Happy Ending with the Second Male Lead

Chapter 59


In the original world line, there is a special second male lead. When the female lead first meets him, he looks like a scholar. The female lead asks him his name, and he says he is nameless, so the female lead calls him nameless.

This initially seemingly harmless character seemed ordinary among the male protagonists and the second male protagonists at the time, but he gradually revealed his terrifying side later. It turned out that he was born in the Demon Gorge. His original body was not human, nor demon, but a creature that was neither demon nor devil. It was the only creature in the world that was created by accident. It could devour and merge living things. It was a monster without human emotions, smart and cruel, full of resentment and dominated by the desire to devour.

In the 486th year of Tianyan, several cracks appeared in the human world for some reason in Demon Gorge. Ten years later, the cracks suddenly expanded and gradually overlapped with the human world. The monsters and demons in Demon Gorge came out in droves, bringing a devastating disaster to the human world. The nameless man took this opportunity to escape from Demon Gorge to the human world and met the heroine.

In the original plot, he took good care of the heroine in the early stage, and comforted the heroine who was in great pain because of her infatuation with her master. However, as the plot developed, Wuming's conspiracy was exposed. It turned out that he just wanted to use the heroine to break the defense of the hero, Supreme God Xuan Cang, and wanted to find an opportunity to make the high and mighty Supreme God Xuan Cang suffer pain and injury - only by weakening the power of Supreme God Xuan Cang can he devour him.

Of course, Wuming's conspiracy did not succeed in the end. The heroine ended up being together with the hero, Xuancang Shangshen. As for Wuming, he had the opportunity to kill the heroine to avenge the hero who hurt him before he died, but he gave up at the last moment. He just glanced at the heroine and said, "When I first saw you, you were in the shape of a white dragon. That was the most beautiful picture I had seen after I left the Demon Gorge." After that, he turned into a puff of dust.

No one knows about Wuming's origins, how long he stayed in the Demon Gorge, and how he became the monster. Even in the original plot, his first appearance was just a coincidence when he met the heroine playing in the lake. Everything about him before was blank.

No one knows that Lu Linsheng, who was bullied because of his ugly appearance in Pengjia Village, lost himself in the mountains and forests in his original world after killing someone. He was never able to get down the mountain and was attracted by the crack of the Demon Gorge in the Luyang Mountain Forest and fell into the Demon Gorge. He was the original form of "Wuming". The last Wuming was transformed from Lu Linsheng, but he was no longer Lu Linsheng, so he abandoned this name.

In the original world, the existence of 'Lu Linsheng' had no intersection with the heroine, but in this world line, Bai Ling accidentally entered the Luyang forest and met Lu Linsheng, who became his obsession. Therefore, he followed Bai Ling and did not get lost in the forest and enter the demon stream. If it had been like this, I am afraid that the demon 'Wuming' in the original play would not appear at all. However, fate is a trick, because of Xuan Cang's thought, the fate of 'Lu Linsheng' still returned to the starting point and returned to the original position.

There are still ten years before the Demon Gorge and the human world merge and the connecting gap is completely opened.

Xuan Cang didn't care about all this, and Bai Ling was unaware of it.

Only the blurry piece of flesh and blood in the Demon Gorge, whose original appearance cannot be seen, tries day and night to climb out of the abyss and return to the world where its obsession exists.

"Haha, you can't go up there. No demon can go up there!"

"It's easy to get in here, but it's hard to get out."

"The Demon Gorge is a cage that completely imprisons evil demons like us. Unless we wait until the East China Sea overturns and the divine sword breaks, we will never be able to reappear in the human world. Let's not waste our time."

There were countless whispers and laughs in the darkness. The bloody monster seemed to have no mind. It did not respond to any words and only made such meaningless attempts every day. The monsters in the Monster Gorge devoured each other. There was a law of survival of the fittest. At first, the little mouse monster fell in and was immediately swallowed by a monster. However, not long after, the monster exploded and a monster fell out of its body.

