Happy Ending with the Second Male Lead

Chapter 9


There was a clear pond outside the Hibiscus Hall, with white marble steps that went all the way into the water, and railings carved into hibiscus flowers that surrounded most of the Hibiscus Hall. Sima Jiao brushed past the white jade hibiscus and listened to Gao Taibao talking about Xingzhou.

"I have already found out that the governor Wang Lingyu did have private dealings with the King of Qinnan. Wang Lingyu also used his family connections to forge weapons for the King of Qinnan. The workshop was in Xingzhou County. In addition to Wang Lingyu, there were several other officials who also had contact with the King of Qinnan. The territory under the King of Qinnan has almost become an independent country... Your Majesty, how are you going to deal with it?"

Sima Jiao raised his mouth in a malicious tone, his dark eyes were like bottomless wells, "Since they have all surrendered to King Qin Nan, what's the point of keeping them? Just kill them all."

He said it lightly, as if he was not going to kill many officials from several states, and the people who heard it were not surprised at all. Gao Taibao's expression did not change, he just smiled and nodded: "I understand, but some people can be killed directly and blatantly, but some people cannot. I will make good arrangements."

Sima Jiao rubbed the wooden beads on his wrist and hummed, "I'm going to cut off Wang Lingyu's head and send it to King Qin Nan's desk."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Gao Taibao still smiled.

When the two of them walked to the jade steps, Gao Taibao suddenly said, "Your Majesty seems to be in a much better mood after coming back this time. I heard that it was all thanks to Concubine Liao?"

When Sima Jiao heard him talking about Liao Tingyan, his expression relaxed slightly, "You saw her just now, too. What do you think of her? She is indeed a beauty, right? I picked her up from Hexia." His tone sounded a bit like a child showing off to his elders.

Gao Taibao smiled and nodded: "She is indeed a good woman, not a fussy one. If Your Majesty likes her, why not let her sleep with you at night?"

Sima Jiao's face darkened when he heard this. If it wasn't for Gao Taibao's words, if it was someone else, he would probably have been dragged away by him.

"Gao Mi, you know I don't want to leave any bloodline behind."

Hearing that he did not use "I" but "I" instead, Gao Taibao knew that he was very unhappy, but he still had to say it. Sighing in his heart, Gao Taibao said in a gentle tone: "Your Majesty, if you don't want to keep your bloodline, then don't keep it. But Your Majesty doesn't sleep well at night and often can't sleep. I think if you let the concubine accompany you, maybe Your Majesty will be happier and maybe even sleep better."

Sima Jiao blinked, "But I always have headaches at night. What if I get angry and kill her one day?"

Gao Taibao was stunned, shook his head and sighed in his heart. If he really wanted to kill her, why would he worry about this matter? It seems that maybe His Majesty is really going to have a turn for the better. His tone became more and more kind, "Your Majesty, don't worry, I promise that nothing will happen."

Sima Jiao looked at this person who had been with him since he was born, like a father to him. After examining him for a while, he finally nodded, "So be it."

After leaving Furong Palace, Gao Taibao summoned a eunuch and gave him some instructions.

The eunuch was surprised and terrified: "This! If His Majesty knew about this..."

Gao Taibao looked at him and said, "So you have to look for opportunities. You don't need to do too much. Just give a gentle push at the right time. Although His Majesty seems confused, he actually has a clear mind. Everything inside and outside the palace, and even the whole world, is in his mind. No matter who it is, it is impossible for him to get away with it after calculating against him."

"However, I am not plotting against His Majesty. I just see that His Majesty has grown up and it is time for him to reach this point. I have to help him." Gao Taibao's smile became more genuine, and his voice suddenly became inaudible. "In such a big country, how can there be no successor. Bloodline... even... Your Highness's bloodline needs to be continued."

