Happy Ending with the Second Male Lead

Chapter 61


Lu Linsheng had been following Bai Ling since the main group set off. Bai Ling noticed that this person had been staring at her and seemed to be very hungry. She couldn't help but ask him, "Are you not full?"

Lu Linsheng: "No, I want to keep...looking at you..."

Bai Ling didn't see anything wrong with this sentence, but the old shell on her waist suddenly transmitted her voice and shouted: "Young master, this lecher is too abominable. He actually dared to have ideas about the young master. The young master, hit him! Hit him!"

Bai Ling finally realized what was going on and thought to herself, oh my goodness, am I meeting my lucky star? Although the other person was a beggar, this was really the first man she had met who had directly expressed his affection to her.

Bai Ling herself was puzzled. She had been pursued by someone in her previous life, but now that she looked so pretty, no one pursued her. Isn't this very strange? Looking at the beggar with a blurry face in front of her, she felt complicated. After thinking for a while, she said, "It's like this. I don't have high requirements. It doesn't matter if you are a human, but I prefer boys who are clean and well-behaved... You know, right?"

Old Shell was going crazy, "My little master! He is a toad who wants to eat dragon meat, why are you still talking to him like this? Where is your hammer? Hit him to wake him up!"

Bai Ling ignored the stubborn old man Shell. As long as she wasn't made angry, she was generally easy to talk to.

Lu Linsheng stared at Bai Ling with his dark eyes. Although he called himself "Lu Linsheng", in fact, he inherited only deep obsession, longing, resentment and other emotions from Lu Linsheng. His other memories were extremely confusing, especially the painful experiences of being eaten for the first few times. In his memory, the clearest pictures were almost all related to Bai Ling - the first time he saw her in the mountains, she gave him golden pearls, she turned into a white dragon and played in the lake... All the pictures were warm and clean, and every time he thought of them, he felt that the insatiable greed in his body was satisfied for a moment.

In contrast, it was a long process of devouring and being devoured. He had a clear and complete mind in the Demon Gorge. He swallowed countless demons before he had a human-like appearance. Now, he was trying to become a "human", have a human body, learn to speak like a human, and learn to express his emotions with "smile".

He was undoubtedly very smart, but he just didn't realize what he needed to pay attention to as a human being. Now, after hearing Bai Ling say this, he nodded slowly, "Okay, I will... be clean..." After such a period of time, his laughter had become much smoother and more natural than at the beginning.

The two stood there and talked alone for a long time. The fifth senior brother who was sent to deal with Dongyuan and Dongyuan could not stay any longer. The fifth senior brother was afraid that the little junior sister was naive and would be cheated, so he left Dongyuan and walked over. Dongyuan hurriedly followed.

"My friend, what happened?" Dong Yuan asked first, and took another look at Lu Linsheng's appearance, with a bit of contempt in his eyes, "I just saw him asking you for something. Most mortals don't know the rules, and many of them are very greedy. If you give them help out of weakness, they will naturally ask for more. If such people come to bother you, you don't need to..."

Bai Ling heard him talking more and more strangely, so she interrupted him directly: "Stop, stop, stop, don't talk nonsense if you don't know." The atmosphere in Ufu Mountain is really bad, from top to bottom, everyone is the same, she doesn't like the way people think they are immortals and look down on mortals. Just like there are many disciples in Guiyi Xianzong who think they are immortals and look down on mortals, she doesn't like it either.

Seeing Bai Ling unhappy, Dong Yuan was also very embarrassed. He couldn't lose his temper in front of his senior brothers and sisters, so he could only solemnly say to Lu Linsheng: "Go down quickly! Remember not to bother us again in the future!"

At this time, a middle-aged woman came out of the crowd. She looked well-dressed and her family was well-off. She was neat and tidy. She seemed to be a straightforward person, but she was inevitably timid in front of a few "immortals". She walked over and stared at Lu Linsheng carefully for a few seconds, then smiled and said to Dongyuan: "Immortal, calm down. I know this man. He was my neighbor. He was a famous scholar in our city. He studied hard in the temple since he was a child. Later, because he failed to pass the imperial examination and his father died in an accident, he became a little crazy. We all thought he ran away and died somewhere, but we didn't expect to meet him here."

"He is a poor man. If I have offended you in any way, I will apologize to the immortals. I will take him away right away."

Lu Linsheng was dragged away by the woman. He did not struggle but just looked at Bai Ling. He was dragged into the crowd, and she was still looking at him.

After watching him leave, Bai Ling and Fifth Senior Brother walked to the side, bumped his arm and sighed, "Sure enough, all this luck with romance is fake, it's impossible."

The fifth senior brother coaxed her: "... Junior sister, you are still young, let's not think about this, ah."

Old Shell transmitted the message: "Little Master! You are still a young dragon! You haven't even replaced all your dragon horns yet! And even if you want to find a mate, you can't be so casual! The one who can be worthy of the little master must be an outstanding demon with a good family background, reputation, appearance and ability! Not just any cat or dog can covet it!"

Bai Ling picked her ears, scratched the surface of the shell, and complained in a low voice: "Why do you have so many requirements? I just like it."

Lu Linsheng was dragged by the woman to a secluded place in the crowd. There were a few people there. They were all relatives of the woman. They also knew Lu Xiucai in the past. They asked him, "Lu Xiucai, where have you been all this time?" "Lu Xiucai, what did the immortal give you just now?" "Lu Xiucai..."

The woman waved at them, "Okay, go aside and let Mr. Lu take a rest."

