Happy Ending with the Second Male Lead

Chapter 55


At dawn, the corpse in the cell was eaten to the point of being a skeleton, and the man-eating rat returned to its dark cave.

The rat, which was filled with a faint demonic aura, followed its greed and instinct to eat Lu Linsheng. However, Lu Linsheng's obsession before his death was too strong. After being swallowed by the rat, Lu Linsheng's remaining consciousness vaguely woke up, and finally merged with the rat's faint consciousness. It began to regain consciousness, and also... obsession.

"Ah... I really want to follow her... I want to find her... I want to find her..."

"where is she… ?"

"who is she?"

The mouse, which had grown to the size of a cat, was trembling in the darkness, with red light flashing in its eyes. It was confused and dazed as it crawled in the winding and deep underground cave, following a certain smell and began to move forward.

Bai Ling stayed in the city for three days, eating fish every day in the restaurant. The owner, waiter, and regular customers all remembered her. She didn't find out anything about UFO Mountain during these days, but she learned that there was a Guiyi Immortal Sect in the south. Mortals don't know about immortals and gods, so they call those who practice immortality immortals, so the so-called immortal sect is probably just a sect for mortals to practice.

If you are a cultivator, you should know how to get to UFO Mountain.

Bai Ling therefore decided to go south to ask the disciple of the Immortal Sect for directions. Then she got lost and searched for directions all the way. After coming out of a vast wilderness, she finally found a city with people. As a result, she saw the name at the gate of the city, Jingshan City. Damn, she had been here before. After a long journey, she came back again. The middle road was wasted.

Bai Ling: "... Old Beike."

The old shell knew what she wanted to say, and started crying without saying a word. The whole shell opened and closed, vibrating like an electric machine, and tears and white pearls flowed out at the same time.

"As an old man, I only have this one wish in my life! If I can't see you, my little master, become a disciple of the Supreme God Xuan Cang of UFO Mountain, I will die with regrets.

In this life, Bai Ling only has this old shell who has been taking care of him. Seeing him crying like this, Bai Ling has no choice but to bend down to pick up those white pearls and put them into her spirit bag.

Old Shell is a powerful shell monster and has lived for a long time. The pearls it produces are very precious. Even the pearls produced by just crying are of top quality if they are placed in the human world. Now Bai Ling has several large sacks of these pearls in her spirit bag, so she doesn't have to worry about the travel expenses at all - the pearls she used before were all of this kind, and because there were so many of them, she didn't feel bad about using them.

Seeing that Old Shell was crying non-stop, Bai Ling looked at the pearls on the ground and was too lazy to pick them up. She pinched the Shell with one hand to prevent it from opening. "Okay, okay, stop crying. I'll go!"

The old shell stopped when it saw that things were going well. "Little master, come and collect all the pearls. Let's find a place to rest first. You should eat more delicious food. Look at how thin your face has become after running around so hard these days. If the old master saw it, I don't know how distressed he would be. Poor little master, you have to suffer this kind of hardship since you were born..."

Bai Ling blocked her ears. The master is too noisy!

She walked into the city and found that it was a little different from the last time she came. Although there were not many people in the city last time, the streets were still quite lively. But now almost every house was closed, there were few pedestrians, and there was a strange smell in the air.

"Old Shell, have you found anything? I feel something is a little strange." Bai Ling sniffed.

Old Shell: "It's demonic energy, young master. You should try to sense it using the dragon's instinct."

Bai Ling: “…” I’m sorry, I was a human for too long in my previous life, and now I have many problems to overcome as a dragon.

She tried to feel it once, twice, and after a long time she finally felt the evil spirit that Old Shell said. Once she started to pay attention, it was like a poisonous circle of monsters appearing in a game. That large area was marked red in front of her eyes. She also smelled a body odor, it was a fox monster!

Bai Ling was a little excited, "It's a living fox monster!" Fox monsters are the most common type of monster species in various novels, movies and TV dramas from ancient times to the present. They mostly appear in the form of beautiful women or men, bewitching everyone and developing countless touching love stories with men and women.

"Little master! Why are you so excited? If it's a bad creature, you'll be in danger. It's better to avoid it!" Old Shell said quickly: "Maybe it will eat you!"

