Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 124: Weird Slytherin


It was the owls that quieted the little wizards. Almost instantly, hundreds of owls flew into the auditorium, hovered over the auditorium, and hooted chaotically.

Like the owl rain every morning, the scene is even more spectacular.

You know, it's dinner time, how could so many people write letters at this time? What's more, tomorrow is the Christmas holiday, and almost all the little wizards have to go home. No matter how they look at it, there is no possibility of writing letters or delivering packages to them at this time.

This was so unnatural, Harry looked distraughtly at the owls above.

Ivan and Hermione were attacked by werewolves, all the professors disappeared, and hundreds of owls suddenly appeared, all of which made him feel an ominous premonition, as if something big was about to happen.

Harry wanted to see what news the owls had brought, but there was no letter from him.

Fred and George stood squarely on the table, waving their wands, trying to catch an owl from mid-air, but Percy hurried over to stop them.

The owls huddled together and all flew over the Slytherin table, with the envelope in their beaks, scrambling to be the first to deliver the letter to the recipient.

People from the other three houses looked at the students of Slytherin house quietly, and all of them looked sideways, hoping to get some clues from the expressions on their faces.

Harry saw that Malfoy had also received an envelope, which seemed like a great honor.

He triumphantly shook the envelope in his hand, with a sarcastic smile on his face. Harry clenched his fists, he saw Malfoy carefully reading the letter in his hand, his expression was first extremely astonished, and then, a malicious smile appeared on his pale face.

Instead of looking at himself, he turned his head to look at the other Slytherins who had received the letter.

Several senior students nodded. They were all descendants of the most powerful pure-blood families. Among them was Marcus Flint, the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, and he was also a Slytherin the prefect.

He stood up from his seat, and as a signal, all the Slytherins followed suit.

No one spoke, and everyone was eerily quiet.

Under the astonished eyes of the other three college students, they left the auditorium in an orderly manner, everyone's expressions were both nervous and excited.

People wanted to ask what happened, but no one told them.

Percy paled, as if he wanted to go up and stop the Slytherin students, he moved slightly, but finally took no action.

This was really abnormal. Watching the Slytherin students leave one after another, there were bursts of suppressed discussions in the auditorium, chirping, and the atmosphere became more and more tense, a depressing feeling that a storm was coming.

Now, even the dullest student can sense that something big is about to happen in the school.

"Malfoy, what on earth are you trying to do, what conspiracy are you planning?" Harry stood up suddenly, and shouted to Malfoy who was about to leave the auditorium.

He couldn't explain why, but his anger crept up.

The truth about the death of my parents, the fact that they were betrayed by my best friend, the worry about Ivan and Hermione being attacked by werewolves, and the depression and anxiety caused by the abnormal behavior of Slytherin students, all changed at this moment into anger.

Harry looked at Malfoy angrily, wanting to pounce on him and have a fight with him.

Hearing Harry's voice, the advancing Slytherins stopped, and everyone held their breath, looking back and forth between Harry and Malfoy.

"Don't you know, Potter?!" Malfoy said quietly, with a malicious smirk at the corner of his mouth, "It's a pity, it seems that you are not entitled to know this news."

"Go on, Malfoy, I'm going to give you the real deal!" Harry growled loudly, drawing his wand and pointing it at Malfoy.

The Gryffindor and Slytherin students pulled out their wands one after another, while the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students who were familiar with the scene leaned back as much as possible to give them more space.

"Stop it, stop it!" Percy hurriedly walked to the center of the auditorium, the badge of the President of the Boys' Union on his chest was shining in the candlelight, and he said sternly to the Slytherin students, "Hurry up! Put away the wand, what do you want to do?! Put away the wand quickly, or I will deduct points!"

"Sounds like who cares, Weasley." Malfoy looked at Percy, who was standing in the middle of the crowd, sarcastically.

"Five points deducted from Slytherin, I don't like your attitude, you need to show a little respect to the president of the student union." Percy looked extremely indignant, his ears turned red, "Now, hurry back to your respective dining tables Before, otherwise it would not be a matter of five points."

"We're all done eating, and you still want to leave us all here, Head Boy?!" Malfoy sneered, looking past Percy to Harry behind him, and said provocatively, "Want to know what we're going to do?" What are you going to do, Potter? Then come with me, but you have to be mentally prepared, I'm afraid you won't be able to stand the excitement!"

With that, he followed the other Slytherins out of the hall.

Harry hurriedly separated from the crowd to catch up to Malfoy. The other young wizards looked at each other and followed them out of the auditorium.

Everyone is curious, what exactly do the Slytherin students want to do? !

They walked out of the auditorium, through the torchlit, empty, echoing hall, up the stairs, and into a long, dark corridor where no one spoke, except for the sound of hundreds of feet dropping simultaneously to the ground.

The Slytherin students led everyone to the third floor, and Harry didn't understand why they came here.

He glanced at the girls' bathroom at the end of the corridor, which was the entrance to the Slytherin chamber.

Did they know this secret, but it's completely meaningless, the basilisk was killed by himself last semester, even though it was once the weapon left by Salazar Slytherin to his successor, but Harry really saw What's the use of a dead basilisk.

Just when he was wondering, he saw that the Slytherin students didn't go in the direction of the girls' bathroom, they went straight to the door of Professor Lupine's office, and then stopped, everyone looked focused and nervous.

They pulled out their wands again, carefully facing the door, as if there was some monster inside.

Seeing their performance, Harry's expression became even more confused.

What kind of tricks are these nasty Slytherins playing? From the looks of them, could there be a troll hiding in Professor Lupine's office? !

He still remembered that Professor Lupine told himself in the morning that he had something to leave Hogwarts tonight, he was not here at all, and now all the students in the school were staring at a room with no one in a daze!