Happy Ending with the Second Male Lead

Chapter 54


Bai Ling stood in front of the simple thatched cottage, wondering if this shabby house was really habitable? I'm afraid it would collapse if the wind blew.

Although the other houses in the village were not made of blue bricks and tiles, but mostly of mud, this was definitely the only one that was in such a dilapidated state. Bai Ling followed her older brother, Chouchou, back because she wanted to drink water, so the older brother brought her back anxiously, washed the cleanest bowl in the house countless times, and finally carefully brought her a bowl of clear water, which was sweet and clear well water.

In fact, Bai Ling doesn’t care about these things now. When she was a dragon, she was still learning how to swim as a dragon in Luoshui. She didn’t know how much water she drank from Luoshui. Such a long river, with people living on both sides of the upstream and downstream and branches, who knows what is washed in it. There are also big and small fish in the river, which she often swallowed in one mouthful. She didn’t know if she had eaten anything she shouldn’t have…

Forget it, forget it. I can’t think about this kind of thing too much. I feel uncomfortable when I think about it.

After drinking the water, Bai Ling pressed her stomach again and felt a little hungry. Of course, dragons also need to eat. According to the age of the dragon clan, she is still a young dragon. Since she changed her species, her favorite food is fish. But for more than half a month, she got lost in the mountains and didn't even see a lake. All the fish she had stored in her spirit bag before she set out were eaten up.

The food supply was gone, so she had to get something to eat first.

Lu Linsheng, who had been huddled in the corner like a piece of mud, suddenly spoke. He said, "I, I'll go find you something to eat." Then, he hunched over and ran out quickly. Bai Ling didn't have time to stop him.

Although she explained that she was not a fairy, this big brother still seemed to regard her as a fairy and was trembling with fear as if he was a little afraid of her.

Tsk, what's wrong with you, little brother? My little sister is so pretty and won't eat people, why are you so scared

But after eating fish for so long, she really wanted to eat human food. Bai Ling Ansheng sat in the house waiting. After a while, she suddenly heard a burst of laughter and scolding coming from outside the house, which was very noisy.

She walked out and took a look, and her heart was filled with anger.

A few villagers surrounded the little brother and beat him, laughing at him loudly while beating him. The poor little brother huddled on the ground with his head in his hands, huddled up in a ball, and cried out in pain, with a few sweet potatoes and unknown tubers scattered around him.

Several people kicked him in the stomach and back, cursing, "Who allowed you to go up the mountain to dig these sweet potatoes? Beat you to death, you ugly thing."

"He won't die no matter how hard we hit him. Why don't we throw him into the pit and try?"

"It stinks. It was lost before, and he crawled out by himself and walked along the road in front of my house. The road was stinking because of him."

Bai Ling: “…” You sons of bitches, you’ve offended me.

She walked quickly forward and kicked a few times, kicking the laughing villagers away, and they fell into the vegetable field and chewed the mud.

"What's wrong with you? Get up quickly." Bai Ling put her hands on the torn sack-like clothes and pulled up the human figure sticking to the ground.

Lu Linsheng staggered as she pulled him, and he stared at the fairy in front of him with a dazed look. The sweet potato he was holding tightly in his hand rolled to the ground and landed at Bai Ling's feet.

Bai Ling took a look and saw that he seemed to be fine, so she squatted down and picked up the sweet potatoes and tubers, "Let's go."

Lu Linsheng was in pain all over, but he ignored the pain and limped to catch up with Bai Ling in front of him, his heart filled with longing, fear and shame. And those who were kicked away by the powerful kick were all dumbfounded after seeing Bai Ling clearly, and they didn't know how to react. Why was there such a beautiful woman next to the ugly monster they bullied

Bai Ling ate the roasted sweet potatoes she had not tasted for a long time. The taste was surprisingly similar to the sweet potatoes she had sold on a cart outside the back door of her university that winter. She was distracted for a moment and then turned her attention to the brother next to the small black stove.

