Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1578: Dumbledore's Deluminator


The five people passed through the messy and crowded kitchen and entered the living room of the Burrow, and Scrimgeour remained silent.

Although the garden was glowing with a soft golden sunset, it was already dark in the living room.

When Ivan entered the room, he waved his wand at the oil lamps, and they emitted light, illuminating the dilapidated but comfortable room.

Scrimgeour sat down in the soft, sunken armchair that Mr. Weasley usually sat in, and Ivan, Harry, Ron and Hermione had to squeeze one by one on the sofa. No sooner had they settled down than Scrimgeour spoke.

"I have a few questions for the four of you, I think it's best to ask them one by one, let's start with Mr. Ron Weasley, you three" he pointed at Ivan, Harry and Hermione, "to Go upstairs and wait, I'll talk to Ron first."

"We're not going anywhere," said Harry. "Talk to all three of us, or none of us."

"That's it, Mr. Minister, everything we can tell you has been said at Dumbledore's funeral. I don't see the need to talk to one of us alone." Ivan said, Hermione Beside nodded desperately, "I think you should also understand this. In this case, you should have a special matter to find us this time. Is it related to Dumbledore? If so, then talk with us."

Scrimgeour looked at them all with a cold, scrutinizing look, as if considering whether it was worthwhile to make the hostility public so early.

"Okay, let's talk about it together." He shrugged and then cleared his throat, "It's true that my visit this time has something to do with Albus Dumbledore, but not all of it, let's talk about it one by one , first of all, I want you to know that Dumbledore left a will, which mentioned the four of you."

Sure enough, it was Dumbledore's will, which seemed to be left by him before.

Except for Ivan, no one expected this, and Harry and Ron looked at each other even more, with "don't know" written on their faces.

"It seems surprising! Don't you realize that Dumbledore left us something?" Scrimgeour caught the look on their faces.

"Me, we both?" said Ron. "Me and Hermione too?"

"Yes, you all have"

Before Scrimgeour could finish, Harry cut him off.

"Dumbledore was away for over a month, why did it take so long to give us what he left us?"

"Because I want to check what he left, to be sure," said Scrimgeour dryly.

"You have no right to do that!" Hermione said immediately, her voice trembling slightly.

"Of course I have the right," said Scrimgeour contemptuously. "Under the Rightful Forfeiture Act, the Ministry of Magic has the right to confiscate things covered by wills."

"That law was made to stop wizards from diverting items of the Dark Arts," said Hermione. "The Ministry of Magic should have convincing evidence that the deceased's belongings are illegal before they can confiscate them! Do you mean that you think Dumbledore wants to leave Us something evil?"

"Are you planning a career in magical law in the future, Miss Granger?" Scrimgeour asked.

"No." Hermione retorted, "I hope to do something good in the world!"

"I don't quite get it, why have you decided to let us get our things now? No excuse to keep them?" Harry asked bluntly.

"No, it's because the thirty-one-day period has expired," said Hermione. "They can't detain things for longer than that, unless it can be proven that something is dangerous."

It seems that this is the case, but it is meaningless to insist on this kind of matter, Aiwen said in a timely manner, "Since Dumbledore left something for the four of us, and it has reached the detention period stipulated in the "Justifiable Confiscation of Materials Act" , then please hand them over to us, Mr. Minister, am I correct in my understanding?"

"No, I don't think things are that simple, Ivan!" Scrimgeour shook his head and said, "The Ministry of Magic has good reasons to question Dumbledore's purpose for doing this, there are too many, for example, you can say that you and Is Dumbledore close, Ron?"

Ron looked taken aback by being called on suddenly.

"Me? No, not very close, I don't have much contact with him, it's always been Ivan or Harry..."

Hermione bumped him hard with her elbow, signaling him to shut up quickly. I really don't know where Ron's temper was with Harry and Ginny in the afternoon, but now he was completely panicked when facing Scrimgeour, and Ron shut up. mouth, but the damage was done: Scrimgeour seemed to hear what he expected and needed.

He pounced on Ron's answer like a hungry bird, "If you and Dumbledore are not very close, how can you explain that he left you a gift in his will? According to his will, he dedicated Bequeathed things to several people, all of whom were close friends of his in life except you. The vast majority of his belongings, all of his private library and his magical instruments and other personal possessions all went to Hogwarts Ts. Why do you think he thinks of you differently?"

Dumbledore didn't really die, he would come back, so naturally he didn't have to give everything to others.

Of course, if he did die, he wouldn't leave most of his stuff to Hogwarts.

Scrimgeour's words directly confused Ron. He looked at Ivan, Harry, and Hermione as if asking for help, and said hesitantly, "I... don't know, I, I just said that we are not very close, but I am actually Said that I think he likes me very much... "

"You're so modest, he's very fond of you, Ron!"

"That's right, he values you very much and has mentioned you more than once. I don't think it's a problem for Dumbledore to leave some gifts for Ron in his will." Ivan said, of course he knew that Dumbledore didn't think much of it Ron, he hasn't even been alone with Ron, but the important thing is the will and things he left behind, and there must be something in it that he thinks will help Ivan and the others, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do this, "continued It doesn't make any sense, let's be honest, Mr Minister, what does the headmaster's will say?"

Scrimgeour examined him for a moment longer, then reached into the cloak and pulled out a drawstring pouch, much larger than the one Hagrid had given Harry.

He pulled a scroll of parchment from it, unfolded it and read aloud, "The will of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore... yes, here... my Deluminator remains To Ron Billiers Weasley, hope he remembers me when he uses it.'”

Scrimgeour pulled something out of the bag: it looked like a silver lighter, but with a flick of the thing, it could suck all the light from a place and turn it back on again. Scrimgeour leaned forward and handed the Deluminator to Ron, who took it and looked at it in his hand, dumbfounded.