Happy Ending with the Second Male Lead

Chapter 90


Xi Zhuoyu was just picking up flowers casually, but in the eyes of others, especially in the eyes of fans like Jiang Yuchao who have a fan filter 500 meters thick, this picture is so beautiful. The beauty is holding flowers and smiling, with the background of hibiscus in full bloom. She is even more beautiful than the flowers!

Sensing the fiery gaze, Xi Zhuoyu turned his head warily, and saw the die-hard fan Jiang Yuchao covering his mouth with his hands, his eyes filled with excitement and silent shouts not far away.

Xi Zhuoyu: “…” What a familiar look. Every time I saw those fans and looked over at them, I would get such a glowing look, accompanied by all kinds of screams and shouts. Miss Jiang was really trying her best to suppress herself and didn’t even shout.

"What a coincidence." Xi Zhuoyu greeted.

Jiang Yuchao looked around first, and when he found no one around, he came closer and praised him sincerely, "Brother, you are getting more and more handsome. You are really beautiful and kind-hearted!"

Xi Zhuoyu hadn't heard such straightforward praise for many years, and was a little uncomfortable for a moment. However, this discomfort only lasted for a moment. As soon as she put herself in the role of the idol, she was instantly immersed in the role and even wanted to sign an autograph.

"Ah, do you want an autograph?" Xi Zhuoyu said uncontrollably, and regretted it in her heart. What are you signing? Is there a signature pen here? Is there a signature book

But Jiang Yuchao had already nodded, "Okay! Of course!"

After she finished speaking, her expression suddenly turned ugly, and she looked very sad. Xi Zhuoyu thought she just remembered that there were no tools here and she couldn't sign. Who knew she said bitterly: "I used to have a lot of your autographs. I have collected them for many years. There are 49 in total. Now they are all gone!"

49 cards... Five more cards would make a complete deck of cards. This die-hard fan is so loyal that he can be called an old iron. Xi Zhuoyu couldn't help but stand in awe.

If the other party was so obsessed with collecting autograph cards, then he was embarrassed to say his idea of smoothing things over. No matter what, he would just sign for her. However, he still didn't understand why the fans were obsessed with those autograph cards when he was standing here. Instead of feeling heartbroken, he might as well take the time to get close to him and chat a few more words. Maybe he could get dozens of autograph cards soon.

Xi Zhuoyu thought that the process of chasing stars was not right and was worried about his friend.

He was calmly simulating the correct strategy process, while his fangirl Jiang Yuchao finally realized that the signature tool was missing and brought it up with regret.

Xi Zhuoyu is an idol who dotes on his fans. After many years, he met his old fans again. He felt a little like an old friend meeting and was relieved. Seeing his old friend was so regretful, he said, "How about this, when I get back, I'll sign it for you and send it to you? You're the first one to sign in calligraphy."

Jiang Yuchao came back to life in an instant, her face flushed with excitement. She hesitated for a moment, as if she wanted to say something but was too embarrassed to do so.

Xi Zhuoyu smiled and said, "What's wrong? Do you want me to sign a few more cards to make a deck for you?" He was joking, of course.

Jiang Yuchao shook his head, "No, it's too tiring to sign so many words. I just want one autograph, but... I want a to autograph, is that ok?"

Xi Zhuoyu nodded generously, "Sure, write your name? What name do you want to write?"

Jiang Yuchao hesitated. It was a rare signature, so of course she couldn't write Xiao Jinyue's name. But she felt a little embarrassed to write Jiang Yuchao's name, so after thinking about it, she said, "Let's write my circle name, 'Ginger Old Wine'."

Xi Zhuoyu: "Okay, 'Ginger Wine', right? I remember it." I don't know why, but I always feel that this name seems subtly familiar, but I can't remember it for the moment.

While they were talking, the big dog next to Xi Zhuoyu circled around Jiang Yuchao. Because of its docile attitude, Jiang Yuchao had not paid attention to it before. But now, it sniffed Jiang Yuchao, and its tail began to wag slightly, and it rubbed Jiang Yuchao's leg.

Both of them looked down at it. Jiang Yuchao loved her idol's dog so much that she reached out and touched the big dog's head. The big dog also rubbed against her hand out of respect.

"This big dog is so well-behaved and friendly." Jiang Yuchao said while touching the dog's ear.

