Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1575: Ginny's gift


A few minutes later, the three of them came to the kitchen, and there was already a pile of presents waiting for Harry on the table.

Bill and Mr. Delacour were almost finishing their breakfast, and Mrs. Weasley was standing over the frying pan talking to them.

"Good morning, you three, sit down quickly, here is your bacon and fried eggs. By the way, Harry, Arthur asked me to help him say happy seventeenth birthday to you." Mrs. Weasley smiled Looking at him intently, he said, "He has to go to work early, but he'll be back for dinner, and our presents are on top."

"Thank you so much!"

"Well, Sirius' gift hasn't arrived yet. He said he wanted to give it to you in person, and he will come over in the afternoon."

Needless to say, Sirius' gift to Harry must be the most expensive,

Ai sat down and watched Harry unpack the square parcel that Mrs. Weasley had specified.

Inside is a watch, the texture is gold, there are no hands on the dial, only a few stars are running.

"It's a tradition to give a wizard a watch when he comes of age," said Mrs. Weasley, watching him uneasily from the kitchen stove. It used to belong to my brother Fabian, and he handled things very carelessly, and the back of the watch is a bit uneven, but”

Before she finished speaking, Harry stood up and hugged her tightly.

Harry probably wanted to pour a lot of unspoken meaning into this hug, and Mrs. Weasley understood. When Harry let go of her, she patted Harry's cheek awkwardly, then waved her wand a little haphazardly, causing half the bacon to jump out of the frying pan and onto the floor.

"Well, next year when Ai is an adult, I can give him another watch. It belongs to my other brother Kitian."

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley!" Ai said quickly.

Gideon Prewett and Fabian Prewett, both older brothers of Mrs Weasley and early members of the Order of the Phoenix, were killed during the First War with Voldemort.

According to ancient tradition, male wizards receive a watch when they come of age.

Compared with the brand new watches, the two old watches that Mrs. Weasley gave Harry and was going to give Ai were very meaningful.

She didn't leave them to her son, but to Al and Harry, a testament to her love for them both.

"Happy birthday, Harry!" said Hermione at this moment, hurrying into the kitchen and placing one of her presents on top of the pile. "Not much, I hope you like it. Ginny, Elaine Gabriel and I will be down in a while, and Ginny probably wants to give you a special gift in person. By the way, what did Ai prepare for you?"

"A talisman I made myself."

"That's not bad. I wanted to make something with my own hands, but it didn't work out, so I bought this. I hope you like it, Harry."

Harry unwrapped the presents, and Hermione bought him a new looking glass.

This one is much more advanced than the one Ron sent before, and its accuracy is also higher. Once someone with malicious intentions approaches him, he will not call the police.

Hermione believed that this could help Harry distinguish who is good and who is bad.

But the human heart is the most difficult thing to guess, and it is a bit overwhelming to rely on magic to judge.

A few other packages included a magic razor from Bill and Fleur. "Yes, it will give you the smoothest and most comfortable shave you've ever had," M. Delacour assured him, "but you have to put Your thoughts tell it clearly, or you may find that your hair is a little too thin... ".

Plus, there's chocolates from the Delacours, a big box of the latest from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes from Fred and George, and a lovely birthday card for Harry from Elaine and Gabriel, but Ginny hadn't come out, and she didn't know what special gift was being prepared in the house.

A few people did not linger at the table, because Madame Delacour and Fleur came, and the kitchen seemed crowded.

Ron offered to go to his room, and Mrs Weasley was unusually unobjectionable.

Everyone carried Harry's gift and went upstairs. As soon as they reached the second floor, a door on the platform opened.

"Harry, can you come in?"

It's Ginny!

Ron stopped abruptly, but Hermione pulled him up and Ai pulled curious Elaine and Gabriel.

"What's she going to do?" Ron muttered disapprovingly, walking up reluctantly.

"A present for Harry, of course," said Hermione, the stairs creaking under her feet.

"Is that what we discussed last night?" Gabriel said expectantly, "It's so romantic!"

"What's the matter?" Ron asked sensitively immediately.

"Of course it's a kiss. Ginny has been planning it all along. She doesn't want Harry to forget her, so she's going to give him the most precious thing." Elaine replied flatly, as if it wasn't a big deal, "Maybe She also wants to bite Harry, if it were me, I would definitely bite, leaving bite marks, he will never forget."

"What?" Ron raised his voice sharply.

"Please, Ron, give them both some privacy," Ai said. "You can't keep looking at Ginny when they're in a relationship."

"He's my sister!" said Ron nervously. "No, I can't let her do that. I'm going to go down and see."


But Ron ignored them at all, and ran downstairs without thinking.

In Ginny's room, Harry followed her in with some trepidation.

He had never been in the room before, the room was small but bright, with a large poster of the Weird Sisters on one wall, and a poster of the captain of the witches' Quidditch team, the Holyhead Harpies, on the other. Photograph by Wenog Jones, a desk facing an open window.

Outside the window was the orchard where he and Ginny had played Quidditch and dated.

Now, there is a big, cream-colored tent pitched there. The golden flag on the top of the tent was level with Ginny's window.

Ginny looked up into Harry's face, took a deep breath, and said, "Happy seventeen."

"Well... thank you."

She stared at him intently, but he found it difficult to meet her gaze, just like gazing into a dazzling light.

"The scenery is nice." He pointed out the window and said without words.

Ginny didn't reply, she said with a flushed face, "I don't know what works, it can't be too big, or you can't carry it with you."

Harry took the courage to look at her and she didn't cry, which was one of the great things about Ginny that she rarely cried.

It made her different from other girls, Harry sometimes thought, and six older brothers must have toughened her up.

He looked at Ginny, and Hermione's words sounded in his ears, Ginny wanted to give him a special gift