He stood far away from her and did not dare to get close. He was originally looking at her, but when he saw her looking over, he immediately lowered his head in fear, and his whole body almost merged into the small black stove.

Bai Ling: “…” You’re not afraid of a shovel, why are you poking at me

She suddenly remembered how this brother knelt before her and cried bitterly in the mountains. He also asked her why she lived in this world. She was silent for a moment, feeling uncomfortable. Just because she was not good-looking, should she be bullied and beaten and scolded at will

"Come here." She waved.

Lu Linsheng walked over with fear and a hope that he himself was not aware of. Bai Ling said again: "Close your eyes."

Lu Linsheng did as he was told. Bai Ling raised one hand and hovered it over his face. A soft white light suddenly appeared in her palm. The old shell on her waist was startled and said, "Young Master, you can't waste your spiritual power like this!"

Bai Ling ignored him and tried hard for a long time before letting go. As a result, the big brother's ugly face was still as ugly as before, without any change.

Bai Ling: “…” What a shame, it has no effect at all! It can’t be cured at all, this spiritual power is useless!

Old Shell transmitted with sorrow: "Young Master, you are wasting your spiritual power like this. It will be useless. That's why I asked you to become a disciple and learn how to use various spells and spiritual power!"


Bai Ling rubbed her nose. Seeing that her brother still had his eyes closed, she secretly took out a golden pearl from her spirit bag and said, "Okay, open your eyes."

"I give you this pearl as a thank you gift for showing me the way." She pretended that her treatment was not a failure, but that she wanted to take the pearl as a thank you gift from the beginning, which was why she asked the man to close his eyes.

Lu Linsheng stared at the pearl in her hand with his eyes wide open. Even if he was ignorant, he knew that the pearl was a treasure. He knelt down again and kowtowed, "I, I don't want this, Immortal, please take me away. I can do anything. I can be your servant."

Bai Ling raised her hand to his forehead to stop him from kowtowing. "I don't accept servants. If you don't want this pearl, forget it. Do you have any wish?"

Lu Linsheng looked at her. Her eyes seemed to have a strange power that made him unable to look away. Finally, he almost murmured, "My wish is to have enough to eat all my life and not go hungry..."

The word "hunger" almost accompanied him throughout his short life. All his humiliation and pain came from these two words.

Bai Ling suddenly put down her hand, "Okay, I'll fulfill your wish, follow me."

She took Lu Linsheng to a nearby county town, found a restaurant, and went straight to the owner. She gave him a small bag of lustrous white pearls, and pointed at Lu Linsheng behind her, "Keep an eye on this man. From now on, your restaurant will cover his three meals a day. This bag of pearls is the meal fee. How about it?"

The shopkeeper was stunned when he saw the bag of beautiful pearls. After he came to his senses, he nodded repeatedly. He looked at Bai Ling as if he was looking at the God of Wealth, and was also kind to the frighteningly ugly Lu Linsheng.

Bai Ling, "Remember your promise, write me a deed and give it to him. I will come back to check later, if you don't do it..."

The shopkeeper said: "No, no, our restaurant is a century-old shop, the most trustworthy, don't worry!"

Bai Ling did not stay in this small town for long. After dealing with this matter, she left. She did not take this chance meeting to heart, and she did not even ask what the elder brother's name was.

However, for Lu Linsheng, he would never forget Bai Ling in his life. After Bai Ling left, he returned to his straw hut with the food box prepared by the restaurant owner, and sat there blankly. Suddenly, a golden pearl fell from his arms.

It was the pearl from before, and he didn't know when it landed on him. Lu Linsheng's pupils shrank, and he knelt on the ground and grabbed the pearl, holding it tightly. He remembered the way she waved her hand gently before leaving, bright and clean. He really wanted to chase her, to keep looking at her, to be her slave, to do anything for her, even to be killed by her.

But... she didn't want to. Yes, he was like this, everyone disliked him, what right did she have to stay with such a person

Bai Ling walked forward while asking for directions, but three months later she got lost again as expected. No mortal knew where UFO Mountain was, so she could only walk straight to the southeast, and go around in circles when encountering obstacles. As a result, she lost her way and ended up in a prosperous city in the northeast.

