Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 108: The third encounter with a stray dog


"We can go there!" Hermione pointed at Mrs. Puddife's Teahouse, squinting her eyes and said, "That shop seems... very special!"

"Are you sure?!" Ivan looked at the teahouse in surprise.

If Qiu Zhang hadn't just mentioned that he had never noticed this place before, it was full of pink, girly decorations with tacky lace on it, Ivan doubted the taste of the owner of the shop .

"Of course I'm sure, go in quickly, Aiwen, I can't let other people think that I'm standing alone in the snow in a daze." Hermione said, "It seems to be a small compartment inside, don't worry about being discovered, you can Take off the invisibility cloak."

Ivan and Hermione crossed the road, and a few minutes later, they entered the small teahouse.

There is a sweet fragrance in the air, and the teahouse is small and misty, as if everything is decorated with ruffles or bows, and golden cherubs are flying above each small round table, sometimes showering people Pink confetti.

The two sat down at the only remaining round table, next to the foggy window.

Beside them was a big Christmas tree, and through the leaves a Hufflepuff fifth year boy could be seen, holding hands with a pretty blonde girl.

Ivan was a little uncomfortable, as was Hermione on the opposite side.

They seem to have just discovered that the room is full of couples, and they are all holding hands.

"What do you want?" A fat middle-aged woman with a shiny black bun squeezed her way between the two tables.

"Two cups of coffee, please!" Ivan said.

As soon as he raised his head, a handful of pink confetti was sprinkled on his face by a little angel in mid-air.

While waiting for coffee, Alvin found that the couple next to him started kissing across the sugar bowl, their lips seemed to be glued together, and he really hoped they wouldn't.

Hermione obviously noticed this too, she turned her head and looked at Ivan, and the eyes of the two hurriedly moved away in panic.

The atmosphere was very awkward, and Ivan tried not to think about messy things.

But the conscious mind was out of control, and he seemed to sense that the boy across the way was setting an example that Hermione would soon wish herself to emulate.

He wasn't sure if he wanted to do it, he and Hermione hadn't gotten to that point yet.

According to the procedure, should two people confess their love before doing such a thing? !

Aiwen asked himself, he really likes Hermione very much, besides, since the other party invited him to this teahouse, is he implying something

That being the case, shouldn't I be more proactive? !

Hermione's cheeks on the opposite side were red, very cute, like a ripe apple, one couldn't help but want to go up and take a bite.

"It doesn't matter, let's fight it!" A feeling of fear and excitement welled up in his heart, and Ai Wen made up his mind and swallowed.

He leaned forward slightly, reached out to hold Hermione's cold little hand, and his breathing stopped almost instantly.

Hermione trembled slightly, as if she wanted to pull her hand back, but she stopped immediately, her face was redder than before, redder than ever before.

Hermione looked at Ivan with blurred eyes, and the sweet fragrance in the air almost made her brain stop.

She saw Ivan's body leaning over, as if to do something. She wanted to dodge backwards, but her right hand was tightly held by the opponent. Hermione's body trembled slightly. Although this was not the first time she shook hands with Ivan, it gave her a strange sense of shock.

Hermione couldn't remember when this boy came to her heart, maybe it was when the basilisk attacked her in the common room last year; or when she faced more than a hundred dementors this year, she panicked when helpless; or...

Before that, she had heard about this teahouse from other girls.

The appearance of Qiu Zhang made her feel an inexplicable threat. Hermione originally thought this was just an ordinary dating place, but she didn't expect that everyone would...

Hermione knew what Aiwen was going to do next, but she didn't feel any disgust in her heart, but wasn't it too fast...

Her palms were full of sweat, and her heart was beating so hard that she should stop Ai Wen, they couldn't do this, but there was no strength in her whole body.

Hermione saw Ai Wen getting closer to her, and she could feel the breath of the other party.

The distance between the two is getting closer and closer...

Just when Ivan's lips were about to touch Hermione, Mrs. Puddife came over with two cups of coffee.

The two hurriedly separated like kittens who had done something bad, the movement was so big that the table almost turned over.

Mrs. Puddife didn't say anything, but the unspoken smile on her face made the two of them extremely embarrassed.

Alvin's face was hot, and he turned his head to look at the window.

The next second, through the thick water vapor, he saw the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Hagrid, and two Aurors he didn't know were crossing the street. The six of them struggled forward in the heavy snow, as if they were going to the Three Broomsticks bar opposite.

Ivan glanced at them hurriedly, and his attention was completely attracted by the two short figures beside them: a big black dog and a ginger cat slipped by the street, it was Sirius Black and Crookshanks .

I didn't expect Black to be so bold, to appear in Hogsmeade blatantly, and pass by Fudge, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, and Hagrid.

Black stopped and looked at the backs of Fudge and the two Aurors with contempt.

"Hey, that's Crookshanks, what did it do in Hogsmeade?!"

Following Ivan's gaze, Hermione saw Crookshanks outside the window, but due to the angle, she did not see Sirius Black.

"Wait a minute, Hermione, I'll go get it back!"

Ivan stood up hastily, and under the astonished gazes of Hermione and Mrs. Puddiffe, opened the door and rushed into the wind and snow outside.

I don't know why, when he thinks of Ron's recent abnormal behavior, he feels an inexplicable sense of uneasiness. Although he already has a plan, it would be great if he could get in touch with Sirius Black before then.

On the street, the figures of Black and Crookshanks disappeared into the street corner, leaving two rows of footprints, one shallow and one deep, on the thick snow on the ground.

Al followed the footprints and came to the owl post office. The inside was dim and dark. There were at least three hundred owls on the shelves, ranging from the common big gray hawk to the palm-sized little bard owl. , they called in a low voice.

There was no one in the shop except the owl.

Black and Crookshanks seem to have gone to the second floor, where post owls are trained to charge postage according to distance.

Ivan pulled out his wand. The post office has only one door. As long as you enter here, Sirius Black has no other place to go out.

He didn't know why Black came to post the letter, but this was indeed a good opportunity to get in touch with the other party.