Happy Ending with the Second Male Lead

Chapter 96: XVII


Jiang Yuchao returned to Prime Minister Xiao's mansion to prepare for her marriage.

Everyone in the Xiao residence changed from their previous coldness and disdain to being as warm and friendly as if she were her own mother, caring about her well-being and being gentle and friendly. Even Xiao Jinxiang stopped opposing her and actually called her sister.

Jiang Yuchao was very surprised: "You called me sister? Are you crazy?"

Xiao Jinxiang stomped her feet in shame and anger, then turned and ran away.

In addition to the Xiao family, there were also various invitations sent to her, inviting her to various gatherings. Several sisters who claimed to be her former best friends came to the Xiao Mansion to see her. They were all jealous, and the smell spread for miles. Or they were curious about what secret tricks she had to win over men like Prince Yu and Prince Yuling. On the surface, it seemed that the sisters were affectionate, but if you smelled it carefully, it all smelled like plastic - plastic sprinkled with the fragrance of white lotus and green tea.

It seemed as if overnight, she was surrounded by flowers and heard only flattery and fawning, without any more alienation and contempt from the previous few months.

Even Jiang Yuchao, a lone ranger with a straight face, was a little impressed by the huge contrast. In this era, women are the appendages of men, and their value depends entirely on the value and status of their husbands. So when she was abandoned by Prince Yu, people thought she was helpless and no one took her seriously. Now that she was going to marry Prince Yuling, all those people came around again. It was more like they wanted to please Prince Yuling than to please her.

Jiang Yuchao didn't feel happy in the midst of all the flowers, but felt lonely. Do idols feel the same way? Jiang Yuchao suddenly wondered if this was the reason why idols kept so many dogs and took such good care of her, a "fan" from the same world.

Jiang Yuchao: I can’t think about it anymore. It hurts. I want to buy things for my idol and spend money on him right away!

She took the servants out for a trip. On the same day, Xi Zhuoyu received a large pile of cloth in the Yuling Palace. The patterns and colors were very much in line with his aesthetic taste, just like last time. There was also a card from a fan, telling him to take good care of himself and be nice to himself.

Xi Zhuoyu: “…?” What happened suddenly

You Wu looked at the pile of expensive fabrics and sighed, "They are all very expensive fabrics. Our princess is really willing to spend money on them. She has already brought in piles of them before she even got married."

Eunuch Feng, the chief steward in charge of the palace's internal affairs, is an old man. He followed Prince Yuling when he left the palace to build a palace and stayed here to retire. He and Youwu looked at the gifts the prince received and nodded in agreement: "She is indeed a generous princess who knows how to care for others."

You Wu whispered to him, "Our prince was stubborn and said he would not marry her just a few days ago, but now he wants to marry her."

Eunuch Feng: "Hahaha, our prince is shy, sorry, it would be better for the princess to take the initiative."

Xi Zhuoyu: “…” I heard it.

"Don't you have anything to do? You are here watching your master make a fool of himself." Xi Zhuoyu put down the fan letter and said to the two of them.

Eunuch Feng coughed and said, "I am very busy. I will go to prepare for the wedding banquet in March." After he said that, he was about to leave, but Xi Zhuoyu stopped him, "Wait a minute, don't be in a hurry. Count all the jewelry items that have been stored in my warehouse and take out all those that can be used by women. Someone will use them in the future." Otherwise, they would be left there to gather dust.

"Pick out a few precious items first and send them to Prime Minister Xiao's residence." Xi Zhuoyu patted the cloths: "Take them as a return gift for these cloths."

As a favored prince, he was extremely wealthy and owned numerous properties. He himself didn't know how many treasures he had in his warehouse, but they were certainly countless times more than those of a young lady from a prime minister's mansion. He couldn't let her suffer any loss.

Jiang Yuchao had just delivered the gift, and the next day he received more than a dozen boxes of silk, satin, gold, silver and jewelry, pulled over by a horse-drawn carriage. There was also a letter from Xi Zhuoyu, who said that these were advance wages, and he also wrote a four-page labor contract for her in a formal manner, hiring her as an assistant. I don't know if he was really serious or just joking, and he even put a handprint on the back.

This is a contract that has no legal effect at present, but Jiang Yuchao still feels relieved and touched when she holds it. The idol is giving her a guarantee. He is such a thoughtful and considerate person.

Jiang Yuchao was so touched that she used her "salary" to buy things for her idol. In addition to cloth, she also bought other things, such as various plants that came from overseas but were not well known to people today. She asked people to plant them in pots and send them to Yuling Palace.

Xi Zhuoyu couldn't help but smile as she looked at those familiar plants that were common in later generations but people today only see as rare.

"Pick a few of these and mix them with sugar for lunch," Xi Zhuoyu ordered.

Everyone in Yuling Palace looked at the brightly colored fruit and asked doubtfully, "Can this be eaten? I hope it's not poisonous."

Xi Zhuoyu: "It's edible, don't worry."

Jiang Yuchao received a text message from his idol—from a big dog. The big dog Heijin licked the barking sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and Jiang Yuchao smiled as he read the message. The text message from his idol said: Tomatoes are slightly sour, and they are delicious when mixed with sugar. They are very good.

The generous boss said she flattered well and was in a good mood, so he increased her salary and sent her several boxes of treasures. Jiang Yuchao understood that the boss might want her to put these into her dowry to make it look good, so that others would not laugh at her.

Although the two of them believed that they were innocent, in the eyes of those around them who witnessed their "deep affection", they were completely locked in love. They sent gifts to each other and were thinking about each other even before they got married.