"Old Shell, I'm telling you, I really don't want to go to that UFO Mountain this time!" Bai Ling said fiercely. Old Shell said nothing, his heart was also very tired.

Bai Ling traded pearls for gold, and then went to a restaurant to have fun, ordering dozens of special dishes, all of which were fish. She also specifically instructed: "Make me spicy dishes, as spicy as possible, very spicy! Very spicy!"

As dish after dish came up, more and more people looked at her, and this time they not only looked at her, but also at her dishes.

"Are you really okay?" the waiter asked hesitantly, looking at the large piece of dish covered with chili peppers.

Bai Ling took a few bites and said with disgust, "What's wrong with the chili here? It's not spicy at all and you still have the nerve to call it chili?"

She hadn't eaten spicy food for a long time after becoming a dragon. She had been lost and wandering around during this period and rarely saw the chili peppers she had been craving for. She finally smelled the spicy aroma in this restaurant, but she didn't expect that it was completely unappetizing when she tasted it. It was just slightly spicy.

The diners and the waiter around all showed expressions of awe.

Although it was only slightly spicy, it was really hard to eat spicy food in this world, so Bai Ling still ate it with care. While she was eating the hot pot she missed in her hometown, she heard diners at the next table lamenting about the plague in Luyang.

"I heard that a lot of people have died. Fortunately, it's far away from here, otherwise I would be scared."

"Luyang is a remote and poor place, so the plague shouldn't spread here. Besides, there is an immortal sect in our south. If many people really died, those immortals would definitely not just leave it alone."

Bai Ling couldn't recognize the road, and she didn't know that the forest where she got lost belonged to Luyang. And the ugly guy Lu Linsheng, whom she had helped, was dead at this moment.

Not long after Bai Ling left, Lu Linsheng got into trouble. His killing of Peng Youfu was discovered, and someone saw him dragging something that looked like a corpse to the mountains that night. A bloody stick and a copper buckle belonging to Peng Youfu were found in his home, so he was thrown into jail amid the curses of Aunt Peng and the strange looks of others, awaiting execution.

"That's him. Look at how he looks. No wonder he kills people."

"Yeah, he doesn't look like a good guy. He might have killed more than just this one person."

Those people pointed at him and looked at him with disgust, fear and curiosity.

After living in the simple prison of the county government for a while, Lu Linsheng heard the jailers gossiping that many people in the city suddenly contracted a strange disease, and the situation became more and more serious day by day, causing panic. In the cell next to him, there was a thief who had been locked up for a few days. He fell ill and died in prison, and no one dealt with his body. The situation outside was getting worse and worse. People said it was a plague. The jailers ran away, and no one came to deliver food to the stinking, cold and damp prison. The prisoners could not get out and could only wait to die inside.

Some were crying, some were shouting and cursing, and people were dying one after another.

Within two days, Lu Linsheng also contracted the disease. He lay in the corner of the dim cell waiting for death. Before he died, he took out the golden pearl that he had hidden in his arms and swallowed it into his stomach.

That was given by her, and even if she died, no one else could take it away.

He died quietly that night and his body slowly grew cold.

In the darkness, there were rustling sounds, and a rat twice as big as an ordinary rat slowly crawled into the cell and came to the side of Lu Linsheng's body. The rat had a faint demonic aura, but it had not yet become a demon, and it was a little short of the opportunity. It smelled the pure spiritual power and the breath of the dragon clan in the body in front of it, and followed the aura to find it.

A red light flashed in the mouse's eyes. It climbed onto the corpse, bit through the corpse's belly, drilled into the body, and began to gnaw.

In the darkness, Lu Linsheng's body was gnawed into a skeleton, and the rat grew larger, its red eyes filled with cruelty and greed.

The author has something to say: Don’t look at the little muddy dog now, he will be a big boss in the future, super fierce and scary (Shut up!