Gao Taibao happened to pass by the Taiji Hall and couldn't help but stop and look at the magnificent palace. To this day, he can still clearly remember the blazing flames and the crazy laughter in the flames more than a decade ago. Blood flowed down the white jade steps, and the bodies lying everywhere and the magnificent palace were trapped in the sea of fire and burned to ashes.

Unknowingly, more than a decade had passed, and the child who was sitting on the edge of the sea with blood all over his body had grown up and became a... terrifying king.

"Congratulations, my lady. His Majesty has summoned you to sleep with him tonight."

"… Can you say that again?"

"His Majesty has just sent an order, asking the imperial concubine to sleep with him tonight."

Liao Tingyan has been in a state of doubt since she heard the news. She doubted whether the original work was poisonous, why was everything wrong; she doubted whether Sima Jiao was poisonous, why did he always go his own way; she doubted whether she was poisonous, and that was why she had changed her core, which led to the emperor wanting to sleep with her.

Blame it on her own charm? Liao Tingyan finally began to doubt her life. When she was exhausted from work every day, she never thought that one day she would need to sleep with the emperor.

On the way to the emperor's bedroom, Liao Tingyan kept cursing in her heart. When she first entered the palace, she had prepared for the worst. Sima Jiao didn't sleep with her at that time. But now she has relaxed and thought that she will not have this problem anymore, but Sima Jiao suddenly announced that he wants to sleep with her. This man is really sick. And the thing she is most worried about now is whether Sima Jiao can do it. What if he is in high spirits now, but he really drives the car and the car stalls halfway, he will not be furious and want to kill her

Being slept with is a small matter, being killed is a big matter.

Soon, Sima Jiao once again used his actions to tell Liao Tingyan that it was useless to think too much because she could never guess what he would do.

A single man and a single woman were in the same room, and they were a legal couple. The woman was extremely beautiful, and she was dressed coolly and attractively, but Sima Jiao had no intention of sleeping with her. He even looked at her with a bit of disgust as he sat on the edge of the bed.

Liao Tingyan: You dislike my head? Didn’t you ask me to sleep with you

Sima Jiao: "Why are you dressed like this?"

Liao Tingyan: "The maids prepared it." It was clear that she didn't want to wear it, but she thought it was his hobby and special instruction, so she endured the shame and put it on!

The two of them lay on the same bed, and Sima Jiao had no intention of sleeping with her at all. Liao Tingyan became more and more nervous, and when it was her usual sleeping time, she felt sleepy naturally and her eyes slowly closed.

Sima Jiao still couldn't sleep as usual, but when he heard Liao Tingyan's breathing slowly steadying down, he couldn't help but sit up and push Liao Tingyan awake.

Liao Tingyan was startled and woke up, "Your Majesty, what's wrong?"

Sima Jiao looked at her and said, "Nothing, just continue to sleep."

Liao Tingyan waited for a while, and seeing that he seemed really fine, she continued to sleep with her eyes closed suspiciously. When she fell asleep again, she was shaken awake by someone.

Liao Tingyan forced a smile: "...Your Majesty?"

Sima Jiao sat beside her, "Nothing, go to sleep."

When she was pushed awake for the third time, Liao Tingyan could no longer put on a smile. She was really in a bad mood when she woke up, and was pushed awake several times in the same way. If she hadn't had some common sense to know that it was Sima Jiao next to her, and that he looked like a pretty boy but was actually a great white shark, she would have been unable to restrain herself and would have smashed his head with a hammer.

"Your Majesty, can't you sleep?" Liao Tingyan squeezed out these words through gritted teeth.

Sima Jiao played with a strand of hair in front of her chest, not feeling sleepy at all, "Well, I couldn't sleep. How did you fall asleep? You fell asleep in an instant without me noticing."

Liao Tingyan: "Your Majesty, why don't you lie down first and close your eyes? You will fall asleep in a while."

Sima Jiao said dissatisfiedly: "Are you trying to coax a child? How can he fall asleep so easily?"

Liao Tingyan: "How about I sing a lullaby for Your Majesty?" In order to sleep peacefully, Liao Tingyan gave it her all.

