Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 14: Colin Creevey


After yesterday's sorting ceremony and this morning's roaring letter turmoil, Ivan became famous, and almost all Hogwarts students knew him.

At least in the first grade, Al has become a well-known celebrity, enjoying the same treatment as Harry, and there are crowds watching wherever he goes.

The most excited of them was his roommate Colin Creevey. When the breakfast was about to end, the kid ran to Ivan and invited him to go to class together, but Ivan suspected that his main purpose was Harry.

He saw Colin pressing the camera's shutter button against Harry's back.

"Colin, if you want, I can introduce Harry to you." Ivan looked at Colin and said tentatively, "You seem to admire him?"

"Yes, Ivan!" Colin responded eagerly, "I know everything about Harry Potter. Everyone told me how he escaped the mysterious man, how the mysterious man disappeared, etc. , and his lightning-shaped scar, can you beg him to show me?"

"It's very rude to do this, Colin!" Ivan looked at this guy with some headaches, "But I don't think there is a problem, Harry shouldn't mind."

"Oh my God, it's unbelievable." Colin said excitedly as if he had received a Christmas present, "You know, I never knew the weird things I would do until I received the letter from Hogwarts." My dad is a milkman and he can't believe it, and my brother Dennis, I'm going to take a bunch of pictures and send them."

"By the way, speaking of these photos, you can make them move as long as you use the correct developer potion."

"Tell me quickly, what to do?"

Next, following the topic of photos, Aiwen naturally invited Colin to become a special cameraman for the "Hogwarts Wizarding News". He was worried that he would refuse, but the child was so happy that he walked around Aiwen. Turned around several times.

By the time they arrived at the Charms classroom, everyone was already seated.

Professor Flitwick stood on a stack of books behind the desk, holding a roster and calling names, and Ivan and Colin slipped quietly beside Ginny.

In this lesson, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students were together. Facing the first-year students, especially many of them were Muggle-born children, Professor Flitwick taught for a whole hour how to use wands.

When the get out of class was about to end, he asked everyone to take out their wands and practice according to the several postures he said.

These things are too simple for Ivan, but seeing that Colin and Ginny beside him are learning very seriously, he waved his wand along with everyone.

The next class was History of Magic. As the only class taught by ghosts in the school, everyone had expected much from Professor Binns.

Many Gryffindor freshmen thought that Professor Binns would be as funny as Nearly Headless Nick, but they were quickly disappointed. During the class, Professor Binns continued to talk in a monotonous voice, while they scribbled names and dates below, and confused Merrick the villain with Urick the Weird.

Ivan knew this would happen a long time ago. Instead of taking notes, he took out a book on potions and read it. As long as he didn't disturb Professor Binns' lecture, he didn't have to worry about being discovered.

When I went to the auditorium for lunch at noon, Ivan met Harry and the others at the door.

Ron looked a little depressed, as if he hadn't recovered from the roaring letter incident in the morning, Harry and Hermione were talking quietly, as if they were discussing the "Hogwarts Wizarding News".

Ivan went up to say hello and introduced Colin beside him to Harry.

After getting to know each other, Colin begged Harry to let him take a photo, "Maybe I can stand next to you and ask Ivan to help you press the shutter. Then, can you sign me?"

Harry looked at Colin with some embarrassment, then at Ivan, and before he could answer, he heard a loud and sharp shout from not far away.

"Signed photos? Are you sending signed photos, Potter?"

Draco Malfoy came up behind Colin, flanked by his two big, menacing buddies, Crabbe and Goyle.

"Everyone line up!" Malfoy yelled at the crowd in the auditorium, "Harry Potter is sending out autographed photos!"

"I didn't," Harry said angrily, clenching his fists.

Ivan noticed that Ron and Hermione also became tense and entered a state of preparation.

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Ron yelled.

"You're jealous!" squealed Colin, whose whole body was only as thick as Crabbe's neck.

"Jealous?" Malfoy narrowed his eyes, he didn't need to yell anymore, almost everyone in the auditorium was listening, "Jealous what, I don't want to have an ugly scar on my head, thank you. I don't think my head was Cutting it apart makes you so special."

Crabbe and Goyle smirked at his words.

"Eat slugs, Malfoy!" Ron pulled out his wand angrily. He repaired it with magic tape, and sparks appeared from time to time.

"Be careful, Ron!" Hermione reminded in a low voice.

At the sight of Ron's wand, Crabbe and Goyle stopped smiling and began rubbing their chestnut knuckles viciously.

"Be careful, Weasley!"

Malfoy sneered, "You don't want to cause trouble anymore, or your mother will have to come and take you back, if you don't play by the rules!"

He imitated Mrs. Weasley's voice, and a group of Slytherin fifth year students not far away laughed loudly.

"Weasley wants a signed photo, Potter!" Malfoy smiled smugly. "It's worth more than his house."

Harry panted heavily, and pulled out his wand angrily; Ivan thought for a while, and then pulled out his wand. The Gryffindor and Slytherin students beside them pulled out their wands one after another, and their swords were on the verge of breaking out.

"What's going on, what's going on?" Gilderoy Lockhart strode towards them, his turquoise robe fluttering behind him, "Who is sending out autographed photos?"

Harry tried to explain, but Lockhart put an arm around his shoulder and said cheerfully, "Don't ask! We'll meet again, Harry!"

Clamped next to Lockhart, feverish with humiliation, Harry saw Malfoy retreat triumphantly into the crowd.

"Come on, Mr. Creevey!" Lockhart greeted Creevey with a smile on his face and said, "It's a great deal for a two-person photo. The two of us will sign for you."

Colin picked up the camera clumsily and pressed the shutter tremblingly.

Ivan quickly pulled him into the auditorium, there was no need to continue standing here to embarrass Harry, Hermione and Ron followed them angrily, and Ron kept saying bad things about Malfoy.

Harry was dragged aside by Lockhart. He didn't know what they said. A few minutes later, Harry walked over blushing and sat down beside Ron.

"You can fry an egg on your face, buddy!"

Ron said, "You'd better hope Creevey doesn't meet Ginny, they'll start a Harry Potter fan club."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Harry said urgently, he was afraid of being heard the term "Harry Potter Fan Club".