Xi Zhuoyu smiled and patted the big dog's back. "Her name is Heijin. She is not usually very friendly. She is so close to you probably because you have the smell of that puppy on you. The puppy I raised for you is Heijin's child."

Jiang Yuchao was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "So it's the mother of Osmanthus Cake." Osmanthus cake is very clingy. Even someone like Jiang Yuchao, who is used to keeping a distance from others' closeness, has a bit more genuine love for Osmanthus cake. Now, looking at the big black and gold dog, he likes it even more.

"I heard that you have a lot of dogs. You like dogs so much. You couldn't keep one before because you were busy with work. You must be very happy now. I feel very relieved." Jiang Yuchao sighed.

Xi Zhuoyu: "Did you know that I liked dogs before? It seems that many fans don't know this."

Jiang Yuchao: "I'm an old fan. I've been following you since you debuted. I still remember you once said you had a dog named Huahua."

Xi Zhuoyu hadn't heard of the name Huahua for a long time. That was the first dog he raised, and it meant something to him, so even now, with so many little cuties, he still remembered what Huahua looked like. Huahua was just an ordinary dog, but he was smart and loyal, and had been accompanying him since he was a child, instead of his parents. Probably because of Huahua's influence, he no longer liked to raise those expensive dogs. Most of the dogs in the mansion were picked up, and almost all of them were local dogs.

Jiang Yuchao didn't hear her idol talking. She looked up and found that his eyes were slightly red, as if he was very moved. He smiled and said to her, "I thought I was the only one in the world who remembered Huahua. I didn't expect you knew him too. Thank you."

What he said sounded like a sigh, and Jiang Yuchao felt sad. Oh my god, my son has suffered so much! Look at how pitiful he is! Come here, mom will hug you!

Xi Zhuoyu: "...Are you calling me cub in your heart?"

Jiang Yuchao: “…”

Xi Zhuoyu: "In fact, I have never known why many fans call me a kid. I am older than many of you."

Jiang Yuchao: “… It’s all because of love.”

“Look, if those fans who call you hubby only think of you as their hubby, they will definitely hang themselves under your Weibo when they see you having scandals with other stars; if those fans who call you cub only think of you as their cub, how can they have the nerve to get hard... how can they have the nerve to be moved when they see those charming photos and videos of you? In short, you have many sides, and your fans also have many sides. Sometimes they want to marry you, sometimes they want to pity you, sometimes they want to worship you, and sometimes they want to be taken care of by you... The fan culture is unfathomable.”

Xi Zhuoyu: “… Thank you for your hard work.” So busy.

Jiang Yuchao: "No, no, it's only natural for me to like you. It's not hard at all."

"I said last time that I have liked you for many years, and I should say thank you to you. You don't know how much strength you have given me to keep going all those years."

If you can't be loved by others, you have to choose to love someone. Otherwise, the overwhelming loneliness will make you lose the meaning of life. If you want to get warmth, you have to burn something, either for others or for yourself. Sometimes giving and getting are not so easy to define. She used to be a crazy star chaser. Some people think that she spent so much time and energy to pursue illusory things, but got nothing in return. But Jiang Yuchao himself doesn't think so.

She got a lot of fulfillment and fragmented joy. After falling in love with someone, it became very easy to get joy. Even if she just read his Weibo, his various dynamics and works, she would naturally feel happy. This was invaluable to her who had been in pain for a long time.

Xi Zhuoyu has heard many fans say they like him, and he is used to it, but when he sees such a sincere and persistent fan, he still feels touched. In such a world, it is his luck to meet someone who has the same secrets and memories as him.

The two smiled at each other, and the atmosphere was harmonious when a chilly voice interrupted.

"Prince Yuling just spoke so righteously in front of everyone, but it turns out that he had been secretly having an affair with that bitch Xiao Jinyue."

Prince Yu listened to the whispers in the palace, and felt depressed, so he stood up and walked out. He accidentally walked nearby and saw the two people here. When he walked over, he happened to hear Jiang Yuchao's last words.

She said she had liked Prince Yuling for many years, so didn't that mean she still liked Prince Yuling when she married him? Prince Yu felt unwell, as if something was going to happen.