Every time a demon swallowed the monster, it would die soon. The weaker ones would explode directly, while the stronger ones would die in great pain, because the monster inside them was like a living thing, devouring their internal organs and bodies, and then crawling out of their stomachs. It was like a game, and whoever was eroded first would die.

The powerful demons tried to swallow the monster out of curiosity, but they would spit it out soon. To them, the monster was just like a broken stone that could be found everywhere. Eating it was useless and it would make them uncomfortable. The monster could not swallow the demons that were too powerful for it at the moment.

This seemingly weak and harmless monster will also actively devour other demons. At first, it was afraid of everything around it, but slowly, as it was devoured more and more times, certain things in its body were worn out and gradually replaced by other things. It began to get used to it and enjoyed the process of getting more flesh and blood. Except for trying to leave here, it spends the rest of its time looking for demons to devour.

The monsters gradually become smarter and more greedy, looking for the most suitable "food", and even disguising themselves or using themselves as bait.

The Demon Gorge is very large, with many places that have never been explored, and there are all kinds of demons. It is a huge nest that easily breeds all kinds of filth. Monsters roam around in it, and every day they experience devouring and being devoured. Resentment, hostility, and demonic energy nourish every living thing in this endless darkness.

A large patch of sunflowers bloomed on the hill behind the Fiery Valley, almost spreading into the lake where Bai Ling was playing in the water. Large yellow sunflowers surrounded the lake that was reflected in blue by the sky. The yellow and blue colors connected to each other, and the cleanness was refreshing.

The Sixth Senior Brother stood over the hut and shouted towards the lake: "Junior Sister, someone has come from UFO Mountain. Master wants you to go meet him!"

After shouting three times, the calm lake water suddenly broke open and a white dragon head emerged. The white dragon blew a breath, very unhappy, "Here comes another one!" She was changing roles recently, her head was always itchy, and she felt more comfortable when she turned into her original form and soaked in the water, so she always stayed here. She was reluctant to go out to meet guests, and hesitated for a long time before changing back to human form, scratching her forehead and leaving.

Ever since Lord Xuan Cang left in anger after being rejected by her, a few immortals from Ufu Mountain came to Guiyi Immortal Sect to see Bai Ling from time to time. Their only purpose was to persuade her to go to Ufu Mountain to be Lord Xuan Cang's disciple.

Bai Ling: “…” Seeing that guy was so decisive in his escape, I didn’t expect him to use this trick!

As the saying goes, one should not hit a smiling person. Most of these immortals who came with a mission had a very good attitude. Bai Ling knew that UFO Mountain was great, and it was not easy to break up with them. She had to come out and deal with them every time. No matter how much they talked about, hinted at things, and praised UFO Mountain and Supreme God Xuan Cang to the sky, Bai Ling always had the same answer in the end - no go.

In addition to these lobbyists, UFO Mountain also sent a lot of precious gifts, all for Bai Ling. Xuan Cang's original intention was to repair their relationship, but Bai Ling looked at the various gifts and became even more suspicious. She felt that the High God Xuan Cang must have some ulterior motive. Otherwise, why would he send so many good things to her when they were not related at all and he disliked her

"If someone is being nice to you for no reason, he is either a traitor or a thief!" Bai Ling refused to accept those gifts and told them to return them the same way they came.

Later, Master Chi Yan also became suspicious, "He must have taken a fancy to our Ling Wa! That's why he tried every possible means to get Ling Wa to go to him! What a shameless old man, he's still doing this at his age!"

Bai Ling: "Master, you seem to be imitating my way of speaking!"

Chi Yan: "Hahaha, I am your master!"

Bai Ling: "Hahaha, Master is awesome!"

No one cares about the dramatic God Xuan Cang at all.

The immortal who went to Guiyi Sect returned empty-handed and walked into Xuancang Temple with a nervous look on his face, "God, the Dragon Girl still hasn't changed her mind and has not confiscated the gift."

The aura of Supreme God Xuan Cang was icy cold. Hearing this, he moved his fingers and said, "Go down."