Bai Ling: "Don't scare me. I know that if a monster eats a dragon, it will be struck by lightning!"

Old Shell: "If he wants to eat you even if he's struck by lightning, he'll make a fortune if he survives. Anyway, you have to be on guard against monsters. You'd better not stay here too long."

"Okay, I know. I'll leave after you tell me the way."

Jingshan City has been restless recently. Many people in nearby Luyang have been infected with the plague, which has also affected them. That's fine. In the past month, more than a dozen people have died in this city, all of them young boys and girls. These people turned into mummies silently overnight, and pink peach petals were scattered on the mummies. What's even more amazing is that these people seemed to be smiling before they died, and a strange smile could be seen on the mummies' faces.

Bai Ling walked around the city for a while and finally went to the tavern she had been to last time. There were slightly more people inside, all talking about whether the plague in Luyang would spread here, and the recent strange deaths in the city. This city was relatively closed, unlike the prosperous city she had visited last time. She asked several people in succession, but no one knew about the Guiyi Immortal Sect, let alone how to get there. They only pointed her to the south.

She missed the modern maps and the Internet. She could ask questions online if she didn't know anything. Bai Ling felt like she was playing a large stand-alone game with a huge map. Her main quest was to go to UFO Mountain to become a disciple, but this game didn't have a map, so she just wandered around aimlessly, accidentally returning to the starting point and triggering a strange side quest - the fox demon in Jingshan City.

There was no doubt that it must have been done by the vixen in the city, and then she went to fight the monster.

No one has formed a team. She is still a child, and it’s weird that she plays ball!

"There is a strong demonic aura in the east of the city! The strange deaths that have occurred in the city recently should all be caused by that demon." An imposing man walked into the restaurant with a sword on his back, followed by five men and one woman. All seven of them were wearing clothes of similar styles, with outstanding temperaments, and they were obviously upright people.

Bai Ling: “…” Teammates

"We are disciples of the Guiyi Immortal Sect. We came down the mountain to deal with the plague. When we passed by here, we felt a demonic aura rising to the sky. We discovered that a fox demon was harming people, so we came here to get rid of it." The man looked very reliable. "Please rest assured, we will go to the east of the city to get rid of the demon tonight. Please inform each other and don't go near the east of the city to avoid being accidentally injured."

Everyone in the restaurant looked at each other, and finally one person said weakly: "Guiyi Immortal Sect? It seems like someone was asking about this sect just now."

Bai Ling in the corner: "...It's me." She pulled open the curtain in front of her.

The seven disciples of Guiyi Xianzong looked at her. Bai Ling clearly saw that several of the disciples' eyes lit up. The man in the lead also showed a surprised look. Then he walked over and said, "You are full of spiritual energy. It turns out that you are also a fairy friend. Excuse me, are you here for that monster too?"

Bai Ling: "No, I'm asking for directions. I want to know where the Guiyi Immortal Sect is."

Senior Brother Male: "I wonder why fellow immortals asked me why I returned to the Immortal Sect?"

Bai Ling: "Asking for directions. I want to ask how to get to UFO Mountain. Ordinary people don't know."

Senior Brother: "UFO Mountain? It's very far away, and we can't enter it. Only the elders in the sect know how to enter. It is said that UFO Mountain is suspended in the air by the power of the Supreme God Xuan Cang, and you can see the vast mountains and seas. The immortals living on it can ride the clouds and control the wind to fly in the sky. It is a place that people of my generation who practice immortality yearn for..."

Bai Ling's face turned greener as she listened. Floating in the air? Everyone can fly?! Old Shell lied to her! He never said UFO Mountain was like this! If she had known that UFO Mountain was like this, she would have cried to death just to see Old Shell and never go there! She was afraid of heights. Living in a place like that would really kill her!

Old Beike knew that his little thoughts were exposed, and when he saw the throbbing blue veins on Bai Ling's head, he dared not say a word and behaved like a fake shell.

After Senior Brother Man finished speaking, he asked her, "Do you also want to go to UFO Mountain?"

Bai Ling looked at the others and suddenly thought, since they were all apprentices anyway, it didn't matter where they were apprenticed to, so she might as well join the Guiyi Immortal Sect. Thinking of this, she felt that she was a real genius, her brain was so connected that it could reach Rome.