Xi Zhuoyu and Jiang Yuchao: “…” When did this person come

Xi Zhuoyu: "Prince Yu has misunderstood. Miss Xiao San and I really don't have any personal relationship. We just exchanged a few words."

Prince Yu sneered, "Just a few words? I see you two are looking at each other lovingly, and you're about to hug each other."

Jiang Yuchao suddenly stopped in front of Xi Zhuoyu and gave him a look.

That was a look that said, 'Leave the fighting to me.'

Xi Zhuoyu: “…?” Hmm? Why can I understand what this look means

Jiang Yuchao immediately stopped being a fangirl when facing Prince Yu. "Your Highness Prince Yu, as the saying goes, those who are lustful see lust. I think it may be your own eyes that have problems. In broad daylight, a gentleman like Prince Yuling would not do anything shameful."

Seeing that she was still protecting King Yuling, Prince Yu became even more angry, "Do you mean that you are shamelessly pestering King Yuling?"

Xi Zhuoyu couldn't help but: "She didn't..."

Jiang Yuchao stretched out his hand to stop him, with a look on his face that said, "Don't be afraid, stand behind your mother," and said to him, "Don't say bad things to people like this, or they will be led astray. I'll do it, I'll do it."

Seeing the shameless pulling and tugging of the couple in front of him, veins popped out on Prince Yu's forehead: "Enough! Xiao Jinyue, have you forgotten how you begged to marry me and how you begged for my mercy?"

Jiang Yuchao glanced at the cuckold and said, "Everyone is blind sometimes. He is wrapped in straw and looks like a human being, but who knows that there is straw underneath. Please forgive me for my poor eyesight at the beginning."

You scold me and ask me to forgive you? Prince Yu was furious and raised his hand to hit her. After all, he was a grown man. If he hit her, Jiang Yuchao would probably suffer a lot. Fortunately, Xi Zhuoyu reacted in time, grabbed Jiang Yuchao and pulled her into his arms, holding her and taking a step back, shouting, "Black Gold!"

The big dog jumped up and blocked Xi Zhuoyu and Jiang Yuchao, its sharp teeth flashing and it let out a threatening growl.

Xi Zhuoyu also frowned, "Prince Yu, it's not appropriate to attack a weak woman."

Prince Yu was stopped. He looked at the two of them with an uncertain expression. Finally, he sneered and said, "Okay, I have never been fooled like this before. You just wait." He waved his hand and left.

Jiang Yuchao's face was also ugly, and she subconsciously grabbed Xi Zhuoyu's hand. Xi Zhuoyu looked at her face and thought she was worried about Prince Yu's revenge on the Xiao family. She wanted to say a few words of comfort, but she heard Jiang Yuchao say: "This idiot still wants to take revenge on you, you know he is not a good guy, brother, you have to be careful! Don't let this idiot trick you!" She was completely worried about him.

Xi Zhuoyu: "I'm fine, you..."

Jiang Yuchao waved his hand nonchalantly, "It's okay. Prime Minister Xiao is cunning and hard to deal with. It's not certain who will win between the two of them. I don't have to worry about it. I've read most of the original novel and have a clear understanding of Prince Yu. If his methods can move me, I'll take his last name. Ha, that ignorant loser."

Only now did Xi Zhuoyu realize that his old friend seemed a little fierce.

He still gave Jiang Yuchao a few words of advice before parting with her and watching her return to the Lakeside Palace.

Jiang Yuchao sat in the carriage on the way back home and felt that Xiao Jinxiang was as quiet as a chicken the whole time. She only stared at her with a strange look occasionally, but Jiang Yuchao was too lazy to pay attention and just pretended not to see it.

Xiao Jinxiang was like this because she didn't see her at the banquet in the palace, so she went out to look for her and accidentally ran into Jiang Yuchao and Xi Zhuoyu. It happened that Prince Yu was leaving at that time, and Xi Zhuoyu let Jiang Yuchao go. In Xiao Jinxiang's eyes, the two of them were hugging each other, and it was clear that they had an affair.

Xiao Jinyue, this woman, doesn't look that good, how can she be so powerful? She was lucky enough to be the Princess of Prince Yu before, but after being divorced, she even hooked up with Prince Yuling. How did she do it

While Xiao Jinxiang was extremely jealous, she also felt a bit of awe in her heart.

The author has something to say: After making some harsh remarks, Green is about to come online.