Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 121: Lucius' Conspiracy


For a while, no one spoke, and the corridor was so quiet that Ivan even thought they had left.

It was a few seconds before he heard the sound again, Hagrid's loud, loud cry.

"Keep your voice down, Hagrid, you're going to wake up those two kids inside." Professor McGonagall said sternly, "I know you're worried about them, but can you please be quiet for a while, come back from Hogsmeade For an hour, you have been crying!"

Hagrid wiped away his tears with a large handkerchief, trying to keep himself still. His sad cries turned into choked sobs, which sounded even more distressing.

Ai Wen moved a bit, Madam Pomfrey walked briskly towards him from the other end of the dark ward, and he turned over to look at her.

She was holding the largest piece of chocolate that Ivan had never seen in his life, and the chocolate was like a small round stone.

"Ah, you're awake!" Madam Pomfrey said briskly, put the piece of chocolate on Ivan's bedside table, and began to break it with a small hammer.

"I have something to tell the principal." Ivan sat up from the bed.

"I think it's best not to, the two of you have exhausted your physical strength and magic power, you'd better lie still and stay until I feel satisfied."

"No, this matter is very important." Ivan recalled the initial conversation between the black wizard with the black mask and Greyback, and what kind of conspiracy they were planning.

Ivan jumped out of bed, and so did Hermione. Madam Pomfrey wanted to stop them, but their voices had already been heard in the corridor, Dumbledore, Cornelius Fudge, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick and Hagrid Five people walked into the ward immediately.

"Ivan, Hermione, how do you feel?" Hagrid rushed over anxiously, hugged the two of them tightly, tears of sadness fell on his tangled beard, and he sobbed, "I'm just a Bastard, I drank too much at the time, and I didn't react until the werewolf howled for a while."

"We are all the same, Hagrid!" Professor McGonagall said, "We are all responsible for this matter, and we should have reacted sooner."

"Who would have thought that in Hogsmeade, this kind of thing would happen on Christmas Eve. But now that we are here, you will be fine. You two better lie back." Fudge turned to Pomfrey Madame asked, "Have they ever had chocolate?"

"Wait a minute, Minister, I have something to say." Ivan looked at Dumbledore and said hurriedly, "The people who attacked Hermione and me seem to be planning some kind of conspiracy. They mentioned werewolves and Muggles .”

"That's right!" Hermione nodded hastily, "There seem to be a lot of werewolves gathered together, where are they going to attack Muggles?"

"Children, you must have heard it wrong." Hearing what they said, Fudge's expression became unnatural, and he looked at Ivan and Hermione anxiously, "The attack must have messed up your brains, both of you are the same, Graber That horrible monster must have frightened you."

"I'm not afraid, and my mind is not confused!" Ivan said angrily, and Fudge's perfunctory attitude annoyed him.

He could feel that the other party simply wanted to calm down.

If werewolves really appeared concentratedly and attacked Muggles, it would definitely bring panic to the entire wizarding world, much more serious than Sirius Black's escape from prison.

After all, there was only one Black person, and there were hundreds of werewolves.

If what Ivan and Hermione said really happened, the angry crowd might flood the entire Ministry of Magic with shouting letters, and Fudge might lose his position as Minister of Magic because of this. He certainly didn't want this to happen.

"Children, I know what happened to you two!" Fudge tried his best to show an ugly smile, "What you need to do now is to go to bed quickly, and when you wake up tomorrow morning, you will be awake... ... "

"I'm sober now, I know what I'm talking about!" Aiwen said loudly, "Minister, this attack is far from over, someone is planning all this behind the scenes, only Greyback went to Hoag Maud, there are other werewolves... ”

Before Ivan finished speaking, Madam Pomfrey suddenly stuffed a large piece of chocolate into his mouth.

He was choking, and she took the opportunity to force him back into bed.

"Gentlemen!" Madam Pomfrey said angrily, "I must insist that you leave. These two children are my patients, and you should not make them suffer!"

"Well, I'm not distressed, I want to tell them what happened." Ivan swallowed the big mouthful of chocolate desperately.

"Professor, what Ivan said is true. I also heard that werewolf say these words at the time." Hermione hurriedly followed.

"For God's sake, you should lie back!" Madam Pomfrey turned to look at Dumbledore, and said hysterically, "Principal, please leave immediately, these children need to be taken care of, is this the school?" Hospital, I must insist on... "

"I'm sorry, Bobo, but I think it is necessary for Mr. Mason and Miss Granger to continue." Dumbledore said calmly, looking at Ivan carefully through his pair of semicircular glasses, "Corner Leigh, I think the information they both said is valuable, and Fenrir Greyback's actions tonight are very suspicious."

"Well, well, Albus, since you think so, then I'll..."

Before Fudge finished speaking, the door of the ward was opened. Entering were Snape in black robes and Lucius Malfoy who also wrapped himself tightly in a black traveling cloak, both of them had gloomy expressions.

"Good evening, gentlemen!" Lucius had a cold smile on his face.

"Malfoy, what are you doing here?!" Hagrid stood up abruptly, looked at Lucius with his shaggy, black head, and shouted angrily, "Get out, leave Hogwarts, You are not welcome here!"

"Dear friend, please believe me, I would not be happy to come here if it wasn't for an urgent matter." Lucius looked at Hagrid contemptuously, and said with a sneer, "Also, please be careful what you use. Words, three months ago, that hippogriff you raised attacked my son in your classroom, I have a reason... "

"Okay, dear Lucius! That matter is under the responsibility of the Dangerous Creatures Committee, and they will give you an explanation."

Fudge took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead, he didn't want the other party to continue talking.

Due to the involvement of Newt Scamander and the Society for the Protection of Magical Creatures, this matter has recently caused a lot of public opinion pressure, and there is no need to add extra details.

"Of course, Minister!" Lucius glanced at Dumbledore, and then quickly turned back to Fudge, "This unpleasant little matter is nothing, in fact, I have more urgent matters I want to tell you that I heard from people in the Ministry that you are here, so I asked Severus to bring me in, so I hope I don't disturb your pleasant meeting. Dumbledore, you don't mind if I come without warning, do you? "

"Of course not, Hogwarts always welcomes people with good intentions. You can come back anytime you want!" Dumbledore's voice was polite, but the anger was still burning in his blue eyes.

"Thank you for your understanding. I just heard from Severus that there was an unfortunate attack on Hogsmeade. Two students were attacked by a werewolf who suddenly appeared." Lucius blinked the cold gray Eyes, looking at Ivan and Hermione.

Ai Wen immediately understood that it was the other party who planned all this.