When Sima Jiao heard this, he thought it was quite fresh, and he leaned over beside her with his head propped up, "Sing."

Liao Tingyan cleared her throat and began to sing. To be honest, her voice was perfect for a heroine and her singing was beautiful. Liao Tingyan herself felt very satisfied with the performance, but Sima Jiao became more and more excited the more he listened, and even had a sudden idea to call a few musicians to accompany her.

Damn, I used the wrong skill. Liao Tingyan didn't want to think about anything now, she just wanted to sleep. She even wanted to make this annoying guy sleep until he had no energy to bother her. She didn't care whether he had kidney deficiency or brain disease. Fortunately, her remaining rationality stopped her.

After a while of being crazy, Liao Tingyan sat up listlessly, ready to risk her life to stay up all night with the tyrant. It had been a long time since she last stayed up late, but she was not used to it. She yawned twice, "Your Majesty wants to listen to music, then call the musicians, and I will accompany you to listen."

Sima Jiao glanced at her expression and suddenly said, "I don't want to listen anymore. Let's go to bed."

Liao Tingyan no longer believed in this big pig's hoof, she laughed twice, and lay there waiting for him to continue making trouble. But when she woke up from Sima Jiao's bed at dawn, Liao Tingyan found that Sima Jiao really didn't harass her last night.

However, Sima Jiao was no longer on the bed. How could this man have so much energy to do something naughty every day? Liao Tingyan really couldn't understand.

From that day on, Liao Tingyan came to Sima Jiao every night, slept in his bed, and covered himself with his quilt. Waking her up after she fell asleep every night became Sima Jiao's regular routine. As for how many times he would wake her up, it all depended on Sima Jiao's mood that day. If he was in a good mood, he would be kind enough to wake Liao Tingyan up once and not bother her and let her continue to sleep. If he was in a bad mood, it would not be as simple as waking her up a few times.

In the middle of the night, Sima Jiao woke up from a nightmare, and at the same time, he felt a familiar pain in his head. He opened his bloodshot eyes, sat up, and rubbed his aching forehead vigorously. The eunuch Jin De, who heard the noise inside, quietly walked into the hall and looked at Sima Jiao on the bed with some fear.

He was wearing black pajamas, and his equally jet-black hair hung down beside his cheeks, making his face look even paler. His bloodshot eyes were as red and evil as those of a demon from hell.

No matter how many times he saw it, Jin De would subconsciously feel fear when he saw His Majesty like this. Every time His Majesty got sick, he couldn't control his desire to kill. If the situation was not serious, he would be fine after a day of rest. If the situation was serious, his eyes would almost turn red, and the people around him would be in trouble... The imperial concubine was still sleeping there and didn't notice anything.

Jin De was nervous when he saw His Majesty turn his gaze to the imperial concubine beside him. When he raised his bulging hand and stretched it towards the imperial concubine's neck, Jin De almost cried out.

However, the next moment, Jin De slowly opened his mouth and looked at the bed in shock.

Liao Tingyan was dreaming about her roommate's silly dog. The silly dog was called Big Baby and was very noisy. It liked to jump onto its owner's bed and rub and lick it early in the morning. Occasionally, when her room door was not locked, the silly dog would open the door and run in to call her to get up. Liao Tingyan didn't know how many times she had protested to her roommate about this, but in the end she was always defeated by the pitiful expression of the silly dog.

She felt her neck itchy in a daze, as if something was rubbing against it. She reached out and rubbed it a few times, mumbling, "Okay, baby, stop it."

His face was also itchy, as if some hair had rubbed against it. Liao Tingyan rubbed the fur of his 'big baby' and kissed him twice, "Be good, don't disturb me while I sleep."

Sima Jiao stretched out his pale hand, slowly smoothed his messed hair, wiped his cheek with the back of his hand, and stared at Liao Tingyan who was sleeping soundly with a strange expression.

I watched it most of the night and did nothing.