Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 138: plan begins


"Don't excuse that guy, Hermione!" Harry said loudly, feeling a pang of anger burning in his chest, "I've seen it through, just like Sirius Black back then, he was my father's best My friend, he is still my godfather, but who would have thought that he betrayed my parents to Voldemort in the end?! Ron is like Blake, I always thought he was my best friend, but he betrayed last night I betrayed Professor Lupine!"

Harry was shaking all over from being so excited.

In his opinion, Ron's behavior last night was exactly what Blake had done to his parents twelve years ago.

He betrayed himself to Snape and Lucius Malfoy, to Professor Lupine!

This behavior is completely unforgivable!

"Harry, Black didn't betray your parents, he..."

Before Hermione finished speaking, Harry interrupted abruptly. He said violently, "You don't know, Hermione! Professor Lupine told me everything yesterday morning. Twelve years ago , it was Black who betrayed my parents to Voldemort, and he killed... "

"Peter Pettigrew!" Ivan whispered.

"That's right, it's him!" Harry was stunned for a moment, he turned his head to look at Ivan, and continued, "Peter was my father's best friend during his lifetime, and he went to Black to avenge my parents, but he's not that mean The villain's opponent."

"He's not as noble as you imagined." Ai Wen said slowly, "He didn't avenge your parents either. In fact, Peter Pettigrew didn't die."

"What did you say?!" Harry looked up suspiciously.

He didn't understand what Ivan meant, how could Pettigrew Peter not be dead!

"Listen to me, Harry!" Ivan looked up and looked around. Madam Pomfrey returned to her office. There were only three of them in the ward. He said in a low voice, "Yesterday afternoon, Hermione and I Met Sirius Black in Hogsmeade... ”

Ivan told Harry the truth about the incident between Black and Peter.

Now that Dumbledore had been told about this, there was no need to continue to hide it from Harry.

Just be careful not to be known by Ron. According to Dumbledore's expectations, while catching Peter Pettigrew, he would also save Ron and help him resist the Imperius Curse. No matter how you look at it, Harry's assistance is inseparable from this matter.

"Peter Pettigrew is still alive, and he is Ron's Mouse Scabbers!" Hearing Ivan's words, Harry couldn't believe it.

This was really unbelievable, completely different from what he heard from Professor Lupine.

"That's right!" Ivan lowered his voice again, "And it was he who controlled Ron, which is the main reason why Ron was so abnormal last night and why he accused Professor Lupine!"

"What!" Harry immediately stood up and said eagerly, "I see. No wonder I've been feeling that something is wrong with Ron recently. Remember, he was controlled by Tom Riddle last year, and he must be controlled by Peter now." That's why he betrayed Professor Lupine, we have to save him."

Harry was a little skeptical about what Ivan and Hermione said. But after hearing that Ron was being controlled, he instantly believed it.

Deep down, Harry never believed that Ron would betray him.

Now it's clear that Peter Pettigrew is the coolest culprit. He killed his parents, he framed Sirius Black to spend the twelve years in Azkaban, and now he framed Professor Lupine again, by controlling his best friend.

This was simply unforgivable, new and old hatred added together, Harry had never hated someone so much as he wanted to, and there was unprecedented hatred flowing from all over his body. He has to catch Peter Pettigrew, he wants to avenge his parents, he wants to clean up the grievances for Black, and he wants to save Ron.

"Wait a minute!" Ivan hurriedly stopped Harry, "We can't just rush over like this, it is easy to have an accident, let Peter take the opportunity to escape, I talked to Professor Dumbledore last night, we are catching Pettigrew At the same time as Peter, he also had to help Ron resist the Imperius Curse. If he didn't wake up himself, this black magic would have an impact on his soul!"

"What can we do to save Ron?" said Harry eagerly.

"If it's just to unravel the Imperius Curse, there are many ways." Ivan thought for a while and continued, "But if you want the cursed person to wake up, there is only one way, and that is his own willpower Be strong enough."

"Willpower is strong enough?!" Harry repeated, with a puzzled expression, "What should I do?"

"I don't know exactly how to do it." Ivan sighed, "Maybe, before catching Peter Pettigrew, we can try to say something to Ron. At that time, it depends on Ron's own choice." , Choose us or Peter Pettigrew! I believe he can wake up on his own. When the basilisk was about to attack Ginny last year, Ron broke free from Tom Riddle's control."

"Ivan, will Dumbledore help us?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"Maybe, yes!" Ivan muttered softly.

In fact, he couldn't figure out what the principal was thinking at all, and he wasn't sure what the other party meant by "Leave the rest to me!" he said last night.

Does this mean that Dumbledore will secretly protect them? This seems to be Dumbledore's style. In Harry's first grade, in order to give Harry enough exercise, he turned a blind eye to Quirrell's abnormal behavior, but watched the three of Harry silently behind his back. Performance.

Dumbledore is not currently at Hogwarts, perhaps on purpose to paralyze Peter Pettigrew.

"Dumbledore will definitely come out to help us at critical moments. Before that, Black and I already have a plan." Ivan looked at Harry and Hermione, "Now, we just need to make sure that both Ron and Peter In the common room."

"Ron was still in bed when I left this morning," said Harry. "Remember, it's the first day of the Christmas holidays and everyone else has gone home for the holidays, and it's just the four of us in Gryffindor Tower." exist."

The next time was tense waiting, and the three of them discussed the details of tonight's plan again.

Madam Pomfrey checked Ivan and Hermione's health, and did not allow them to leave until it was almost lunch time.