a long time.

The first time she saw Xun, Tang Li was in a trance. It was not until this moment that she felt that five years had passed. The tall young man in her memory had become a mature man. He no longer had the immaturity of the past, but was replaced by a sense of vicissitudes.

After looking at it for too long, Tang Li's eyes were still not used to it and felt a little sore. She blinked away the tears and raised her hand to lift a strand of Xun's hair, "You... why do you have white hair?"

She stroked Xun's hair and touched the headband behind his head. She didn't recognize the washed headband at first, but when she saw a small leaf pattern underneath, she realized that it was the headband she gave to Xun. The headband was very old and even broke, looking a little shabby, but Xun still used it.

Tang Li lowered her head, wiped her tears, suddenly stood up, and pulled Xun out.

Yuwen Jin and Duan Ming were watching the fun from the side, and when they saw the two men suddenly stand up and leave, they followed them out of curiosity. "A Ming, where do you think Brother Xun and the others are going?"

"Maybe they are planning to find a quiet place to talk to each other." Duan Ming said.

Yuwen Jin: "Then if we follow them, wouldn't that be a bad thing?"

As the two of them were talking, they followed with great interest and ended up in the kitchen.

Yuwen Jin was bewildered: "Kitchen? Why is it the kitchen? Did I take the wrong road?"

Tang Li turned to him and said, "City Lord, I would like to use the kitchen to make something. Is that possible?"

Yuwen Jin was well-dressed and smiled elegantly, "Of course you can, Miss Nangong, please help yourself. But Miss Nangong is going to cook for us, I wonder if we will be lucky enough to taste Miss Nangong's cooking skills together?"

Xun suddenly glanced at him, Yuwen Jin's eyebrows jumped, and he subconsciously restrained his romantic and unrestrained style. He rubbed against Duan Ming, his eyes on his nose and his nose on his heart.

Tang Li smiled, pushed Xun to sit aside, then she rubbed her hands, rolled up her sleeves, and began to choose ingredients.

Because it was not mealtime, the servants who were busy in the kitchen were relatively idle. When they saw several distinguished guests coming, they all waited aside and watched Tang Li's actions with the same curiosity.

Tang Li was very focused when she was cooking. She prepared the ingredients one by one and put them into the pot one by one with skill. She didn't make anything complicated, just a pot of noodles - the same noodles they made in that black shop after they left the Ghost Crying Plain.

She served the noodles, mixed the marinade, and brought it to Xun.

Xun looked at the bowl of noodles, picked up the chopsticks silently and started eating. He took a few bites, put down the chopsticks, and looked at Tang Li again with bloodshot eyes.

Tang Li looked at him tenderly, "Can you believe and be sure now that I'm back?"

Xun held her hand and covered his eyes with it. He took a deep breath to stay calm, his voice still a little unsteady, "Yes, you're back."

"Really, it hasn't changed at all." After he let go of Tang Li's hand, he suddenly smiled like ice and snow melting.

Yuwen Jin and Duan Ming's fans fell to the ground with a snap at the same time.

Yuwen Jin: "…" Brother Xun laughed? What, this person can actually laugh

Duan Ming: “…” Nangong Qin is truly a god who can turn decay into magic. I am convinced.

Tang Li looked at his smile with satisfaction and touched his cheek in fascination. It was great, he was still her Xunnu, loyal, persistent, and so pitiful and lovely.

"I'll cook whatever you want to eat. You must not have eaten well in these years. Look at your face, it's so thin. When I touched it before, I felt like your cheek could cut my hand. How can this be okay?" Tang Li was in a good mood and really wanted to cook.

There were all kinds of ingredients in this big kitchen, the richest Tang Li had ever seen. She showed off her skills and cooked a sumptuous lunch, and also made a few snacks, two steamed ones, two fried ones, and a sweet soup.

Yuwen Jin and Duan Ming consciously sat down to eat together. Yuwen Jin had a special liking for the appetizers made by Tang Li. After a few bites, he was still not satisfied and said, "This tastes fresh. How come I have never eaten this before?"

Xun was distracted for a while just watching Tang Li humming a song while cooking in a good mood, and then he found that the appetizers Tang Li brought to the table were almost eaten up by the other two people at the table.

"Hey, Brother Xun, my sister-in-law's cooking skills are very good." Yuwen Jin greeted him calmly, "Brother Xun, eat it too, my sister-in-law made it especially for you."

Xun looked at him with an indescribable look, obviously speechless about his character. He picked up the chopsticks and started eating with him.

Tang Li looked at him eating with loving and gratified eyes, and did not forget to bring him a big bowl of soup, "You are too thin. I will make soup for you every day. You must eat well and make up for the past few years."

Xun suddenly felt a heavy love. He responded in a low voice and drank the soup silently. This feeling of eating until full was familiar. When he and Tang Li lived in Bailu City, he had this feeling almost every day. It made him miss it but also... helpless. As soon as he put down the bowl, a pair of slender hands appeared in front of him, holding several plates of beautiful and novel snacks.

Xun unconsciously touched the knife at his side.

Tang Li smiled and patted his hands. "It's okay. This is dessert. I know you can't eat it now. Eat it later. This dessert tastes better when it's cold. I'll pour a layer of syrup on it later. The syrup must be freshly boiled so it won't be too sweet. I'm sure you like it."

Yuwen Jin walked to Xun with a burp, looked at Tang Li's back as she made syrup with a smile on her face, and said to Xun sincerely, "Brother Xun, if you keep eating like this for every meal in the future, you will definitely gain weight."

After he said this, he whispered like a thief: "Be careful when you gain weight, your sister-in-law may think you have changed and won't like you anymore." Yuwen Jin was really worried.

Xun pushed away Yuwen Jin's hand on his shoulder.

"Swordsmen don't get fat." he said coldly.