The most handsome man in Luodu, Prince Yuling, is finally getting married, and his wife is the former Princess Yu. This has caused a wave of heated gossip discussions. If there were Weibo in this era, it would definitely be on the headlines for seven days. Even Prince Yu, who didn't want to hear about these things at all, was forced to listen to the deep love legend.

"We're fighting so hard, and you still tell me that our relationship hasn't changed? Are you kidding me?" Today, King Yu did not believe in the greening system.

The greening system faithfully provides the most accurate data—“There is no deviation.”

This data collects the heroine's feelings. As long as the heroine does not fall in love with someone else, this value will not deviate.

Prince Yu was originally a suspicious person. He had no trust in the greening system. Now he didn't trust it at all. He thought it was definitely playing tricks on him. So, he didn't want to listen to the so-called routines of the greening system anymore.

"I can't wait any longer. I can't just watch them get together so smoothly."

Greening System: - "Excuse me, what do you want to do now? No matter what you do, a friendly reminder, don't commit suicide." Originally, nothing happened, but every time he wanted to do something, something went wrong, and even the system couldn't stand it anymore.

King Yu rejected its friendly reminder and gave it a cold sneer of broken affection.

He decided to kidnap Jiang Yuchao before Prince Yuling and Jiang Yuchao got married. First, he had to find a remote place to create an accident while she was away, so that Xiao Jinyue would die unexpectedly and leave a fake corpse that was unrecognizable. Then he could hide the real Xiao Jinyue in another villa and prevent her from seeing anyone.

Although Prince Yu had good intentions, Jiang Yuchao refused to cooperate. Not to mention going to remote places, she had not been going out recently.

After waiting for a month, Prince Yu became impatient again. He came up with a plan. Since Xiao Jinyue was unwilling to go out, he designed a plan to lure her out.

On this day, Xiao Jinyue's aunt came to the house. She was Xiao Jinyue's sister-in-law from her biological mother's family. They hadn't been in contact for a long time. This time she came to see Jiang Yuchao specifically and invited her to go out of the city to worship Buddha.

"Your marriage has not been going well, so go to the temple to pray for a smooth marriage. I heard that the Bodhisattva in the temple is in charge of childbirth, and it is very effective. Many women gave birth to sons after praying there. If you marry Prince Yuling and give him a son, you will have no worries in the future." The aunt kept saying that she was doing this for her own good, and her enthusiasm was a little abnormal.

Jiang Yuchao: "... Please go back and don't come again." Give birth to a son! Is my idol the kind of idol who sleeps with his fans? He is not!

No matter how her aunt persuaded her, Jiang Yuchao remained unmoved. Finally, she was annoyed and directly called the big dog Heijin. Recently, the big dog often traveled between the two places, occasionally serving as a messenger, and she also had another task, which was to drive away customers. When she encountered those customers who couldn't understand her expression, it was really annoying, so she could send out the big dog to scare people away, and it worked every time. This function was told to her by her idol when she mentioned that there were too many customers and it was annoying.

The aunt was scared away. Jiang Yuchao stroked the back of the big dog and thought that his idol must be harassed by so many dogs in his house. I heard that his palace has several vicious dogs guarding the gate. Most people dare not come to the door. The effect is too good. Jiang Yuchao really wants to start work in the "new company" as soon as possible and enjoy a quiet life.

Two days after her aunt fled, Jiang Yuchao received a letter from a strange girl. The handwriting was in her lover's style, and the words and sentences were very corny. There was a love poem at the beginning, which described the pain of missing someone. At the end, it said that they would meet at a certain pavilion outside the city tomorrow, and asked her to go with him to appreciate the red leaves in late autumn.

Jiang Yuchao: “…”

Which idiot forged this? Her idol couldn't possibly be so clingy, and cheesy love poems weren't his style. Most importantly, every time he wrote a message to her, he signed it with the two characters Shao Yuan, which was his signature in his previous life, the one Jiang Yuchao was most familiar with, but it wasn't in this fake letter.

The counterfeit is so crude, and you still expect to deceive people

There was no movement in the Xiangguo Mansion, and the target Xiao Jinyue did not go out at all. The person who was arranged waited in vain for a day and came back to report the matter. Prince Yu found the staff who wrote the letter and said, "There must be something wrong with the letter you wrote."

The aide was terrified and said that he was an excellent handwriting imitator and there would be absolutely no flaws. Moreover, the letter was written in the tone of a man in love, full of emotion and absolutely touching.

Prince Yu: "Keep writing."

Jiang Yuchao once again received a love letter from an idol, and it was even more disgusting than before.

Jiang Yuchao: “…” Is it never going to end

She sent the two letters to her idol, saying that she had received two such letters in a row, and there was definitely something wrong.

When Xi Zhuoyu received the letter, he changed his previous relaxed and happy mood, frowned and read the two letters carefully. He couldn't guess who wanted to harm Lao Tie, but living in the prime minister's mansion and still receiving such harassing letters, it meant that the prime minister's mansion was too unsafe and the security conditions were not good.

He thought for a while and decided to move the wedding forward so that people could move into the palace earlier, which would definitely be safer than living outside.

Because the prince's wedding was very troublesome, there were many trivial matters, and the date was also chosen, so if the date was to be changed, it was necessary to go to the palace to ask the emperor and empress. Xi Zhuoyu went and was laughed at by the empress.

"Is Miss Xiao so good? She makes our Prince Yuling miss her so much that he can't even wait for the last month?"

For the safety of his employee Lao Tie, Xi Zhuoyu gritted his teeth and accepted the character of this infatuated man.

"Well, I can't wait even a day." He used his acting skills from those days and arranged everything clearly.

The author has something to say: Today is also the day I want to thank matchmaker Lulu.

To be honest, I want to call him Honghong now.