"Friend, I want to ask, is your Guiyi Immortal Sect suspended in the sky?"

"Ah? Of course not, our Guiyi Immortal Sect is in Guishan."

That’s good, that’s good, as long as it’s not hanging in the sky.

Bai Ling asked again: "Are you still recruiting disciples?"

When Senior Brother Man heard this, he immediately understood what she meant and became even more enthusiastic. "Do you want to join the Immortal Sect? Of course you can. I see that you have the appearance of a clear glass, so you must be a great talent for cultivation. Our Guiyi Immortal Sect is eager for talents. Junior Sister, why don't you come with us? We will take you back to the sect after things are settled."

Is this what you call a junior sister? Bai Ling appreciated this enthusiasm and followed happily.

Old Shell weakly transmitted: "Young Master, can't..."

Bai Ling pinched the shell hard.

"Junior sister, let's deal with the fox demon in this city first."

"Junior sister, you can just rest aside. We are going to use the Big Dipper Sword Formation to exorcise the monsters. The light from the formation is very beautiful. I will find a good place for you to enjoy it."

After the brothers finished speaking, the only female disciple who looked younger also squeezed over and took her hand, "Junior sister, your skirt is so beautiful."

Bai Ling: Is this sect reliable? The disciples are so enthusiastic, it's like a pyramid scheme.

As a result, not long after, she saw with her own eyes these seven people trying to use the sword formation to trap and kill the evil fox demon. The stalemate lasted for most of the night, and finally the fox demon escaped from the sword formation.

"Oh no, the fox demon is going after the new apprentice sister!"

"Hurry up, go save them!"

The seven people were extremely anxious. Seeing the fox demon transformed into its original form and pounce towards Bai Ling with its mouth wide open, they thought that a tragedy was going to happen. But at that moment, a bright light appeared, and they all clearly saw dragon horns appear on the head of the new junior sister in the light, and white dragon scales appeared on her hands and face. After a high-pitched and majestic dragon roar, the fox demon that had tortured them for most of the night was beaten to death and fell to the ground with a bang.

There was silence between heaven and earth.

Bai Ling calmed the spiritual power in her body and retracted the horns and scales on her head.

Old Beike was still frightened and whispered thankfully: "Fortunately, the old master put the dragon ball in your body to block the attack for you, little master. Otherwise it would be dangerous! Alas, it's a pity that this dragon ball can only protect you, little master, for a while. I'm afraid that if you are attacked a few more times, the old master's dragon ball will break." His tone was very lonely and sad.

Several disciples of Guiyi Xianzong rushed over. The female disciple among them reached out her hand tremblingly and touched Bai Ling's hand, "Master and Grandmaster! I touched a dragon, a real dragon!" She fainted with a scream.

Other male disciples: "Dragon, dragon, dragon! It's a dragon!"

Bai Ling: "...You Guiyi Immortal Sect doesn't accept dragons?"

The senior male was full of excitement: "Take it, take it! What mountain, what master, you can choose whatever you want, junior sister!"

As several people were talking here, a rat emerged from the corpse of a fox demon in the ruins. The rat had red eyes and crawled a few times in the direction of Bai Ling. It was attracted by the fresh flesh and blood with demonic power in front of it, and after hesitation, it began to gnaw on the fox corpse.

Bai Ling and the others were about to leave when one of the disciples remembered that the fox corpse below had not been dealt with yet, so he volunteered to go and clean it up. He searched in the ruins for a while, then suddenly paused, revealing a look of disgust.

"What is it, a rat?"

Seeing a huge rat gnawing at the fox corpse until it was bleeding, the disciple did not hesitate, raised his sword and killed the rat, and black blood spilled all over the ground.

"It looks like this rat is about to turn into a demon." Picking up the fox corpse, the disciple muttered casually, "So many people have died from natural and man-made disasters. No wonder everything can easily turn into a demon."

He turned around and caught up with his fellow brothers and sisters who had left, without even glancing at the hideous and dirty rat corpse.

This abandoned house was desolate and no one dared to come and take a look. Only a few black crows smelled the blood and stench, landed beside the mouse corpses, and began to peck at them slowly.

The author has something to say: Wow, dead again.