Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 143: Those chosen by the Dark Lord


A cold gust of wind blew outside the castle, and Ivan could hear whirring sounds in his ears.

In the dark, long and narrow corridor, the atmosphere seemed to be a little strange.

Professor Trelawney stood in front of him, her body trembling slightly, her eyes began to move, and she looked as if something was happening.

Ivan wasn't sure if he was going to walk over, and just as he was hesitating, Professor Trelawney started talking again, still in that hoarse voice, which was very different from her usual voice.

"The Dark Lord will return, but he is abnormally weak. For this purpose, he personally marked a Chosen One. With the help of the Chosen One, the Dark Lord will rise again, stronger and more terrible than ever before. It's about to happen, and in that dark temple full of taboos, the Dark Lord's old magic will... "

Professor Trelawney let out a snort as her head dropped to her chest.

Then, quite suddenly, her head popped up again.

"I'm sorry, dear child!" she said in a trance, as if in a dream, "I must have had too much sherry, you know, alcohol makes my brain groggy, I sleep For a while!"

Ai Wen still stood there, dumbfounded, thinking about what the other party just said in his mind.

"Is there something wrong, dear?"

"Professor, you seem to have made a prophecy just now." Ivan hesitated, and continued, "You told me that the Dark Lord will rise again, and he will be stronger and more terrifying than ever before, because he personally marked the A Chosen One, the Chosen One will help him... “

"Dark Lord?! The one who can't even mention his name?!" Professor Trelawney seemed completely panicked, "My dear child, this is no joke! Resurrection, really... ... "

"Yes, you did mention the Dark Lord and his old magic." Ivan frowned and thought.

Professor Trelawney obviously didn't finish his words. Judging from the currently known information, Voldemort will use the magic he left behind to mark a person, and this person will help him rise again. What is this magic? Who is he going to mark

Also, she mentioned the place where this thing is about to happen, where is that dark temple full of taboos

"Honey, I think you must have fallen asleep for a while!" Professor Trelawney said. "I certainly wouldn't predict something so far away. We all need to wake up!"

Professor Trelawney stumbled away and disappeared around the corner of the corridor.

Ai Wen didn't move, he was still standing there, thinking about what the other party just said in his mind.

Unlike Professor Trelawney's usual predictions, if this is a real prediction, then it contains a lot of information, and it also indicates the future that will actually happen. Voldemort must be planning some kind of conspiracy.

According to the plot of the original book that he has mastered, in the next year, Voldemort will get help from his servants Peter Pettigrew and Barty Crouch Jr. He will use his father's bones, Peter Pettigrew's flesh and Harry's blood to rebuild his life. return.

But judging from Professor Trelawney's prediction just now, what is about to happen is completely different from the original book.

First of all, it is mentioned in the prophecy that the Dark Lord will return, but he will be extremely weak.

He came back this time, maybe he was stuck behind Quirrell's head like Harry was in the first grade; or with the help of Peter Pettigrew and Barty Crouch Jr., maybe...

Anything could happen if Voldemort wanted it.

Aiwen originally planned to take advantage of his knowledge of the plot to sabotage Voldemort's return, for example, to capture Peter Pettigrew and Barty Crouch Jr., so that what happened in the Goblet of Fire next year will not happen.

But judging from the current situation, it is useless, Voldemort is still back!

Also, Professor Trelawney just mentioned: The Dark Lord personally marked a Chosen One, and with the help of the Chosen One, he will rise again, stronger and more terrifying than ever before!

Who is this chosen one

Ivan has no clue at all, because there are too many, too many people who are willing to follow Voldemort.

For example, a stranger like Peter Pettigrew who has nowhere to go, a servant like Barty Crouch Jr. who is loyal to him, an ambitious careerist like Lucius Malfoy, and Quirrell who can't stand the strength, Ordinary people tempted by power, dark wizards like the werewolf Greyback, who like darkness and evil, and so on.

If possible, they are all willing to help Voldemort and help him rise again.

Voldemort may also choose one of them, mark him, and pass on the powerful and evil dark power to him; based on Ivan's impression of the dark wizard, Voldemort's followers, those Death Eaters will use this proud of.

But things are far from that simple. Professor Trelawney finally mentioned: This thing is about to happen in that dark temple full of taboos, and the Dark Lord will use his old magic...

What is the meaning of this dark temple full of taboos and old magic

Judging from the reports that Aiwen knows so far, there is nothing that can be related to these two things.

Needless to say about the magic of the past, Voldemort has a very rich reserve of knowledge. He has mastered a lot of black magic, some of which even Dumbledore didn't know.

Not to mention Aiwen, most of his knowledge is obtained from the library.

As for the dark temple full of taboos, it sounds like an extremely evil place.

Professor Trelawney's prophecy has not yet finished, Ivan really can't imagine where this dark temple full of taboos will be? What kind of person would appear in this evil temple for what reason

What Professor Trelawney said was too vague, and Ivan had to be cautious.

Prophecies are inherently illusory things, and different interpretations and understandings will have different impacts on the future.

For example, the prophecy made by Professor Trelawney twelve years ago, the prophecy that determined the fate of Voldemort and Harry, Voldemort hastily chose Harry as his opponent because he did not hear the complete prophecy. He thought it was the first to act first, but in the end it led to his 12-year-long fugitive career.

Ai Wen thought about it again, but couldn't find any clues.

He decided to tell Dumbledore about this prophecy, no accident, the headmaster would be interested in it.

At present, the most urgent and urgent thing I need to do is to catch Peter Pettigrew, so as not to let his plot succeed, or to escape again; if this happens, this uncertain future will definitely become even worse.