Lu Linsheng looked at these people, his face expressionless. The woman felt inexplicably scared when he looked at her twice, and said carefully: "Are you Mr. Lu? I thought you looked like me just now. Do you remember your aunt?"

Lu Linsheng suddenly walked up to the cleanest-dressed man among the group and raised his hand toward him. But halfway through, he paused and put it down again, saying to the confused woman, "I want to clean up...

Half a day later, until evening, Bai Ling met Lu Linsheng again.

"Are you the Lu Linsheng from this morning?" Bai Ling looked at the man in front of her in surprise.

He was wearing clean clothes, and his hair and face were groomed. His true appearance was surprisingly young and delicate, like a scholar with a fragile temperament, weak and harmless. Because he was too thin, he looked a little pitiful. A grown man's waist was as thin as hers.

"I am Lu Linsheng."

After only half a day of not seeing each other, he spoke much more fluently. Bai Ling was a little unsure whether he was crazy or not, and looked at him hesitantly. She didn't speak, and Lu Linsheng didn't speak actively either, just staring at her so intently that Bai Ling felt something was wrong with her.

Bai Ling: "..." Brother, are you too enthusiastic? He fell in love with me at first sight because I gave him a peach? His eyes are staring at me like he wants to eat me. It's so scary.

The old shell on her waist suddenly transmitted a message in a very nervous tone. He said, "Young master, this man is not right. He is very dangerous. Stay away from him! He doesn't seem to be human!"

After all, Old Beike has lived for many years and has a natural sense of perception. When Lu Linsheng looked straight at Bai Ling, he felt something was wrong for a moment. Bai Ling quickly became alert after hearing this, considering whether to show her weapon immediately.

Lu Linsheng took a step forward and moved closer to her. Just as Bai Ling was about to ask him to stop, Lu Linsheng stretched out his hand, and in an instant, his hand fell like a flowing black silk thread, revealing a round red bead inside.

"I want to give this to you." The person who spoke smiled sincerely, but it was so scary that his hands suddenly spread apart.

Before Bai Ling could react, a scream suddenly came from the crowd resting in the camp. The crowd scattered, some crying and wailing heartbreakingly, and some calling for help in terror.

"There's a monster! Ah! The monster is eating people!"

"Help! Immortal, help me!"

Bai Ling ran over immediately and saw the chaos in the crowd. Several monsters that had sneaked in at some point were tearing bloody people apart. Dongyuan and the fifth brother had already gone up to fight with the monsters. Dongyuan was obviously more powerful, dealing with several monsters alone, while the fifth brother was caught between two monsters, and several other monsters were looking for food in the crowd.

Bai Ling picked up the hammer and went up without hesitation. It would be a lie to say she wasn't afraid, after all, she had never really killed a monster, but she knew that this would happen sooner or later, and her master might have sent her out to train her. When she raised the hammer and hammered it down, the whole ground shook. She was afraid that she couldn't kill it with one blow, so she hit it again. When she lifted the hammer and looked, she saw that half of the body of the weird-looking monster had been hammered into a paste.

Bai Ling: “Ugh—” What a disgusting death!

The fifth senior brother shouted towards her worriedly: "Junior sister! Are you okay?"

Bai Ling: "Ugh—I'm fine, wait for me to pee, and then I'll kill the rest! Ugh—"

A monster pounced on her when she was not prepared. Bai Ling swung a hammer at it, and the monster and the hammer flew out and hit the ground. The loud thud made everyone scream again.

Bai Ling only had a hammer left in her hand. She wiped her mouth while picking up the hammer. Before she touched the hammer, a dozen ferocious monsters with big faces suddenly emerged from the ground and rushed towards her. Bai Ling saw these monsters clearly and thought to herself that it was bad. Suddenly, a black shadow passed behind her, and strands of black silk threads surged over, wrapping all the dozen monsters in black silk. The dozen black cocoons disappeared after only a few breaths, and the black silk threads gathered into a human figure at a very fast speed, turning back into Lu Linsheng's appearance.

He gave Bai Ling a harmless smile naturally, and his throat moved as if he had just swallowed something.

Bai Ling still held the hammer, and there was no monster around him. Dong Yuan and the fifth brother, who had dealt with the remaining sneak attack monsters, had rushed over. They also saw what had just happened. Dong Yuan took back the sword in his hand and stabbed Lu Linsheng directly.

The sword missed and Lu Linsheng appeared on the other side. The people who were originally close to him quickly crawled away screaming.

"Monster! What's your conspiracy by transforming into a human and hiding here?" Dong Yuan shouted.

Lu Linsheng looked at him with an indifferent expression and said nothing. The way he looked at him was no different from the way he looked at a walking piece of blood food.

"Die!" Dongyuan's sword light surged, stabbing at Lu Linsheng. Lu Linsheng's black silk was about to fall apart, Bai Ling finally reacted, stepped forward, grabbed him and pushed him aside, and swung the hammer, knocking Dongyuan out.

Dong Yuan couldn't believe it, "What are you doing?! Can't you see that he is a monster? Why are you protecting him?!"

Bai Ling slammed the hammer to the ground, "That's why I asked you what the hell you were going to do! Are you blind? Didn't you see that he just helped me deal with so many monsters? He came right up and wanted to kill me."

Dong Yuan: "An evil monster that devours its own kind cannot be a good thing. It must have had ulterior motives. If it is not of my kind, its heart must be different! Of course I must kill it, so get out of the way!"

Bai Ling raised the hammer and said angrily: "I'm giving you a hammer, but I'm not a human being. If you have the guts, come and fight me. I'll beat you in the head!"

The author has something to say: Lulu: Weak, pitiful and harmless, eats people, gods and monsters.