After the people left, Xuan Cang closed his eyes and thought. This heroine really had no idea what she wanted. She was simply unyielding. As for sincerity, he had invited all the twelve main immortals under his command in Youfu Mountain. This was enough to invite the Immortal Emperor in the Immortal Court. But she remained unmoved. This was too arrogant.

But forget it, there is no need to rush. She doesn't look very old, and she may forget about it after a while. It may be more effective to ask someone to comfort her then. If it really doesn't work... then wait a few years, until the East China Sea overturns, the Dragon God Sword breaks, and the enemy of the White Dragon Clan reappears in the world. At that time, she will have to seek protection from him.

As for the Guiyi Immortal Sect, once the Demon Gorge is opened and the demons emerge, they will probably not be able to protect themselves, let alone Bai Ling. Bai Ling might even have to ask him to protect the sect.

Now that she is so arrogant, he wants to see what qualifications she has to continue being so arrogant. He is just waiting here for her to come to him and beg for help.

No matter what kind of woman she is, he will conquer her.

Bai Ling: “A-choo!”

Sixth Senior Brother: "Little Junior Sister, why did you sneeze? Did you catch a cold or soak in the water for too long at night?"

Bai Ling: "Sixth Senior Brother, why are you trying to imitate my speech?"

The Sixth Senior Brother was stunned: "… Eh? This happened when I wasn't paying attention. What happened?"

As they were talking, the second brother passed by carrying a rake, "Sixth brother and little sister, I dug some melons from the field. They are sweet and crispy. Do you want to try some?"

Bai Ling returned with a basket of melons grown and sold in the valley. She was puzzled and couldn't help asking Old Beike, "Old Beike, why can't the master and the brothers imitate me? You have followed me for a long time, but you don't imitate me?"

Old Shell shed a bitter tear for himself: "... My little master, I risked my life to show you how to speak normally!" God knows how desperate he was when he heard the cute little princess who was hatched from the dragon egg speak like this. Where did this accent come from? Did the princess eat something strange when she was pregnant with the little princess

Bai Ling: "What's wrong with talking like this? I've been talking like this since I was born, so I don't find it strange."

Old Shell: "Okay, whatever the young master says is fine!"

When Bai Ling successfully replaced the first pair of dragon horns, she personally refined the replaced dragon horns with some refining materials and made a dagger. This was her first independent work. As a commemoration, she named the dagger Dragon Horn and used it as her own sword, usually for cutting things. After all, there are many things that a hammer cannot do.

To celebrate her successful role change, the master and several brothers gathered together for a drink. Bai Ling also joined in the fun and drank a few glasses. She passed out while drinking. When she woke up, she found that she had turned back into a dragon, hanging on a rack like noodles, with dragon whiskers hanging on the ground and tail immersed in the wine jar. Several brothers were rubbing their arms and legs, and the master had a big bump on his forehead.

Bai Ling lifted her tail and swung it, then shook her dizzy head, "After I got drunk, I started a fight with you guys?"

The eldest senior brother shook his head, "No, no, little junior sister, you were drunk and turned back into a dragon. You said you wanted to take us up to the sky for a flight. We flew really high! But halfway through the flight, you suddenly let go of your claws and dropped us down. It was a bit tiring for the master to catch us. The bump on the master's head was hit by the hammer you dropped."

Bai Ling was stunned: "... I can fly? I dare to fly after I'm drunk? I dare to lead others to fly???"

She had no recollection of the flight accident, but her master and senior brothers were all so sure about what they said that it didn't seem like they were lying. Even Old Shell was so moved that he cried, "Wow, little master, you really can fly. You flew so well this time. Sometimes you flew in a V-shape, sometimes in a straight line. I wish you could always fly like this!"

Bai Ling: Do you think I'm a wild goose flying south? !

The author has something to say: This chapter contains a lot of information, so pay attention.

Me: The second male lead is so pitiful, Qingqing, come out and get beaten!

Lulu: Who are you calling