Happy Ending with the Second Male Lead

Chapter 53


"That UFO Mountain, where exactly is it?" Bai Ling sat down on a dead branch, facing the vast green forest, and let out a wail.

She picked up the purple shell hanging from her waist and said, "Old shell, I can't find the way. I don't want to go anymore."

The purple shell opened and closed, and said with a sigh, "My little master, after you transform, go to UFO Mountain and worship the Supreme God Xuan Cang as your master. This is the old master's last wish before he died. You must go."

Bai Ling almost knelt down before this old shell. She said madly, "Old shell, you hear me, it's not that I don't want to find that damn UFO mountain and worship that damn god, it's that I really can't find the way. I've been wandering around in this damn forest for half a month and haven't even seen a single person. I'm going crazy!"

Old Beike was silent for a while after hearing what she said. His little master, Bai Ling, was the little princess of the White Dragon Clan, the only white dragon left in the world. When the White Dragon Clan was exterminated, only the youngest princess was still in the egg and had not hatched. She was hidden in the Luoshui Spirit Cave by the old clan leader, and thus was preserved. As the most loyal servant of the White Dragon Clan, he had always shouldered the responsibility of taking care of the little princess. He finally waited until the dragon egg was hatched and the little princess was able to transform from a dragon form to a human form. But somehow, he felt that the little princess was not what he had imagined.

In his imagination, the newborn princess should be an innocent, kind and lovely girl, speaking softly, not like this now -

Bai Ling took off her white boots, grabbed the uppers and poured them down. After two small stones fell out, she threw the shoes on the ground and cursed in a low voice: "What kind of master do you want to worship? You don't know the way and you can't find me. Damn it."

Old Shell: "..." Although the voice is indeed soft, why does the tone sound wrong? Old Master, I am sorry for not teaching the little princess well!

"Old Shell, come up with a plan. What should we do now?" Bai Ling tossed the purple shell in her hand. "My father is dead anyway. He can't see me. How can he know whether I have gone to become a disciple? Let's just not go."

She didn't want to go in the first place. If it weren't for the headache caused by Old Shell's nagging every day, she would never have left Luoshui. Her sense of direction was not good in her previous life, and now that she became a dragon, it is still not good. She didn't have a map, so she just said to go southeast. As she walked, she got lost and didn't know where she was.

Old Shell was still trying to struggle, and said in a coaxing tone, "Little Master, maybe we are almost there, or you can turn into a dragon and fly over there, we can fly over there very quickly."

Bai Ling covered her face. Yes, she could transform into a dragon, and dragons could fly, but she couldn't because she was afraid of heights. Can you believe it? Her fear of heights didn't get better after she turned into a dragon, and it even got worse. The first time she flew in dragon form, she looked at the water below, and her legs and four claws were all soft. She felt weak, dizzy, nauseous, and wanted to vomit. Then she fell directly into the water, and she refused to fly again. Usually, she would only walk when she was in dragon form.

Thank goodness the dragon has claws, otherwise she would have to crawl on the ground like a snake.

"Give up, old shell. I can't fly. I won't fly even if I die here."

Old Shell was heartbroken. As the last dragon of the White Dragon Clan, his little master had such beautiful scales and a smooth body, but he couldn't fly! Is a dragon that can't fly still called a dragon? He had been distressed about this question for eight hundred times, but unfortunately, it was ineffective.

The dragon and the shell fell into silence.

Suddenly, a figure flashed through the woods. Someone?! Bai Ling caught sight of the figure and instantly became alert. "Old Shell, look, there's a person over there!" She jumped up and chased after him excitedly.

She walked lightly and silently, and the plants in the forest automatically avoided her because of her breath, so she soon caught up with the figure in front.

It looked like a person, but he was hunched over, wearing rags and sack-like clothes, with messy hair and looked dirty. If you didn't look carefully, you would think he was a wild beast in the forest. He seemed to be in a panic, not paying attention to his surroundings at all, and he was heading into the woods with his head down, as if he was being chased by something terrible.

Bai Ling called out to him: "Hey, big brother in front, wait a moment!"

The figure was startled by the sudden sound, twisted his foot and rolled into the thorn bush.

Bai Ling didn't expect him to react so strongly, so she quickly ran over to help him get out of the thorn bush. After being stabbed by the thorn bush, the elder brother looked even worse, with bloody scratches all over his head, face and hands. Bai Ling dragged him out and took a closer look, and found that this brother was really very unique.

Half of his face was covered with tumor-like lines, and one of his eyes was squeezed together. What was even more terrifying was that his upper lip and the area under his nose were all missing, and his teeth were exposed, which was very strange. If it were an ordinary person, they might scream when they saw him, but Bai Ling didn't. There were a few little monsters in Luoshui who failed to transform and looked weird. She was used to seeing them.

“Are you okay?” Bai Ling asked out of concern, but the brother just stood there blankly, staring at her without moving his eyes. After a while, he suddenly knelt down with a plop, kowtowed to her, and cried bitterly, “God, please, please save me, please... tell me why I have to live in this world... please..."

