Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 110: Alvin and Blake's deal


"I've been imprisoned for murder, and I'm here to commit that murder!" cried Sirius Black, "I'll kill him myself, and I'll avenge James and Lily! "

"In your current state, you can't do anything..." Looking at Black's appearance, Ivan shook his head secretly.

"It's useless to say more, since you won, then hand me over!"

Blake closed his eyes weakly, and leaned his head back against the wall, feeling more decadent than ever.

Suddenly, his eyes snapped open again, his brilliance flashed away, and he shouted unwillingly, "That boy from the Weasley family who lives in the same bedroom as Harry, that boy's pet mouse is a Nimagus, he's Peter Pettigrew!"

"Peter Pettigrew?!" Ivan blinked.

"Believe me, you're an Animagus too, you just have to take a good look at that mouse, or cast a revealing spell on him..." Blake stopped suddenly and said weakly, "You must think I'm Crazy, isn't it?"

"To be honest, you look no different from a lunatic now."

"I'm really confused, how do you know who Peter Pettigrew is!" Black suddenly laughed, the smile was full of hatred, "Let me tell you, let me tell you the true face of this hero in people's eyes , when we were at Hogwarts... "

Ivan was a little speechless. Seeing Blake's appearance, he obviously wanted to recall his student days with himself, but he didn't mind listening to this hidden history.

But now is not the time, nor is it the right occasion.

This is the Owl Post Office, and there could be someone else coming in at any moment. Before all the truth came out, he didn't want people to misunderstand that he had any connection with the wanted criminal.

Besides, Hermione was still waiting for him outside, and he couldn't wait too long.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your memory, Sirius, let's get to the point as soon as possible. Regarding the fact that Pettigrew Peter is Ron's rat scabbard, I believe you!" Ivan said quickly, "Actually, I know Lots of things to do with him."

"What?!" Black's eyes widened suddenly, and he suddenly roared with excitement, "How much do you know about that man?!"

"A lot, definitely much more than you imagined, of course you need to add details, but not here!" Aiwen said in a relaxed tone, "Also, you'd better keep your voice down, unless you really trying to lure both Aurors and Dementors over here."

"Lupine told you about Peter?!" Black lowered his voice, his face full of suspicion, "No, he won't tell us about us casually; maybe it was Dumbledore, it's more like His style, but if it's really him, it's not just you standing here by yourself now."

"I have investigated the events of the year, what happened before you were arrested, and what you did at school is not a secret." Ivan narrowed his eyes and said, "To be honest, the only thing that makes me curious , only the Marauder's Map, where did you get the magic power to make it? I heard from Professor Lupine that you were helped by something in the Forbidden Forest, and that place needs the approval of a certain creature to enter ,who are they?"

"It's a centaur. The centaur tribe in the Forbidden Forest treasures a thing left by Godric Gryffindor. That thing can provide wizards with magic power." Black became excited again, "I can take you there, And help you get the approval of the centaur, as for whether you can get that thing, it depends on whether you can pass the final test. In exchange, you only need to bring Peter Pettigrew to me!"

"Deal!" Ivan said hastily.

Listening to what Sirius Black said, combined with the information he had, if nothing else happened, the legendary magic item hidden in the depths of the Forbidden Forest and the centaur tribe should be the key to the secret treasure left by Gryffindor.

I don't know how to get the approval of the horse people, and what is the final test

This will definitely not be easy, otherwise Black and the others must have taken that thing away. Since all four of them failed, Ivan is not sure that he will be able to succeed. But he would not give up this opportunity to try, and besides, he planned to help Black.

"You go back and catch that mouse now, no, no, it's too risky to do so, although Peter is very weak, but he is an adult wizard after all, not a young wizard of your age can deal with it, you just need to help me enter Gryffindor common room, I'll take care of the rest."

"I have a better idea, why don't we tell the professors about this?"

"Tell them?" Black shook his head. "Who else would believe me except you? They think I betrayed James and Lily, and then killed Peter Pettigrew and twelve innocent Muggles." , they all think I'm crazy, no one will believe me."

"It's hard for others to tell, but Dumbledore and Professor Lupine will still believe you."

"No, I can't take the risk. Since they can't trust me, I can't trust them either, especially Lupine, he... In short, this is my fault, and I should solve it alone!" Black said stubbornly, "I was the one who persuaded James and Lily to let Peter Pettigrew be their secret keeper, because my stupidity killed them, and it was all my fault. I wanted to kill him with my own hands to serve James and Lily revenge!"

Black said, tears streaming down his skinny cheeks uncontrollably.

"Okay, okay!" Looking at Black's appearance, Ivan had a headache.

Black's decision directly increased the difficulty of the whole matter several times. He stubbornly believed that the deaths of James and Lily were all his fault. Will accept anyone's help.

It's like he'd rather spend twelve years in Azkaban to atone than defend himself.

Neither can, but also disdain!

No wonder he didn't seek Dumbledore's help after he escaped from prison; no wonder he tried for so long before, but it didn't work.

Even if Black's current attitude is somewhat compromised, it is a last resort.

In Blake's eyes, he was helping him catch Peter Pettigrew, he was helping himself to get the centaur's approval, and the whole thing was more of a deal than a help.

"The password to enter the Gryffindor common room is strange skin, Sir Cadogan will let you in." Ivan continued, "But I suggest you wait another day, the semester will end tomorrow , I have confirmed that only me, Harry, Ron, and Hermione will stay in Hogwarts in Gryffindor during the Christmas holiday this year."

"Hmph, typical thinking of the weak, I wonder if you are a Gryffindor?!" For Ivan's suggestion, Black completely dismissed, "I have been waiting twelve years for this day. I am willing to wait for a long time, I will do it tonight!"