His surname is Lu, and his name is Linsheng, because his mother gave birth to him in the forest. There are dozens of families in Pengjia Village at the foot of the mountain, all with the surname Peng, but he is the only one with the surname Lu, because his mother was bought from somewhere by an old drunkard in the village, but a few days after the purchase, the old drunkard fell into the water and died, and Mrs. Lu became a widow, helpless in the village, and everyone could bully her. Lu Linsheng was the product of someone bullying Mrs. Lu.

He was so ugly when he was born. People who saw him said, "He looks like a monster. Did Madam Lu give birth to a monster? It's scary."

Mrs. Lu died later, and Lu Linsheng grew up alone in that shabby house. No one in the village cared about him, so he followed a few dogs in the village to pick up food everywhere, and even secretly ran to other people's pig sheds to steal pig food. He grew up like a miracle. He was always the target of teasing and bullying by others.

From a child who only knew that he was hungry and wanted to eat, he grew up to a young man who understood what humiliation was. He was in great pain because he could not escape the wanton ridicule, beatings and scolding. Because he grew up eating pig and dog food, he could only live like a pig and a dog.

Pain and resentment, every time he was beaten and scolded by the young men in the village, he wanted to kill them. But he didn't dare to, because he was beaten since he was a child, and when facing those punches and kicks, he would subconsciously feel scared and would just curl up and wait for them to finish beating him.

He thought that life would always go on like this, but last night, he killed someone. Peng Youfu, the youngest son of Aunt Peng Si in the village, was one of the people who liked to bully him the most. He once broke his nose with a stone, knocked out his teeth, kicked him into a pond, hit his head with a bamboo pole, and almost drowned him. When he was in a bad mood, he would beat him up to vent his anger.

Yesterday, Peng Youfu drank some wine and passed by the door of his hut drunk. He begged for some food, which was rare. Peng Youfu came over, stepped on his food on the ground, and kicked him hard in the stomach with a smile.

"Are you an ugly thing like you worthy of being a human being and eating the food that humans eat?"

He said he was not worthy of being a human being, but is a "human being" a good thing

Lu Linsheng didn't know what happened, he just felt his mind go blank, and when he came to his senses, he had already beaten Peng Youfu to death with the stick next to him. Red and white stuff flowed out of the broken side of his head, and the man who had just laughed and kicked him lay on the ground, without any sound.

He killed someone. Lu Linsheng showed a weird smile that was a mixture of fear and joy. His face was as scary as a demon. He was terrified and happy at the same time. He dragged the body into the mountain under the cover of night and walked deeper into the mountain. He had to find a place to bury the body. He couldn't be discovered by anyone. As long as no one found out that he had killed someone, he would be fine.

Yes, nothing will happen, no one will know that he killed someone.

He went deep into the mountains and buried the body in a large earth pit. His body was covered with mud, and his hands were full of mud. When he was about to return to the village, he was overwhelmed by a huge fear that he realized belatedly. He walked forward in a daze, his body shaking uncontrollably.

Until he was called by a clear voice, he trembled all over and fell into the thorn bush. When he came out of the bush and saw clearly the person who called him, Lu Lin was stunned.

He had never seen such a beautiful person. Even the county magistrate's daughter, whom he had seen from afar in the county town before, could not compare to the woman in front of him. Her eyes were clear and bright, her skin was white as snow, and she was wearing a white dress. The silver lines on it emitted a hazy light in the sun. She was glowing, just like... like a fairy who did not exist in the world.

Is she a deity? Lu Linsheng thought, she must be a deity, and deities know everything, so she must know that he had killed someone.

Fear, terror, and an inexplicable resentment that was suppressed in his heart overwhelmed him, causing him to kneel on the ground and cry bitterly. He didn't know what he wanted to say.

Bai Ling, who didn't know what had happened before, was so scared by the crying brother in front of her that she almost flew away. What was he doing? His tears were flying everywhere and he was crying so miserably.

She was a little confused, so she could only squat down, fetch a handkerchief and help the man wipe his tears. "Well, wipe your tears first, and let's talk it over, okay?"

After a long while, Lu Linsheng stopped crying, knelt on the ground with a dazed look on his face, staring at Bai Ling.

"You... aren't you a god?"

"No." It's just a dragon.

"You, then, then why are you here, no no, what do you want?"

You are quite sensible, brother. Bai Ling immediately said, "I want to ask for directions. I am lost here. Can you take me out?"

Lu Linsheng lowered his head and dared not look at her. He covered half of his face out of shame and nodded repeatedly, "Okay...Okay, I'll take you out."

They walked in the mountains, one in front and one behind. Bai Ling whispered to Lao Beike. Lao Beike said, "Little master, you have to be careful. There are many bad people in the world. Maybe because you are good-looking, they will do something bad."

Bai Ling: "If he is a bad guy, then I will turn into a long strip and scare this bastard to death on the spot."

However, Lu Linsheng led her all the way out of the old forest. When she saw the smoke from cooking at the foot of the mountain, Bai Ling cheered excitedly, "Thank you, brother, you are such a good person!"

The author has something to say: When I say he is a monster, I mean both physically and psychologically. Of course, he hasn't evolved yet, he's only version 1.0, so he's not a monster yet.